cover of episode Film Icons: Spike Lee / Samuel L. Jackson

Film Icons: Spike Lee / Samuel L. Jackson

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Samuel L. Jackson
Spike Lee
Spike Lee: 我并不喜欢演戏,但我因为在《She's Gotta Have It》中饰演Mars Blackman而意外走红,并因此与Nike合作,改变了我的生活轨迹。我的成长经历与布鲁克林息息相关,我在不同的街区生活过,童年时期在街头玩耍的快乐时光至今难忘。我的父亲是一位杰出的爵士乐手,他的坚持原则影响了我的价值观,但同时也导致了家庭经济的困难。他坚持不演奏电贝斯,这让我体会到艺术家的生活并不总是诗情画意的。我的父亲的音乐才华和人脉关系对我产生了深远的影响,并帮助了我事业的起步。搬到以非裔美国人为主的Fort Greene社区后,我的生活发生了积极的变化,但我童年时期的严格管教也给我留下了深刻的印象。我在南方度过的童年夏令营的经历,以及母亲对我的艺术熏陶和电影启蒙,都塑造了我今天的艺术风格。 Terry Gross: 对谈中,Terry Gross 与 Spike Lee 就其电影作品、成长经历、家庭背景以及对艺术的理解进行了深入探讨,并对 Spike Lee 的电影创作理念和人生经历表示赞赏。

Deep Dive

Spike Lee discusses his upbringing in Brooklyn, his transition from a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood to a predominantly Black neighborhood, and the impact of these experiences on his artistic vision. He also talks about his early exposure to the arts through his parents, his father's career as a jazz musician, and his mother's influence on his love for cinema.
  • Spike Lee grew up in Brooklyn, first in Cobble Hill and later in Fort Greene.
  • His family was the first Black family to move to Cobble Hill.
  • His father was a jazz musician who played with prominent artists like Bob Dylan and Peter, Paul and Mary.
  • His mother introduced him to a wide range of cultural experiences, including Broadway plays and films like Mean Streets by Martin Scorsese.
  • Lee's early exposure to diverse cultural influences and his experiences growing up in Brooklyn played a significant role in shaping his artistic sensibilities and the themes explored in his films.

Shownotes Transcript

To wrap up our series, we're closing with director Spike Lee and actor Samuel L. Jackson. Lee spoke with Terry Gross in 2017 about growing up in Brooklyn and his acting and directorial debut, the 1986 movie She's Gotta Have It. In 2000, Jackson talked about playing tough guys, watching movies in segregated theaters, and nearly dying on the New York subway.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy)