cover of episode 〈Vol.8〉SUMMER BREEZE FOR YOUR LIFE 2021


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Rie Omoto
Rie Omoto: 纽约疫情后的城市生活恢复热闹,与疫情前相比有很大不同,人们开始社交,参加派对。但与日本相比,纽约戴口罩的情况相对较少。她还分享了在疫情期间和疫情后在纽约的生活体验,以及对纽约和日本疫情防控措施的对比感受。 佐藤裕太:戴口罩遮挡了面部表情,影响了人际间的交流和理解。他认为,在戴口罩的背景下,线上直播或视频会议中,由于面部表情被遮挡,建议通过其他方式展现季节感和夏日氛围,例如通过妆容和发型来营造夏日氛围。 輿:针对线上直播的场景,她建议可以通过打造健康温暖的肤色,例如略带古铜色的妆容,来展现夏日氛围。同时,她还推荐了THREE的Glow Dior或Glow Flow Powder打造光泽感妆容,以及带有海盐质感的蓬松发型来营造夏日氛围。此外,他还推荐了THREE的护手霜和SQ Oil精油,以应对干燥、紫外线和长时间戴口罩带来的肌肤问题,并带来舒适的香氛体验。最后,她还介绍了THREE官网上关于夏季护肤和生活方式的建议,以及相关产品的介绍。 佐藤裕太: 戴口罩会影响人们的面部表情,使人际间的交流和理解变得困难。他分享了个人在戴口罩期间的感受,并对线上直播中如何展现夏日氛围提出了建议,例如使用一些化妆品和护发产品来营造夏日感觉。他还推荐了含有尤加利成分的护手霜,带来清凉舒爽的夏日感受。 輿: 针对夏季护肤和生活方式,她推荐了THREE品牌的多个产品,包括打造光泽感妆容的彩妆产品、以及可以营造海盐质感蓬松发型的护发产品。她还特别强调了精油在夏季护肤中的重要性,并推荐了THREE的SQ Oil精油,以应对干燥、紫外线和长时间戴口罩带来的肌肤问题。最后,她还介绍了THREE官网上关于夏季护肤和生活方式的建议,以及相关产品的介绍。 Rie Omoto: 她分享了在疫情期间和疫情后在纽约的生活体验,以及对纽约和日本疫情防控措施的对比感受。她认为,纽约的疫情防控措施相对宽松,人们的生活已经恢复了往日的热闹,而日本则仍然保持着戴口罩的习惯。她还推荐了THREE的SQ Oil精油,以应对干燥、紫外线和长时间戴口罩带来的肌肤问题,并带来舒适的香氛体验。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Hello everyone, today we will be doing our 8th podcast. As we did last time, we will be having global creative director Rie and communication planner Koshi to share their comfortable summer tips. Please enjoy! Rie, I think we've been talking about New York today. What is the current situation in New York?

New York is really exciting. It's been a lockdown for 3-4 months. It's not 100% yet, but there are restaurants and cafes. You can eat once.

and drink alcohol. Of course, I wear a mask when I enter the room. I don't know much about it, but I wear a mask when I enter the room. When I enter the room, I can take off my mask when I get to the table. I wear a mask, but it's not mandatory.

Yes, it's completely different from last year. Everyone is socializing. There are parties and people are overflowing the city. Especially in Brooklyn.

I feel like I'm back in the city with a smile on my face. Japan hasn't been like this yet, but... It hasn't? We can't take off our masks outside. Well, we can't take off our masks, but Japan hasn't really locked down, right? That's right. There are some parts of the emergency declaration, but... I just thought about what I said about New York.

I rarely see people wearing masks in Japan. As you said, do people without masks look different? Before, people didn't wear masks. Do you see that? Do people wear masks? Do you see how people look? No, people who wear masks look better. Sorry.

I guess it's good and bad. I won't say that. But I really understood that the most attractive part of people's eyes is their face. And there's a nose and mouth under the mask. And when you talk, your mouth doesn't move. You don't have a facial expression.

I realized that I can't read the bottom of the book just by looking at it. I'm usually very clear about it.

I think we still have to wear masks indoors in New York, and we still have to wear masks outside in Japan. But as you said, there are some differences. When you wear a mask, for example, there are many online keys like Zoom.

When you are doing a show, especially if you want to show your eyes like this, I think you can only show a part of your upper body when you are doing an online show. Is there any recommendation for showing a sense of season or summer in such a limited area? Yes, there are three.

I think Japanese people are still not used to it, but I think it's good to make your skin a little warm and make it look like a little tan. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way to show the skin. It's a good way

I think it's great for summer. For products of 3CE, I think it's good to use Glow Dior or Glow Flow Powder. I think it's good. I think it's a great reference. Do you have any hair products? Well, if it's hair, I think it's a little beach-like.

I think it's summer-like to spray some salt water and add a little texture. That's great. If you incorporate it now, you'll definitely get a summer feeling. I think it will be a great reference for everyone. Also, if it's oil, it's a good place to use it.

It's refreshing and good for summer. It's refreshing. I've been using hand cream from SLEEN all year round. Hand cream with eucalyptus is used in the summer. It has a refreshing scent. It's a refreshing salt bread when you actually use it. Even in the summer,

I'm often alcohol-intoxicated, so I'm a little bit alone. I'm healed by the scent. I think I just talked about the items of the medicine. Can I ask you? Yes. What are your recommended items for the summer? Well, I have skin care and

This is an oil treatment liquid called SQ Oil. Is this recommended?

The reason is that I don't want to be too lazy to use the oil-based oil. Some people think that they don't need oil. Actually, I use it for inner dry, UV light, and mask.

I put one of these in my skincare routine and it helps me to feel better. It also has a good scent, so it's good for tired body. It's good to feel comfortable just by smelling it.

I talked about it earlier, but it's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at home. Yes, I agree. It's great to be able to relax at

Thank you very much. I always heard that you were waiting for the news about the movie, music, and cooking.

I would like to introduce it right away. There are many products that have been released from OTHREE, such as how to use skin care that is recommended for how to spend the summer. I will introduce it on the homepage.

and the revival kits for the 3rd edition. I hope you can take a look at them during the summer. I have a playlist of the LPAs, so if you have time, please take a look at them. Thank you.

Thank you, Koichi-san. I hope you enjoy the website and the introduction at the store. Thank you, Rei-san and Koichi-san. Thank you very much. Thank you.