O.S. Hawkins
Wayne Shepherd
Wayne Shepherd: 本节目回顾了美国著名福音派领袖 W.A. Criswell 的生平,他曾是达拉斯第一浸信会的牧师,对福音派产生了深远的影响。他的成就包括撰写了 50 多本书,建立了世界上最大的教堂之一,并与以色列历任总理保持着良好关系。 O.S. Hawkins: 我与 Criswell 关系密切,如同父子一般。我撰写了他的传记,内容涵盖了他的成就、错误和遗憾。他是一位复杂的人物,既有卓越的成就,也有需要反思的错误。他勇于承认错误,并致力于弥补过失,这体现了他独特的品格。他的传记并非粉饰,而是真实地展现了他的整个人生历程。 O.S. Hawkins: Criswell 的三大遗憾包括:早期对种族隔离问题的错误立场;将家庭放在次要地位;未能充分平衡工作与家庭生活。关于种族隔离问题,他年轻时身处一个种族歧视严重的社会环境,但他晚年积极弥补过失,创办了为弱势群体服务的机构,并致力于种族和解。关于家庭,他坦诚地承认自己将教会工作放在首位,忽视了家庭,这令他感到后悔。他与妻子的关系复杂而独特,这在一定程度上影响了他的家庭生活。 Criswell 的神学思想深受 J. Frank Norris 和 Dr. Truitt 的影响,他坚定地支持千禧年主义,并通过其著作和讲道对许多牧师产生了深远影响。他强调灵修的重要性,提倡将清晨的时间用于与上帝相处,将下午和晚上用于与人相处。他的人生哲学是‘存在先于行动’,即我们所做的一切都源于我们的本性。他的人生成功源于清晰的自我认知、明确的人生目标以及对上帝旨意的顺服。他的一生是上帝恩典与人性的复杂交织,值得我们深入学习和反思。

Deep Dive

W.A. Criswell, a legendary figure in the evangelical world, served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas. His influence reached far beyond his congregation, impacting countless pastors and shaping theological discourse. He possessed remarkable intellect and leadership qualities, capable of success in any field, but dedicated his life to ministry.
  • W.A. Criswell, born in 1909 and passed away in 2002, was a prominent evangelical leader.
  • He pastored First Baptist Church in Dallas, the largest church globally during his tenure.
  • Criswell authored over 50 books and maintained relationships with Israeli prime ministers.
  • His influence shaped the lives and ministries of numerous pastors.
  • He possessed exceptional intellect and could have achieved success in various fields.

Shownotes Transcript

O.S. Hawkins joins Wayne Shepherd in conversation about one of America's great pastors and national evangelical leaders, the late W.A. Criswell of Dallas.A Word from Wayne:Recently in the news because of a devastating fire that destroyed its historic sanctuary, First Baptist Church in Dallas, TX was once famously led by Dr. W.A. Criswell. This week's FIRST PERSON takes you back in time to tell the story of Dr. Criswell's life and ministry as told by his close friend, Dr. O. S. Hawkins), himself one of Dr. Criswell's successors.

W.A. Criswell has been described as unquestionably the most prominent national evangelical leaders of his day. In our conversation, Dr. Hawkins tells the story of his mentor's life, but also addresses the three life regrets expressed personally by Dr. Criswell.

The biography is titled Criswell, His Life and Times and you can learn more about it by following this link).

This interview was recorded just a few days before the fire. Amazingly, the pulpit used by Dr. Criswell and others survived the fire. For updates on the fire and the church's recovery, follow this link).

NEXT WEEK:  Dr. Rick Ostrander

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