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Another Day, Another Blood Libel

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Foreign Podicy

Cliff May
David Adesnik
Cliff May和David Adesnik对Amnesty International发布的指控以色列在加沙犯下种族灭绝罪的报告进行了严厉批评,认为该报告缺乏证据,歪曲事实,并带有明显的反以色列偏见。他们指出报告中关于加沙被占领和以色列袭击时间等说法与事实不符,属于蓄意谎报。他们认为Amnesty International并不关心国际法的实际内容,而是按照自己的政治立场来解读法律,对种族灭绝的定义也与国际法定义相悖。他们还指出Amnesty International对哈马斯利用平民作人盾的行为视而不见,并对以色列采取了双重标准。 David Adesnik详细分析了Amnesty International报告中关于加沙饥饿问题的论述,指出该报告忽略了以色列向加沙提供大量援助的事实以及饥饿状况实际好转的情况。他认为,以色列向加沙提供大量援助的事实与种族灭绝的指控相矛盾。他还指出,国际法规定,即使对方违反国际法,也不能将人道主义援助作为谈判筹码,Amnesty International将以色列将人道主义援助与释放人质挂钩的行为定义为种族灭绝行为,这是一种不公平的指控。 此外,他们还讨论了叙利亚的局势,指出叙利亚反对派在取得军事进展,并分析了叙利亚反对派HTS、库尔德人以及阿萨德政权之间的复杂关系。他们认为,叙利亚反对派HTS虽然与基地组织有渊源,但其对以色列的立场有所缓和,目前更关注推翻阿萨德政权。他们还讨论了库尔德人在打击ISIS中的作用以及埃尔多安对库尔德人的政策。最后,他们讨论了美国政府对叙利亚局势的政策,批评了美国政府试图与阿萨德政权和解的企图,并建议对伊朗实施最大压力,使其承担支持阿萨德政权的全部成本。 Cliff May和David Adesnik认为,Amnesty International的报告是出于政治动机,而非基于事实和证据。他们认为,该组织长期以来对以色列抱有敌意,其报告的结论早已预设,并不需要证据支撑。他们呼吁国际社会对Amnesty International的报告保持警惕,不要被其偏见所蒙蔽。 在叙利亚问题上,他们认为,美国应该继续对伊朗施压,并避免与阿萨德政权和解。他们还指出,叙利亚反对派HTS虽然与基地组织有渊源,但其目前更关注推翻阿萨德政权,美国应该谨慎对待叙利亚局势,避免支持任何一方,而是应该致力于削弱伊朗在该地区的影响力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Amnesty International accuse Israel of genocide in Gaza?

Amnesty International accused Israel of genocide without evidence, driven by a predetermined conclusion and long-standing anti-Israel bias.

What evidence does Amnesty International provide for their genocide accusation against Israel?

Amnesty International provides no substantial evidence, relying instead on misinterpretations and distortions of Israeli statements and actions.

How does Amnesty International define occupation in relation to Gaza?

Amnesty International insists Gaza is still occupied by Israel under international law, ignoring the fact that Israel fully withdrew in 2005.

What is the role of Amnesty International's branch in Israel in the report on genocide accusations?

The Israeli branch of Amnesty International objected to the report's main findings and was excluded from its drafting, highlighting internal dissent.

How does Amnesty International's report on Israel compare to their silence on other genocides?

Amnesty International has been silent on recognized genocides in Xinjiang, Myanmar, and Sudan, showing a selective focus on Israel.

What is the significance of the population growth in Gaza according to Amnesty International's report?

Amnesty International ignores Gaza's population growth, which contradicts their claim of genocide, as genocidal actions typically result in population decline.

How does Amnesty International handle the issue of human shields in their report on Israel?

Amnesty International downplays Hamas's use of human shields, shifting blame to Israel for any civilian deaths resulting from such tactics.

What is the significance of the IPC's reports on food security in Gaza?

The IPC's reports initially warned of imminent famine in Gaza, but subsequent reports showed a significant reduction in hunger levels, indicating effective aid delivery.

How does Amnesty International's report on Israel's aid to Gaza contradict their genocide accusation?

Amnesty International's report fails to mention the substantial aid Israel has provided, which includes 58,000 trucks delivering 1.1 million tons of aid, undermining their genocide claim.

What is the current situation in Syria and how does it relate to Israel and Iran?

Syria is experiencing a significant shift as Sunni jihadist groups, backed by Turkey, gain ground, potentially weakening Iran's influence and posing a threat to Israel.

The episode begins by discussing Amnesty International's report accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. The hosts question the lack of evidence and the organization's apparent bias against Israel. They highlight the report's false claims about the timeline and nature of the conflict.
  • Amnesty International accused Israelis of genocide in Gaza.
  • The report's first sentence contains several inaccuracies.
  • Amnesty International's report shows bias and disregard for facts.

Shownotes Transcript

Another day, another blood libel against the Jewish state. What’s new but certainly not surprising is that Amnesty International, a lavishly well-funded organization – one that has long been viciously anti-Israel  – has published a report accusing Israelis of genocide in Gaza. What evidence do they have? They don’t need evidence. Why bother when they knew from the get-go what their verdict would be.

To discuss the Amnesty report, host Cliff May is joined by FDD’s David Adesnik — he’s also a Syria expert and offers his take on the fascinating and really complicated developments unfolding there.