cover of episode SUPERFLY #37 - Special Guest Nate Bargatze

SUPERFLY #37 - Special Guest Nate Bargatze

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Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade

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David Spade
Nate Bargatze
David Spade: Spade讲述了他作为喜剧演员的经历,包括他在SNL的表演,以及他与粉丝和观众的互动。他还分享了他对喜剧创作和表演的看法,以及他对其他喜剧演员的评价。Spade的叙述风格轻松幽默,充满了对生活细节的观察和反思。他谈到了在SNL的压力,以及他如何处理粉丝的请求和期望。他还分享了他的一些个人经历,例如在佛罗里达州旅行时遇到的暴风雨,以及在拉斯维加斯酒店的经历。Spade的叙述生动有趣,展现了他作为喜剧演员的才华和魅力。 Nate Bargatze: Bargatze分享了他第二次主持SNL的感受和经验,以及他如何准备和演绎他的节目。他谈到了与SNL写作团队的合作,以及他在舞台上的表演技巧。Bargatze的叙述风格冷静沉稳,他详细描述了在SNL舞台上表演的挑战和乐趣。他还分享了他对喜剧创作的看法,以及他对表演的理解。Bargatze的叙述展现了他作为喜剧演员的专业素养和对表演的热爱。

Deep Dive

Nate Bargatze habla sobre su segunda vez como anfitrión de SNL, incluyendo su monólogo, el sketch de Washington y el segmento de golf. También discute la dificultad de seguir un sketch exitoso con otro igual de bueno.
  • Nate presentó SNL por segunda vez.
  • Su monólogo y el sketch de Washington fueron muy bien recibidos.
  • Nate filmó un especial de stand-up en Denver y Kansas City.
  • El especial se lanzará en el primer trimestre de 2024.
  • Nate estaba más cómodo y familiarizado con el proceso de SNL la segunda vez.

Shownotes Transcript


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At Robert Half, we know talent. Visit today. I have a buddy from high school that texts me. And he calls me, texts me, and then I was like, hey, I'm at Saturday Night Live. And we're taping. He goes, all right, just call me after.

And then that was it. Just like, all right. No, like even acknowledge that I'm hosting. All right. Well, just call me after. Yeah. Just call me right now. All right. Yeah, I'll be done. I'm on SpaceX. We're just going to go one loop around the world. Okay. Call me when you get back. At 1 a.m. He's like, dude, I saw you're over. You know what I hate though, Dana? Other than your boring. Your wings.

No, I like that. I can't say when I'm under a light and it flickers and I don't like the people that don't notice it. Like a fluorescent light that goes, it's like a strobe light. No, I hate that. Can we not sit under this light and they're like, what light? I worked here for 26 years. What light? You don't know this is flicking in your eyes? They're like,

Yeah. Your nightmare is blasted cold air that you can't control. I hate that. A light that's going on and off and kind of swinging. Is there a third thing that would, would complete the nightmare?

I'm such a colossal pussy that the list is longer than a CVS receipt, the things that I can't handle. I was just on the road, obviously, when you talk about this. I was in Florida, by the way, where I don't know if you heard the news, it's going to be a whopper heading that way. Oh, man. And I was worried about them, worried about me a little bit, TBH. But I started- Okay, give me the tour. I went last week, so I just got back. So today's Friday. So Friday tonight, I have Denver. Yeah.

Tonight, you're recording your special in Denver. Yeah. Tonight. My ambiguous special. And tomorrow, Kansas City. Is that the name of the special? My ambiguous special? That's not bad. That's not bad. It's also...

I could call it tomorrow night, Kansas city. Oh, then, then tomorrow or it's tomorrow's Saturday. It's Kansas city. Yes. There we go. So it's not enough to shoot a special and kind of have a cocktail and relax for a day. They got you right. I know. That's a funny thing because we just picked a city on the road. Denver has been good to me over the years. Cause I used to go to the comedy club there and all this. And so it's a good comedy town.

And so we thought, let's do a special there. We just tacked on another show, Paramount Theater. I think you could still get in because we want to pack it up juicily. And then Kansas, which will be fun. And then I got Atlantic City in a couple weeks at the Ocean City Resort, but I'm not

The tour is kind of over. Now I'm just going to go have fun with some gigs and some casino. And can we say now or is it not known when this special, we know it's being shot tonight. When will it be released? It won't be out till Q1 2020. Okay. So you have a sweet dandy...

eight, 10 week window to repeat these jokes until you get booed summarily off the stage. Fuck you, Spade, write a new joke. No, I'm going to give everyone a warning. I'm going to give a statement to the world. I am sort of old school. We talk about this in the show a lot. Do you write new jokes when you're

Doing a new hour or do you do the same? Obviously people like to write new jokes and, uh, oh shit, this is a good one. I'll give my speech. Cause I think we got a guest. Ah, how do we do this guest? Did he, okay. I'll tell him to zoom in. I'll say click the button. I guess I just click the button. Oh, I guess. Um, let us know when he gets on, if he does. And then we'll jump on, but people do a whole new hour. Uh,

But sometimes I feel like it's watered down when I watch some random comedians. An hour once a year is too tough. I like greatest hits. I think a 45-minute, why does it have to be an hour? That's because television commercials or something? I mean, Dave Attell, his actual stand-up was like 36 minutes and he played the flute or something. We know as stand-ups that you can go to 40, maybe 45, but there's going to be a low.

And then you have to re-up it for the finish, unless you don't have that problem. You see a concert and you go, you know, they open big and then they go, and then there's a while you're going to get a hot dog and come back and, you know, and then you go, oh, here's one I like. And then at the end they close, start. That's kind of like anything, you know? So you have to fill an hour to go on the road. And there's some jokes I like so much. I don't care. I can get rid of half of them, but.

I like to churn out new ones, but I like to have a few tentpoles in there that I like that fans like. And so sometimes I'll keep those around. Well, good bits, good bits. Oh, you can't, you want, you want to hear them more than once really.

If it's a good story and you're just getting more into it every time you hear it, you know, like Carlin Alvarez back in the day or Steve Martin. I wouldn't hear a wild, crazy guy and go, done that. You know, repeatable. I want to see when I see comics and show my friends, I want to hear the bits that I liked. And if they don't do them, I go, oh, I wanted you to hear this one. Blah, blah. Anyway, we'll see if our mystery guest is knows how to operate his phone.

