cover of episode The Dumbest Person I've Ever Met | Financial Audit

The Dumbest Person I've Ever Met | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

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主持人:对Bimi的财务状况和人生选择进行了批判性分析,指出其缺乏财务规划和理性决策,并建议其采取更稳妥的措施。同时,主持人也表达了对Bimi个人经历的同情和理解,并试图帮助其找到更平衡的人生道路。 Bimi:讲述了自己继承遗产后挥霍一空,以及在追求音乐梦想过程中遇到的各种经济和生活上的困境。Bimi承认自己缺乏财务管理能力,并试图为自己的行为寻找理由,但同时也表达了对未来的希望和对改变的渴望。

Deep Dive

Bimi discusses inheriting $60,000 and spending it all within three months, revealing his financial decisions and the influence of his partner at the time.

Shownotes Transcript


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To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. I inherited $60,000 and blew in three months. What the f***? How did we spend that? You gotta be careful what women you surround yourself with. Are we blaming the world? All things considered, I'm so lucky that I didn't have a kid with some psycho. You'd be the psycho to have a kid with. Do you have your guitar with you? Yeah. Let's at least test your talents. This is where I push the red button going, EHHHH!

Hello, my name is Bimi. I am 29 from Austin, Texas, and this is Financial Audit. Oh, same age here in Austin. That's kind of fun. I haven't done someone my same age in a while. We can compare and contrast to where we're at. Yes. What do you do for a living here in Austin, Texas? Yeah, so I'm a musician and a writer, primarily. Musician and a writer, okay. I worked in education for over five years with the school district, and I've been doing

Here? Yeah, in Austin, yeah. Musician? You know, some people make a living in Austin. So how are you doing? Not well, yeah. Oh, okay, well. Yeah, it's a thing, and it's not very fun. It's not very fun? Then why are you doing this? I mean, I'm transitioning. I'm kind of like... When are you getting your tits? I would like to... I think that... No one liked that joke. I thought it was funny. Yeah.

okay sorry go ahead um the joke we call that humor it's not i i'm dabbling in acting so i'd like to be an actor to be okay well you seem to be doing all like the

fun like i hope i'm good at this careers right so music what are you making right now nothing i mean how are you living right now i'm barely i'm i'm i mean i love it when no one makes money on the show so like i don't spend that much money but i haven't made that much money in a long time so it's been really difficult to uh you know like earn save money up but i wait so how do you get you say you don't spend much money how much did you spend last month

I don't know. Give me a number. What do you think? Oh, what do I think? You don't spend much money. $1,500? $2,000? I don't know. Less? Well, kind of in the middle. So $1,839. Yeah, cool. How did we spend that without making any money? When I saw money come in, let's shift for $1,400. So yeah, I've been doing grocery delivery on the side. So that's money. What are you talking about then? It's just like it all goes back to gas.

You did not spend $1,400 on gas. No, but car insurance is $300. Spent $547 on gas.

so a third yeah it's not insignificant yeah so then um okay 300 on car insurance 81 on phone and phone bill and the rest i have two dogs so most of the things why do you have two dogs no offense i want everyone to get dogs i love dogs that is not fair to the dogs that you have them but you can't even pay bills

It's not their fault. Correct. Well, they are who have gotten me through all the things that I've been working through. And so, like, I don't know. It was a couple years ago that I inherited $60,000 and blew in three months. What the f***? Okay. Well, I got excited for a second. I was going to say, let's pay off the... Oh, and you have some matcha. Matches. Let me smell that real quick. I want to smell that. Go for it. Oh.

Let me make sure they drugged you with something. Hopefully. Okay, it smells like water. They told me I was going to get to meet MC Hammer. I thought they meant MC Hammer. Yeah, that's funny. That's a good one. Okay, so you blew $30,000 in a few months. When was this?

this was in june this was in june of 2022 um i found out that i had inheritance from seven years prior so they basically went homeless and like was sleeping on the street and stuff and like we have gotten to 29 in very different paths for sure yeah i never got inheritance that would have been nice but right um i didn't know i had it for seven years uh i didn't know it was my money but it turns out it was in my account the whole time

And, uh, so while I'm like busking on the street, you know, for a dollar a day to get like a French loaf from the grocery store. Why have you never like worked like an adult then? Well, I have, I mean, I worked in education for five years and I, uh, did, I did sports broadcasting. It's not like a few years ago.

A few years ago, anyone could get almost any job they wanted with that job market. So it was just like, as long as you had any kind of qualifications. I'm oversimplifying that, but it wasn't like... There was a lot of choices going into this, obviously. Yeah, a lot of not great ones. I mean, I think that you got to be careful what women you surround yourself with, too. I think that I was in... Are we blaming the world? I'm not blaming. I'm acknowledging that...

I gave too much of myself to unhealthy people that I didn't put myself or my well-being first and through it just gave up what yeah fine yeah give us some context of the situation sure so go ahead I mean like what were you trying to say uh well like when I inherited that sixty thousand dollars no the people you surround yourself with well I mean I was just

didn't have a great family growing up and my dad died when i was in high school and that's all right and uh he was like the one person that kind of gave me real life stuff and uh so then from then on i was just kind of winging it myself and then my best friend inheritance through him it was through his mom but uh yeah basically from him yeah it was went to him but then instead of going to him it went to me because she died after he did and uh

Yeah, so, like, then, you know, the rest of the family that was left after him was just kind of manipulative, like, greedy people who just wanted everything for themselves and kind of kept me in the dark on a lot of things as I was becoming a man. And then by the time I was a man in the real world, like, I didn't have any clue what was going on or what I was doing. And then, yeah, so, like, in December of 2019...

Was the first time I had a good job. I was going to pay good. I had my own apartment. What were you making? More than $20 an hour, I know, at the time. And I had like a one bedroom. By the way, before we allow the stories to go too long in context of the situation, they're probably like, okay, yeah, but what are his finances? And that's fair. Yeah. You almost have no debt.

You have a little bit of debt. I'm very lucky. You have debt that the rest of us in the world, if we were responsible, could knock out in a single second. You, for some reason, are holding on to it like a child because you refuse to make any money, even the money you have you just spend. So you have a little bit of collections and a small little credit card. That's okay. All right. So go ahead with your story now that they know. Oh, and you're also taking micro payday loans. Go ahead.

