cover of episode Repulsive Sugar Baby Milks Men For Money | Financial Audit

Repulsive Sugar Baby Milks Men For Money | Financial Audit

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Financial Audit

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Amanda: 我承认自己花钱大手大脚,喜欢买衣服和零食,并且依赖男友的经济资助。我目前正在学习,但无法用现有收入支付学费,所以选择了贷款。虽然我知道自己花钱很多,但我并不认为自己财务状况很糟糕。我从未做过预算,对自己的财务状况缺乏了解。我认为男人应该在某些方面照顾女人,男友的经济资助是理所当然的。我并不认为自己需要减少开支,并且对逾期还款等问题采取了轻描淡写的态度。我并不擅长理财,对信用卡利率和负债的严重性缺乏认识。我更关注信用卡的最低还款额,而忽略了利率和还款期限等重要因素。我缺乏理财规划,对未来财务状况缺乏考虑。我并不认为自己需要改变目前的财务状况,并且对未来抱有乐观态度。 主持人: 我认为Amanda的消费习惯和理财观念存在严重问题。她花钱大手大脚,收入远低于支出,并且依赖男友和家人的经济资助。她对自己的财务状况缺乏了解,没有做过预算,也没有制定理财规划。她对逾期还款和高额利息等问题缺乏认识,并且对自身财务状况的严重性缺乏足够的重视。她的理财观念存在偏差,认为男人应该照顾女人,并且不认为自己需要改变目前的消费习惯。我建议她学习理财知识,制定合理的预算,减少不必要的开支,并尽快偿还债务。同时,我也提醒她,依赖他人经济资助是不健康的,应该学会独立自主地管理自己的财务。

Deep Dive

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Get it all at slash insights. To watch episodes of Financial Audit a week earlier, check us out on YouTube. Been asking for more. You're taking money from your boyfriend for little sweet treats. Why don't you just damn pay your bills damn on time? I think that a man should take care of a woman.

That's just how I think. Do you think your boyfriend, because he's a man, should have to subsidize your inability to control your own spending? Does he even know where your money's going? What does he think he's helping with? Well, a lot of times I tell him. A lot of times? Yeah. Not every time? No. Hi, my name is Amanda. I'm 32 years old. I'm based out of Georgetown, Texas. And this is Financial Audit.

Thanks for coming on. So what do we do in Georgetown for a living? I'm a pharmacy tech. Okay, very cool. Retail pharmacy. Okay, that's a great industry to be in. So how much are we making right now?

Well, I guess at the time it was 24. At the time. What's at the time? What do you mean at the time? Whenever I gave you those. Now I'm getting a raise. 25, but it hasn't. Oh, congratulations. 25 from? 24, 14. Okay. So it's kind of a minor raise. All right. But it's still a good raise. I wasn't talking down against it. You're going to come in offended? No.

Well, the only reason why is because my mom is like always saying, oh, you get so many good raises or whatever. Do you? Like, yeah, I think so. What did you start at when you started working there? As a pharmacy tech. Well, it wasn't at that retail pharmacy. It was at a different one that I started and it was at, I think, 16. Well, at the job you're at now, where'd you start? Oh, 23. Over the course of how long to get to 25? September 22nd.

So two years with the $2 raise? Yeah. That's what your mom considers really good raises? Yeah. Apparently she's like getting 25 cents or something. And she's been with the company for like over 10 years. She did the same job? Oh, no. Oh, then what? Well, I don't know. Maybe. I don't know what they're supposed to make at other places. Okay. So you made like a 75 cent increase? Yeah. Something like that. Okay. Okay.

So you got like a 3% increase? Oh, okay. Yeah, that sounds right. Okay. Because if I get a 3, it's, I don't know, like the base. You feel that's keeping up with cost of living? No. Okay. I don't know. I can't. No, I'm struggling out here. Again, you...

You scare me. You're like, no. Okay. Well, obviously, you know, the, well, some people don't, they don't like, well,

inflation the most recent report it sounds like you're keeping up with the median wage growth that has happened actually uh but obviously you know certain sectors within the economy is growing more in terms of price increases like groceries and stuff like that yes uh well at least over the pandemic not right now technically year over year but during the pandemic it went up higher than anything else either way regardless okay a three percent increase how many hours a week are we working

So I was 40, but I'm going down to about... Tone? Foot...

I'm going to school full time. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. I'm pretty sure I told y'all. You may have talked to someone else. We're having a conversation. Oh, my bad. I thought you read this stuff. That's why. But we're having a they haven't. The audience is not. OK, I got it. I got it. You're so defensive. I'm sorry. My mom says she always like this. Your friend was the one who wanted you to come on the show. She's a fan of the show. And you've seen like an episode. OK, you said friend.

earlier yeah um okay guys this is weird okay but and she just said yes this is how you are so all right so you're going to school what are you going to school for um i'm going to be a radiology technologist very cool okay so you've had to drop your hours because of that so we got a raise but that's kind of negated so how many hours are you going to be working now a week um let's see so four

16 hours for the month for this first month. No, no, no, no. Not the whole month. I just mean weekly for this first month. And then the second month? I want to see how I do well or not in school. Boy, it's been a long time. It is. There's nothing wrong with starting school again. Not at all. How are you paying for school? It's financial aid loans. What school are you going to? Is that public?

uh yeah what's the tuition there what's what the tuition there um well for my four classes that i'm taking now it's gonna be about 1900 with books why can't you cash flow that are you kidding okay sorry uh i can't i don't have the money because you're cutting down on work i i spend horribly that's why

Okay, so usually the solution is we stop spending horribly. I'm confused. Why not cash flow? So you're borrowing to continue your spending of bullshit. No, you know that's how that works out, right? I don't think so. How do you not think so? That's obviously how it works out. Because that's not going to make up for everything. It's $1,900. It's not an insignificant amount of money. But over the course of a few months, we can cash flow that if you want to. Okay, well, that's why I'm here so you can tell me.

I am, but you just said that's not possible. What are you talking about? No, no, no, no. I'm just saying the way I'm thinking. I don't think it is at this moment. At this moment. Explain.

Because I don't really think I'm doing that bad. Okay. Explain. You don't think you're doing that bad because of what? What's indicating that? Where's your philosophy? I would like to at least know where you're coming from so that I can approach the conversation with at least understanding your point of view. I don't know. What? What do you know? Do you know anything? Yes, I do. Okay. Can you tell me any of that then?

What do you know about your financial situation then? Okay, I do spend a lot. I like to, you know, buy clothes and things like that. Okay, and we're not cutting that back and we're borrowing for school. So essentially, because you're not willing to cut back on fun bulls**t that do not actually contribute to your needs, you're essentially borrowing for that because you're not cutting that down to pay for school. Does that not make sense? Okay, yes, but I plan on cutting. Why haven't you? Because you're borrowing for school.

If we're going to talk about the notes that I have. I know you're going to borrow $10,000. That's what you have. Spoiler alert. Usually I like to introduce the audience to that through a natural conversation. All right.

If you're borrowing $10,000 and we could get you to cash flow half of school. Well, then I'll do Uber. No, that doesn't make sense. You're already cutting back from your work hours. Why wouldn't you? That time is just going to... No, because then I can do Uber whenever I feel okay to do it when I have already studied and everything. Yeah, but that's not as cost effective, though, because that puts wear and tear on your car. That puts maintenance on your car. Yeah, but I'm on a lease. Car insurance.

cars that's even worse because you have a mile limit yeah but i'm gonna just get a new car with them so then they're gonna take that sorry they're just gonna sorry don't apologize to me you're the one yourself with leases oh my god okay so wait i don't think that that's bad though your goal is to roll it over

You're... No, it's... You're still going to have to pay the extra mileage fees. No, they said that I will not be... For what? For what? In what kind of deal? If I get a car with them.

