A theme park podcast that aims to exhaustively evaluate the world’s most popular theme park attracti
Ryan and Byron saddle up for a ride into Knott's Berry Farm to discuss GhostRider - The tallest and
Jenny Nicholson and the guys fly their bikes to the Green Planet to discuss the E.T. Adventure at Un
KACHOW! The guys are joined by Fresh Baked to discuss Radiator Springs Racers at Disney California A
Poseidon Entertainment takes the guys on a joyride through hell to discuss Mr. Toad's Wild Ride!Chec
The guys blast off with Defunctland for an intergalactic adventure to discuss Disneyland's Space Mou
PODCAST APPROACHING AT HIGH SPEED! Ryan and Byron hop on a jetski in search of Dryland to discuss Wa
For our special Halloween episode, we're joined by Offhand Disney to discuss Disney's iconic Haunted
Ryan and Byron break down the newly rethemed Jurassic World - The Ride at Universal Studios Hollywoo
Ryan and Byron break down Disneyland and Walt Disney World's Mickey and Minnie's Runaway railway to
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