Is he on? You'll let us know when he comes. Is he driving? He just said, I can jump on whenever. And I said, okay, click the button of the thing that I copied and pasted to you. I guess it's a invite. This is like, let's call him. I don't know if we're going to use the first part of this, but it's a, it's a secret guest. A secret guest is coming on.

Secret guest that doesn't know how to use this. Okay, so we'll just keep going. But I'm excited for this weekend. Florida was fun practice. Good crowd. So here's what I did, Dana. I go all the way to like Palm Beach, you know. Direct nonstop. And it's already getting, I flew nonstop to Lauderdale and drove up there. Oh, and then drove down. Yeah, yeah. Got it. Then, yeah, this is a bit of a beating on the driving. Then-

It's super humid. I wanted to golf, but I had no one there to golf with. And it's getting, the storms are coming. We already have storms in Florida pre-hurricane. So I'm already in that drive four hours to, what was it called, Heather? Fort Myers? Yeah. Fort Myers, where my brother lives 10 minutes from there in Punta Gorda. And there's been tornadoes all around him just as we-

Oh, just now. Just now. As we speak. And he doesn't have a cellar. He doesn't have a cellar.

But he's all boarded up. Oh, a cellar. Because he's not in Kansas. He's in Florida. You can only get a license for a cellar in Kansas. And you have to have a little dog and red shoes. And you have to pound on it with one foot. It's just the regulatory thing. Did you get that? Okay. No, I got it. It took me a second. Well, Fort Myers is where the storm's going to... That's ground zero. They're going to whomp it right there. And they were nervous.

And I also lost my coat. Poor me. How do you lose a coat? It's such a story. It's so dramatic. Lose a coat. I didn't know where I put it. And it's so cold fucking everywhere because everywhere is so hot. You're inside. Oh, yeah. I have a cool. Yeah. Air conditioning. I always have a coat on because it's just a light one. Freezing. Freezing. Couldn't find it. Thought I was in the booth at this restaurant. And sometimes it slides down because.

It was a small, cool Italian restaurant. But when you take pictures with the chef and the staff, you have to scoot over in the booth. They sit in the booth with you. They go, hi, thank you for coming. We take a picture. I go, okay. We take a pinch picture. And then they just sit with me. They go, no, scoot your fat ass over. Oh, in here. Scoot over. Yeah. We get many clicks. Girls like it when we clicky click. Wait, we're being interrupted.

Hey, Nate the Bergazzi. Nate the Bergazzi. We were trying to figure out your heritage because I always go into an Italian accent if I say your name. Yeah, Nate Bergazzi is coming on. Or is it Romanian? No, it's Italian. Yeah. Somalian? Okay. So anyway, Nate and I saw each other a few nights ago after Saturday Night Live and we were sitting with

Jim Gaffigan, Lorne Michaels, Nate and I. It was pretty cool. And it was like 4, 4.30 when we kind of said, I got to go. It was really, because Lorne is a night owl.

it happens so quick like it's just you don't realize what's going on then it's you know because you don't get done to one and then by the time you even get anywhere it's two it's a time warp you're back there high-fiving everyone going because we have to tell the crowd that nate hosted again and so he's back there getting his accolades and high five and going tell me in different words how good i was just throw a few different adjectives i've heard those and

And then they go, Nate, your limo. Do they still do that, Dana? You go down and there's a bunch of cars waiting. They've been taking me. Where's Nate's car? Boom. Take him to the party. All these...

I just want to officially say before we go further is congratulations because the second time hosting has its own sense of, you know, whatever's maybe one trick pony or whatever. And that was a great show. Your monologue crushed it. I saw that you did a bit longer at the dress, punked it down. Washington was great again.

you know? And that was, you know, I was like, when I saw that, it goes, the other one was so fucking amazing. I thought, how are they going to follow it? But they did. So anyway, it's, how are you feeling enough about me? Yeah. How are you feeling right now? Uh, yeah, the same way. I felt good. I felt the same thing about Washington. When we first started talking to him about doing it, I was like, uh,

I was like, I don't know. How do you top it? It was so good. But when we did it, when we were at the table read and then when we were talking through, I kind of got it. It was like, all right, it's just a fun –

It's a fun thing to reoccur. You refill the jokes kind of, right? Yeah, yeah. And you're not even really trying to top it. You're just kind of being – I think it just was like we don't need to drag it out. We don't need to do anything. And they knew. Strayer and Mikey, I mean, they knew what to do. Just to – yeah, you're not trying to top it. It's a fun thing to play. It's a very funny thing to do. And you just go like, yeah, we're just going to do it again because –

You liked it the first time. They know the setup. They're halfway there. So they just say, here's me doing this. Now here come the jokes and they're ready. That's, that's always a good place to be. You don't have to spend the first two minutes

explaining the sketch, which sometimes happens. And it looked kind of cool, you know, standing in a boat and everything. It's kind of a cool thing to look at. You know, you did a lot of movement, Nate. It's funny because these are the minor things I looked at when I saw it. You start, and I think if you're a host that hasn't done tons of acting, it's hard even when you've done a ton. But to move around and look at cards is kind of tricky and you're walking between people. Is there any trickiness to that or am I crazy?

No, no. Yeah. I mean, cause you're having to switch the cards. So, I mean, they're obviously, this is the best to do it Saturday night live, but you're having to switch the cue cards and then you're going. And then sometimes you're like, uh, some of the pausing weirdly enough can be just because you're in between a car and you just like, and it was like, man, that timing was great. You're like, well, I just couldn't find where I was. Here's a question on the car. Does it say turn?

Yes, they wrote everything down for me. So I'm colorblind. And so I have trouble with the black and green and brown. Like they can all kind of see the same to me. Those are the colors. Yep. Those are the colors. Red, blue, indigo, violet. What was your color? Because I'm red. What was your actual color? Did they tell you? Black. Black. Oh, the host is black. You know, fucking Biden's red. That's a scoop.

I was red in the 80s. Let's go back. I've just been red every time I show up. I have no idea why. Were you always red on SNL? I don't play. It pops. Come on. The secret to the trade. I was green. What a loser. That's the worst color. Nate would have never seen mine. I don't know. Oh, I would have read yours. He just read everyone's lines. How do they differentiate?

