cover of episode Overcoming Challenges with Faith: Kevin White's Journey of Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Leadership on Exploring the Marketplace (S:4 - Ep 17)

Overcoming Challenges with Faith: Kevin White's Journey of Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Leadership on Exploring the Marketplace (S:4 - Ep 17)

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Exploring the Marketplace

Shownotes Transcript

Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson welcome Kevin White, an entrepreneur and spiritual leader. Kevin is the Chief Spiritual Officer of Spirit Media.US) and owner of White Enterprise. He has dedicated his life to starting hundreds of businesses, churches, and nonprofits worldwide, driven by his deep love for Jesus and his family.

Despite a challenging upbringing, Kevin's faith in God led him to start his first business at age 14. Over the years, he has flown over a million miles on mission trips and inspired many through his books, "Audacious Generosity" and "Get to The Point."

Kevin shares his journey of overcoming personal struggles and relying on God for provision and guidance. From humble beginnings to founding Spirit Media, which has published over 130 books and launched numerous companies globally, Kevin's story is truly inspiring.

Join us to hear Kevin's insights on faith, entrepreneurship, and the miraculous ways God has worked in his life. Learn more at

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