cover of episode Trump Begins to Build His Team

Trump Begins to Build His Team

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Foreign Podicy

Cliff May
Richard Goldberg
Cliff May认为特朗普挑选的团队成员支持"实力促和平"的理念,并对一些任命选择提出了质疑,认为特朗普的标准更注重候选人的沟通能力和公众形象,并从其第一任期的人事安排失误中吸取教训。他还强调了能源政策对外交政策和国家安全的重要性,认为能源主导地位可以为美国提供在与俄罗斯、伊朗和委内瑞拉等国的博弈中提供更多回旋余地。 Richard Goldberg则认为特朗普的任命选择在过往记录、经验和公开声明中都体现出"实力促和平"的理念,并对一些任命选择进行了详细的分析,例如迈克·沃尔兹对中国、伊朗和俄罗斯威胁的关注,以及皮特·赫格塞思的任命是一个具有颠覆性的选择,他可能会在国防部改革中发挥作用。Goldberg还强调了参议院确认程序的重要性,以及特朗普在关键职位上任命了实力强大的团队。他还分析了马斯克与伊朗大使会面的潜在风险,认为单纯的对话并不能解决与伊朗的紧张关系,需要谨慎评估潜在风险和影响。此外,他还强调了权力在与伊朗等国家打交道时最重要的因素,以及对伊朗施压的同时,有策略地进行对话可能是有利的。最后,他还对一些被提名者进行了背景介绍,例如迈克·沃尔兹的军事和政治经验,以及马可·卢比奥曾受到中国的制裁等。 在讨论中,两位发言人还就特朗普政府对情报机构的信任度问题、对能源政策的重视程度、以及对联合国改革的计划等方面进行了深入探讨。他们还分析了美国与中国、俄罗斯、伊朗、以色列等国家关系的复杂性,以及如何平衡与这些国家的关系,并有效应对各种挑战。

Deep Dive

This chapter analyzes President-elect Trump's foreign policy and national security team picks. The discussion explores whether these choices represent a 'peace through strength' approach and the controversy surrounding them. The communication style and image projected by the selected team are also examined.
  • President-elect Trump's foreign policy team picks are analyzed.
  • The choices are viewed as potentially controversial.
  • Trump's approach is compared to casting a reality TV show, emphasizing communication and image.

Shownotes Transcript

President Trump – now also President-elect Trump – has named the team he wants to advise him on foreign policy and national security. How will they fare in facing challenges like the Islamic Republic of Iran's war on Israel (and America), Russia's war against Ukraine, and the threat from China’s Communist rulers?

Host Cliff May is joined by his FDD colleague Richard Goldberg to discuss.