That's what I did with, it was during, it wasn't on a tape, but it was during either the run-throughs. It was like the run-throughs, I was reading Heidi's. Like the last time I did it, I was reading like one part, I read Mind and Heidi's. And I thought the whole card was, I was like, man, this whole card's me, I guess. Yeah.

I have more respect now because you're the first colorblind host and it brings issues. It's hard, Dana, because you're going like this. I think we should have a dozen donuts. Then you go, it says that way and you go three steps. Sorry, Mikey, excuse me. Then you go this pause right here.

Is where you're in no man's land. You're like, I just jumped from safety of knowing what I'm doing. Ah, free fall. Oh, yeah. And you better fucking be there. You're like, I will not know what I do if I don't find a card when I land here. Okay. It really works. It just really works. It's hard to do. I mean, because the Washington, the way you play the character, he's so lo-fi and he's not pushing these ideas. They're just, the jokes are just laid out and it's seductive. It's just fun to listen to. So I'm thinking for you, you've done the monologue.

Washington Kills. It's great. And then what was your third one? The slide or the guy on the side? The Golf Thing. Oh, the Golf Thing, which was a free tape and just great.

Talk to that. Yeah, that's, I mean, that's been, we shot it at Van Cortland, which is, it might be the oldest public course in America. It was like 1895. And they, we blocked the hole off, which apparently people were, they were pretty upset. Sure. The, the, the usual, the people that teed off in the morning, but it was, I didn't know about that one.

Yeah, that one made me laugh because I'm a golfer. And so also the easiness of like, you didn't have to do much and it was a big score because you're just, it's like set up, joke, something else, joke. And it was working. It wasn't...

Well, working so fun to watch. It's musical. It's like quiet, quiet, quiet. The swing whack the crowd. Oh, and then the golfer dealing with it. It was like, it was just, you were perfect for that part. I mean, this is great. Uh, cause golf. Yeah. That one was fun. Yeah.

That was like, you know, that was one that was like when we were out there, you were like, oh, this is going to, once you, cause it's like anything, you read it. And then once you get out there and you're like, oh, they have, they have people standing there that are fans of, you know, the golf tournament. And then you start seeing everything and you're like, oh yeah, this is going to look really good and be like really funny. And escalating it with a turtle. What day is that? Yeah.

uh friday it's 6 45 friday was long like it was like i got picked up at 6 45 and i didn't get back to like midnight oh fuck because then you got the show yeah i thought monday's a meeting did they ever shoot anything dana maybe you know on because it's the slowest day for the host is monday and even tuesday they're just supposed to walk around and with the writers but the writers aren't doing jack shit till 10 p.m and the read-through is kind of a grind for the host you're reading so much stuff a lot of it

You're not familiar. This one was busier than the last time. Like Monday was not bad, but then it was, I went and ran the monologue Monday and Tuesday. And that was really all I could do. Cause it was just, uh, Oh, you went down. So like,

I went to the cellar and ran it. Oh, you can go run. You can do four. The cellar has so many rooms now. So you can just go down there and pop on. You can stand on the roof and do five. Where is this cellar? Cause I'm in New York right now. Where is it? Oh yeah. Why don't you go down Dana? Do your fucking crummy jokes. Uh, McDougal. I know I could look it up, but there's a mothership and there are satellite cellar cellars. Or is it just one cellar in New York comedy club?

They're connected, right? Yeah, they're around the corner. And then so there's the Village Underground. And then they have like, they have three rooms in there. The Village Underground is a great room. It's big. And then the Comedy Cellar, which is on 3rd, I think. And then it's downstairs. And that's the original Comedy Cellar.

So, I mean, there's one, two, three, four, four. Yeah. You can go in there and just bop around. And just, if you call ahead, you can just jump in and out. I keep thinking this will be more work, but I'm really just doing Biden. And it's usually like a cameo of silliness. And so I've seen it, you know, I did do a benefit for Jim Gaffigan. We're a lot of the young people were there, Marcello and on Monday night. And that was just kind of fun. But so I want to just, the monologue, you know, I said, I fucked that up. God,

I love the... I go, Dana will do it. We had James Austin Johnson. You know, I saw all those guys. I saw Nate last week, Nate. I ran into you in Las Vegas when I was doing that Nikki Glaser Venetian and you were over at the Wynn.

Were you doing a private or were you just visiting? No, no. You were just visiting, right? Oh, yeah, because it was Skank Fest. And so I went over there. Was that what it's called? Yeah. The Skank Fest. So I went over there. And then it's funny because we had a whole fun lunch. I don't think we ever mentioned SNL. I didn't remember.

No, you don't care about... No, I didn't care about what... You're not impressed. Dave is not... Yeah, he's not impressed. No, I said, Alex, we have the same manager. I go, Alex, you got to brief me if Nate's doing something because he wants me to talk about it. And I don't... He kept going, anything else? Just break it out. I go, no. You should have said, hey, I'm doing it. Yeah. Well, then I was like, oh, shit. But I have nothing to say other than you'll do a good job. But...

That was a fun lunch. That was a fun lunch because I went back to the cabana, which was dog shit. It was boiling and I paid for it. Anyway, I can't even get into it. I don't want to get too mad about it. But I feel like you should split it with me because I saw you that day.

I said you could have hung out at our pool, but... You know, Nate's... I can't say, but Nate is dialed in at the win. He's just dialed in. So, like... Well, I asked you about all that stuff. You said you had a host and all that at one point, and then...

Is that the room you play in Vegas, Nate? The Wynn? Yeah, where do you play in Vegas? I play at the Wynn. So I've been going there now for a few years. And so I'll be there a lot in January. So yeah, it's easy for me there just because that's the main place I go. Wynn's great anyway. I mean, I'm doing the Venetian and I used to do the Palazzo. So yeah.

It's basically the same one. I'm not lying when I say I think it's the biggest chunk of hotel in the world because it's two monster hotels and it's like 40 acres, it seems like. I mean, wherever you go, it's 10,000 steps. I'm like, I'm going to Sushi Samba. You're like, Dana, getting strong now. Because you don't even know where you are and you're in a fake outside. We see the sky and you're like, is this fake? I can't tell. They have cloud seating inside on the fake sky.

