If you are in any way interested in precious metals, you need to see what today's video sponsor, Monetary Metals, is doing with them at the link below: http://www.monetary-metals.com/Snider/
I am also doing a webinar on how The Global Economy is Breaking: What Comes Next & How to Prepare, you can sign up here: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/27/l3k2rby6
After credit spreads had narrowed to near historic lows last month, they've made a major move off them. In fact, the rise in spreads has already equaled last summer. But this year's credit selloff has begun to spread to other segments of the marketplace, including sharp price changes in risky assets like leveraged loans and even private equity. And there is a small hint of yen.
Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis
https://www.eurodollar.universityTwitter: https://twitter.com/JeffSnider_EDU