So I believe in like living without ceilings. Like I've had in the past couple of years, I've had multiple jobs. Okay. Yeah. I have had a couple of jobs where it's like, cool. I can like stay here for six months. And in six months, I'll have everything paid off and I'll be in a good spot financially. But what does that have to do with ceilings? But in six, that is the ceiling of the six months. I'm like, all right, I'm doing all right. I'm doing decent. But I believe that it's in that time frame. I could.

basically struggle a little bit longer to then have a much higher payoff where the skies are opened up. This is also known as sacrifice. Right. We don't have to look at it. I believe in sacrifice. I guess that's what I'm saying. That's what they call it. Yeah. They call it sacrifice. I think that sacrifice is if played right and with the right intent or like navigation. Okay. Then why are we intent? Like, what are you talking about? That sounds great. I agree with that. Cool. You didn't do it. So what the f***?

what are we talking about i'm doing it it's happening like i'm moving to philadelphia next month and i gotta like that's a sacrifice well i mean i don't have anything set up so it's like i quit i had a sacrifice that sounds like a uh poor decision if you don't have anything set up it's a risk maybe but oh what i believe is a high risk high reward

Yeah, you sound like you've done high risk, high reward your entire life. And so far, the reward has been collections and taking out micro payday loans. Right. So you move into Philadelphia, not a cheap city. Well, initially I was thinking Pittsburgh, but then I started. Yeah, it's cheaper. And then I was like, you know what? I can I can do whatever I want and I can figure out whatever I want. And I'm afraid of nothing. So I'll just.

yeah but this goes against what you were just talking about you had almost a responsible mindset for a second and now you're talking like a child i do go back and forth um i think that i'm a i uh i think that my childlike fantastical beliefs in the future beliefs in the future compared talking tied with what the f**k did i just walk into what are you talking about

I think that things can happen very quickly, like whether we're talking six months, three months, one month. And as I've made the wrong choice in a lot of the past few years, it's taught me...

to move forward with better choices that... And moving without any plan and no money and taking out micro payday loans is a good choice? Well, so I've realized that I should... I am not taking out micro payday loans anymore. I think that's a bad idea and it's not helping. I've also realized like every bit of money that I make

Most of it should be untouched. I mean, you're doing that, like, literally right now. So I don't know what you're talking about not going to do. By not going to do anymore, you mean, like, starting now, which I have no hope in because you're doing it right now. So go ahead. Sorry. Continue. Continue.

And so, well, like, there's a lot of things that I was doing two years ago that, that. What? I mean, buying stuff that I didn't, shouldn't really be buying. I guess I didn't have money to buy. Or like, when I had that $60,000, I was just. Oh, yeah. So how'd you go through that 60? Yeah.

um my partner at the time wanted to get an rv and so she paid over twenty five thousand dollars for an rv that was actually like she didn't know anything about like mechanics or cars or whatever so it was like it wasn't running did you consent to this purchase basically i consented to everything that she wanted and just did it um okay and uh

Then, you know, she ordered a crap ton of takeout. I'm not blaming her. You just did again. And she ordered a crap ton of takeout. That's the reality of what happened. Yeah, but you just said you were agreeing and consenting to this. You didn't stand up and say like a word. I mean, I was there. I didn't open the RV either.

um huh like the hood we should have checked under the hood when we did it was covered in trash what the rv yeah um you still have the rv no we left it in some random parking lot and got out of there in like the desert of california uh yeah it was a weird time we were like sweating in in the desert 25 000 hours left in the desert

Yes, and then the rest was spent on Airbnbs and takeout, food, and then getting her legal issues. She may have been an influence. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it was 100% your fault. I'm not saying that. But you've got to have a little bit of a backbone. You're consenting to this whole thing. If you can't stand up at all for anything...

Is that what you mentioned at the beginning? Surround yourself, surrounding yourself with bad people. Is that what you mean? Her? Yeah, her. But you did it. You did it. But you didn't do anything. I surrounded myself with her. Yeah, but you didn't say a word. Right, which is what I had to learn from it. It's like now I'm surrounded by nobody. $30,000 for someone that has negative dollars is a big learning lesson.

learning lessons some lessons are bigger than others yeah but also i don't think you learned because you're about to do the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life well i moved to puerto rico from january to april of this year and that was probably also the dumbest thing i've ever heard in my life because you have nothing to show for it right um yeah you moved there with nothing and how are we right now with nothing um and i slept on the sidewalk and i but i i just don't i also like the puerto rico i flew

flu i actually received a little i received a little bit of assistance oh okay how like a program that like offered to pay for my relocation what kind of program what kind of program does that um program that programs that help like homeless people and stuff to get to go to puerto rico well to go anywhere it was like if you have a friend or loved one

anywhere in the country in the united states they'll pay what loved one was in puerto rico well i had a friend that i used to work with that moved to san juan like six months earlier well so this program you could be like i have a friend here yeah and they will just fly you there yeah well obviously this didn't work because you're not there well yeah so when i got there like you know did they know where you were going

They knew I was going to San Juan. Okay. Yeah. And they knew I had a friend there, but they didn't necessarily, I don't guess they didn't know that. Well, with my two dogs, like I wouldn't be able to, well, I didn't know for sure either. Like she had roommates and I couldn't stay with her. So I had to still figure it out on my own. So I was trying to. What am I listening to? What kind of creature is in front of me right now?

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It's like you were raised in a jungle. I certainly spent my last two weeks in Puerto Rico in the jungle eating coconuts and bananas and sleeping in a hammock under the trees. No, it just reminds me of a skinny version of Tarzan. Yeah. It's Phil Collins' soundtrack. It's incredible. I watched it as a kid. I think maybe it infested in my psyche a little too much. Okay. What would you give yourself on a financial score?

zero being the absolute worst 10 being the absolute best i think i'd like put it on two scales or two different i just asked a simple question i mean like a scale i give probably a probably you can invent your own scale but answer a question based on my scale probably a four okay all things considered that i experienced like a nine because i'm i'm so lucky i'm i'm you know

So lucky that I didn't have a kid with some psycho. I didn't... Like, my debt is fairly small. You'd be the psycho to have the kid with. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, you're just interesting. I'm not ready to be a father. That is for sure. Yeah, no. But I want to be. You can hardly take care of two dogs. You just left them for three months. I didn't leave them. They were with me. Oh, they came to Puerto Rico? They've had the time of their lives living in the jungle on the beach. So this program paid for the dogs? Mm-mm.