That's all. No, I love it. That's funny. Yeah, getting out of the MGM Grand, man, that's a tractor pull. And they don't want you to leave. MGM is even sicker. And the rooms they give a headliner in these giant hotels, it's kind of embarrassing and awkward and a little bit scary. You can run laps around them. There's mirrors everywhere. I don't know. They're just too big. All right. I'm going to tell you something about LinkedIn, Danny, which you probably already know, but

You know, when you're hiring for a small business, you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role. That's why you have to check out LinkedIn Jobs. Now, when I was getting a job at Bullocks, which is a clothing store in Arizona, they said I had the best meeting and the worst performance. So they would have weeded me out here at LinkedIn Jobs because they have the tools to find the right professionals for your team faster and for free.

That's exactly right. I mean, it is very difficult to know who you're hiring and comprehensively to get them vetted by LinkedIn gives you takes, you know, takes away the hassle of finding new people. I mean, LinkedIn isn't just a job board, David. LinkedIn helps you hire professionals you can't find anywhere else. Even those who aren't actively searching for a new job, but might be open to the perfect role. Do you understand?

Yeah. I mean, listen, I feel like I get it. In a given month, over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit the other leading job sites. So if you're not looking at LinkedIn, you're probably looking in the wrong place.

Well said. On LinkedIn, 86% of small businesses get a qualified candidate within 24 hours. Hire professionals like a professional on LinkedIn. 86%. That's a good percentage. Who has the time? Dana, you're a small business. You're out there trying to just run a show and you can't just stop everything and try to interview and make calls and bring people. You just call LinkedIn.

It's easy. Bing, bang, boom, beep, bop, boop. Quicker. Post your job for free at slash candidates. That's slash candidates to post your job for free. Terms and conditions, of course, apply. Yeah, you know, when they say, uh,

I get texts, people, hey, you know, like more like friends of friends, not like direct friends, but they go, hey, you're coming to Kansas City. So how do we get tickets? Well, yeah, that's a soft ask. And can I just buy them off you?

Well, so you give me your visa and then I go buy them and then I racked a little visa thing. And then I call, I don't know. Now I said, well, it's probably easier if you just, what about this? Like I was playing a casino on Oroville, California, and I told people in the Bay area and my sister who I'm really close with, I said, just don't come, please don't come.

Just don't come. I mean, don't worry. You're not going to miss anything. What a horrible person. No, it's... You're not going to miss anything. It's because... Are you doing the same stuff? I go...

Well, don't come. No, I'll grind it out. It was in my hometown, basically. There were 45 people backstage. And it was all, as you know, Bill Slicklow. And you remember Bobby Flopflop. I don't know. I just want to do the show and go home. Anyway. Everyone's having more fun than you. Well, let's hear it. Yeah, Saturday night, I had a buddy from high school that texted me.

And he calls me, texts me. And then I was like, hey, I'm at Saturday Night Live. And we're taping. He goes, all right, just call me after.

And then that was it. Just like, all right. No, like even acknowledge that I'm hosting. All right. Well, just call me after. Yeah. Just call me right after. All right. Yeah, I'll be done. I'm on SpaceX. We're just going to go one loop around the world. Okay. At 1 a.m. He's like, dude, I saw you're over. Call me. What's up? Where you been? Where have you been? Because of texting. Did you get reviews at 830? Sorry. At 830.

During the show, because it's on what live what's live on the East Coast. But I get reviews from the West Coast while the show is going because they're watching it live out there at 830.

Yeah. You try not to look at your phone, but you always end up having like around update and cold play. You have a moment and you kind of can just see it, you know. I had a big day because I'm a Vanderbilt fan. Vanderbilt beat Alabama in college football. So as a big Vanderbilt fan, they were number one country. It's the biggest win we've ever had in all of our sports. So, I mean, I got texts about that more than even, you know. More than your goofy gig on SNL.

Yeah. I mean, it was just all day. Then people were just like, you better say something on Saturday night. Like the pressure I was getting, you better acknowledge it. We're lucky we got our guy there tonight so you can get that word out. At least wore a t-shirt during the good nights, man. Fuck, silence is violence. Did you have a Vanderbilt t-shirt on? Yeah, I was.

No, no. I wore a jacket that had the hurricane, all the states that were getting hit by the hurricane. Just like being with them. Why do they sell that? They don't. By the way, the first hurricane, the first, the Asheville and that whole area, all the heat is taken off of that now. And that should be talked about for another year.

Yeah. It switches right over. It's getting too sad. But yeah, anyway, Nate, we'll let you go. But what else, Nate? Anything else you want to tell us about yourself that's going well other than your life is all green lights? What are you doing now? Are you just on tour again? Is it completely...

I mean, no, we're in, we're actually in Florida. We're in, uh, like kind of Panama city destined, but I mean, they're not, it's where Florida is getting hit as farther down and it's the fall break. So it's like kids are out of school this week and, uh, all that. You with the kids? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One Harper and then bar neighbors and friends and like, it's, so we're just down here doing that stuff. And then, uh,

Yeah, I won't go back on. I'm kind of done. I mean, I'll do Vegas in January and, you know, some clubs to get ready for the tour. But then next, the tour will start. Our big thing is the Christmas special that we have coming up. Oh, okay. That's doing with Lorne. Oh, it's with Lorne? That Broadway video is producing it.

Nate Bregazzi's Christmas special, like old fashioned on NBC and stuff. Like old fashioned. Oh, cool. It's what's on CBS, actually. CBS. Really? We're all friendly. You're working in all quadrants. All the networks. We all get along. That's pretty cool. That's a whole other kind of level, at least for my generation of having a primetime Christmas special. You know, it's kind of hip.

you know, will you, I mean, it's like kind of that old school. It's probably, you know, it's a lot like SNL obviously, like, cause it's Mikey and Streeter writing it with me. Oh really? Do you have any magic on it? We, uh, yeah, my dad's going to do some stuff on it. Oh yeah. Oh, that's right. Yeah. We, we have a lot of, yeah, some sketches and we have some musical acts and like we have all stuff kind of planned out for it. We're going to shoot it in November. Uh,

at the Grand Ole Opry and they don't air like mid December wow and will you sing a Christmas song solo with Carrie Underwood will you sing White Christmas by yourself

No. Okay. I can't imagine. I always don't think I'll sing at SNL. Then they always talk, no, I can't sing. But they always end up, I feel like every time at SNL, I'm like, I don't want to sing. And they're like, yeah, we know you don't want to sing, but here's a song that we have you. And you're just like, all right, I guess I'm singing. Well, anyone can talk, sing. That's the way to do it. I'm dreaming, you know what I mean? Just kind of half melody. Yeah, this time around was definitely...

