Sermons from Epiphany Fellowship Church. Showing off the glory of Christ in every area of life.
The God... who gave us Christ.
What does God's woman look like ?
An excellent wife... who can find ? (Note: Due to technical difficulties, there is a small part miss
Drink water from your own cistern, flowing water from your own well...
My son, be attentive to my wisdom... (note: due to technical difficulties, a small portion of the s
Pride = the great sin.
How do you know what decisions to make?
The tongue... proper uses and inproper uses. Are you a redeemed lyricist?
Learn from the ant.
Relationships Issues: Developing Christ Centered Relationships
The Trust Issue. What is the 'good life' ?
The Issues of Life Series Part 1 - The Ideal Student
Proverbs 1:1-7. Issues of Life, Proverbs Series Part 1.
Judgment Day
Epiphany Fellowship's 1 Year Anniversary of Ministry Celebration Sunday, 9/16/2007
The Journey and the Jewels
Jesus Christ Unplugged
Passion Narrative