I got assistance for that. I started to go fund me. Assistance how? I'm just trying to figure out how you paid for this. I got a GoFundMe and people donated to help me get my dogs across. And then on the way back, I didn't know how long I'd be there. You haven't worked for anything in your life? I mean, the inheritances. I mean, it's fine. I mean, every penny I have, which may not be many pennies, I've worked for in my life. Do you have any pennies? You're in debt.

but i'm sure your net worth is negative you're borrowing from yeah well i don't think so i met this guy at the dog park and he was like oh just get dave and i was like yes the guy at the dog park that's who we listened to yeah well that's who was there you know listen to the dogs next like i don't know what's is that where we might have a better idea of what to do than i do okay uh it's capital one quicksilver

It looks like you almost paid it off, but you didn't because still almost $5 of interest was accruing. Then you put on there $183. Now, the credit limit is only $200. You started over the credit limit, which is insane. So give us the story of this card. What is this to you? So when I was in Puerto Rico, I was planning on paying off this thing. This thing? Are you talking about this card? The credit card. Yeah, the credit. And...

job i had never processed my direct deposit paperwork so they were giving me a cash check and my bank didn't exist in puerto rico and so all of my bank account that i paid this card from just ended up going to like negative four hundred dollars and i had like tons of cash in my pocket so i was like tons of cash like four hundred dollars in cash like enough to get my account back to zero but not and but i couldn't actually get it in my account because i didn't have a bank

there and my bank was only in Texas. And so that was, you know, I learned something from that. It's like, if you travel, make sure you have access to your money in banks that exist there. Who would have known that? Why did you come back? Well, as a musician, I had a show in Austin and that ended up being, I was like, oh, cool. I had to pay over $400 just to fulfill the contract because I didn't sell enough tickets.

to uh play the show it was a vulcan gas company and it was but it was by an organizer event probably that travels through the whole country if tightly packed there were none they were like i don't know but that's what you could fit like yeah butt to butt probably yeah i've been there when it's full yeah there was like 10 total

For everybody? So you had to pay Vulcan? No, I had to pay the organizer of the event. They do different pop-ups around the country. How the f*** did you commit to this? How'd they get you? And then why'd you commit to something that... Like, do people know you? Not... How are you? How'd you get in this situation? It was a bit of a blind judgment, I think. Explain! I was like, well...

I'm from Austin and this show's in Austin and it'll be a nice little homecoming because people will show up because I don't live there anymore. And then I went and no one showed up. Who would show up?

I thought I had friends, but... Oh, okay. I mean, that would require a lot of friends. I have great friends, but I have like eight. Well, yeah, it was my first experience with like marketing my own show. Are you saying you have 300 close friends? Well, no, I had to sell 35 tickets minimum and I sold 11, which isn't bad. But whatever that is, 20, whatever, like I had to pay for those tickets myself.

And like, they find you. How did you get? It was a stupid Facebook ad. Why'd you sign? Oh, I was like, oh, play music. I do that. Why?

Why did you sign this? Why did you sign this knowing the cotton with the... Yes, I'm asking. You know that now. I'm trying to figure out why you signed it. Oh, in the moment? Because with what you're doing with this Philadelphia thing... I was like sleeping on this sidewalk. I know. One second. Normally, I wouldn't care as much about this because this already happened. But with this thing you're doing to Philadelphia, your life plan, it screams like you're just going to do something like this over and over and over and over again. So I need to know why. Well, so...

I can understand that. And I think that a lot of people feel that I am doing the exact same thing I did when I left for Puerto Rico. But the difference is, when I left for Puerto Rico, I was just overwhelmed about being in Austin. So, like, I was desperate. And I was like, I just got to get out of here. Overwhelmed? Why? I mean, I was born and raised here. I've had nothing but traumatic and bad experiences my entire life around... What was traumatic? I mean, like...

I didn't have a healthy mother growing up. I didn't have healthy people. I have to ask because, I mean, so many people make excuses on the show. So what was unhealthy? I need to make sure we're not making excuses. If it's valid, it's valid. If it's not, it's not. No, I mean, I'm talking like abuse, like physical drug violence. Okay. And any type of abuse you can imagine. All of that.

the worst things that a parent can do to a child. Um, and so like my dad also recognized that and he got custody of me and I, um, he, he was a good figure to look up to. And then right around the time that I was overcoming this, like, like the emotional, um,

impacts of of what my mom put around me uh he was getting cancer and then i spent the next two years like my first two years of high school watching him shrivel up and die high school yeah and then uh and then my stepmom convinced me that i had to keep his death a secret like i couldn't tell anybody then he he died uh when i was 16 i'll go back to junior year and pretend like he's home like he's back home everything's fine none of my friends know none of my teachers know

And for two years, I'm just like freaking out. Why would she say that though? Psychos out there. I don't know. It was like, she was saying that if I, if it became known that my dad was gone, then my mom would find out. My mom would try to get custody of me and all this stuff. It's like, none of that is going to happen within two years while I'm also like, yeah, at the age of 17, I can emancipate. There's a lot of evidence already in court against, like, it was just kind of unnecessary. Okay. But I believed her at the time. And,

So I did. I kept it all within and that didn't help me. And so then, you know, all the like she taught me how to shave like it. It did. None of it felt right. And so all the like adult conversations I would have been having with my dad, I didn't get to have. And then, yeah, I.

just and then you know my best friend I had one friend in high school who uh helped me kind of through that loss and then he passed away in a single car accident like at 22 a few years after high school and so then I like had nobody and I just became kind of like a floating sack of meat that just floated along and tried to just exist and didn't do a good job of it and things just kind of

went downhill from there and so i feel like the last few years were me like the peak of me like just being stupid and idiotic and childlike and then realizing all of that

you escaped austin to go to puerto rico you felt like you had to escape right and also like nobody does well where they're from i don't know any like i was winning i was making way over generalization that's not even close to true but okay define name me one person name me somebody who has done well in their hometown um mr beast where's he from uh north carolina

But his whole thing is online. He has an online platform. I'm talking like... What? But he built a massive company. What are you talking about? But like, he has fans all over... Was it his fan base began where he is? That doesn't matter to what you've said. You said no one's been successful where they're from. In there, not just where they're from. My parents are doing well in the town they're from.

They've built good careers. My dad has a successful business now. An entertainment career? Well, you didn't say in entertainment. Yeah. You keep moving the f*** in the school. What about socially? Are they socially normal? Are they like, they have friends and stuff? I can't relate. They just went on a great vacation with their friends. I live in a town where tourists come every single day, every single hour. Buddy, this is, yes, tourists come to Austin, but it's not like LA or New York.

it is though everyone i meet is like oh i just got here last month and it's the best place i've ever been in my life and um everyone is visiting everyone no they lit and then i'm never leaving and i got all these show opportunities and i'm doing this and i'm doing this and i'm like cool i've been here my entire life and nobody acknowledges my existence have you done anything i'm everywhere have you done anything notable

that would have other people acknowledge your existence i'm sorry i'm sorry this is gonna sound rude this is gonna sound rude but you are not entitled to that you actually have to achieve something you have to do something you have to put into the work and then you can be acknowledged i agree but what is notable like define notable nope uh define okay have i define notable notable means worthy of attention or notice remarkable what have you done that's remarkable

I don't know. Is that something I can even decide? I can even declare? Well, I guess the audience would decide. And apparently the answer is no. There you go. So why would they then? But everywhere I go, every time I leave Austin, I'm notable. Yeah, to how many people? Everybody I meet. Oh, come on. Are you telling me if you go to Puerto Rico, everyone's going to show up? The whole San Juan's going to be like, whoa! He's back!