Doing it now, you're able to go in and really talk about the sketches. I think you just kind of... You're a little more familiar. I was more familiar with the writers and everybody. So you kind of... It's not like you're still taking it all in, but it's definitely...

It's more welcoming, you know, obviously the second time. There's no substitute for the second time. Yeah. No substitute. Yeah. It's just because there's so much input. Well, the first time there's so many inputs and you're trying to figure out where you are and then, oh, this is this day. I'm doing exactly what I should be doing right now. So then you kind of get a sense of the flow, but it was a great show. I wish they'd front load it more. I wish they'd front load Monday so the host could knock something out because like if you could do that golf thing on Monday or Tuesday, that's...

then you can pace it because you don't need to be stressed and tired, especially the end of the week. You're like, fuck, we haven't gotten to Saturday where you rehearse all day. There's no stops. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was, uh, it's how quick they shoot too, which is so great. I mean, yeah, I think I'll be ruined. Like when you go to do a movie, you go to a real thing. Oh yeah. That's you're like, you're like, how are we not done?

Like, I mean, they just grab stuff and just go and it makes it so much better. The way we had coach at the last sketch we did was this coach Allen and we had to kind of speed it up because we were, but I mean, it's crazy to be looking, you're like looking at someone's phone and it's like, you know, 1256 and you're like, and we're still going to do this and good night. Like it's, I was surprised. I mean, you're standing there and you're like, I don't know how,

This is going to work, you know? And then you're like, I guess he's going over. I don't know if he's going over or what it was. But I mean, we had to kind of speed it up because it was after the Andy Samberg thing. But it was... It was...

So it would have been fun to have it be slower. But man, I was like, I mean, you're standing behind it and it's 1256 or something. And you're like, I don't know how. And you still got to do good nights. We never had phones and all that. We never saw a clock.

By the way, Gina, who's the stage manager, she's the one who does it. It's a little bit of adrenalizing cast for, you know, Washington to the stage, to the stage. And during the dress show, they announced that a sketch was cut. I can't remember. Pick.

Pig me monkey is now cut. Pig me monkey is now cut. Oh, you hear in the hallways. It's sad. You're dressed like a monkey. Yeah. Pink monkey. Yeah. He's in it. He has to slowly take his head. The shoulders go down. And then he just turns with the waddle. He keeps the waddle, but he just does a big U.

But shout out That little sketch should be just that Just showing someone's sketch get cut And watching them peel the hair off the back And makeup Families in the bleachers And then a waddling you Wait where's the monkey sketch It's almost one The pink monkey he's got a catchphrase already That's what I was glad we got Like that water slide sketch I think they tried to get on before Yes

It didn't work. And so like, it's fun to get some on that you're like, they, they, they wanted to get on and they just haven't, you know, cause that's a tough one. Cause you gotta be nice. I mean, someone's dying in it. So someone died in it. So,

Well, Michael Longfellow wrote it, I believe, and was your co-star. And I met him backstage. Yeah, the idea of it was the funniest idea. Yeah, and the way you delivered, you kept that, well, and it was her idea, that writing, you know, that slow build of like, it was her idea. It just was, it was a really good for you. A very smart premise. Yeah. Like a, you know. It's great. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. They didn't. Great. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's let Nate go. And then we'll, we got a whole show. We got a whole great show, Nate. This is just, I don't even know if we'll use this part, but it was great that you came on. Lauren's coming on next to critique. I give it an A. He's going to say the opposite of everything. He goes, who is he? Hey, Fidelity. Can I get a second opinion on stocks in the Fidelity app?

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Welcome back to Superfly. Yeah, Nate was fun and it was a good time. It was great to see him smile. You could just tell he's still in a little bit of a cool vibe.

landing that show the second time. You know, it's just-- You know, it's good. His energy went from a one to a two, which I've never seen. - -It shoot up like that. Yeah. But he was really relaxed. I'm low energy, too. I think that's why Nate and I get along. We're both kind of low-fi energy. Well, that's why I say you're not dancing for your donuts out there like I am, you know? I call it "dancing for your donuts."

Not going to do it. Come on. I could just quickly say, because people have asked me for the headlines, like about the Biden impression. And as you know, I've done it and I figured out what it is because I'm evolving it on Saturday Night Live. I've done clips that went viral as doing Biden. The reason I did it is because he's the president of the United States and I wanted to do it respectfully. And the main thing was.

is to keep it funny, you know? And so I started to extrapolate a character and now it's continued on "Saturday Night Live," especially this last one. One, of course, the ice cream cone was not planned. I just had one during, I asked the prop master to give me an ice cream, just to hold for the dress show. And then the air show, she gave me much bigger and I didn't ask her. It was like a triple vanilla. And then live, I was right.

kind of gesturing, I thought, "Here's ice cream, big gob, here's Maya's face." And I didn't want to hurt her, but I just... But I thought of it and did it within two seconds. So that's, to put to rest all the rumors and all the talk. Yeah, everyone's been freaking out about this.

But you also had a big glob on your mouth the whole time, which is funny. That I didn't know. But I would just say for now where the character's going, because it seems like the audience is into the extrapolation and the character, it is basically... These are old references, but...

Mr. Magoo and Tim Conway had a baby. - Yeah. - And that's President- - Had a baby 100 years ago. - And that's President Biden. So that's all I wanted to say to- - You know, it's funny. Well, Dana, when we do it on the show or this show, whatever it's called, podcast, and we put the clips out, the clips always did well, but we got some flack for it because I guess, you know, Trump was an impression that they had seen a lot, but no one had really seen a good Biden.

