Bryce and Alec bring you Australia's best investing podcast for millennials. Join them, as they brea
Elon Musk had a mixed week, his Tesla cybercab event disappointed with shares falling 9%. Meanwhile,
Matt Barrie is the CEO of Freelancer (ASX: FLN). Recently he joined us in studio for an in-depth dis
Activist short-sellers are known for their provactive short reports, designed to capture media atten
Today’s guest is Cameron Blanks, Managing Director at Pacific Equity Partners one of Australia's lar
Charlie Viola is one of Australia's top financial advisers, regularly topping the Barron's list of t
Artificial intelligence has been the biggest story in markets this year, but is it overhyped? Today'
Over the past few weeks, both Bryce and Ren have revealed their full portfolios. On today’s episode,
Don't look now, but the Aussie stock market is breaking records. The first quarter of the 2025 finan
Insurance. It’s more interesting than you think. Over the past year we've been on a journey wit
Ever wondered every stock, ETF and managed fund that Bryce owns? Well this is the episode for you. A
Personal finance platform PocketSmith challenged us to go deeper on our finances and better track wh
Between May 2022 and November 2023, the Reserve Bank of Australia raised rates 13 times in 18 months
One of Australia's great companies, REA Group, is looking to acquire the biggest real estate portal
The groundswell started in the Equity Mates Facebook Discussion Group: we want to see Ren's whole po
What actually happens when you go to get financial advice? As two people that haven't been able to a
Three of Rupert Murdoch's kids are taking him to court in Nevada, with the fate of News Corp on the
Welcome to the final installment of our series exploring the power of index ETFs. Over four episodes
"Australian housing to fall 50%". That was the takeaway from a recent report on Channel 9's 60 Minut
Australia's latest economic data was released last week, and while our GDP grew 0.2% there were plen
Welcome to part 3 of our 4 part exploration of the power of index ETFs. We may have written a book o