Let's go! Maybe. Haven't done it. Gotta find out. I don't want to shit on your dreams, but you're just sounding a little delusional with this and a little entitled. Yeah, I don't know that I agree with the entitlement. No one else makes it in their city? That doesn't make sense. I mean, that is a city that we can make it. Like, musicians in Austin love...

live lives by performing do they become famous not necessarily i was born i was born and raised here and every single musician that i've known that was also born here moved to the and here like also also even though we're the 11th most populated city in the country we're the 15th most visited by tourists we're also number five on the list of

cities that people are leaving the most and which is a recent study that came out in the last year so that completely contradicts what you were saying there at the beginning i'm saying that nobody likes it here because it's too like there's so many reasons it's not the place to be anymore generally if we're generalizing it's number five on the list of people are leaving people are recognizing that no no no whatever the advertisement for austin is

This doesn't matter to the conversation. It doesn't. But to be clear, just like any COVID boom city where we had an insane amount of people move here, yes.

all of those cities that's been true my whole life like i've been here no it hasn't yes every year it's been like oh austin is number two or number one on the most moved two cities in texas in america it's the fastest growing city but now it's suddenly like nope it's not growing so that's not true your whole life it's just now because after the covid for the first time in 29 years every city almost every city that had the big covid boom has experienced the same analytics

But not every city before the COVID boom was growing. This doesn't matter. I care about you. What are you talking? Okay. This doesn't matter. What are you trying to say? What are you trying to say? I'm just saying that I think it's very important for me, even if it's just temporary for a year, for two years, whatever, that I get out of Austin. Maybe not other people. They can sit in their boxes and work their career jobs and be happy with that. But like, I can't. Okay. Okay.

So what are you going to do then? What's your plan? I'm going to pretend that's not an entitled position because you think you deserve to make it. I don't deserve anything. I think that I'm capable of it. Okay, what's the plan then? I'm going to D.C. and performing at the Kennedy Center in a play as a lead role. Are there going to be two people there as well? No, it's a local theater festival that happens every year and it's a whole industry dinner reception afterwards. I applied to...

I applied to the role that was listed and then I got asked to audition with the actual script. And then I sent in a videotape reading the script, excuse me, and got the role. And most things, a lot of things that I've applied to, I've gotten the role because of the fact that I can play any role and fit into any dynamic because I feel like I've already lived it.

And I think that from... Okay, how much is this paying?

I'm going to cheer that on. If you're going to roll that sick, I love that. That's great. Trust me, I'm not against you as an existence. It's just what you've been talking about has not been like reality so far, but that's like a real thing. So what are you getting paid? I'm making $250 for a one-time table read. And then there's the potential they want to turn it into a movie and go from there or whatever. But for this specific gig, I'm making $250. And then I'm setting up other projects in and around Philadelphia or New York or whatever.

to work outside of that. And I already am in talks. So what's your pay for this position? $250,000. Okay.

Just wanted to confirm. Also, I was fact-checking you because it's important. Number one for 2023 and 2024 so far in terms of cities that people are leaving. Los Angeles, number one. Chicago, number two. Brooklyn, number three. Queens, number four. Five, Miami-Dade County. Six, Brooklyn. Seven, Anaheim, California. Eight, Pasadena, California. Nine, San Diego, California. Ten, San Jose, California. Austin's not on the top ten list. Whoa. Okay, so...

Just find whichever article says that Austin's number five and just like anything else on the internet. Oh, if you go confirm your own thing. Whatever narrative, whatever statistics, whatever scientific formula you want to put around it, you'll find the answer you're looking for. That's the issue with the internet.

I think that's the issue with how you use this. You go out and talk to real people every day too instead of just like reading. Oh, that's how we get. That's how we learn things. Anecdotal data. Yeah, you go outside and you actually meet real people. That's what an educated human person does. Yeah, you live in the real world. You can live in that box and get a totally different. What an absolute joke. Just stop. Just stop. That's stupid. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

all that's gonna die eventually and we're gonna like be sitting around yeah technology satellites okay see this is actually concerning huh stone age is coming we're gonna have to know how to like make fires but this is actually your worldview which is impacting what you're doing

No, it's not impacting what I'm doing. How? Because I'm still living in the world that is like what it is today. But I don't think you actually care as much to improve it based on the world because you actually believe those things in your bone, which is so indicative of your financial situation. That's fair. I think that the last few years, it...

It was impacting my decision-making a little too much. But now I realize that there's a strong benefit to what we have available here. So what has changed? Well, I need to, like, take advantage of the resources that exist. Sure, what changed, though, to make you say that? Failure and humility. Like, I've been humbled by being an arrogant, like...

thinking i i know more than i do what in reality like i've and i've been freaking wrong well you got our 250 gig yeah they're paying for travel and living expenses right partially oh how much half so they're giving you 250 plus uh lodging half of the cost of my airbnb how much is the other half going to cost uh around 250

I heard you guys wanted to get dirty again. Dirty money is back and this time you're gonna be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. And you know who you usually meet in those sheets? I'm personally into BBWs. Budget. Bonds. Wealth.

And this sexy merch is only available through the end of this month, and then it's going away. So to give you a little extra sweet treat, we're bringing back the classic dirty money as well. BDSM. Sluts for index funds. Finance Daddy. If this isn't for you, you can eat my assets, because I am myself an assets man.

Go to slash dirty to check it out before these designs go away at the end of this month. The first 50 purchasers over $35 get a signed and framed photo of your favorite asset, the Hammer dump truck. It's a springboard. Sometimes you gotta hop on the springboard and allow it to

Yeah, I've legitimately talked to over a dozen of people just like you. Unfortunately, just that springboard has not worked. It doesn't surprise me. It doesn't work for most people. Exactly. And I'm not saying I'm not trying to crush your dreams. It's just we can go about these things in a smart, educated, strategic way to be safe. If you had an opportunity.

I did not allow myself to quit my adult job to do YouTube full time till I had a year's worth of an emergency fund. And I said, you know what? I'm going to give this my all because I was able to stockpile. I went about it in a mature way. No bad debt.

