cover of episode How The Culture Wars Split A Church

How The Culture Wars Split A Church

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Eliza Griswold
Terry Gross
Terry Gross: 本期节目讨论了文化战争对美国福音派教会的影响,以及一个名为“希望之圈”教会因应对新冠疫情和种族不公正问题而分裂的案例。Eliza Griswold的著作《希望之圈》探讨了这个教会的兴衰历程,以及新一代福音派信徒对信仰和社会问题的重新诠释。 Eliza Griswold: 我的新书《希望之圈》讲述了一个成立于1996年的教会的故事,这个教会最初旨在成为对宗教右翼的激进替代方案,但最终因内部对新冠疫情、种族不公正以及教会内部白人特权和恐同症的指控而分裂。这个教会的案例反映了美国社会普遍存在的冲突,以及这些冲突如何在宗教社区中体现。教会的成员们试图实践耶稣的教导,但他们对圣经的解读和对社会问题的处理方式存在分歧,最终导致教会的解散。 在教会分裂的过程中,我们看到了不同世代、不同信仰观点之间的冲突,以及教会内部对女性牧师、LGBTQ群体和种族平等问题的态度转变。 我的父亲,美国圣公会主教弗兰克·格里斯沃尔德,也经历了类似的教会分裂,这让我对教会内部的冲突和分裂有了更深刻的理解。 Franklin Graham: 在苏丹的经历中,我与富兰克林·格雷厄姆的谈话让我意识到保守福音派对信仰的狭隘理解,以及他们对那些不认同其观点的人的排斥。 Bethany Stewart: 作为教会中的一位黑人成员,Bethany Stewart指出教会利用她的照片来营造种族多元化的假象,而实际上教会内部缺乏真正的种族多样性。她和其他成员呼吁教会解决其结构性种族问题,即“白人至上”问题。 Rod White, Gwen White, Ben White, Johnny, Rachel, Julie: 作为教会的领导者,他们对教会的未来发展方向存在分歧,在应对新冠疫情、种族不公正以及教会内部白人特权和恐同症的指控等问题上,他们未能达成共识,最终导致教会的分裂。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Eliza Griswold choose to write about Circle of Hope Church?

To explore how faith and culture conflict within a progressive evangelical community.

Why did the Circle of Hope Church dissolve?

Conflicts over COVID-19 response, racial injustice, and LGBTQ issues led to its dissolution.

How did Eliza Griswold's father's experience with the Episcopal Church influence her work?

It provided an early insight into the culture wars affecting Christianity in the 21st century.

Why did the diversity counselor leave Circle of Hope Church?

Lack of trust and inability to reach a shared analysis on race within the church.

How did the Black Girl Cell contribute to the church's internal conflicts?

It highlighted the church's failure to address structural racism and the need for diversity.

Why do conservative evangelicals support Trump despite his actions being antithetical to Jesus' teachings?

Trump delivers on long-held evangelical battles, such as Supreme Court appointments and reversing Roe v. Wade.

What was Eliza Griswold's father's view on heaven?

He saw heaven as a bliss state rather than a literal place.

How did Eliza Griswold's upbringing in a rectory shape her perspective?

It exposed her to constant crises and a lack of personal boundaries, influencing her work in immersive journalism.

The Circle of Hope Church grew as a reaction against the religious right, becoming a place for children of conservative evangelicals who rejected their parents' interpretations of the Bible but wanted to follow what they saw as Jesus' radically socialist teachings.
  • The church was founded in 1996 by Rod and Gwen White.
  • It became a collective of about 700 people.
  • The church aimed to follow Jesus' teachings in a radically different way from conservative evangelicals.

Shownotes Transcript

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Eliza Griswold says complaints about homophobia, white privilege and diversity are splintering progressive organizations — including one particular church in Philadelphia. Her book is *Circle of Hope. *It's a finalist for the National Book Award.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)