cover of episode Film Icons: Steven Spielberg / Carrie Fisher

Film Icons: Steven Spielberg / Carrie Fisher

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Carrie Fisher
Steven Spielberg
Carrie Fisher: 我在《星球大战》拍摄期间写日记记录了与 Harrison Ford 的恋情,这段经历让我感到既兴奋又不安。这段恋情对我的个人生活和事业发展都产生了深远的影响。我后来将这段经历写进了我的回忆录《公主日记》,并与 Harrison Ford 进行了沟通。虽然他可能并不完全舒服,但我认为书中内容并没有恶意,只是讲述了一个被隐藏已久的个人故事。我当时很年轻,缺乏安全感,而 Harrison Ford 的形象满足了我对爱情的幻想,但这段关系本身并不完美。在电影中,我和 Harrison Ford 之间的化学反应很明显,这可能与我们现实生活中的关系有关。我们之间的关系使我们在银幕上更加自在,也让我更有勇气与他开玩笑。 Terry Gross: Carrie Fisher 的回忆录《公主日记》揭示了她与 Harrison Ford 的恋情,以及她对在《星球大战》中饰演莱娅公主这一角色的复杂感受。她谈到了公众对其形象的认知,以及她对自身形象的不安全感。她还讨论了电影中莱娅公主的服装和造型,以及她在《绝地归来》中穿着金属比基尼的场景。她对这个场景的看法是复杂的,既有对服装的不满,也有对最终能够杀死 Jabba the Hutt 的满足感。她还谈到了她在电影中的口音,以及她在 Comic-Con 上看到粉丝们穿着莱娅公主服装的感受。

Deep Dive

Carrie Fisher discusses her surprise at finding her Star Wars diaries, her initial unawareness of being a sex symbol, the challenges of being the only woman on a male-dominated set, and her affair with Harrison Ford during filming.
  • Fisher was initially unaware of her status as a sex symbol.
  • The Star Wars set was predominantly male, contributing to Fisher's feelings of isolation.
  • Fisher had a secret affair with Harrison Ford during the filming of Star Wars.
  • Ford was aware of Fisher's plan to publish her diaries and expressed concern.

Shownotes Transcript

In 2022, E.T. and Jaws director Steven Spielberg talked about how he fell in love with film, and how he was afraid of everything as a kid. We'll also revisit our 2016 interview with actor Carrie Fisher about what it was really like to become a sex symbol as Princess Leia.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)