Celebrated journalist Jason Whitlock and his cast of "Fearless Soldiers" protect the realm of common
Whitlock analyzes the NFL TV ratings jump. Is it just the product of Americans trying to distract th
Whitlock analyzes ESPN’s coverage of the season premiere of Monday Night Football and notices someth
Jason jumps into the debate about 9/11 in light of the cancellation of a patriotic high school celeb
Jason reviews and rewinds some of the best moments from the past week. Why is “The Wire” the greates
Whitlock welcomes Pastor Voddie Baucham to “Fearless” for a lively discussion of critical race theor
Whitlock previews the NFL opener with a hot take on QB Dak Prescott. How does the big man analogize
Whitlock and sportswriter Steve Kim discuss whether Michael Irvin and Stephen A. Smith belong on "Mo
Jason reacts to the sad departure of actor Michael K. Williams in a very special episode devoted ent
Uncle Jimmy returns from the COVID D.L. to introduce a collection of Jason’s monologues. How does th
As Lil Nas X “pregnancy” pictures go viral, Whitlock compares America’s growing gender dysphoria iss
Whitlock roasts the mainstream media for their coverage of the NFL’s COVID controversy. Is legendary
In the wake of the Patriots’ Cam Newton release, Whitlock breaks down Bill Belichick’s morning press
Whitlock dives into the Cam Newton news with a fiery unscripted monologue and three expert guests. “
Jason welcomes back Uncle Jimmy after his bout with COVID. Jim tries to distract from the health tal
Jason intros a collection of his patented “Whit-logs” from the past week. Are left-wing policies rea
In the wake of the unfolding tragedy in Afghanistan, Jason brings out his flag and his Bible to star
Jason argues that the Rachel Nichols dismissal is just another “Woke Culture” beheading. Is ESPN’s h
After the vicious fan fights at the Steelers and Rams games, Jason asks if it’s a sign of something
Jason doubles down on his comments from “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” How do issues ranging from Black L
Whitlock explains why Bill Maher’s recent comments about Afghanistan show the frailty of the Democra