Exploring and celbrating film franchises one movie at a time! Each week we go film by film through p
With James on a brief hiatus, Gabe goes solo to talk about The Hire series of shorts that BMW produc
This week we finally catch up with Star Wars with the final 10 episodes of Resistance Season 2. Afte
This week we head back to The Colossus to talk about the 2nd season of Star Wars Resistance. A show
This week we take a quick Detour between Star Wars TV shows to talk about Rian Johnson's fabulous 2
This week we explore the epic and long-awaited ending to one of the greatest pieces of Star Wars sto
We're doing something very different from usual this week. Here Gabe and James will each be taking a
This week we finally dive into the monumental conclusion to the Sequel Trilogy and the Skywalker Sag
This week we talk about the second half of The Mandalorian's first season. Four episodes that are ju
This week we go back to a Galaxy Far, Far Away with the first half of our two-parter on season 1 of
This week we are introducing a new series with Franchise Detours. Wherein in between series we will
This week we wrap up the Toy Story franchise once again with the latest installment, Toy Story 4. A
Toy Story of Terror was fun, but this right here is the real deal. This TV Special is a total blast
With the MCU finally behind us, we're taking a few weeks to catch up on some series that have put ou
This week we complete our epic journey through the films of the MCU with Spider-Man: Far From Home.
This week we dive into the epic culmination of the first 10 years of the MCU with Avengers: Endgame!
This week we explore the MCU's first female-led movie with Captain Marvel. A film that inspired mass
This week we take yet another short break from the MCU to talk about the films of 2019.
Back to the MCU this week, we move from the grim depression of Infinity War, back to the low-key, de
This week we take a quick break from the MCU to dive into the first season of Disney's latest animat
We saw a Star War! In this minisode James and Gabe come to terms with the final installment of The S