This is Founder Real Talk, where we get real about the challenges that founders and startup executiv
Anne Raimondi is an industry veteran with over 20 years of experience driving growth for B2B and B2C
Max Levchin is the Founder & CEO of Affirm a financial services technology company that offers m
Rich Waldron is the Co-Founder and CEO of, a next gen workflow and integration technology co
Dave McJannet joined HashiCorp as CEO about three years ago when the company was approximately 30 pe
Kevin Hartz is one of the few leaders in Silicon Valley who has had an incredible career as a repeat
Tom has worn many hats in his time at BitSight, including EVP of Sales and Marketing, COO and CEO. I
This week we are joined by Caryn Marooney for a salon episode that focuses on PR and communications.
Pandora Founder and former-CEO, Tim Westergren, joins Founder Real Talk to reminisce on how his expe
Serial entrepreneur and Color founder Elad Gil joins Founder Real Talk to share insights and his exp
Will gives an inside look at Stripe, one of the most valuable venture-backed startups in the U.S. In
Michelle created a movement to empower women from the first piece of clothing they put on in the mor
Mitchell turned his hobby into a business that now serves 100 of the Fortune 500 companies. In this
Jen shares her experience working with start-ups as a talent and search specialist and answers all y
Jay started his career at the NSA and brought his love of uncovering cyber vulnerabilities to the pr
Repeat CEO Nick Mehta joined Gainsight in its Series A and has since grown the company into the cust
Kelly Wright tells the story of how selling books door-to-door shaped her approach to start-up sales
In this episode, Eric talks about building a capital intensive business across multiple geographies
In this episode, Edith shares her story of founding LaunchDarkly. She walks through the valuable les
In this episode, Barmak discusses product-market fit, go-to-market strategies, and how to beat incum
In this episode, Jackie shares how she brought the rigor of private equity to People Operations at S