is a place for in depth musical discussion with important voices from hip hop, s
Indie Rap Texas superstar Fat Tony came on to talk with K Diggy and Dan-O about the three albums tha
Big Flowers is a designer, collage artist, and fantastic rapper. His album Big Smile is one of the y
Give appropriate focus on albums that came out too late for us to focus on them during 2020. Do
The Roots have twenty years of output and that kind of longevity can be confusing for new listeners
Part 2! Looking at 2020's best 25 albums and dissecting them, K Diggy and Dan-O spend time talking a
K Diggy asks meaningful, probing questions about Dan-O's AOTY list from 50-26. Rap, Pop, Jazz, Salsa
A sit down with one of the finest emcees going. This is a full exploration of the journey Defcee too
Roper Williams and Fatboi Sharif worked for years crafting the world of Gandhi Loves Children. The r
Talk about what makes each volume of Man On The Moon important and unique musically. Dissect the
● Talk about three albums that are completely different in tone and intention assessing levels of su
Look for shared musical values that defined the Def Jux character and how we experience them tod
Discuss Megan Thee Stallion’s debut album Good News. Was it successful or is the support for Megan
Take a look at three very different very important albums from 1998-1999. Isolate what makes the
Assess 2 UK pop rap albums from 2020. Assess 2 UK underground rap albums from 2020. K Diggy and
What are the basic properties of an event album? Have they changed in 2020? Dan-O and K Diggy talk
How does an artist with a left field perspective or sound create a place for themselves in the marke
Insubordinate Records made a huge splash in 2020! It was all in preparation for the developing produ
A game changing interview for Freemusicempire. Sleep is growing by leaps and bounds on every project
Bloodmoney has lived several rap lives. He's moved met and linked up with some of the BEST talent in