Some people didn't like just joking about Biden, but it turns out it's okay to joke about everyone. Well, because we all sort of saw it slowly here and there and maybe didn't want to see it. And it was a hot oven because he's the president and he's running for reelection against Trump. It was much more that kind of,

political energy around it. Now he's passed it. And I think it's playful and fun. If he ever wanted to come on the show and do a little soft, you know, guess what? And by the way, I, I would do it with him. But the main thing is it's making me laugh and I'm definitely doing stuff that he doesn't do. He doesn't smash ice creams into faces. You know, he doesn't say, I can't believe it's not butter. You know, I'm just, it's, I'm doing what I did to, to, um,

to the first bush, you know? "Nah, can't do it." That's all. Right. It's a comedy's exaggeration. You get like a germ of something funny. You get a couple mannerisms, run with them. That's what everyone does. -It's a way to do it. -Well, with impressions, if you can extrapolate it and make it as much a character as it is an impression, and then you can kind of add anything and do anything. So...

Well, it gets cartoony where it's... I mean, I don't see it as offensive. I see it as just a funny...

person now to go for a run. It's a funny, funny person because he comes in. Harmless. He's looking at Maya. I'm looking at Maya. Oh, you're not here. I'll come back later. I mean, that's just so ridiculous. You could do a soft shoe and do a little song with just the catchphrases. Yeah, just the catchphrases. I think that would be kind of funny. And then he doesn't tap. By the way, no joke. No joke. No joke. Guess what? By the way, let me be clear.

Let me be clear. And then at the end you go, all right, I'd like to do a song for you. How did I just do it? Yeah, there you go. Anything goes with it now because it's more silly. It is like Mr. Magoo who's wandering around construction sites. So anyway, there you go. All right, let's get to the unfunny stuff. Here we go. Let's get to our headlines, man. These are back by popular demand.

Everyone's freaking out. We have things we look at and we just do jokes about them or comment. Sometimes they're friendly. Sometimes they're goofy. Here we go.

Have you ever heard of a place? Oh, I like this story. Listen to this. I want to have a... It's nice. Wow. I like this. This is interesting to me.

Haley and I got Lalo Blanco skinny spicy margaritas, right? $14 plus prep. $3. I was like, what's prep? And he was like, oh, it's the shaking of the margarita. Okay, $31. $31. The shaking. $33 to shake the margarita. Wow. So our Lalo Blanco margaritas are $17. That's fine, right? Just put $17. Don't put prep. So then we go further down. Fortaleza Blanco. $32. Okay, great. It's fine. Great, fine. Cool, cool. The prep...

For that specific one, it was $13. They charged them to cook it? To shake. Or to shake a drink. Then Casa Dragones Blanco. Three of them. Don't charge them by the letter. $28. Her prep was $15. $15 to shake a canister? $22. $75. $75 drink. $75 drink. What? What?

I like how she thought we were talking. Isn't that crazy, Dana? So $3 shaking a martini. $15. Yeah, $15. A $75 drink, she said. One of the drinks got up to $75 because of all the horseshit. Well, we poured it. Well, we shook it. We put ice in it. That's $12. I mean, she says her point was just say it's $75.

But don't say it's 14 and add 28 and add this. I was at a restaurant once, not even that fancy. And it was at a casino and it was 155 for a piece of fish. And they had a $75. But I don't know about the prep thing. Like, oh, how much is the pizza? $3. But I put it in the oven. So that's a $50 fee for me cooking, prepping.

Right. That sounds like a, not saying a scam. She didn't rat out the restaurant. But I did think, is that something going on out there? That kind of threw me like, oh boy, because I had a restaurant here in LA that was, you know, you know, you're already going to pay way too much, but a steakhouse and the bread and butter was 15. I go, can I get some bread? Yeah. They don't tell you.

It's 15. Bread was fucking great, though. And then steaks. Do you want our house A1, whatever? Sure. I'll take the butter corn and the ayatocha, whatever. So it's $7 for each. Steak sauce.

there's uh inflation's here to stay on some level i mean my god i do get you i do room service which is just at any hotel in manhattan i'm not staying at the ritz but it's nice the war i would say a cob salad with fees over fees and i want to tip a little bit 150 bucks

Shut the fuck up. That's what I said to myself when I saw I signed the thing. Even me, I'm like, I go, that's... No, because I was going to say breakfast could probably get to 100 somehow if you have eggs, avocado, bacon. Today they just said we have no hot food, so I just got avocado toast. We have no hot food right now. There is no hot food.

Why do you want it? I don't know what accent this is, so I don't want to get any letters. But it's just a general foreign person accent. We have no... There's no hot food. Do you still want to order? What do you have that's cold? I call down. Yeah. I call... I just want cold food. Cereal? I call down and I think I probably told you this, but I'll tell you again. And a guy goes, I'm kind of watching TV and I call for breakfast. You know, pretty nice hotel. They usually go...

"This is room service, Mr. Spade. What can we do for you?" He goes, "Yo." And I go like this, "Hello?" Like, "Who am I talking to?" And he goes, "Yo, what's up?" I go, "Is this room service?" He goes, "Yo, yeah. What you want?" I go, "Oh, this is in real time. Maybe scrambled eggs. Slow down. Slow down." Okay. I wait, I wait, and then I go, he goes, "Okay, go ahead." And I go, "Bacon, hold up." Am I throwing curve balls at this guy? I'm like,

These are the two top five answers on the board. Bacon, eggs. And I go, wait, wait. Then he goes, go ahead. I go, avocado. He goes, what's that? And I go, forget that. Forget that. That's so far in left field. I just go that. And maybe, I think I tried to say croissant. It went, I skipped it. It went right to toast. And then he takes about five minutes and he goes, I hear. And he goes, okay, so eggs, bacon. Yes, three things. All right.

Like, all right, like, we'll see. We'll see. We'll see what happens. We'll see. You know, you ever order something? Again, these are just road stuff. You order and they go, okay, that will probably be an hour and a half. Well, why didn't you tell me that? I got a show in 35 minutes, Cha-Cha. Can I tell you a real story? Like, it's only take 90 seconds. So I walked to Whole Foods last night. I'm tired of hotel food. I get all my stuff. I get milk. I did get a beer.

And I came back here and I came up to the room. He didn't work.

So it's a Whole Foods bag, groceries in it, dark hallway, housekeeper's gone, no one anywhere. I left it by the door and I was back in three minutes. They were fast with a new key. The bag was gone. No. The bag is gone, but there's no garbage in it. It's just a salad, kind of a quart of milk and stuff. So I called and then I said, I told the story to the woman on the phone and she goes, oh no, no.