Okay. Another lease or buy another or just buy a car and they'll forgive that. They'll essentially roll it over into that. It's probably what they're going to do. No, which by the way is locking you into having to get a car with them. Meaning you might not get a car at a good deal. Meaning whatever financing options you have, it's likely going to feel restricted at that bank. Not at that bank, but at that dealership. No, but I love that dealership. Why do you love a dealership? Because they treat me well. Great. But they might take more of your money.

I don't think so. I've gone there for a long time. It's a dealership. What do you think they're doing? They're making money. What are you talking about? Just because they give you a handshake and free cookies doesn't mean they're not making money. I mean, their lobby is really nice. Are you? That's not why. This is real. This is her. Okay. I needed to confirm. That's not why, though. Okay. So you think you're overspending. In terms of income, payroll came in $3,523. Okay? Okay.

Okay. Does that sound about right? Sure. Do you know how much comes in? I know that it's like 700 something a week because I get paid weekly. How much do you think was spent? The same amount. That's what my Bank of America says. $3,523? Sure. $5,325. So I think what happened was my boyfriend, you know, oh wait, no, that's spending, right?

Mm hmm. Oh, OK. Never mind. OK. No, I was thinking because of the transactions that my boyfriend was sending me money as well. Oh, yeah. We had met a paying coming in of a thousand two hundred eighty five as well. Venmo in three hundred ninety eight. OK, but that doesn't make sense. You're telling me even with that, I'm making three thousand and something. We had payroll of three thousand five hundred twenty three. OK, so then you don't know anything about your finances, do you? No, I don't. Have you ever budgeted in your life?

Have you ever made a budget? Why are you on the show? I know your cousin, not your friend, your cousin is a fan of the show and you've seen an episode and, you know, you guys, I guess, work together to get on here. Okay, wonderful. Yeah. Why are you here? I'm here because I heard that you can actually help people and that you care to help people. Yeah. And that you, like, how you're doing now is saying how it is, which is... Oh, yeah. Which, okay, say how it is. I get that. Oh, yeah. I'm a...

But I also say what I feel. Which is good. Say what you feel. Yeah. Might be delusional. Okay. Depending. I'm sure I have some delusion as well in certain things. We're not all super informed and educated on everything. That's impossible. Yeah. We're a dumb species. But, you know. But you don't seem like you understand anything about your current finances, do you? No, I don't. Okay. Yeah.

Well, definitely go through the budgeting program. You get access to it because you're a guest on the show. So we're going to send you through a three-hour class, take the quizzes, build the budget. We're going to create a budget with you by the end of this, kind of a makeshift one. But what's actually going to be required to make a detailed budget is going to be actually sitting down and discipline yourself for hours, for hours. It's going to take a few hours the first time, and then every month it will get shorter and shorter. So make sure you sign up for that.

Or you don't have to sign up for it. We give you access to it. Well, I have time. And you guys can sign up for it in the link in the description below. I recommend everyone. Supposedly, she's good with money. Why haven't you come together and done anything? Trust me, it's not about making. I've had people on the show make well over six figures. It's not about making. It's about managing. It's about spending. It's about understanding. I have no idea because she spends a lot of money, too. So I don't know how the hell she saves. Okay. Well, it's not about her regardless. So...

Okay. I would love to see self-assessed. This has just been chaos so far. A hurricane of a conversation. Let's get back on track. Self-confess. Where do you think your finances are? Ten being the best, zero being the worst. Right now, where do you think they are? Zero. I really honestly think that. I don't think I'm good at money. I heard it a lot of times, especially because I'm getting money from my boyfriend a lot. What are you getting money from your boyfriend for?

To help me with bills and things like that. He lives in the house with me. It's not like it's just going to me. Well, okay. Well, what do you mean? Is he paying for bills or is he giving you money to help with your bills? He's giving me money. That's different. How? That is different than like splitting rent. Is he helping pay the bills or is he giving you money to deal with your bills? Well, sometimes he does both.

Okay, why can you, a 32-year-old adult woman, not able to take care of yourself at all? So, I think that a man should take care of a woman. That's just how I think. You're a trad wife. What does that even mean? First of all, you're not a wife until you have a job, so that's not even true. But the way...

Trad, traditional wife. It's a thing that some people are into. And the way that you talked about it, you made it sound like that's how you wanted it. A man should take care of a woman. Well, yeah, in certain things. But I'm not saying that I shouldn't do stuff myself. I just, in these past few months, been asking for more. Why?

My spending's gotten worse. Okay, so you think your boyfriend, because he's a man, should have to subsidize your inability to control your own spending. Well, he's okay with doing that. Why? Does he even know where your money's going? What does he think he's helping with? Maybe he thinks he's helping with the water bill. Maybe he thinks he's helping with paying off some debt. Well, a lot of times I tell him what it's going to. A lot of times? Yeah. Not every time?

No. So he doesn't know where the money that he's giving you that you're asking for. So how does this work financially? You're just like, I need some money steady. I'll be like, okay, for sure. Ew. No, I'll text him and I'll be like, hey, babe, can you send me $200? And then he'll send me $200. And I'll be like, this is it. God, I would feel so icky on either side of that, to be honest. Why? Listen, I love giving gifts, but like the, can I have $200? Hey, Fidelity. Hey.

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I'll judge it because I'm a judgmental person. My dad took care of my mom even whenever they were separated, only when she needed help. First of all, okay. When she needs help. This isn't you needing help, though. If you were down on your luck because you got laid off and you can't pay your bills, it's different. You're taking the money and going and spending it on spending $2,000 more than you make. I just don't believe that. How do you not believe that? Math is math is math is math is math. Okay, but it's because whenever I look at my statement from Bank of America. Yeah, you spend on credit cards.

So this isn't just a bunch of checking account. I forgot about those. Oh, I forgot about the documents that make up 95% of them. That's interesting. Well, that's what happens when we don't look at our statements. And also, because I'm going to look at the conversations that we had beforehand, you also told us that you are even spending more than in the documents that we have. Like now you're spending even worse. Yeah.

Why? It just... Don't you want to go to school? Yes, I do. Okay. Then why are we putting it over that? Why are we willing to go into debt? Why? I need to get into these finances to give these people some context. This is just...

I don't know. This is what I want to talk about because this is just insane. That philosophy, that mindset, where you are on this. It's just wild. It's a little immature and it's a little entitled as well. I did dog sitting and so that gave me extra money. And so I was kind of using that. Then keep dog sitting. Okay, I will. Giving you extra money for what? For school?

No, because you're going spending more money than you have and then play money. What play money? Are you allowed to have play money if you're trying to go to? Why would you rather go into debt further than you are right now? And you have a significant amount of debt and we're about to get into a lot of it. But why the f*** would you rather go into more instead of just a little bit of adult sacrifice, 32, to go to school potentially paid for?

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Free money is linked in the resources section of the description below. So don't pass up the free money because I'll punch you with the money that came in. The money that came in half of that would have immediately paid for your entire semester. But I don't think I would be able to live on half of that regardless. No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying half of what came in from your payroll would have been able to pay for your entire semester. Entire semester.

Okay. I'm not saying you would have to live off of half of it, but just for an example, half of what you brought in from your own work would have paid for the entire semester. Yes. Well, that's that. We're borrowing because we want to spend almost double what we make because we need to ask daddy for a little bit more money. Daddy as in boyfriend, by the way. I do not call him daddy. That's gross. How much do you make dog sitting? I don't know. It's just...

Why do a job if you don't know how much you're making? Because I just started doing it. What's just starting? Like, okay, well, I don't do it all the time. That's the thing. So they just call me and I started last year. You have an hourly rate. No. They just give me what they think is, you know, enough. You don't have like a floor? Like I won't do it if it's not this much? Now I do at this point. Is this like on Rover? No. It's just through coworkers. Yeah.

