Victoria Jackson: 访谈中,维多利亚·杰克逊分享了她30多年职业生涯中的许多趣事,包括她在《周六夜现场》(SNL)的经历,以及她与其他演员的互动,例如与丹·卡维和戴维·斯佩德的合作,以及与其他演员如艾力克·鲍德温、约翰·洛维茨、克里斯·法利等人的合作。她还谈到了自己创作的喜剧角色“Harriet”,以及她在SNL中从“傻瓜”形象转型到展现真实自我的过程。她还分享了她对喜剧表演的看法,以及她如何从SNL的经历中学习和成长。此外,她还谈到了自己与前夫的关系,以及她女儿的情况,以及她与其他演员的友谊。她还分享了她创作的歌曲和专辑,以及她对政治和社会问题的看法。
Dana Carvey: 丹·卡维作为节目的主持人之一,与维多利亚·杰克逊进行了轻松愉快的互动,并分享了他对维多利亚·杰克逊的印象以及他们一起工作的回忆。他回忆了他们一起合作的许多小品,以及他们之间发生的趣事。他还谈到了维多利亚·杰克逊的喜剧才能,以及她对喜剧表演的贡献。
David Spade: 戴维·斯佩德作为节目的另一个主持人,也参与了与维多利亚·杰克逊的访谈,并分享了他对维多利亚·杰克逊的印象以及他们一起工作的回忆。他回忆了他们在 SNL 的合作,以及他对维多利亚·杰克逊的喜剧才能的评价。
Victoria Jackson: This interview covers a wide range of topics, from her experiences on Saturday Night Live (SNL) to her personal life and her views on comedy and social issues. She discusses her relationships with fellow SNL cast members, including Dana Carvey and David Spade, and shares anecdotes about working with other actors like Alec Baldwin, John Lovitz, and Chris Farley. She also talks about her comedic character "Harriet," and her transformation from playing the "ditz" to showcasing her true self on SNL. She shares her thoughts on comedy and how she learned and grew from her SNL experience. She also discusses her relationship with her ex-husband, her daughter, and her friendships with other actors. She shares details about her music and albums, and her views on political and social issues. She also discusses a near-fatal accident on set and the lasting effects it has had on her health.
Dana Carvey: Dana Carvey, as one of the hosts, engages in lighthearted banter with Victoria Jackson and shares his impressions of her and memories of working together. He recalls several sketches they collaborated on and funny incidents they experienced. He also talks about Victoria Jackson's comedic talent and her contributions to comedy.
David Spade: David Spade, the other host, also participates in the interview with Victoria Jackson, sharing his impressions of her and memories of working together. He recalls their collaboration on SNL and comments on Victoria Jackson's comedic talent.