cover of episode 12AM ET 07/30/2024 Newscast

12AM ET 07/30/2024 Newscast

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Fox News Hourly Update

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Donald Trump
批评CHIPS Act,倡导使用关税而非补贴来促进美国国内芯片制造。
Carmen Roberts:报道了拜登总统提出的最高法院改革方案,包括修改宪法、限制法官任期和制定法官行为准则。他还提到了前总统特朗普对该提案的回应以及特朗普同意接受FBI关于针对其生命安全袭击事件的采访。 Bill Maluj:报道了加利福尼亚州发生的严重野火,以及一起4.9级地震。野火是由一名罪犯纵火引起的,造成了巨大的损失。地震发生在南加州,目前没有造成重大人员伤亡或财产损失。 Jared Halpern:报道了委内瑞拉的选举争议,美国对选举结果表示担忧,并要求公布完整的投票统计数据。反对派领导人声称赢得选举,而现任总统马杜罗则宣布自己获胜。美国和一些拉丁美洲国家对此表示担忧。 Eben Brown:报道了波多黎各附近海域出现低压系统,未来几天可能发展成热带气旋。目前还没有发布警报,但建议民众做好准备。 Carmen Roberts:报道了休斯顿中心点能源公司首席执行官Jason Wells表示,如果他辞职,飓风贝丽尔过后的电力中断问题将难以解决。 Donald Trump: 对针对自己生命安全的袭击事件表示感谢特勤局的保护,但也指出了当天安全措施的不足,例如缺乏屋顶上的安保人员以及与当地警方的沟通不足。 John Kirby: 代表白宫国家安全通讯顾问,表达了美国对委内瑞拉选举结果的担忧,并强调国际社会正在关注事态发展,并将相应回应。

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President Biden calls for Supreme Court reforms. I'm Carmen Roberts, Fox News. The president proposing three changes, including a constitutional amendment overturning the court's ruling, giving former presidents immunity for crimes they commit while in office. This nation was founded on the principle there are no kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law.

Biden also wants to replace lifetime tenure for the justices with 18-year term limits, as well as an enforceable binding ethics code for the nine justices. Critics say all three proposals won't go far. Fox News' David Spont, former President Trump, dismissed the president's effort and told Fox News it's not going anywhere. He also told Fox he agreed to an FBI interview on Thursday about the attempt on his life.

He thanked his Secret Service protectors but pointed out a major problem that day. They were very brave, I have to say that. Okay, with that being said, should have been somebody in the roof. There should have been communication with the local police, which there wasn't. So that's a bad thing.

Wildfires are devastating parts of the West with the Park Fire north of Chico, California, burning through nearly 370,000 acres. That's larger than the city of Los Angeles. Authorities say the Park Fire first started on Wednesday after a local two-strike felon named Ronnie Dean Stout was seen pushing a flaming vehicle into a gully. That then sparked everything and quickly spread the fire in the dry vegetation. Stout is now under arrest for

arson and is being held without bail. Fox's Bill Maluj. In the meantime, a magnitude 4.9 earthquake rattled Southern California Monday, followed by several strong aftershocks. The quake was felt from L.A. to San Diego. No immediate reports of damage or injuries. And stocks ended mixed ahead of several key economic and business indicators this week. The Dow lost 49 points. The Nasdaq rose 12. America's listening to Fox News.

Okay, quick math. The less your business spends on operations, on multiple systems, on delivering your product or service, the more margin you have and the more money you keep. Obvious. But with higher expenses on materials, employees, distribution, and borrowing...

Everything costs more. So to reduce costs and headaches, smart businesses are graduating to NetSuite by Oracle. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one platform.

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Over 37,000 companies have already made the move. So do the math. See how you'll profit with NetSuite. Backed by popular demand, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks. Head to slash fox. slash fox.

As thousands of people demonstrate across Venezuela, opposition leader Maria Corina Machado says her party has 73% of the voting tallies from Sunday's election that prove it won the election. The U.S. is holding off on recognizing election results in Venezuela. President Nicolas Maduro is claiming victory. Quite frankly, we have serious concerns that the result as announced does not reflect the will and the votes

the Venezuelan people. White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby says election officials must publish the full detailed tabulation of votes. We in the international community are watching and we will respond accordingly. Several Latin American governments are calling for an emergency meeting of regional leaders to express concern over Sunday's election. At the White House, Jared Halpern, Fox News. The FDA approves a blood test for

colon cancer, a decision that will help people unable to get or who don't want colonoscopies. The tropics are growing a bit more active this week. A low pressure system spanning from Puerto Rico to the Bahamas to Cuba to northern Florida now has a 50% chance of growing into a tropical cyclone over the next five days.

There are no watches or warnings posted as of yet, though regular preparation wouldn't be a bad idea. There are also no forecasts yet as to where the storm will go or what landmasses it would impact. The next storm name on the Atlantic list is Debbie. The last tropical storm, Debbie, in 2018 formed on August 4th of that year, but stayed out to sea. Eben Brown, Fox News.

Jason Wells, the CEO of Houston's Centerpoint Energy, told lawmakers Monday the company would lose momentum on changes after Hurricane Beryl if he resigned over the prolonged and deadly power outages that followed the storm plowing into the Texas coast this month. I'm Carmen Roberts, and this is Fox News.

Okay, quick math. The less your business spends on operations, on multiple systems, on delivering your product or service, the more margin you have and the more money you keep. Obvious. But with higher expenses on materials, employees, distribution, and borrowing...

Everything costs more. So to reduce costs and headaches, smart businesses are graduating to NetSuite by Oracle. NetSuite is the number one cloud financial system, bringing accounting, financial management, inventory, HR into one platform and one source of truth. With NetSuite, you reduce IT costs because NetSuite lives in the cloud with no hardware required.

access from anywhere you cut the cost of maintaining multiple systems because you've got one unified business management suite and you're improving efficiency by bringing all of your major business processes into one platform slashing manual tasks and errors

Over 37,000 companies have already made the move. So do the math. See how you'll profit with NetSuite. Backed by popular demand, NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks. Head to slash fox. slash fox.