And then they sent me to somebody. Yeah. And then they sent me to one of their neighbors. And so now I do that for a neighbor. Listen, if you want your hammer financial score, like she just gave us a zero out of 10, which I do respect that. Honestly, that's good. I'm happy you're aware of that. Check it out. It's free in the link in the description below. Also, if you want to be on the show, if you also don't know a single thing about your finances and you need to be kind of

Told what's up. Apply to be on the show. We're happy to look at every application. All right. Let's start this little debt journey because we've been chit-chatting. We've been chit-chatting a little more than I'd like before talking about debt. But it happens because there's a lot to talk about here apparently. Bank of America credit card. I didn't think there was that much.

That's because you don't think what you're doing is wrong. So like you wouldn't think. It's not that I don't though. All right. I'll let you concentrate. So on here we owe $447.37. That's not an insane balance. With a minimum monthly payment of $48. Okay. There's an extra $35 for pass-a-do. That was an accident.

What do you mean it was an accident? Because they don't send me notifications. To put on auto pay. You're taking money from your boyfriend for little sweet treats. Why don't you just damn pay your bills damn on time? That was a mistake. A one-time mistake. One time? On that card. One time on this card. Incorrect. Second time this year. Oh, wow. Okay, hold on a second. That's wrong. That's a second time. Okay, yes, I was wrong, but that's... No, you like lied to me. You tried to make it sound better.

I can't remember. How can you not remember? This year has only had eight months in it so far. That's a long time. Eight months? Yes. Really? Out of your 32 years?

Yeah, I don't remember what I did yesterday. You were so confident that you've never missed a payment on this card and tried to make yourself sound better. And literally within just a few months, you've had an other missed payment. You're like, it's just an accident. This only happened once. No, no. But it happened one other time. Yeah, that's what two means. One plus one is two. That's how that works. But it's not that bad.

Missing a payment on a debt that accrues fees, that is accruing interest, that is at its balance limit. Its limit is $500. Again, you're at $447. Okay. So with that, and you're missing a payment twice thinking it was only once. That's not that bad. What do you mean that's not that bad? That's like saying because I injected twice instead of four times, it's not that bad. It's still pretty bad. Okay. That makes sense. That does. You're right. But.

I still don't think compared to what? No, go on, please. I mean, it doesn't not go on your credit, though. Huh? It doesn't go on your credit that you've missed payments, though. A late payment. Probably not a full missed payment. Yes. OK, so it's not that bad. You're losing money, money, and you are borrowing money.

So that is bad. You think it's only better if it impacts your credit? No, I just think it's- How about you owing more money? I think that is pretty bad. I just don't think it's that bad. How is it-

That's all I think. That's all I think. Okay, so if it's not that bad, if it's not the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst, it's okay. It's excusable. It's okay to have. If it's not the worst thing in the world, if it's not 9-11, guys, it's not that bad. If it's not another Holocaust, guys, it's not that bad. Is that how we're using logic in this world? No. If it's not an absolute gun against the head murder, whatever's happening isn't that bad. If it's not the worst thing in the world, it's not that bad.

Who cares if it's not that bad? It's bad. The word is bad in it. Okay. Why would we do anything that is considered bad? Why would we do anything that's opposite of good? Wouldn't we want to be good? Doing well. Wouldn't we want that? Okay. Yes. I do want to do that. Okay. That's why I'm here. Yeah. Well, if you're going to be here and have the conversation, don't lie about how many missed payments you've had. Late payments. One payment. Two. Two. No, one extra payment. What? What?

I'm okay. You're obviously really upset about the missed payment. I will not do that again. No, it's not being upset about the missed payment. It's being upset that you don't understand the impact of it. Being upset that you don't think it's that bad, meaning that you're willing to do it again. Because if it's really not that bad, then you're going to do it again. Because it's not having that impact on you. That's what bothers me, is that you don't give a shit.

enough about it you don't think it's that bad meaning that you're willing to do it again meaning that if you walk away from this conversation instead of having a positive follow-up like we just uploaded today on our follow-up channel you know it was very happy someone turned their life around that's great instead you're gonna walk out this door and you're gonna continue to because you don't think it's that bad that's what upsets me that's what upsets me okay what do you want me to say to that

Yes, it's bad and I won't do it again for f*** sake. Okay. And then on here on the credit card, what are we doing? We're just stopping at H-E-B every second of our life and swiping, swiping, swiping, swiping, swiping, swiping. We're swipe addict. We're swiping every second of our life. It's...

It's close to my job, so. Wonderful. Guess what? I'm close to like a million gas stations. I don't go in there and swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe. Well, compared to a gas station, the prices are better. Going and getting little drinks and snacks. They have to be. They're $4 purchases. Well, I have to have my Red Bull, so. Have to have your Red Bull? Yes.

I cannot go a day without my Red Bull. But it's just the caffeine itself. It's literally just the caffeine itself. Make coffee at home. Make tea at home. Drink straight caffeine. Take a caffeine pill. Your addiction to it is literally the caffeine. Maybe a bit on the sugar end. Obviously, you like the taste. No, I get sugar free. Okay, obviously, you like the taste. But in reality, what you need is the caffeine. So we can find alternatives. You're in the habit. You're in the ritual. You don't need it. You're an adult. Don't act like a baby.

You don't need a bottle. You don't need to be sucking on the nip. You have multiple alternatives. Wow. What? You disagree? I just don't want to give them up. Great. So conversation's done, right? There it is. That's the end of the episode, right? That's it. That's a Red Bull. It's a Red Bull. You absolute. What? I can't think of a word that describes what I'm thinking. Okay.

Ask my family. They can tell you something probably. What's a word that describes her in this situation? You absolute glutton. I don't know. You're spending double, double, double, double what you make on this bull. So it's just a red bull. No, it's not. You're spending almost double what you make because you can't stop swiping. Okay. Well, now that you say it like that, maybe I understand a little better.

But you just said you're not willing to give it up. Well, maybe I will. I used to drink coffee. You didn't drink coffee. It's so cheap. Okay. Bean juice. Bean juice. It's good. It doesn't give you wings, but it's good. I'll change to Starbucks. No, not that kind of. No, the powder. Oh, my God. You know what I'm talking about. You almost just scared me. I know. The moment you said that, my producers tried to kill her.

I'm not talking about that. I promise. I promise. I promise. I can promise you today. I will not do that. Okay. Listen, if those are the beans you get, they're a little overpriced for what they are because they're burnt beans. Honestly, the H-E-B beans are better. Well, they're good. Yeah. Those are good too. Like the roasted pecan ones, I think. Those ones are very yummy. Okay. That's fine. Get the normal ones. I like the Colombian one.

Beautiful. Wonderful. There you go. You just saved a ton of money. Okay. Okay. Let's do that then. And you don't, there's no, you know, sometimes at work, like for example, here, there's free coffee for the people. Do you get coffee at work? It's like a coffee machine there. Uh, well they have the espresso machine there. There you go. And that's free, right? Yeah. We just saved ourselves a lot of money. Yeah. My boss gets it. He's really nice. Well, that's great. There you go. Nice boss. Have a nice life. Why not? Your future.

Because for our future, for our future, for our future, for our future, for our future, we did that. Mind you, this is on a card that's maxed out that we're missing payments on twice this year and is accruing interest. $65 this year so far, $70 in fees at a 30% interest rate. That's a 30%?

Yes. Oh, my God. I see where we're starting. Yes. OK. With really no knowledge of our finances. Legitimately no knowledge. 30 percent is a lot. It's a substantial number. I remember when my first car, I had it at 18 percent. That was 18 percent.

