Dana Carvey
David Spade
David Spade: 本期节目涵盖了多个话题,从对Zycam感冒药的体验分享,到Live Nation喜剧演出的宣传,再到周六夜现场的工作经历以及由此产生的疲惫感和趣事。他还吐槽了洛杉矶早晚温差大以及酒店洗衣服务损坏衣物的问题,并分享了关于洗衣损坏昂贵西装和酒吧命名创意的故事。此外,他还谈到了在派对上误拨电话以及凯文·尼龙的趣事,以及关于派对上的蛋糕和商业创意的故事。他还评论了Jake Paul的拳击比赛,并分享了关于头发吹风机和在周六夜现场工作的趣事,以及对查理兹·塞隆的评价。最后,他还讨论了Charlie XCX以及他自己的艺名,并宣传了Rosetta Stone语言学习软件和一些电影。 Dana Carvey: Dana Carvey在本期节目中主要参与了对多个广告的宣传,包括Masterclass在线课程和Blue Nile网站购买订婚戒指。他还评论了Jake Paul的拳击比赛,并分享了关于拜登总统活动的看法。此外,他还分享了关于头发吹风机和在周六夜现场工作的趣事,以及对动物声音模仿的评价。最后,他还讨论了哥伦比亚禁止童婚、单臂篮球运动员、中国商店用真人模特以及拉斯维加斯ATM取款费等话题。 David Spade: 本期节目内容丰富,涵盖个人经历、商业广告、社会新闻等多个方面,体现了轻松幽默的风格。从对日常用品的体验分享到对重大事件的评论,再到对社会现象的观察,David Spade展现了其多方面的才能和对生活的独特见解。 Dana Carvey: Dana Carvey在本期节目中主要以轻松幽默的方式参与了对多个广告的宣传,并对一些社会新闻和现象发表了自己的看法。他的评论简洁明了,并带有个人特色,为节目增添了更多趣味性。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did David Spade and Dana Carvey choose to collaborate on a movie about busboys?

They wanted to create a comedic film about two losers who believe becoming waiters will improve their lives, inspired by their own experiences and comedic chemistry.

What is the premise of the movie 'Busboys'?

The movie follows two middle-aged busboys who aspire to become waiters, thinking it will change their lives. They end up in Mexico on a misadventure.

How did the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul fight perform in terms of viewership?

The fight became the most-watched boxing match in history, with over 60 million views.

What is the significance of Masterclass in terms of learning and personal growth?

Masterclass offers over 200 courses from world-class instructors, providing a unique opportunity for personal and professional development with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Why is Blue Nile recommended for purchasing engagement rings?

Blue Nile offers a diamond price guarantee, ethical sourcing, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, making it a trusted choice for engagement rings.

What is the unique selling point of Rosetta Stone's language learning platform?

Rosetta Stone provides lifetime access to 25 languages, using an immersive method without English translations, and includes a true accent feature for pronunciation feedback.

How does Fracture differentiate itself in the market of photo printing?

Fracture prints photos directly onto glass, offering vibrant colors and a modern, frameless look, with ready-to-hang prints and a 30% discount for podcast listeners.

What is the significance of the Columbia ban on child marriage?

Columbia has raised the legal marriage age to 18, marking significant progress after a 17-year campaign to end child marriage.

What is the story behind Hansel Manuel, the one-armed basketball player?

Hansel Manuel, despite having one arm, has become a standout basketball player, showcasing exceptional skills and adaptability in the sport.

Why are ATM fees in Las Vegas so high, and what is the public reaction?

ATM fees in Las Vegas can reach up to $11.99 for a $20 withdrawal, sparking outrage and highlighting the exploitative nature of such fees in tourist areas.

David and Dana discuss their experiences at the SNL after-party, including late-night rehearsals and the subsequent exhaustion from the event.
  • Late-night rehearsals for SNL can go until 1 a.m.
  • Traveling after such events can be exhausting.

Shownotes Transcript

David and Dana get into the Tyson/Paul fight, David's green-lit movie with Theo Von, animal noise impressions, high ATM fees and much more.

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