cover of episode What About Foreign Interference In The 2024 Election?

What About Foreign Interference In The 2024 Election?

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David Kirkpatrick
Martin Johnson
Terry Gross
Terry Gross:就2024年美国总统大选临近之际,我们对外国势力试图影响选民和选举结果的了解有多少?有哪些由俄罗斯、伊朗或其他国家散布的机器人、深度伪造和假新闻故事被选民认为是真实的? David Kirkpatrick:虽然媒体和科技公司都在关注外国干预,但其影响程度并未达到改变选举结果的程度。与2016年相比,现在的情况更加复杂,多个国家都在试图影响选举,包括俄罗斯试图帮助特朗普,伊朗试图损害特朗普。外国势力试图制造不和,破坏民主进程,即使他们失败了,也能成功地让我们怀疑我们所读和所听的一切,怀疑我们自己的民主进程。情报机构发现俄罗斯和其他外国政府试图制造不和,甚至可能煽动暴力。俄罗斯等国家试图让美国人互相争吵,煽动抗议,甚至可能煽动暴力,以扰乱选举进程。外国势力更加关注选举过程中的各个阶段,试图在这些阶段制造压力点以扰乱进程。一些外国政府获得了详细的选民名单信息,可能会用来进行定向宣传。伊朗获得了大约10万名民主党人的名单,并向他们发送了虚假信息。情报机构指出俄罗斯散布了虚假视频,声称有人在宾夕法尼亚州销毁选票。伊朗试图入侵特朗普的团队,并获得了机密文件,伊朗黑客入侵了罗杰·斯通的电子邮件帐户,并获得了特朗普竞选活动的机密文件,伊朗将获得的文件匿名发送给拜登阵营和媒体。中国没有积极干预总统大选,但正在干预下议院选举,因为中国认为两党都反华,并且担心干预总统大选会面临后果。自2016年以来,越来越多的国家参与到干预美国选举中,人工智能技术的发展使得创建逼真的虚假视频和网站变得更容易。人工智能技术被用于在斯洛伐克选举中散布虚假信息。马斯克对特朗普的支持以及特朗普拥有自己的社交媒体平台,可能会改变外国势力散布虚假信息的途径。现在更容易通过社交媒体和其他平台散布信息,也更难监管。俄罗斯认为X平台(前推特)允许他们自由运作。决定何时向选民通报外国势力干预选举的信息是一个艰难的决定。奥巴马政府在2016年关于俄罗斯干预的决定,现在看来是一个错误,因为奥巴马政府担心公开谴责俄罗斯干预会显得像是在干预选举。情报机构发布的信息被各方利用,并被赋予了党派色彩,两党都将情报信息用于自身的政治目的。外国恶意影响中心发布的信息比以往更多,但仍有改进空间。法国政府以非党派的方式预先警告公众,从而有效地阻止了俄罗斯的干预。美国两党都对情报机构发布的信息抱有怀疑,这阻碍了预警机制的有效性。这次大选,社交媒体影响者拥有前所未有的权力和影响力。俄罗斯向Tenet Media等保守派影响者组织输送资金,试图影响他们的内容。Tenet Media在被揭露之前,已经运作了很长时间,这令人担忧。Tenet Media可能是俄罗斯更大规模行动的一部分。外国势力试图影响美国选举的资金可能没有得到有效利用,在激烈的选举中,很难排除外国势力干预的影响。俄罗斯在社交媒体回复中嵌入信息,以躲避审查,俄罗斯利用社交媒体回复来传播虚假信息,以躲避平台的审查。伪造新闻网站的做法令人担忧。情报机构内部设立了一个流程,旨在避免公开信息带有党派色彩,一个由资深情报官员组成的专家小组会根据五个标准来决定是否公开情报信息。尽管有流程来避免党派色彩,但仍存在政治化的风险。在选举的最后几天,预计外国势力会加剧其干预行动,外国势力可能会采取黑客攻击、泄露信息以及伪造网站等手段。 Martin Johnson:本尼·戈尔森是一位杰出的作曲家和萨克斯管演奏家,他的音乐既具有时代特色,又具有永恒的魅力。戈尔森与许多爵士乐大师同时代,并创作了纪念克利福德·布朗的著名作品《I Remember Clifford》。戈尔森在60年代后期转向为好莱坞创作音乐。戈尔森的歌曲被翻唱超过一千次,他的音乐跨越时代,被不同风格的音乐家演绎。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is there less attention being paid to foreign influence in the 2024 election compared to 2016?

Attention is still significant, but the sheer volume of foreign interference makes it hard to focus on any single threat.

Why do foreign adversaries like Russia and Iran interfere in U.S. elections?

They aim to sow discord, discredit the democratic process, and create suspicion among voters.

Why did the Foreign Malign Influence Center release a redacted public version of an internal assessment?

To emphasize the severity of foreign efforts to foment violence and disrupt the election process.

Why did President Obama delay publicizing Russian interference in the 2016 election?

He feared it would appear as if he was interfering on behalf of Hillary Clinton, who was expected to win.

Why is China not actively interfering in the U.S. presidential election?

China believes both parties are anti-China and fears consequences if caught influencing a national election.

Why are foreign adversaries using social media influencers to spread disinformation?

To evade detection by social media platforms that police inauthentic behavior.

Why is the process of deciding what information to make public about foreign interference non-political?

It involves career intelligence officials making recommendations, which are then approved by a non-partisan group.

David Kirkpatrick discusses the ongoing efforts by foreign adversaries, particularly Russia and Iran, to influence the 2024 U.S. presidential election through disinformation and social media manipulation.
  • Russia and Iran are actively spreading disinformation to sow discord and discredit the democratic process.
  • The Foreign Malign Influence Center has detected efforts to foment violence between the election and inauguration.
  • Foreign governments have obtained detailed voter roll information to target specific voters with disinformation.

Shownotes Transcript

New Yorker journalist David Kirkpatrick says a government command hub is tasked with tracking and protecting U.S. elections from foreign adversaries who try to disrupt them by sowing discord and foment violence.Guest jazz critic Martin Johnson remembers composer Benny Golson, who died last month at the age of 95.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)