We're all called security. So no, they never called me back. And then this woman, my friend did, who's a maid. I talked to her every day when I want stuff. She's really cool. She said, she's broken English. She goes, some new people check in down that minute ago.

Oh, she's pinning it on. Well, she was kind of I couldn't hear if she just meant people were checking in, but there's no way she took it. So anyway, they're stealing. I went back today and I didn't leave it by the door. So happy ending. By the way, Jim Gaffigan is texting me. What is he doing during this? He wants to know if there's we're due at the table read.

What's today? Oh, it's Wednesday. Oh, well, it's whatever day. The table reads sometimes is on Friday. Whatever day we're lying that it is. Yeah. This has been, this is a pre-recording. Yeah. Well, okay. By the way, feel free to text him during the fucking podcast. Well, I'm just, yeah, we can cut this out. Doing podcasts. Heather, did you need a pen? Is that what you're looking for? Jeez. Doing podcasts with Spade.

I could ask him. He's coming on soon. Do you want to zoom on? No, we'll get him next week. I want to hear about his. No, his waltz is hysterical. So anyway. Okay. So I did down the mystery. It was a bag of new food. Yeah. I would think, I would think housekeeping would have taken it because they can't let sit

you know, stuff sit out there. Usually if I put stuff, leftover stuff out there, it sits for a long time, but it was in a brand new bag. You looked at it, usually it's like leftover bottles or debris or something, but it was all tidy and clean and everything was enclosed and it's a mystery, but it's New York City. I got to watch your back. I crack that door, you know, with the thing in it, so it goes gish, gish, gish, but I do that. So if I ordered something like

It's easier for them to go, hey, you know, whatever. Or sometimes I go for a walk. I don't have my key. I just walk around the hallway or something. They always, security comes up. Hey, your door's open. They knock. Your door's open. I go, yeah, I know. So what are we going to do about that? I go, we'll close it so you'll be safe. I go, I don't want it closed. I don't care. Well...

All right, let me talk to my boss. Why? It's security. Security once because I did. I was playing Vegas and I just didn't need room. I didn't need made service. So the Goomba guy from security calls, hey, the security. What do you what do you what are you doing up there?

That was the quote. What are you doing up there right now? What are you doing up there? Well, I've just been, I didn't need maid service. I had towels. Yeah, but what are you doing up there, man? What are you trying to do? We don't like it. Yeah, we don't like it down here. Trying to pull some bullshit? Yeah, we like when the maid comes in and checks it out. Yeah, yeah. What are you doing up there, man? What do you think you're doing? Yeah, what do you think you're doing? What do you think you're doing? Where'd you come from? Let me rephrase.

Let me rephrase this. What do you think you're doing? Yeah. He says, what do you think you're doing? I said, I don't know. And then he leans in and goes, what are you doing? Where'd you come from? Between me and you. Between me and yous.

And I know I had to say this, but I just want to tell you, we here at the Tropicana really enjoy you enjoying our service. And we thank you for using a hotel. And now go fuck yourself. We're going to come there and beat the fuck out of you. Okay. I like the Tropicana of all hotels. This is from Gaffigan. We can cut it out. I said, I'm doing the podcast with Spade. Please tell him he is gay.

It was so polite. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's just- Why are we outing me on this show? That's a comedian being a comedian right there. No, that's not class. Okay, so what's next? Next story. This is why we don't get through the stories because we take so long, but it's funny. Well, we had a nice interview with- I like it. Never gots.

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He's saying buh-bye to everyone. Okay. It's an adorable baby being held by his father somewhere and doing David Spade's routine. On an airplane, yeah. Going buh-bye, buh-bye. The little baby's going buh-bye, buh-bye, buh-bye. That's cute. Yeah, a thousand people tagged me in that on TikTok. So I was like, oh. He didn't totally get exactly how we did it. You have the tidiest catchphrase of any comedian.

Bye-bye. Bye-bye. It's just tidiest. You've got the tidiest. Usually it's like, I'm a wild and crazy guy. We are here to pop you up. David's like, bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Rob Schneider and David Spade. After that, we had on Burger King, when you'd leave, it just had a big sticker that said, bye-bye. I was like, oh, I'll take it. Bye-bye.

That coat I wore in Buh-Bye, I just saw it. My brother Andy, who's in fashion, he's like, why don't you get your coat to fit when you do these sketches? That's what he saw. He said, your sleeves are too long, the jacket's too long, you look like a goddamn fool. I was like... It's funny though, because he was right. I look at it and he goes, why are your coats so long? Why don't you get anything that fits? I'm like, Andy, I don't...

I want someone from the fashion world to always look at me because he looks at it through a different prism. I don't, you know, look, proportionality is a thing. I'm not just making this up. Proportionality, that's a good name for the special. And some people have proportionality in terms of leg, torso, shoulders, hips, and anything looks good on him. Now, I'm not saying I'm that guy. I'm not even getting near that. No, you're not. You are that guy.

That everything just fits. Dana's got proportionality. Proportionality is not a bad title. Yeah, I know. I like it. Everyone doesn't really know what it means, but they're like, yeah. You just go right off the rack and it fits perfect. Dude, how about David Spade? Right off the rack. That's not bad. I like that one. Right off the rack.

Yeah. Right off the rack. Are you going to do any cute wraparounds or backstage stuff? Ladies and gentlemen. They don't want that shit. I mean, most people, they literally say, these guys didn't, but comedians say, put your closer around 20 minutes or put a big beefy bit to keep them past 20 because most people bail out by 20.

totally agree, couldn't agree more. It's like the metaphor is that the audience, if you go down a little bit, 100 of them leave. If you're not, maybe not strong, another 200 leave. So the audience is trying to leave when they're watching on Netflix, trying to click away. So you have to really keep them past that 16 minute mark where most people have already lost 90% of their audience. Why not do a 16 minute?

any of that into account what this special will be is you'll do it i'll do it and i'll do it in my order that i think is the best flow and then i'll chop it up and i can flip out the editing and flip around bits because they don't really flow certain times when you do them like this is too dirty they're not gonna and then afterwards all they do is chop it up and put it on tiktok and instagram so it's like bits youtube you know so here's my bit about

Getting a massage, here's my bit about going on an airplane, whatever the things are. And then those live in perpetuity also. Yeah, I mean, I think for almost anyone, the clips are probably more eyeballs than the actual special. But I'm going to say- You're really doing a special for clips. Yeah, and then that stokes up everything. I'm just going to say this with, I don't know if it's irony or anything, but will this special be special?

you're like real question i'm gonna get quiet will the special be special and i'm gonna get quiet hey i got my thumbnail oh yeah you guys you got some solid thumbnails dude no i hate diaries i hate looking at a thumbnail oh shit we're almost done okay let's do another one showing the story we've only done which who i know but this is we're going we're past some people tell us to do three hours like a

Like Joe Rogan does. Okay, here we go. Speaking of expensive, look at this. We just spent $276 on lunch. Round Swamp Farm makes Air One look like the dollar store. Air One is a big one in LA. With their $56 lobster salad. Is that necessary? Is this like a prank? Competition to see who's the most expensive person.