And then pursued it like a full on business. You're doing this like a hobby, just having fun, traveling around. You don't have any savings to your name and you have debt. That's not how we do this. And that's why a lot of people fail because they have to get back to reality quicker because you don't set yourself up for success. I know you want to rush into this. It makes sense. It's a want. You want this. I want it for you to give yourself the best shot to get there. Right.

I know I'm being a dick, but I do want you to succeed. Right. Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to not challenge your worldview because your worldview is idiotic. But, you know, it's not out of hating you. Yeah. I'm not trying to like repeat patterns. Yeah.

But I just, regardless of anything, I would be leaving Austin. Whether I had, I would be figuring out a way to leave Austin. Stop touching the table and I'll make you leave Austin in a body bag. I will be focused on establishing that consistency and patience and taking the time and dedication and hard work that it takes to set myself up successfully after I leave Austin.

But you have to work in the arts, according to you. No, no, no, no. I'm open to... Why does it have to be Philadelphia? It doesn't. It doesn't. Okay, but that's what you already decided. I mean...

Things can change. Things can change all the time. I'm sorry, guys. 37 minutes into the recording. I don't know what your timestamp is, but we haven't done... Let me at least go through the Quicksilver. I know I can get lost in the sauce sometimes. So again, $5 of interest agreement. It's not crazy, but you put like... The balance is $190 on a $200 credit limit. You started the balance over the credit limit. It's partially because I bought a guitar right after I paid it off. And I swore I wasn't going to spend any more money on music. And then...

I found this $99 guitar and I was like, well, I see a charge of $159 from Guitar Center. That was because it was partially on a different card. I think I paid $50 on my debit card and then the rest. You said it was $99 or something. Well, I got a case because I was like, I need to protect it. It went in a store, got some bullsh**, went in a store, got some bullsh**, went in a store, got some bullsh**, went in a store, got some bullsh**, went in a store, got some bullsh**, and Grande H2O.

Water. Gotta stay hydrated. Oh, that's what HGO is. Oh, interesting. Who would have thought? It is. It's cheaper than buying a gallon. Any chance? You brought your van here, right? You got here with the van that you're like, do everything. Do you have your guitar with you? Yeah. Okay, let's at least test your talents. Can you test your talent for us? Oh, wow. Yeah. Just give us something. Give us something. Go ahead. You can go ahead and get it. Let's see it. And you, the audience.

Let him know in a genuine, honest way. I know we can get a little cranky in the comment sections. In a genuine, honest way, if you think it's good, encourage him to pursue this in a financially smart way. If you think it's bad, also let him know. This is an honest zone. This is a truth zone. Well, look, I recognize that my money, my financial success isn't going to come from music.

What I started realizing is like music is what I do for me. So what's your financial success going to come from? Performing and acting. And how many acting gigs have you ever done? I've been pursuing acting for less than two months and I've gotten over five, over four acting gigs.

And I've made more money from acting than I did in 10 years. How much have you made? Almost $1,000. Okay, that means the 10 years was an absolute failure. Yeah. Okay. Listen, I feel like I'm walking into a youth campground right now. But just go ahead. What? You tell me. Okay. Are you going to sing? You want me to? Yeah, I want you to give us your all. Give us your all. My all. Okay. Okay.

Been so, been so certain. Ain't been learning, ain't been learning. And I'm certain.

Oh, I'm certain Something's ruined Something's ruined Is there a more interesting song? Well, so I taught myself ukulele last year and I'm teaching myself guitar now. Well, I mean, you're just, your vocal thing, you're just doing the same vocal phrase over and over again, even if with different words. So give me a little bit of vocal range here. Give me something that does a little different vocals. Okay.

I think one of the strings is out of tune or your finger is wrong. No, it is. I didn't tune it. Vocal range. Vocal range. Give it to me. I'm a baritone. Yeah, within the baritone range. Give me some just your range. I'm not talking about go f*** the prano and cut off your balls. This is where I push the red button going, eh! That's fair. Do a song! I don't... Buddy, you want to f***ing do this s*** for a living. Come on. You know. Name a song. Oh, my f***.

Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter. I don't even know who or what that is. I've never heard of that in my life. Espresso, espresso. In the morning I drink espresso. That's pretty good, right? I don't think you're a singer. No, I mean, I'm... I'll be critical. I don't think you're a singer. I think the guitar probably, maybe. I don't know. You're kind of just playing a few little riffs over and over again, but it's kind of what it comes down to in different ways. I realize that.

Okay, yeah, but vocally, I don't think you have vocals. I don't have vocals either. Don't get me wrong. I don't have vocals. Okay, well, calm down. I'm clearly thinking about it. No, that doesn't make any sense to me. All right, thanks. Yeah, I hit my table. Why don't you do that? Do that some more. He's a tough guy. Wonderful. And the card's at 30.74% interest rate. Okay, buds. Dave. Dave, extra cash account statement.

Oh, good. You were like overdrafting. So it brought money in to your other accounts. So yeah, overdraft. That's insane. Express fees, overdraft, tips. Oh, that's good. That's good. This is insane. Extra cash overdraft, $75. Fees, $15. Tips, $3.75. That's what a joke. And you've only put, well, it's a zero right now.

At least at the time of this statement. Yeah, see? I stopped taking extra cash. You better stop. But we'll see. Well, how are you financially going to get there? Because you also got to... Are you driving to this show? Yeah, so I got to save up $500 to pay for gas. Okay, so we're sinking $750 into this $250. Yeah. So far. Plus food, plus...

Think about learning a trade, you know, that I can do. What the f*** are you doing? Yeah, sure. Yeah, go into trades. I don't think you'll make it through trade school to save your life. No, not trade school. Huh? Nothing. I'm going to, like, be a poker dealer or something. Something I can do at night, you know? Just, like, make some things and then do projects. Make some things. Guys, we have life figured out. Success. I mean, I tend to... I feel like it's a waste...

But I will gift you a certification from Course Careers if you ever want it. It's great. Tax certifications, things like accounting for adults. I don't think you'll ever touch it, but I will bring that up for you. Yeah. Oh, good. Heart inquiries. I'm glad you didn't get approved for that. Oh, I think you did. Credit cards. There's that credit card. You have a credit karma?

Yes. What is that? I got that recently. What is it? I don't really even know. Do you use it? Yeah. What? It's like a debit card and a spending account and a savings account and some sort of credibility. Is it like a charge card? I bet it's like, is it like the Fizz card? I don't know. Do they use it like that? It's like an own bank account. It's like an online bank account. Really? Yeah. Let me see it because I don't have a statement for that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I want to see the account. I want to see the card. I don't give a shit about the card.

