cover of episode Blair Adams

Blair Adams

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Forensic Tales

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本期节目讲述了发生在1996年7月,加拿大男子布莱尔·亚当斯在美国田纳西州诺克斯维尔一家酒店停车场被发现死亡的离奇案件。案发时,死者身上散落着价值4000美元的加拿大、美国和德国货币。尸检结果显示,死因为腹部穿孔引起的败血症,但具体案发经过至今仍是一个谜。布莱尔·亚当斯死前数日行为异常,表现出严重的偏执和恐惧,声称有人要杀害他。他多次试图进入美国,并频繁更换车辆和住宿地点,这都增加了案件的神秘性。警方调查了各种可能性,包括抢劫、毒品交易、性侵犯以及精神疾病发作等,但都没有足够的证据支持。目前,案件的关键证据是一缕在死者手中发现的黑色长发,但DNA检测结果未能匹配任何数据库中的信息。 布莱尔·亚当斯的母亲:我的儿子布莱尔在死前数日行为异常,他变得疑神疑鬼,声称有人在跟踪他,并因此感到极度恐惧。我认为他并非精神失常,而是真的有人在威胁他。 修理工:我在案发前一天为布莱尔·亚当斯修理汽车时,发现他试图用错误的钥匙启动车辆,这让我觉得他当时的状态很不对劲。 酒店前台员工:布莱尔·亚当斯入住酒店时,看起来很紧张和偏执,不断地环顾四周,好像有人在跟踪他。他拿到房卡后并没有去房间,而是多次进出酒店大堂,最终离开了酒店。 车祸目击者:布莱尔·亚当斯在我与他发生轻微车祸时,看起来很着急,好像有什么急事要办。 保安:案发当晚,我听到一声尖叫,我感觉像是女人的尖叫声,时间大约在凌晨3点30分左右。

Deep Dive

Blair Adams, a 31-year-old Canadian, was found dead under mysterious circumstances in Knoxville, Tennessee. His behavior leading up to his death was marked by paranoia and erratic actions, withdrawing all his money and exhibiting signs of fear.

Shownotes Transcript

#232 - Blair Adams from Canada was just 31 years old when his body was found in the parking lot of a Knoxville, Tennessee hotel in July 1996. Scattered around his body was $4,000 worth of mixed Canadian, American, and German currency. His death was later discovered to be caused by a blow to the stomach - but what exactly happened to Blair remains a mystery.

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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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