In this weeks podcast, we’re talking Stress, Hormones, and Sex Drive with the Tiny Fit Diva, Kylene Terhune. Kylene is a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, personal trainer and certified autoimmune protocol coach. She works with her clients through functional lab testing to help the heal their guts, balance their hormones and achieve optimum health. Through nutrition, lifestyle and supplemental approaches her clients experience more energy, better sleep, better digestion, reverse autoimmune symptoms and feel like themselves again! We dive into the real physical effects that anxiety and stress have on the body, and what you can do to start to reverse the damage. Kylene shares her powerful story of moving from breakdown to totally restoring her health, vitality and libido. How your sexual health is a direct reflection of your overall health, what are functional lab tests and how can they support you, nutritional keys for women’s health, and she shares more about her unique system to remove the stress, repair the damage, and restore your health. You can find more about Kylene at and on her podcast, The Tiny Fit Diva