What are we going to do with the card? It's got zero dollars on it. It's pretty valuable. But is it credit? Because it's being reported. No, it's... But this is through the Credit Karma app. Right. You went to school. I see some university 2019 thing. But it was closed. No, that was just the name of the thing for my car at the time. It's just the name of the bank. University Federal Credit Union. I was paying off my credit card. Parking...

Is this gas? $30, $7.11. Would that be gas? $30? Yeah. Because it's flat. Yeah. But you also went into H-E-B and gas and bullshit. And then you got declined. Something declined. $30 there. More gas. Great. Oh, good. This is fantastic. Wonderful. I'm cranky right now. You've... I don't... Okay. You want some matcha? Nope. Okay. This place is pretty nice. You know?

Thank you. Are you going to move here? Hey, maybe. Squatter's rights, right? Not in Texas. I'll go buy a gun from across the street. Aside from the chains and whips over there, I feel pretty safe. I wish.

This place would be much more fun as a kink zone than hosting whatever you are. It's got the lighting. Oh, okay. What is in collections? What is this? It is... Because it's $1,395. Yeah, so before I left Austin the first time, I broke my lease early, which was a terrible idea. And then they charged us for a full month of rent after we had already kind of paid. And that just never got paid. So I'm working on...

The second I have an extra $13.95, I'm going to get it off credit. You know, if you worked a job, man, I could get you to financial... I think if I had worked a job like a long time ago... You could just normalness so quick, you have no idea. Like a year ago, and I just dedicated six months. Yes. But I was too hung up on the fact that I had to go like do something and be something or something. Can I see that wallet again? It looked really weird. Can I see? Yeah.

If you don't have an insane weird wallet like this and you have an interesting story and want help with your finances, feel free to apply to be on the show. slash apply. I think it was $5. Great. Looked free. It was handmade or something. Oh, check an account. Okay. Sure. What do we have in here? $206. Is that actually money in here? Maybe, yeah. It's

Something like that.

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path forward. Will you listen to me? Yeah. You seem so...

I'm ready for what you already have planned. I mean, I think that I'm going to do what I have planned, but I'm also going to listen to you and find a way to mesh both worlds together. So essentially, I need to come up with a way to make your plan not as dumb as it already is. Possibly, if that's what you're down for. Well, I think that's because if I make up a plan that is actually smart, I don't think you'd follow it, meaning it's kind of pointless. So I might have to adapt it to you to at least make sure you get any kind of help or else there's no point of this.

That's fair. I think so. Went inside, got some BS. Dave Inc. Dave Inc. Taco Bell. Oh, this is great for someone that doesn't make any money. I mean, it's cheap. Grande H2O. Okay, what is this Grande H2O? It's like one of them water stations outside of the H-E-V. Oh, so you get like a big thing? So you get two gallons for like a dollar instead of going inside. You don't have water at your apartment? Huh? No, I don't have any. Where I'm living right now is on my cousin's property with no plumbing. Oh.

I live in a broken down trailer. Where do you poop? I drive to H-E-B. That's what I'm always saying. No way. Yeah. You have to poop to get in the car? How far are you away from an H-E-B? 10 minutes. So when I wake up some mornings, it's cutting it close. I'm like, you know, I may not, I may have to dig a hole today, but so far I haven't. I'm going to have to because I have about five minutes when I feel it to when I'm like running. I'm a little more on top of it. I respect it. Yeah. I don't know what's wrong with me.

but if i especially after all that's why i brush my teeth yeah well i you brush your teeth you're kind of homeless but you're not homeless it's weird yeah i know it is also you need to wear sunscreen i don't like sunscreen but yeah oh you're 29 but i'm seeing signs of like sun aging i have cancer you do no i don't know i thought i was asking you're a doctor right how about dr hammer okay yeah you're trying to be funny that's fun that's great

My dad died of cancer. What kind? It's like a really rare form called goblet cell carcinoid that has only had like 600 cases ever in the world. Wow, that's wild. I'm sorry. That sucks. So maybe we wear sunscreen to avoid getting skin cancer or at least avoid. Dude, you got things going for you. You're skinny. You're tall, right? How tall are you? 6'2". Okay, f*** it.

Yeah. So you got things going for you that I'm jealous of. Like, I wouldn't be able to work on the height. I could get, you know, but whatever. You're. Man, I wish I could get weight. May as well. Okay, shut up. May as well not look 40. Right. When you're 32. So wear some sunscreen, buddy, because I see signs of aging on there. I don't think the cameras pick it up because they don't pick it up as like close as I do. But you got some sun aging going on. Okay. All right.

Just looking out. Taco Bell. And that's another reason why I'm surprised you're able to make it 10 minutes. And then you're back going in for beer. Every time you go to H-E-B, you're just like getting some like $3 snack and drink. Yeah, I've tried not to. Well, you do it every day of your life. YouTube Mosh Mountain View. Oh, that's where it's from. So is that YouTube Premium? It was. Yeah, I just don't have it. Well... Have you canceled your subscriptions? Yes, just recently. Taco Bell...

Very good buys. $5. Yeah, man. I got these sandals. It's a thrift store in Fort Worth. $5. I've been wearing them almost every day since. Dave, Dave. Going in, getting some BS.

Hopped out of you can't afford hopped out of you. No, I promised a friend I'd buy her lunch. You can't afford your lunch or her lunch. I don't make money. I made it happen that day. You didn't. You're further into debt. You spent more than you made. So yeah, that's correct. Going in, getting some BS, going in, getting some BS. You filled up some water. Taco Bell. I understand filling up water in situations. Fine. So I'm actually not going to call that out. I see that. Taco Bell going in, getting some BS. Dave going in, getting some BS, going in, getting some BS, going in, getting some BS. Okay.

Going in, getting some BS. Going in, getting some BS. Cash happening out of 11 bucks. Dave, going in, getting some BS. Going in, getting some BS. Going in, getting some BS. And telling beats. Yeah, so. $40. Yeah, it was interesting. What the f*** is that? I released a new song today, actually, this morning. And that was an instrumental of the song I recorded. Just instrumental. No vocals? I added the vocals.

The music video. Okay, we're going to listen to it in the post show. Oh my. We're going to listen in the post show. Hey, buddy, if you don't want people to hear it, don't release it. No, it's... That's what I say. Yeah. The music video drops at 6 p.m. today. I shot it two days ago. I didn't spend money on the video. What is this though? You said you... What is the $40? What?

I spend money on the instrumental. Oh, you didn't even make the song? There's certain times where I use an instrumental that I made. Oh, you're like a fake musician. Okay, going in and getting some BS. I can't respect that. No, there's other times where I want to use somebody else's instrumental because it's a form of collaboration. A form of collaboration that you pay with and they don't even know about. I make all the money. The way that contract works is like I paid $40 and he doesn't want anything after that. I know because you paid for the...

