cover of episode The Soham Murders

The Soham Murders

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Forensic Tales

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Courtney Fretwell
Courtney Fretwell: 本播客详细讲述了2002年英国苏厄姆发生的Holly Wells和Jessica Chapman谋杀案,重点关注法医植物学在破案中的关键作用。案件中,两名10岁女孩在参加家庭烧烤后失踪,警方经过调查,最终将嫌疑人锁定为Ian Huntley,其女友Maxine Carr也牵涉其中。法医植物学家Patricia Wiltshire通过对现场植物和花粉的分析,提供了关键证据,最终将凶手绳之以法。本案也体现了法医植物学在侦破案件中的重要性。 Ian Huntley: 凶手,其具体作案动机不明,但其行为和证词中存在诸多疑点,最终被法医证据证实其罪行。 Maxine Carr: 协助犯案,为Ian Huntley提供不在场证明,最终被判犯有妨碍司法公正罪。 Patricia Wiltshire: 法医植物学家,通过对案发现场植物和花粉的分析,为警方提供了关键证据,最终帮助警方破案。其专业知识和分析能力在案件侦破中起到了至关重要的作用。

Deep Dive

Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were best friends from a small town in England, known for their maturity and strong bond.

Shownotes Transcript

#007 - Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were best friends from a small town in England. They went missing from a family barbecue on August 4, 2002 and were never seen alive again. A forensic botanist was called in to examine the crime scene and the prime suspect's car. Who murdered Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells, two young girls who had their entire lives ahead of them, and how could investigators use plants to solve the case?Support My WorkIf you love the show, the easiest way to show your support is by leaving us a positive rating with a review. You can also tell your family and friends about Forensic Tales. Patreon - If you would like to get early AD-free access to new episodes, have access to exclusive bonus content, snag exclusive show merch or just want to support what I'm doing, please visit our Patreon page: Merchandise - For t-shirts, stickers, hoodies, coffee mugs & more check out:  Support the show)

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