I would like to know, I want to put this more into context even, just to demonstrate how bad 30% is. Do you know on the best average investing in the overall stock market, the best you'll get on a yearly breakdown over a 10-year period? If you average it out over the course of a year. Well, I was planning this. What do you think that money's getting? My 401k. I don't care. We'll talk about that. 5%. No, no, no, no. What do you think it's returning in the stock market with the growth? Oh, I don't know.

I know nothing about that stuff. That's okay. I just want to put this in demonstration. Let's say I open up my investing brokerage, Moo Moo. I open up my app. Wonderful. I buy into the S&P 500, the best returning index fund over the course of... You're going to write that down for me though, right? Sure. And I buy into that. Over the course of 10 years, or actually over the course of its lifetime, all up years, all down years combined, the money that I've invested is making 10% on average. 10%.

You were losing three times that on this credit card. Three times the best that you could hope for in the overall stock market. Okay. That's how bad it is.

Yeah, that's really bad. You're not a credit card person. You don't know how to make payments. Not being a credit card person is okay. Okay. Not being a credit card person is okay. That's not an insult. There's no need to be a credit card person. It's really meant for the people that are disciplined and you're not and that's okay with your finances. I'm sure you are in other places of life. That's fine. You know? Mm-hmm.

You need to use a charge card like the Fizz card, one that forces you to pay off the entire balance on a monthly basis or else, you know, you just can't. Or a card that essentially you put the balance on and then you can pay only what you have on there. But you cannot use a traditional credit card that gives you this infinite amount of money that you can just spend and forget payments on. Are you talking about a secured card? Yes, there's a lot of alternatives, but you cannot use a traditional credit card. That's what's most important to me. You can't. Okay.

I mean, you can't. Do you recognize this? Yes. You acknowledge this? Okay. Because it's gotten you into a world of hurt, including the second one, Apple. It's a very big credit card on the show that a lot of people have. You have $744.80 owed on it with a $25 minimum payment. Minimum payments are really going to stack up for someone who's cutting their hours in half. Yes. Previous balance is the same balance as it. Oh, no, no. The balance went up. What the fuck? What?

What did I do? What you did is you made your afterpay payments on here. Yeah, that's hysterical. Your life is a burning pile of trash. So afterpay is not good? It's a comedy. Do you understand what this means? Okay. Do you understand what this means? I would like you to explain kind of what's happening here. I'm not paying it right away and I can pay it later. Okay.

So this is how I look at this. This is the way you're doing it. Okay. You want to go make a purchase. Yeah. I'm not going to pay for it all right now. So I'm going to put it on after pay. Yeah. So that I make multiple payments on it. Yeah. But instead of you paying off your after pay, you then further put it on a credit card, meaning you're delaying the payment twice. Right.

You're after paying your after pay. Well, what's wrong with that? Meaning you're never making your payments. You're only stacking up what you owe at any given time. But then I end up making payments to my credit card. Okay, and we know how that goes with just literally one card to go. So what the f*** are you talking about? Okay. Okay?

What do you mean okay? I didn't think about it that way. You didn't think about it after literally two minutes ago. We were just talking about it. You're supposed to explain it to me. So that's why. I just did. I know. So now I know. Okay. Okay. Okay. If you are not able to pay for an item, don't buy it. Let's start there. And two, if you do have to pay, which please don't because you just can't manage that.

don't pay it by going into debt more. Don't afterpay your afterpay and don't afterpay your afterpay your afterpay, which I have a feeling we... Have you ever done a balance transfer or consolidation? No. Oh, thank...

Because if you did that, that would be afterpaying your afterpaying your afterpay. I don't even know how to do that. Good. And please don't. I'm sorry. That would scare me if you knew what those were. Because I don't want you to even recognize that those exist. Okay. Forget I even mentioned those products. All right. I really don't remember what you just said. Good. Good. And don't Google ways to get out of debt. Because some places will recommend things like that. But you're not disciplined enough to do them. So it is a good way, but...

For those who are disciplined. Okay. Yeah. You don't know how to not spend money. So. Okay. Or manage a budget. Not yet. We'll get you there. You're not there yet. What interest rate do you think this one's at? I don't know. What do you think? 20. 27. .24.

Why are they all that high? Because they're a credit card and rates are at. But they don't have to be that high. They want to make money and there's also a lot of risk involved in giving someone like you access to money. Well, that makes more sense now. Yeah. One, it takes on risk from the bank if I'm looking at the bank perspective. But two, also they're.

just money grubbers. Like they just, they want it and they know they can take advantage of people like you. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but they know they can. So they do. And interest rates are also high at the moment. So interest rates, when I started the show on credit cards, you know, they're sitting closer on 20%. Now they're on 30% because interest rates have gone up because of the, to combat inflation. Yeah. My dad told me that. You didn't know that? I didn't know. I thought it was on the houses.

Because that's all we talked about. We didn't really talk about credit cards. You and your dad are talking about houses? Well, we have a house together. Me, my dad, my mom, and my boyfriend. They got it for me. Wait, what does that even mean? What does that even mean they got a house for you? Every time I explain this, they're saying that it's not my house. But it is my house once they pass. How old are they? Hold on.

I don't even care how it sounds. I just wanted to hold it. I'm only thinking from the financial situation. 53. Okay. Right. So I don't know. I'm asking her. Oh, you look to her. Sorry. My eyes were closed.

So I forgot she's over there. It's a conversation between me and you. Well, you shouldn't forget about your fan. Well, it's a conversation between me and you. Okay, I'm sorry. So what's wrong with that? Because they're going to put it in a trust. I need to know the structure of this a little bit more. So what do you mean? So are you on the mortgage? No. Okay, good. I couldn't get a house. That's why they did it. Yeah, no. Okay.

That's obvious. Nor would I want you to get one. Okay. Because you'd be house poor. Well, I saw how much it was just for them to get it. I mean, that's just ridiculous. Why would they do this? Because they knew that I always wanted a house and that they gave me that as a present, I guess. I'm going to be candid.

And it's kind of like our titles. I mean, but I'll be candid. This isn't me disliking you. And I'm sure many parts of your life are good. But when it comes to your finances with your boyfriend, with your parent, with your spending, with your management, you're a spoiled brat. You think so? You are a spoiled brat.

Your parents literally got a mortgage because you've always wanted a house. Everyone's always wanted a house. Your boyfriend gives you money for you to spend on sweet treats and you spend double what you make. Okay. Yes. You have to have your Red Bull. So you're willing to go into debt for that and have someone else buy your house and give you money. Spoiled brat. Not as an insult. I just want to call it as I see it. We can fix that.

If you actually want to. But your actions right now are the actions of a spoiled brat. And I'm not going to just coddle. Fine. Do you agree or disagree? Well, I think that my boyfriend should still send me money. I don't think that. Why do you want it to be like a sugar baby sugar daddy situation? I just want him to take care of me. That's all. It's not even taking care of you. It's literally you going and spending more money. Well, he can send me money every now and then to do nails.

Which I didn't get to do. Okay, and listen, again, I love giving gifts. I do. And if anyone ever wants any of this. You're trying to be a sugar daddy. Yes. No, not really. No, I love giving gifts. But I give gifts out of just, you know, love for friends, love for family, love for, you know, if I'm dating someone. But if someone was coming up to me, the person I was dating, like, give me money.

I don't say it like that. You make me sound bad. Okay. It's also enabling you as well. Okay. There is that. That I can see. Yes. Which is not helping you or your future. Right.

