cover of episode Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration - Special Episode with Andrea Bocelli, Matteo Bocelli & Sam Wrench

Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration - Special Episode with Andrea Bocelli, Matteo Bocelli & Sam Wrench

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Andrea Bocelli
Matteo Bocelli
Sam Wrench
Andrea Bocelli: 在音乐行业三十年的历程中,保持真实和真诚至关重要。他认为,音乐的本质是表演、生活以及与观众之间的联系。他将电影的成功归因于其独特的氛围、美丽的托斯卡纳景色以及众多世界顶级艺术家的参与。他认为免费音乐对音乐产业有积极影响,关键在于人们能够辨别好坏音乐,高质量的音乐始终具有价值。他未来的计划是继续歌唱。 Matteo Bocelli: 他认为追随自己的热爱并努力做到最好是成功的关键,即使有时需要学习去爱自己正在做的事情。他分享了自己在音乐事业上的成功,并表示目前的目标是继续自己的音乐事业。他强调音乐需要真实性,才能打动人心,并在成功之后,要保持自我,并选择正确的伙伴。 Sam Wrench: 他认为电影的成功在于其独特的概念和明星阵容,以及音乐在影院的巨大潜力。他分享了与众多音乐巨星合作的顺利经历,并对音乐电影的未来充满信心。他认为人们去电影院是为了逃避现实,享受集体活动,而音乐是影院体验的绝佳方式。 Andrea Bocelli: 保持真实和真诚是成功的关键。免费音乐对音乐产业有积极影响,关键在于人们能够辨别好坏音乐。高质量的音乐始终具有价值。他未来的计划是继续歌唱。 Matteo Bocelli: 追随自己的热爱并努力做到最好是成功的关键。他正在追逐自己的音乐梦想,并取得了成功。音乐需要真实性,才能打动人心。在成功之后,要保持自我,并选择正确的伙伴。他目前的目标是继续自己的音乐事业。 Sam Wrench: 电影的成功在于其独特的概念和明星阵容。音乐电影在影院有光明的前景。与众多音乐巨星合作非常顺利。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why has Andrea Bocelli managed to stay relevant in the music industry for three decades?

He attributes his relevance to authenticity and sincerity in his performances, maintaining a genuine connection with his audience despite technological changes.

How does Matteo Bocelli plan to differentiate himself in the music industry while carrying on his family's legacy?

Matteo emphasizes following his heart and loving what he does, focusing on authenticity in his music to carve out his own identity.

What does Andrea Bocelli think about the impact of free music streaming services like Spotify and YouTube?

He views them positively, believing that music should be accessible to everyone and that quality will always prevail.

What are Andrea Bocelli's plans for the future?

His primary goal is to continue singing, reflecting his enduring passion for music.

How did Sam Wrench convince producers to support the film 'Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration'?

He leveraged the star power of Andrea Bocelli and the allure of Tuscany, combined with a lineup of global music stars, making it an attractive proposition.

What does Sam Wrench believe about the future of music in cinema?

He thinks music in cinemas has a bright future, as it offers a communal and immersive experience that people seek.

How did the collaboration with various music stars go during the filming of 'Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration'?

The collaboration was seamless, with artists being gracious and focused on celebrating Andrea Bocelli and Tuscany.

Andrea Bocelli reflects on his three-decade-long journey in music, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and the timelessness of performance.
  • Andrea Bocelli's career spans three decades, marked by technological changes in the music industry.
  • He attributes his relevance to being authentic and maintaining a sincere relationship with his audience.
  • The rise of free music platforms like Spotify and YouTube is viewed positively as it allows more people to access good music.

Shownotes Transcript


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What a wonderful pleasure to meet you here for your wonderful movie. 30 years it has been since San Remo. While you definitely sing it has only been three years, your voice is still the same, amazing. You have seen the business transforming the music business. You've been in it now for three decades, yet you always stayed relevant. What have

What have you done differently? There are so many younger artists, they cannot fill concert halls, but you have always managed to stay relevant. What have you done? Because the world changed very quickly because the technology changed. From the recordings we passed to the CD and then the liquid music,

There is something that doesn't change and it's the performance, life, the relationship with the audience remain. If you are able to remain yourself, if you are able to be very authentic, sincere, you know, I think that this is the most important element.

You definitely have managed to do that and now you're making this movie that is a very, very interesting film because you're combining film, music, some of the best artists in the world collaborating with you. In general though, the film industry has suffered in America. Why do you think though your film will be a success?

I think that in this movie there are many interesting elements, apart many from the biggest artists of the world. But there is also an atmosphere. People can see a very beautiful place in Tuscany and in a sense to leave a little bit the atmosphere that we lived in.

on the place, you know? So I think it's interesting in this sense. We live also now in a world where Spotify and YouTube, which has changed the music industry, it is for free. People can listen to music for free. Have you viewed that as something that is negative or has it positively influenced your business? Definitely it's positive.

