cover of episode 72+: The EFL Podcast

72+: The EFL Podcast

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Aaron Paul
Connor Penfold
Joby McEnough
Phil Brown
Aaron Paul: 本期节目讨论了英格兰足球联赛中几支球队的最新动态,包括牛津联队解雇主教练Des Buckingham,布里斯托流浪者解雇主教练Matt Taylor以及沃尔索尔队在乙级联赛中的出色表现。节目嘉宾们就这些事件展开了深入的讨论,分析了球队管理层决策背后的原因以及球队未来的发展方向。 Joby McEnough: 就牛津联队解雇Des Buckingham一事,嘉宾们表达了不同的观点。一些人认为,鉴于球队目前并未处于降级区,这一决定过于草率,忽视了Des Buckingham为球队做出的贡献以及球队近期遭遇的伤病困扰。另一些人则认为,球队近期糟糕的比赛结果是导致这一决定的主要原因,俱乐部需要在冬季转会窗口到来之前采取行动,以确保球队能够保级。 Phil Brown: Phil Brown分享了他对球队管理和球员管理的经验,他强调了教练员在关键时刻保持冷静和客观的重要性,以及在球员管理中平衡严格要求和给予支持的重要性。他还谈到了圣诞节期间球员的休息安排,他认为圣诞节是球员应该与家人团聚的时间。 Connor Penfold: 作为牛津联队的球迷代表,Connor Penfold表达了对Des Buckingham被解雇的震惊和失望之情。他认为,Des Buckingham与球队和球迷之间建立了深厚的感情,他的解雇是一个错误的决定。他还分析了球队近期战绩下滑的原因,包括关键球员的伤病以及球队在夏窗引援中的一些不足。 Joby McEnough: 就布里斯托流浪者解雇Matt Taylor一事,嘉宾们认为,这一决定是基于球队长期表现不佳的结果。他们分析了球队在夏窗引援中的一些问题,以及球队在比赛风格和战术策略方面的一些不足。嘉宾们还讨论了俱乐部在选择新教练时应该考虑的因素,包括教练的经验、比赛风格以及对球队的适应性。 Phil Brown: Phil Brown分享了他对球队管理和球员管理的经验,他强调了教练员在关键时刻保持冷静和客观的重要性,以及在球员管理中平衡严格要求和给予支持的重要性。他还谈到了球员的士气和团队合作的重要性,以及如何激励球员为球队付出全部努力。 Aaron Paul: Aaron Paul总结了本期节目的主要内容,并对未来几支球队的走向进行了展望。他强调了球队管理层在决策中需要考虑的各种因素,包括球队的长期发展规划、球迷的期望以及球队的整体实力。 Joby McEnough: 就沃尔索尔队在乙级联赛中的出色表现,嘉宾们对主教练Matt Sadler的执教能力给予了高度评价。他们认为,Matt Sadler的冷静领导风格、对球员的细致管理以及球队整体的战术策略是球队取得成功的关键因素。他们还分析了球队在球员引进方面的一些成功案例,以及球队在比赛中展现出的团队合作精神和顽强拼搏的精神。 Phil Brown: Phil Brown对Matt Sadler的执教能力给予了肯定,并建议他继续在沃尔索尔队磨练自己的执教能力,积累经验,为未来的发展打下坚实的基础。 Aaron Paul: Aaron Paul总结了本期节目的主要内容,并对未来几支球队的走向进行了展望。他强调了球队管理层在决策中需要考虑的各种因素,包括球队的长期发展规划、球迷的期望以及球队的整体实力。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why were Oxford United fans shocked and angry about the sacking of Des Buckingham?

Fans were shocked because Des Buckingham had just led the team to promotion and had a strong connection with the club. They felt he deserved more time despite the recent poor form. Many fans even expressed they would be okay with relegation under his leadership.

Why did Oxford United's board decide to sack Des Buckingham?

The board likely panicked due to a poor run of results, including six defeats in seven games and a recent 1-5 loss to Sheffield Wednesday. They may also have been influenced by the team's underperformance compared to their squad quality and the need to be proactive ahead of January recruitment.

Why did Bristol Rovers sack Matt Taylor after just over a year in charge?

Bristol Rovers sacked Matt Taylor due to a poor run of results, including three matches without a win or a goal, and a goal difference of minus 11. The club is underperforming given its size and investment, and the new ownership group decided to make a change.

Why is Walsall performing so well in League 2 this season?

Walsall's success is attributed to a well-organized team, strong defensive performance, and a balanced squad with experienced players like Albert Adoma and young talents like Nathan Lowe. Manager Matt Sadler's calm and meticulous approach, combined with a flexible playing style, has been key to their performance.

Why did Phil Brown suggest that Matt Sadler should serve his time at Walsall?

Phil Brown believes that Matt Sadler should focus on serving his team, getting a promotion from League 2 to League 1, and establishing a strong identity. He suggests staying with Walsall for another year to build on this success and solidify his reputation as a manager.

Shownotes Transcript

Aaron Paul and Jobi McAnuff are joined by Kidderminster Harriers manager Phil Brown to look at the week’s biggest stories in the EFL. They talk to Oxford United podcaster Connor Penfold from The Manor Podcast about the reaction from the fans to the sacking of manager Des Buckingham, and how the club will respond in their bid to avoid relegation. Plus, after Matt Taylor’s sacking at Bristol Rovers, will new set piece coach and interim manager Lee Cattermole get the job full time? And with Walsall flying high in League 2, they look at what has been behind their success so far this season.