And your parents potentially enabled you. So you're not on the, are you on the deed? We don't have it. But they put it in a trust. There's a deed. No, they're going to. And I don't know any of that. Why haven't they set up the trust yet? I don't know. What happens if they die tomorrow? Exactly. And that's what I told them. I said, y'all need to do that because somebody had told them to do it since it wouldn't, I wouldn't have to pay taxes or something. I don't really know the whole thing, the whole gist of it. Well, my fear is, well, you're not on the, okay.

What my fear was is that you were also on the mortgage. And what would happen if they, like, died today? You would be in a situation that would be... Right. So, listen, again, I think this kind of goes in the way of, like...

you know, a little bit of spoiled, which it's okay to be spoiled by the way. It's more the demeanor and your actions around it that matter more. People can be like spoiled as kids and turn out to be really good people. Yeah. But if you think you're like, you're entitled to things and you got, which you demonstrate through your spending and through your behavior with boyfriend, um, that's where that kind of throws me off. And wow, this episode is wild. Why? This is just a wild conversation, which is, I'm just realizing now this is hitting me. Is this,

This is intense. We're 40 minutes in and I've talked about two damn documents. We're going to be here for a second. And I'm conducting job interviews in an hour, so we're going to... Oh, really? Good for you. Thank you. I appreciate it. You may need to do some of those soon to get more money. Probably. Probably.

Our budgeting program, which is provably the best that can be taken anywhere online is now bundled with our investing program where you can get a hundred dollars in cash gifted into your Moomoo account. This is literally the best education you can take in your life right now to turn around your financial life or take where you are and make your life even better. These are bundled together for a limited time for 15% off. Check them out links in the description below. All right. We have a Quicksilver card. Quicksilver. Oh, that's

I don't know what they're called. If you say Capital One, then I'm like, okay. But I don't know what a Quicksilver is. Sorry, I don't know what the context of that was. Well, you looked at me like I was stupid. No, I was just waiting for you to say what you were trying to say. Oh, okay. I don't think you're stupid. Thank you. Listen, I'm sure in many aspects of life, again, that you're probably great at your job. You're probably great in the pharmacy world. You're a dumb f***ing finances.

I'm pretty okay at finances, but I would be a dumb in the world of pharmacy. It's okay to not know things about things, but then you just listen to the people that have success in certain areas. That's okay. I'm a dumb a lot of things. Sit me down in geometry class and I'm like, I don't know what's going on. I grow like 10 more chromosomes. It's just a wild situation. Yeah. Okay. Well, I appreciate that. $1,409.41. Yeah.

With the $51 minimum fee payment. Yes, you are to the credit limit right there. You're basically at the credit limit again. All of them are. Really? Yes, all of my cards. And $37 of interest is occurring. What do you think the interest rate on this card is? I guess another 30%. Yeah, we'll play that game one more time because now you're catching on. 30.49%. Interest is occurring. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for not spending on this card. I don't spend on that card? What? I'm confused. Well, that's telling me that you did. No. Since the statement, probably. Since you also told us that you've been spending more than these statements reflect, which is crazy because you spend double what you make. Well, I don't have any money to spend, so maybe that's why. Can you pull up your app for me? Right now. Okay. All right. Let's have a little sneaky thing. Is it the same? Uh...

pretty darn close. Your credit score is in the 500s. Yes. We're not looking at flights. She has no money. We're not looking at flights. Well, I'm going to Cancun. So, in April. Lady. You're legitimately just like sucking everything out of me right now. It's for a friend's wedding. Congratulations to them. I don't give a fuck.

Who do they think they are having a destination wedding and feeling entitled to have everyone have to go there? No, she doesn't have. We don't have to. Oh, she said. That's great. Oh, that's wonderful. That we're not going to have. Oh, that's so exciting. No, guys, it's so good.

We already, like, took off and everything. Ring, ring. Hi, bestie. I'm borderline going to live under a bridge in, like, two seconds. I'm not going to come to Cancun. Okay. Ring, ring. Hi, co-worker. Especially because you went and you did since the statement just a few days ago. Went and got a Red Bull at a gas station. Interest charge is...

So, yes, you are still spending on it. This is ridiculous. You have a little bit of room to spend on it here. You're just like, we better go swipe. I got to swipe. I'm not going to live if I can't swipe. I got to swipe. I'm a swiper. I didn't have that much in my bank, so I had to use this. To get a Red Bull. Yeah, because that's a necessity to live. What are we talking about? What are we doing? What are you talking about? If you were making your rent...

Or like a pet emergency because they ate something that was making them choke. Like, I get it. That's different. You're getting a Red Bull.

She gets Red Bulls all the time. Can you afford them? And she can afford them. Great. Guess what? I eat out a lot. I'm a fat. I can afford it. It's in my budget. I have a six month emergency fund. I've contributed minimum 20% to retirement. I can afford it. You have maxed out credit cards. You're spending double you make. You do not. I don't even know if you have your retirement. It's basically nothing for your age. You have no fully funded emergency fund. No, you cannot afford it. Okay.

Fine. You can be an adult. What is this? Toyota. So this is a car. Yes. What is this? I have two. It's a Corolla. Yes. Two? Yeah, because I got one for my boyfriend. He needed a car. He needed a car. He could have got his own car. He's your boyfriend, not your husband. His credit is bad. So is yours. Yeah. Well, obviously it wasn't that bad whenever I got it. What do you think?

You know, you're seeing because there's no interest rate up front that this is good. You know, with this lease, they're baking in fees. They're breaking in whatever they want in order to make any kind of money on this. And they are baking it into your thing. And then they're extending it out with these minimum payments to make it feel like it's somewhat appetizing. And then at the end, you still owe. And when did you get this? When did you get this?

When did you get this? Yeah. When did you get this? The Corolla in February. Great. So used car market prices were higher. So really, in reality, your buyout at the end, because they bake that in at the beginning, what the car is going to be worth if you put a certain amount of miles on it. If you were to buy out, which it sounds like you're not going to anyway, but if you were to buy out, guess what? It would be more expensive than the car would likely be worth at that point anyway, because year over year, used car prices have gone down 10%.

But again, that's plummeting down and you're buying on the way down. Not buying, leasing. So who knows what value and what was baked in with this, but all I know is you spent $544 of money you don't have. Oh, actually, no, that's not my payment. That's my boyfriend's payment. Your boyfriend's payment. Does he pay it? Yes, he does. I drive that car. He pays for it. What? What are you guys? He uses the truck, which is the original one that I got. He uses the truck.

And I pay for that one. So we just switched. And you just want to keep leasing and leasing and leasing and never own an asset in your life? No, this is the first time I've leased. Thank you very much. You're welcome. But you said you were going to get a lease again. No, I didn't. So you're going to buy a car through them. Yes. Okay. And that's why they're saying. With a 500 something credit score and no money. It's going to be better in six months. How? Because I'm going to make it better. Oh, okay.

Yeah, that's a great exercise. What? That's not how the things work. You have maxed out credit cards and we just pulled up your statement just a couple days ago. You just brought the balance back up even though it started to make a little bit of progress via your minimum payments because you're like, I need some web bowls. But that doesn't get our credit score up. Okay. Wanting, wanting something in six months is not a...

path to success okay it's the actions and the actions you're doing are they will help me out toyota because i've given them listen because i've given them people to buy cars there as well my my mom my dad my brother everybody's gone there i mean they don't have those cars anymore they got you know my mom got a mercedes and they will help you they will help you complete their sale

Which will get you a car. But at a pretty good price. How would you even know? If my payments are lower, I'm happy. I heard you have a spray bottle. You should use that on you.

Right now. You care about the least important thing. Okay. It's not the payment. Why? Because the way they make your payment look better is by stretching it out to like an eight year loan. What you need to care. I'm not doing an eight year loan. You don't know. You would do whatever it takes to get the payment in your area. Yes, you would. I know that again, this is not talking bad about you. This is, I know people like you. I talked to people. Yeah.