Okay, this car. It can only be good for both of us. This van that you're driving to a new place to stay in and live in. How is it? It's not going to make it much longer if we're being real about it. And we're relying on it to travel to this gig and to... Oh my gosh, how many miles are on it? 284,000. Whoa, what is it? It's a 01 Ford Explorer. And it doesn't have AC. How are you existing? It's not easy. No. Oh, these poor dogs.

Well, we go to the dog park and hang out at the creek all day. So it's like we're in water. Oh, that's because you don't have a job. Yeah. Yeah, we would all do that too, but we decided that we were going to be adults. You have not left the age of 13 yet. I mean, they're having fun. No, I'm glad they are. Like, truly. Like, I am happy for them in that case.

Unfortunately, if a vet emergency happens, then I feel bad for them because you have no way to pay for it. Oh, I mean, 13 year olds are having fun with their life because they're not worried about stuff.

So this van, what are we doing? What's the idea with it? Well, take as good a care of it as I can. You said it's not going to last in general. Well, not forever. Nothing does. It's just old, man. It's in good shape, to be honest. For as old as it is, I had to get all new brakes for it last year, and it was over $1,000. And I don't want to put that much into it again. The internet, your favorite thing, says that they last around $200,000 and can last 300,000 miles.

Which we're getting close to. You're 284. And going to Philadelphia is 1,664 miles away. I've also seen cars that had 800,000 miles on it. And I don't think it'll get there. Yeah, probably not.

So before then, I want to be able to have my credit in a good enough spot to be able to put a down payment on a car and get a new car and then start using that to build my credit. Oh, I'm sure that's going to go great. And if I can build my credit to a decent enough... With what income? How are you going to get approved for a car loan? And if you do, your car loan is going to be like 30% for...

eight years and you're probably gonna get something you can't even come close to a 40 and if you get approved i don't know how you're gonna get approved what are you talking about what world are you in you have a maxed out credit card and have collections what credit score are you talking about my collections are tiny and my credit limit is tiny so you know what that means

that actually don't make much money let's let's use this as a learning sorry i almost freaked out let's use utilization is a massive part of your credit score you don't want to go over 30 you don't don't really want to go over like any percent so you don't want to hold any interest but either way it negatively impacts your credit score when it goes over 30 because your credit limit is so low 30 of your credit limit is 60 bucks you can't have a balance more than that but you're sitting at 200 your credit what's your credit score

We were just in Credit Karma. What was it? Yeah, it's like 545 or something. In collections, what? It hits it by, what, 30 points, 40 points, or 20 points? I don't remember because I don't get them. Right. It's 565. It went up 12 points this week. Can we even make a budget for you? You're leaving. When are you leaving? The latest, August 17th. Latest? Okay, so the budget makes no sense. What are you paying for rent right now? Not. At least it was that. Thank God, yeah.

What's your plan for income out there? I hope to figure that out soon before I get there. If any... Like, I have a couple things ruminating in my head. Maybe get a job at a... How much of it is skunk weed? None. I spend no money on... I've never drank. I might... It was a joke. What's ruminating or what's going around that head? Probably skunk weed. I've...

thought about maybe like working at a dog daycare because i've done that before it doesn't pay anything but like why not get a job well like because then every job job that i could get that like pays a decent amount like wants a commitment for me from life for life and i'm like every every business person i meet is like cares so much about their place and it's like that makes they own yeah it makes sense because that's your thing but that's not my baby like i have a life i have a

I have goals. I have things that I do outside of work. I want to be able to go to work. I'm not against working hard. I love working. I actually do. I just don't like getting trapped into circumstances. Trapped how? You can leave a job whenever you want to. But yes, when you're in that shift, you're committed. And if you're not committed, you don't work there because you're fired.

But I feel like things... But you can leave whenever you want. I feel like things are about to move. You're looking at it like it's like slavery for the rest of your life. That's not how that works. It's not. You're getting paid for something you agreed to. You have come to the contractual agreement with the employer. They need this. You want a job and money. And you guys are able to figure it out in the marketplace of what that income is like for you to accept that position. Which I'm hoping to figure out once I leave Austin. Because I've been doing that...

I've been knowing that I'm leaving Austin for like over about two months now. And initially... Oh, good. Two months. And initially... Oh, good. I was like...

applying to every single job on indeed you could think of everything yeah but i bet your resume is like a joke like we would probably want to use a resume building service maybe i mean my resume is pretty good it's like i've i've spent long dedicated time at places no i know but like your resume itself the build out of it might not be very good oh like the look not just the look but like the keywords and everything you're using oh

I've never really thought about it. But like, I mean, I'm a hireable person. Once you look like my resume. Yeah, but you got it likely. I mean, they can just sift it through systems and then you got to get interviewed from there. Like every time I go to an interview, things go well. Really? Which can be bad because like then I'm like, well, I have to.

Do it. You're not required to stay at a job. You can leave a job. I don't think you should. But you're acting like once you accept the job position, you are there until you're 70. It feels like that's what they want from me and they know I can't give them that. No, of course. If you're a good employee, they would want you to stick around. But if you're a good employee and they want you to stick around over the course of years, that means you get to make more money because they want to keep you around. Right.

Yeah, but now I'm in this spot where I'm in this limbo stage where I can't really get a job in Austin because I'm about to leave, but I can't really get a job in Philadelphia because I'm not there yet.

But I want a job. I do want a job. No, you don't. You just said. Ideally, I'd be able to just make all my money from acting and performing. Which, okay. And magically everything will be. That obviously doesn't happen magically. Right. We grind away. Fantastically, like that'd be awesome. Also, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, not known as an acting city. But it has hubs that it connects to. Like New York. I can't live in New York. I don't want to live in New York. But, you know, ideally like, oh, it all works out. And I'm a great, terrific, successful actor. Good game plan.

I have to have a side plan in the meantime because I still believe wholeheartedly that that is what's going to happen. I don't know. I don't. I'm not going to pretend like I know how fast it's going to happen. But I don't think you know anything. And I need to. Here's a recap of this conversation. You currently have to drive 10 minutes to take a poo poo right now.

Right now. And you don't have water. Okay. You know, that's your situation. Life handed you $60,000 on a silver platter and you blew it all in three months and left the $25,000 of it in a parking lot essentially and drove away.

Took money from a charity to go be homeless in Puerto Rico with no plan. Got back to Austin, agreed to some shady predatory music contract and lost hundreds of dollars. Now you're planning to drive to Philadelphia with a broken down car to basically go homeless again. And you refuse to get a real job because you think it's slavery. I'll be in the chilliness so it won't be as hot in my car. Yeah, that's where you die though. You got blankets and heaters. There's three of us. Oh, the dogs? Oh, those poor dogs.