In this economy, they're bragging about expensive food. It's low-key delicious, but by no means is it $56 good. It better be the lobster from the Little Mermaid scene. We've talked about items. They're $22 chicken tenders. And they're $15 chipotle mayo to go with it. That's where you get fucked. Unless they're importing their chipotles from Guatemala on a PJ, there's no reason this should be $15.

Private jet, Dana. This guy's doing it. He's got to stand up high. The Chipotle mayo, on the other hand, is probably the top three Chipotle mayo I've ever had. Next up, their $43 shrimp cocktail. By the way, Yes Chef hat is okay. Don't have a Yes Chef shirt also. $4 a shrimp. Hat on a hat. Joking a joke. All the jump cuts. Let's just watch for a minute. All those jump cuts. Yeah, let me just relax and watch. Yeah, absolutely not worth it.

That tastes pretty much like any other shrimp I've ever had. Next up, the $30 chicken Caesar salad. The math is just not adding up here. $22 chicken tenders, and there's like eight of them. And a $30 salad. Someone wrote, I want your money back. The rest is just lettuce. All right, we can jump out.

It's adorable. That was a quick jump out. It's amazing where the word like, because it came from the Valley Girl character, maybe in the 80s. I think Wolfie Goldberg did it. A lot of comics did it. It's like, you know. So it's like totally. So like it's totally not worth it. And it's like this and that. So I counted 13 likes for Yes Chef. I counted 13,000. As Dennis Miller would say, the 80s are calling. Okay. And they want their catchphrase. What do you got?

What am I, Glico? What am I? Yeah, don't even try to make it sophisticated. What am I, Vic Nonglick from the Detroit Lions, circa 1958. You know, he does come to that. John Brockington from the Packers. So we got a food expense theme going. Okay, one more. There's a theme, yeah. I was just saying that Air One in L.A. is a big joke because Air One,

all the influencers go there and all the models because it's so expensive. It's probably a really good store. But it's shockingly, in this economy especially, so expensive and everyone has to go there and be seen there to prove they're not poor. And then this guy's like, oh, I'm in the Hamptons. It's even worse. And I was like, that is worse. Okay, I just had a flash in my head of your title. David Spade is fire.

- What if I'm just a fire emoji? - That's funny, a fire emoji. - Oh yeah, just be a symbol like Prince, just be a fire emoji. - David Spade. - Yeah, David Spade. - Okay, Heather has one. Heather's yelling one in. - I wanna give a final after I hear the whole set. - Okay. - But since I know it'll be a little bit about problems in your everyday life, I don't know. - Yeah? - It'll be my diary. - My diary?

Oh, I go when people go, when do we go out the first time? I said, I don't know. Check your diary. Why don't you just do a straight up? I don't get, I don't get it. I tell you, don't get no respect. Just take Rodney's thing. No, the kids won't. No, the best one for me would be get fucked.

That's what I say the most. With different like letters. Hey, tune it in. David Spade. Get fucked. Turn it out at eight. It is like that. So I went to a movie and that's like 12 minutes of you getting fucked over by people and bad directions. The movie doesn't start. Everything is me complaining. There's a Coca-Cola on your head. Yeah. I don't mean to complain, but dot, dot, dot. Yeah.

I was trying to think, is there a theme for all my jokes? But I don't know if there is. We'll talk about it again when it comes out. So we'll revisit. Can't wait. But you want to do one more before we go? Let's do one more. One more just to tidy it up. Just to clean it up. Then you can tell Gaffigan. Okay. Oh, this is our cute one. This is the German Coast Guard. We're sinking. We're sinking. We're sinking.

What are you singing about? - Stupid. - So it was a-- - A little doggy with a bunch of ducks on him. - It was an inflatable raft with a dog on it, then all these ducks are also on it, and it's kind of halfway submerged, they're all looking around, and then the guy is doing like a German accent, we are sinking. - A voiceover going, we're sinking, we're sinking, obviously, 'cause it looks like the boat's sinking and the dog said it's going underwater, but he doesn't wanna disrupt these cute ducks on him.

And then they add an extra joke, "What are you thinking about?" - What are you thinking? - Sounds like they're saying thinking. - You're thinking and thinking at the same time, aren't you little rascals on an inflatable device? - It's not World War II. - You little upstarts. You're like U2 generals, a periscope. - I'm also stinking.

Try to swim if you can. Yeah. Let's end on that 10 out of 10 joke. Yeah, that was great. All right. Well, this is an action-packed episode, I'm going to say. Hopefully you're cooking dinner, jogging with headset on at the gym or driving while you listen to this and you don't feel burned. Right. And we will also...

We thank Nate for coming on and watch Dana this weekend, probably doing something again on SNL. I will be on SNL tomorrow night doing Mr. Magoo had a baby with Tim Conway. We'll see what's going to happen. Maybe there'll be some ice cream flying around. I don't know. I'm not going to give nothing away. All right. All right. And we'll see you. You know what you should say about your ice cream? What? Maya goes, can I have a bite? And you go.

She goes, this is mashed potatoes. You go, oh, that guy ripped me off. I don't like to serve potatoes. You've been eating mashed potatoes the whole time. You're like, gross. It did taste a little flat. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. All right. Bye, Dana. Good to see you. Bye.

This has been a presentation of Odyssey Superfly. It's executive produced by Dana Carvey and David Spade, Jenna Weiss-Berman of Odyssey, Heather Santoro, and Greg Holtzman. Hope you liked it.