My car is different. I talk to people like you every single day. I know what you will do to get this payment when you're in the room because that's what they will pitch you. Fine. What's the longest you would do? What's the longest you would do? The longest I've ever done. Ever done. I don't care what you've ever done. Car prices. Right now. Right now. Five. Okay. Well, that's still shouldn't do more than three.

I can't make that kind of payment. Oh, good. That means you can't afford it. So then I get a cheaper car. There you go. $10,000. Cap it. Buy it in cash by saving up being an adult. Are you kidding me? I'm not getting a used car. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Whoa. I am... It is rare that I do not talk to someone from the audience since your cousin is in the audience. This is really rare. The amount of delusion in this world and entitlement you have... Remember when I called you a spoiled brat? Yes. I'm not going to...

I can't get a used car. You're a spoiled brat. New cars break. Used cars break. Cars break. We get an educated purchase. We take it to a mechanic that we trust. Oh, my fuck.

What the is there to do here? Like with that mindset, there's like, there's no hope. There's no hope. What? What? You're not willing to get something that's not a used car. What's a median new car? How am I supposed to know that it's a good car? How are you supposed to know a new car is good? You can get new cars. Because I send it over to, you know, Toyota and they do whatever they need to do with it. It's free. Congratulations. Congratulations. Do that with the used car.

But then I have to pay out of pocket for it. Dude, if you literally can save, if you get a $10,000 car versus a $35,000 new car, $40,000 new car, you're probably going to get like a $50,000 new car because you're going to have all the bells and whistles. Oh, I know people like you. Listen, what you just said, you're a spoiled brat. Yes, you will. I can't afford that. No, you can't afford what you'd get anyway. So regardless, if you can save $25,000, $15,000 by paying $500 to get a car checked out, I think what's a bigger number, $15,000 or $500? $500.

Okay, I know what the answer is. $15,000. What? Pay the $500. What? Maybe I didn't listen. I'm sorry. I zoned out for a second. Sorry. If you can save $15,000 by getting your $10,000 car checked out for $500, what's a bigger number, $15,000 or $500? Oh, okay. Now I see what you're saying. So why the f*** would you not do it?

Because I don't have that like in the moment. We're talking six months from now. I think we can prepare $500 in six months. I think you can what? You think I can save $10,000 in six months? Even if we leverage it, you can do three years 20% down no more than what is the money guy? 18% of your income. We could do that.

Well, with your hours cut, the income part is going to be hard. That's what I'm saying. Again, the thing you care about with car payments is the last thing to care about. Okay, fine. Listen, the minimum monthly payment is important, but...

That's all you're looking at. And taking out of context, that is not the most important thing. The interest rate, the term length, the value of the car versus the real value of the car. Because you're likely going to know they're going to sell you a car that's, you know, more expensive than it's actually worth. They will. Congratulations. It's their job. You're not some special extra angel customer that gets...

nothing that no other customer has ever gotten in the history of the world. You're not that unique. I'm sorry to tell you, none of us are. Well, I will say on the leases, I didn't really pay attention to... 8% on minimum monthly payment. I think I said 18, sorry. Oh. For the rule, 23, 8, 20% down three-year length of the car loan at 8% of your gross income max. You're going to write this down, right? Yes. Okay. Because I don't remember. Either way.

The minimum monthly payment matters, yes, once we calculate the interest. If you're making sure you're getting a good deal on the car and the term length is reasonable, then the minimum monthly payment matters. When people like you only look at the minimum monthly payment, they will get whatever term they need to extend to in order to make the minimum monthly payment, regardless of the interest rate or the value of the car, fit within their budget and make it feel affordable. So it's a dangerous perspective the way you're looking at cars. Okay.

I need to be real. The way you're doing this right now is you literally retiring with unable to pay your rent. And then you're going to take over a mortgage that you can't afford because they probably have a 30 year fixed rate mortgage. And hopefully they live that entire year, 30 years, and maybe they pay it off. And it's in a trust where it goes to you. You're still going to have to pay it. Yeah. And in no context here, are you able to pay for anything at all?

Whatever. For f*** sake. Listen, how much longer is left on this? On the Corolla? I don't know. I think it's three. No, I think it was three years from February. I don't know. Does it say on there? I think it says it on there. 29 months remaining. Great. So we're basically baked in. On that one, yeah. Blinding it out wouldn't make sense. Okay. Okay.

So the Tacoma, it's the old one? Yes. Okay, now he pays the lease, you said. So he gives you that money? Yes. So he gives you the 544? Right, so that's not my...

Well, no. You know what happens? He leaves you or you leave him or he dies or he loses a job and then you have to pay for it. Let me just explain something to you. I had an ex-boyfriend and I did the same thing for him. Yeah. And he paid it off. OK. Sounds like maybe he had a little bit of integrity. What if this guy you guys have a messy breakup? Again, what if he dies? I would never do that. He would never die. OK. I didn't say he would never die. Oh, my God. He would never not pay it.

Yes, it's what you say. Listen, listen, the world is not roses and flower fields. This is not what it is. You say that. You guys have a loving relationship right now. The world is unpredictable. You had a good experience with an ex, and I am very happy for that. And also, I can't believe that this is the second time that's happened. You cannot allow yourself to get into this risk. You do not understand the risk of this. You do not understand the risk. And so many people have gotten in situations where they take

loans out with the family members for exes for things like that and then they get in a position because the other person doesn't pay it for whatever reason and listen if he doesn't have any money because he loses a job he doesn't have any money to give you regardless if he wants to so like this you don't understand the risk behind this is dumb as dumb as okay no i really understand you like i said when you explain it to me that way then i i get why you're so angry it's not angry i'm scared for you

terrified for you. It's just because you just don't realize how bad this is. It's just crazy. The situation you're in, I know where it ends up. We've had people on the show in their 60s and see where this ends up. Multiple rounds of bankruptcy and nothing to their name. Okay, so the Tacoma, this has a loan on it, not a lease. It's a lease. So that's bad. Did she not just tell me that the other one was her first lease? No, no, no.

Okay, I feel like you don't listen very well.

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advantage of fast claims processing and the freedom to visit any licensed vet in the United States. Don't wait for the unexpected. Click the link below to secure spot pet insurance. Keep your pet protected and your wallet happy. Because I said this was the first time that I've leased before, not this is the car I first leased on. Well, I don't know. I mean, we had that statement in front of me, so I don't know. Who knows? This is a messy conversation regardless. Okay. Well...

That was my first original lease. Seven months left. What happens at the end? We're going to get a new one. With our wonderful 500 credit scores. It's going to be higher. Hope is not a path to success. But I'm willing to work hard. Look, I gave up the Red Bull. No, you didn't. Yes, I told you. I said, I promise I will have coffee.

Oh, so you saying that is you giving it up? Yes. Okay, so no actual actions. Just you saying you'll give it up. I mean, we just talked about this right now. Come on. We just talked today about me not having Red Bulls. I haven't given you the chance. Well, I know you said I gave it up. That would indicate to me that you had given it up. Well, okay. You're saying you gave it up now? Just now. Okay. Yes. Let me give you a little bit of context.

walk you through this we again we have a follow-up channel i mentioned that we do follow-ups with people a lot of people have told me a lot of out of the four to five we recorded these a week and release three i've been told a lot of things that people are going to do that means nothing to me okay doesn't do it prove me wrong because that means that you would live be living a better life please do please do um

Because that would mean you'd be living a better life. And I would much rather, of course, I want to be wrong on that. But just based on so many experiences on the show, it's just like, okay, you might do that for a month. Then a lot of people, they just fall into their old ways because they don't have the discipline required. They're not able to see that end goal, the light through the tunnel. They're just not able to. They just get stuck in it. Okay. Seven months remaining on this. Yep. Then we're in whatever situation. Credit one.