Because music is for everybody, no? And if it can be free, I think it's positive, of course. Because you're reaching so many people. The most important thing would be that people can distinguish, recognize the good music from the bad music.

And like Aristotle, one of the biggest philosophers, said: "You can recognize the plant from the fruits that it does." Sorry for my English. Quality always prevails. When the music is good, it's very positive that it can be free for everybody.

Fantastic. What are your plans for 2025? Last question. Very easy. To sing, to sing, to sing. So we'll see a lot of you. Thank you so much. In general, when children follow their parents' footsteps, the parents are very famous. Usually then the kids have a hard time.

finding their own identity and having the same success, but you are managing that. What are you doing to make your own mark and how you found your own identity with such a famous father? Well, definitely it is true that I'm very lucky, but at the same time the secret is in following what you love, where the heart brings you. I have to be honest, I also understand that sometimes in life we cannot always do what we love. We also have to learn to love what we're doing.

because that's the only way to get what you want, to get what you love. And again, I'm living a dream and I'm following what I always loved doing since I was a little kid. So again, now I'm finally on my own. I'm doing my shows, I have my first album out and I simply wish to myself that this is going to keep going for the rest of my life.

In those years that you have now been heavily involved in the music industry, what are the biggest changes that you have noticed, good and bad? Since I'm in the music industry? Yeah. Well, I definitely, you know, when you, even though it was, you know, it was kind of a success, North Volumeet, the song that I've done with my father, because at the end it's a song that speaks about a true relationship between a father and a son. And music wants this, music wants authenticity.

Because otherwise people are going to feel that you're not true, no? And definitely when you get attention, you get also, you know, so many people around you that are not there truly because of who you are, but simply because it's convenient, because it's...

but you just have to be you know my strength i guess it's having good people around me people that whenever i come back from a tour they make me feel matteo they make me feel truly who i am i'm sure your father has given you plenty of advice over the years is he also taking advice from you i don't know if he's checking advices from me even though maybe sometimes would be good but you know this happens all the times you know like

There are always sometimes there are rebellious rebellions between father and sons between parents and children It's part of life, you know, we were born a different generation But probably is also the beauty of it, you know, otherwise we'd be so boring Absolutely. So what are your future goals to make impact in the music industry? Have you thought about that? Like what would you like to achieve or would you like to maybe change or influence?

You know, if you would have asked me this five years ago, I would have said, you know, my goal, the thing that I want to achieve is to be able to make my own music and to be able to bring it on stage. Today, I'm living the dream because I've been able to make my first album, Mattel, and I already kind of like toured a lot of places around the world because I have done a tour already, two tours in U.S., one in South America.

a lot in Europe, I've been to Australia, so I'm living the dream. So today my hope is simply to be able to keep doing what I'm doing now. You look happy and radiant and aside from having a brilliant voice, so much talent, I wish you the best for the future. Fantastic project and it's always lovely to see you in Germany where I'm originally from.

and see how you both also are collaborating so well. Thank you so much. Thank you. Such a pleasure to meet you as the director of this fantastic film that is getting a lot of hype. And this is in a time actually where Hollywood is shrinking, where we only hear disastrous news about less revenue, less productions. How did you convince your producers, your studios to go for it?

Look guys, I don't think there was that much convincing. If you pitch Andrea Bocelli in Tuscany with a list of the world's most amazing artists, I think most people are pretty interested in it. And it was that, you know, it was the most amazing experience for the people that were there. And we wanted to bring that to the big screen around the world. I think the film is going to be released in over 30 countries.

and give everyone a chance that couldn't make it to experience it at home and in the cinemas in their hometown. And so, you know, it wasn't that hard to pitch. I agree it's a really hard time for Hollywood, but every time that we look outside of genre and we do something different, more people go to the cinemas and that's great for everyone.

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Do you think that this genre of combining music with beautiful picturesque landscapes and bringing different names together from around the world, music and film both, do you think it is a new genre?

I think people go to the cinema to escape and to enjoy a communal activity. I think music's an amazing place to experience. Music's an amazing thing to experience at the cinema. You're with fellow fans, you're with like-minded people, and you can really enjoy an experience. And I do think that music in cinemas has an amazing future ahead of it.

How was it working with so many music stars? Were they easy to direct? Did they have their own ideas? Did they want to make their own creative mark and give you some info that said, "Ah, I think this script should be a little different. I think I should stand here or do this." Or was it all very seamless and you were always in control? The artists that came were incredibly gracious with their time and understanding. Everyone was there to celebrate Andrea and to celebrate Tuscany.

and the place and it was a really amazing collaboration on all fronts. So yeah, look, everyone was amazing and I hope everyone enjoyed the filming experience. It was a true international co-production in a sense. Massively so. Everyone was just having their best Italian summer and trying to capture this incredible moment. Congratulations. I wish you great success with it. I think we need more of these kind of movies. Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it.

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