Those poor dogs. They love their life. You know, they did a study in like homeless people with dogs. They were like- I don't know. Everything you've cited so far has been incorrect when I look it up. They did very much. Veterinarians were advocating that, you know, homeless people take much better care of their dogs and people in their boxes because their dogs are much happier being in like the real world, like nature and stuff. Real world? Yeah.

Really, the ones I see with the homeless here are on a sidewalk this big next to raging cars that are flying by. I actually agree. So I don't know what this article is talking about. I'm just sharing. I see them eating pizzas. I don't think that's a... Sure, it tastes great. I don't think it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. I highly doubt their life expectancy is as good as... Whatever. Why am I wasting my time? I don't know what to do with you, man. I'm just thinking... I'm just thinking... I mean, you have nothing invested.

I'm trying, I want to, I want to make an example of like what it's like if you like, if you open like a account with a brokerage like Moo Moo, I mean, that's what I use. So I buy some stocks in there, right? You know, I just buy into the overall stock market and I watch the money grow and compound over the course of our lifetime because we are the same age and you know, I'm looking for that chance to have a good retirement.

I want that for you. And I don't know how to bring an example to you because I don't think you, that resonates with your lifestyle or care at all. But I have to make whatever suggestion I have based on what you're already going to do. So how do I... Oh, and also in the recap, your singing was bad. It was okay. It was mid. Yeah. The guitar, I couldn't judge. Mid's enough. How do I like still pursue...

creative pursuits yeah without like completely giving them up well again that's the thing whatever i suggest you're not going to do that because you already have a thing so i'm trying to work my suggestion into your thing well so here's an alternative i go up to dca perform and i'm gone a week and i come back and implement your plan okay cool okay so the plan i would do any job you can overnight water burger

coffee shop literally anything you can go get the median low wage in austin the median entry level lowest wage in austin is 19 bucks an hour so let's say you're making 19 bucks an hour you're gonna work 60 hours a week across different jobs all of this is easier said than done i'm doing the fast forward on this but you're applying to jobs you're just working as much as you can okay times that by 52 you're not taking any time off doesn't matter

Okay, let's say you're walking home. That's $60,000 a year. That's not bad. Of course, that's 60 hours a week. You know, it's sustainable over the long term. No, but we're doing temporary sacrifice. Let's say you make, let's say you just make $40,000. Let's say you walk away with $30,000. Walk away with $30,000. I'm just, because I'm trying to take into account your existence. $2,500 a month. You can continue to live with your brother, was it? Cousin. Cousin? Yeah. You can? Oh, right now? Yeah, for a while, for a bit. Okay.

I can, yeah. Okay, continue to. Have your weird poo situation. Because no rent and just paying a little bit of water. It's incredible. Like the $2,500, what I would do is take care of both of your debts immediately. I would chop up your credit card. You're not a credit card person. You can't manage that. Yes, we'll focus on building credit eventually, but that's not your main focus right now. What I would do then with that $2,500 with your minimal living expenses is

very minimal, $300 on food, $100 on everything else is five and whatever else you need. Let's say you have an extra 1500 bucks a month. I think you actually have more because you could live bare, bare, bare bones. If this is what you really care about and you want to go all in, what I would save up is 25,000 bucks over the course of a year and a quarter, 30 by the time you're, you know, a year and a quarter from now.

Then, feel free, give it all you got. Give it all you got in a very smart and conservative way. Still living bare bones off that $25,000 because you can blow up that $25,000 quick. You've already done it with $30,000. But bare bones, like $1,000 a month. Just bare bones as much as you can. Depends on where you are. With that, you...

Try to make it as much as possible because it is your dream. And fine, okay, do that. Once the $25,000 gets to about $5,000, that's when we start reconsidering things and we start looking for some adult jobs. So you extend that $25,000 as much as you can. Spend $20,000 of it while you're trying to make your dreams. And then we start making enough to at least survive and get something in investment, like at least 20% at that point after that. And then pursue your passions on the side.

Like, we don't stop pursuing them. But I'm going to give you a little bit to go all in, and you've got to work your ass off to get there in a year and a quarter. And I think you can make more money than this quicker. But, you know, I'm just trying to think of you. I don't think you're going to feel like, oh, I'm a slave because I'm making $19 an hour. And I can't get out of it. I'm forced to stay here until I die. So, I don't know. I...

have a little hope in that but you can do that that would be a way to do it i wouldn't want most people to do that but if that's your thing i want to try to relate it to your situation right that is what i would do were i in your shoes with your brain right and then yeah once you're about five thousand bucks left get a job that allows you to survive and set at least 20 aside for retirement so we can start getting something going like at least 200 bucks a month retirement or something like that you know just at least that

So just get some compounding going throughout your life and then pursue your passions on the side. And if one takes off, one takes off. That's great. That's what I would do. What do you think of that? Yeah, I can wrap my head around that. It makes sense. And I'm giving you a chance here, man. I'm giving you a chance. But I'm also giving you a reality at the end of it if it doesn't work out. Right. I'm excited to listen to that full song in the post show and fully judge it. Yes.

And you will not copyright strike this video, right? Do we have permission and consent to play that video and the song that you played? I think so, yeah. Okay. So, YouTube, if he tries to pull some weird... The song is not allowed to be content ID whatever, so... Well, it's in the pop show anyway. Yeah.

Hammer financial score. Spending to budget, you overspent it. Debt, you have collections. Zero, zero. Emergency funding, you have nothing in retirement, nothing in real estate, nothing. I mean, this is the obvious from two minutes into the conversation. But hopefully, I hope people related to it, there's going to be a few weirdos out there that related to it and actually want to kind of make it kind of like you and the things you want to do. And that might be a way to do it. And I think that is important in the end. And hopefully you had some worldviews challenged and you're able to reflect on this and, you know, be a little more mature. But

Thanks. Hammer Financial Score, 0 out of 10. Make sure to stick around for the post show and check out all the links in the description below as they are resources that a user would use in specific situations, including the best budgeting program and best investing program now bundled at a lower price with an extra $300 in cash rewards thanks to MooMoo. Check it all out in the description below. Today on the Financial Audit Post Show. Most of the Austin icons weren't...

born in austin so you're saying that everyone can move to austin and make it but people born in austin can't make it all of them are transplants like one thousand percent stupid stuff in the post show because i don't have to bring it back to financial audit my lack of success here in austin is more tied to my individual i think it's contributed to you just not how do i say this in a nice way to watch the financial audit post show click the join button below