Credit one is an indication of you essentially being in like the worst finances possible. Because the only people who take these hours are the ones that get them in the mail and you just allow yourself to take it out. And you have multiple credit ones. Yeah, I think that's how I saw it. It's as bad as it gets. There's all these fees on a monthly basis. What? You tell me what. I don't want to say it. What? What is it? Nothing. What am I reacting to? What am I reacting to? I haven't been making payments. What are you? It wasn't just the first card.

Okay, but this just started three months ago because I couldn't afford it. Three months and no payments? Couldn't afford it? Are you kidding me right now? That's going to piss me off. That is going to piss me off. That, again, spoiled brat. You spent $500 going out to eat. You spent $135 eating Red Bulls. Okay?

unknown shopping like usually amazon 146 couldn't afford it you chose not to afford it okay you put your that you wanted over it and then you took money from your boyfriend and had your parents get a house for you you couldn't afford it you couldn't afford it that's bull you chose not to and that that actually makes me angry this is what angry looks like because that's

That's you being a spoiled little brat who's not willing to sacrifice anything. Not able to afford it. This is money you borrowed that you owe. And listen, if you're against credit cards and you're just morally like, okay, I shouldn't have to pay it, that's a different conversation. You not being able to afford it? Absolutely not. You chose to go eat out and just be a spoiled brat instead of making the payments that you owed. So don't ever say that again. Don't ever try to be I couldn't afford it victim. You're not a victim. You're a victim of your own lack of discipline. Fine.

Fine. I don't know what you want me to say. Maybe accept a little bit of responsibility and acknowledge that you could pay this if you chose to. Okay. Is that you acknowledging that you could have paid this if you chose to? Ha ha ha. Ha ha. This is great. Ha ha ha. Yes. Lovely. Our life is ruined. That's amazing. My life is ruined. Now that you're telling me all this. Do you accept that? Okay. Yeah. Oh my...

I look, those resources will be great for me. The ones we give you? Yes. Right. Yes. But their education, it's still the actions you put into it afterwards that matter. I'm determined. I really am. No, no. Look, like I'm determined to go to school, like I'm determined to, you know, become a pharmacy tech. I didn't think I was going to do it, but I was determined to do it. And I did it.

That's one thing that you cannot take from me. Why would I? You did it. Okay. So I have no objective. I'm telling you I'm determined to get this. When have you become determined to figure this out? Well, today, because you're yelling at me. So this is what's made the difference. You didn't realize this yesterday. I did. But then why haven't you done anything to change this before? Because I just ended up just not caring. And what is different now?

You kind of scared me, okay? So... Yeah. Because I need to have money to retire. Like, nobody's going to be there to help me then. So... Mommy and daddy won't be here forever. And I want to take care of them eventually. But with this, I can't. Because they're getting older. I'm not saying they're old now. But, you know, eventually... And...

With medical issues, you never know what can happen. So I need to give them back what they've given me. They're great parents. They sound like great people, but they might be enabling you. Okay. But it sounds like they have a great heart. Oh, my. The balance is $1,521.04. This is about to go into collections. And you think that your credit score is going to increase? I don't know what the you're on about.

And the credit limit of the $1,521 balance, the credit limit is $1,150. The normal minimum monthly payment is like $116, but you owe $439 because you don't know how to be responsible and make payments and cut back on anything.

Wonderful. Great. Late fees, annual fees, interest, all the good stuff, all the classics. All right, let's go on. Let's go on to the next credit. One credit, one number two. Come on down to $1,314.18. And the credit limit on this is $950.

Wonderful. $150 minimum fee payment. But guess what? What we owe is $434. Because again, we don't know how to cut back on our spending. Money we don't have. Wonderful. Credit one. Oh, credit one number three. Yeah, they told me you would get on my ass about this. Who they? That one and other people.

We'll bring your cousin into the, because you threw some things her way saying she does this. And she knows the show. We'll bring her into the post show. You can be on camera, off camera. It's up to you. We'll give you a mic to talk. And you can explain how you see the situation, how your family sees the situation and defend the things that Miss Amanda has thrown towards you. So we owe $2,022 on this and 74 cents. With a credit limit of $1,550, what are we doing?

So to be clear, I mean, any kind of car loan you get with this is going to be like a 25%, 30% loan at eight years because these are going to go into collections and your credit score is only going to go down. You owe $477,000. Shocker. But the normal minimum payment looks like about $110,000. Fees. Interest. Classic. And it continues. An hour and seven minutes into this, my bladder is still full. I'm sorry. UFCU credit card.

$423.59 with interest charge $5.12 in fees. Oh my, this fee is a late thing. Listen, $10 minimum fee payment and the fee is $10.91. All right, what was the fee? What was the fee? Wait, what was the fee? How much was it? $10.91. Available credit of $76. What was the fee, ma'am? Something tells me it's a late payment.

So there was one late payment. And knowing you, that one means there was two. I mean, maybe, yeah. But the reason, again, is because of the notifications. I went to them, though, and I asked them, you know, how can I resolve this? And they said that there was nothing about the notifications that they are able to do. So I set up a notification on my phone. Okay.

I don't know how to do that on there. That's okay. Well, I, okay. Or maybe you like just ask them or download the app. Well, I have the app. Then autopay should be there. Go to the website. It's always, it's there. Are you sure that you, every, they all, why do they not have notifications? Credit one has stupid notifications. Notifications of what? That a payment is due. Yes. I probably do. It's probably in their system somewhere.

Just turn on the minutes. It's $10. I know. Course careers, I love you guys. You guys need to just come out with a course, a certification of how to not be a dumb f***ing credit cards. Because I want to gift that to you. Okay. But you don't need any other certification because you're going to be going to school and getting a great career. I'm a little nervous of how you're going to be paying for it. Oh, my...

what's it called loans how i'm gonna be paying that how are you gonna do anything honestly well i paid oh it was a late fee there it is there was a second page no we knew it okay wait it wasn't even a joke you've had two this year you're you're a meme you're a debt meme which sucks because that's actually bad for you it's like don't be sorry to me this is your life

No offense. I'm going to walk away from here and I'm going to give you the resources. We're going to answer any questions you ever give us. And I'm going to hope you do well and hopefully talk to you again. But I'm going to walk away to a life that has been budgeted. You leave here and you have to take care of this mess. You got yourself into this. Don't be sorry to me. This isn't about me. It's about me.

This is your life. And you cannot, you cannot for a single second allow for someone else to have more of a care of an impact for a financial situation of your life than yourself. You're right. We already have $5,000 in student loans. Yeah. And an additional $3,000? Is there more? $10,000. For what? Your undergrad?

No, I tried to go to school and I ended up not finishing. But I had told your people about that, that I had already had a $10,000 loan that I was paying on. Great. Yeah. Wonderful. Happy for the people you talked to.

It was during COVID and I got super busy in pharmacy, so I wasn't able to really dedicate full-time hours to school. I see $9,000. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Yes. $9,000. You're making payments? Yes. They're $69,000. Okay. So you're on income-based? Yes. Okay. Yeah. It's a low... You're going to get deferred once you start school, of course.

They'll be on pause. I can't even think about these student loans right now with just the rest of your thing. And then, what is this? It could be sent to a collections agency from Charter. Oh, that's medical. Charter Communications? I think somebody else took over, probably, for the loan. Charter Communications is not medical. No? Is it? Wait. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

well let me see like isn't that the person that takes over one second like when they pay out one second well yes so what got me confused is because it said that this was the original creditor which wouldn't have made sense which made me think of charter so this was medical debt that went into collections done yes yeah i believe that was one i would say that's the original part it's obviously not um yeah

Had gone to the hospital, that's why. Why did you not pay up? I couldn't tell you. I was young. What's young? I was in my 20s, early 20s. I probably was 20. This would not be in your collections anymore at that point.

It would not be on your credit. I think what happened was because I heard that if you call or talk to them. You reactivated? And I think that's what happened. When did you do that? Because I was trying to call or talk to them. I don't know. I can't remember. This has been four years, so it still takes multiple years to fall off. This one, five years, five months. What's $1,200? What did you lose here? Well, that one's also for medical. Did you have a lot going on or something? I had gotten diagnosed with diabetes once.

And so I was in ICU. Which one? One or two? Two. Okay. Have you made progress? Oh, yeah. Good. Proud of you for that. Thank you. Very good. Keep that up. And then 1,124 that's been open only one year. What's this? Consumer. Oh, emergency medical. So this is more medical. Oh, yeah. Do you not pay any medical bill? I don't. Why? I just kind of put it to the side.

Well, it is still hurting your credit. Now, it's not accruing any interest or anything, but this is, again, you are someone that, from our conversation, wants to take advantage of credit scores to get a car loan. That's where this matters. Okay. Oh, is that it? Is that all the debt? Well, I can't think right now. You just put a lot on me right now. Can I look at my phone real quick? Yes. Okay, so Apple Credit One, UFCU, Capital One.

Bank of America credit card. You did. Person I'm interviewing for the job opening, I apologize that I'm sending you an email saying that I need 15 minutes extra. If you're saying this, you probably are. I think that's fair. $532 in our checking account. $116 is what started. Oh, my Apple bill. Red bull, red bull, red bull, red bull, apple bill.

Meta payout $300. Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Apple bill after pay. Great. Red Bull That's really important to pay for. And we literally can't pay our bills. Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. Meta payout $250. Who knows where the went? Red Bull, more ancestry. Great. Wonderful. Chick-fil-A, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. At least it's the zero calorie for your diabetes and zero sugar.

MetaPay, $61. Red Bull, Red Bull. No offense, I'm kind of done. But Red Bull, Red Bull. Amazon, Netflix, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. MetaPay out, $10. Amazon, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. Afterpay, Red Bull. McDonald's, Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. Red Bull. Great. Red Bull, Red Bull, Red Bull. Dutch Bros, Dutch Bros, Dutch Bros. Looks like we decided to be a coffee person that day. Red Bull, Red Bull. Oh, no, I don't get coffee. Great. Red Bull. Red Bull.

Mexican restaurant. Dairy Queen. Changed it up. Then we're back. Red Bull. HBO Max is one of the better subscription services. They actually have good things on there, unlike most. But also you can afford life. I got it for Vampire Diaries. Red Bull. Red Bull. Cool. Maybe don't be a financial vampire. That doesn't even make sense. Red Bull. Red Bull. Might have payout $300. Oh, you pay for Credit Karma. Great. Stamped Finance. Oh, wait. Hold on. Credit Karma, I don't pay for that. I put that in Savings. Savings.

They have a savings? I did not know that. Snap Finance? What's that? That's kind of like Afterpay or a firm. Stop yourself. More Snap Finance. More Snap. Red Bull. Stop it. $15 in cash up. Send out cash up. TikTok Shop. Unless you're kidding me. Come on. From your Venmo. TikTok Shop. You really need whatever you got. $8 in this checking account. $1 in the savings account.

Nothing's happening here. There's a monthly maintenance fee because you don't have enough money in there. So I'm just losing money. Great. Robin Hood, $7. Thrilling. 401k. What? $5,000. So dramatically behind for your age. That's where I'd want you to be in like early mid-20s. So where am I supposed to be? You, where would I want to at least see you if I'm guessing? I mean, a lot of it depends on income, but I'd want to see you at least closer to like 10 times that.

What? If you max out your Roth IRA every year from your early 20s, that wouldn't be hard. Taking account of compound growth. I mean, I just did not know. Not to mention everyone buys you everything anyway, so it's not like you really have any concerns in your life. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've just kind of given up. There's only so much emotional energy you can give into a situation for someone that doesn't really care. Tell me about it. I'm tired at this point. Okay, well, unfortunately, you really don't have that option.

Just to let you know. So we're going to be making all the minimum payments because we need to improve our credit to get this car loan. And this car loan is probably going to because you're going to do it in a bad way, but whatever. You can also email us as you're going through that process and we can at least help. But that's if you actually decide to do that. Your cousin will keep us updated though. Minimum monthly payments on our debts. Wonderful.

$1,576.55. How much do you give your parents for rent? $1,400. Okay. Does your boyfriend cover any of that? Yes. How much do you give? For mortgage, $300. Utilities, your portion? Wait, that's where the $400 is. I'm sorry. $400, what? Because it's $1,400, I say, for mortgage and utilities. How much do you give for mortgage and utilities? Yeah, so $700 total. Internet? Yeah.

That's including gas, vroom, vroom, drive, drive. How much in a month? 60. I doubt it. What? I have a Corolla. I know. It's just your lack of knowing. 60, sure. Okay, put 70. Car insurance? 215.

TP Fund, anything else you need to survive, $100. Groceries, you're going to contribute $250 to the household. He can contribute the rest. That's what you're contributing. You're only getting groceries. You're doing meal prepping. Follow the meal prep that we have in our budgeting program. Address it to your needs. Co-pays, do you have anything medical on a monthly basis? No, I get it for free through my job. Subscriptions, do you have a pet? I don't pay for anything. That's my parents' pet pretty much. Great.

I don't even know what your income is about to be. And then you're going to school anyway. So it's just like, okay. All I know is you need $2,911.55 to live on a minimum basis. Obviously, you're making that now, but you're cutting your hours in half. You're going to bring it in like what? Max $2,000. So your student loans are going to be subsidizing those. Then you're going to get a car loan somehow with saving money for a down payment somehow. I don't do down payment. Of course you don't. I'm sorry. Okay.

I'm sorry. This is... I am exhausted. You must be super exhausted from this. Like, I believe you. This is the first time that I can remember. It's probably happened again. We just filmed so much. But the first time that I remember is just, like, I don't even want to, like, give a thing, like, what I think. It's just, like, it's just kind of done. It's kind of done. You already have your plan set. And you're even considering cutting your hours even further if it's too much.

So it's just like, I don't, I have no hope. I have a feeling this is going to end in bankruptcy. Well, I'll prove you wrong. Please do. But, I mean, what's your plan here? You're already 900 hours in the hole. No, my plan is to definitely, because look, like you're saying, I can't even, I feel like definitely I can't live off of the...

Shorter hours, right? That's why I'm saying I'm going to do them for now. No, the shorter hours. So you're still under $900. Okay, then next month, hopefully, if I can't, you know, I can't be 40 hours, but hopefully I can be more and do Uber more.

That's what I plan on doing. Uber. I'm sorry, guys. I know that when you guys are just out there, it looks like it's like, oh, how could they do this? How couldn't they talk about this? How couldn't they do the budget? I get that. I get that. It's here. You're sitting down having a genuine conversation.

With real emotions, with real actual going on. I don't think I can go further than this in this conversation. I think I've hit my peak. I do apologize for that. I apologize to you guys, but I think that's it. Your hammer for an answer is easily a 0 out of 10. We're going to do the post show, but I'm going to bring in my producers to mostly do the talking. Usually they know more drama because you talked to them before. You know the things. I like to kind of... Whatever. Whatever.

So we'll continue the conversation to bring in the producers in the post so you guys can join the channel membership there and get access to that and a lot of other shows that we do there. And make sure you guys check out all the resources like the budgeting class and investing class, which are bundled at a lower price. So, yeah. Okay.

Well, hey, hopefully you get more viewers.

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