Weekly podcast about entertainment marketing, event marketing, digital marketing, social media marke
Lots of people hesitate to start their own business. Some of you are working for a boss and have mom
I see so many event managers struggle to create a relevant event concept. In 5 easy steps, I will gu
Eventprofs do not market themselves in the right way. It's a real problem of image. A problem of rep
In this episode I get into detail on how you can create a great story for your brand. First I tell
In this episode, I have my very first guest. Jan Van Ongevalle is the founding father of cocktailbar
In this episode I'm telling you why I am worried that Chanel will not survive the next economic cris
There is a clash between what content brands post on social media, and what content customers expect
In this 9th episode, I will tell you why event managers need high emotional intelligence. And how th
On this episode, I will give you a great framework on how to use Event Marketing and Digital Marketi
Brands and Marketing Managers that want to be more successful on Social Media, should think about it
A week ago I got interviewed by a student in Event Marketing. One of his questions was : which 5 tip
In this episode, I am explaining why I believe that event managers are the best social media manager
As people love sharing their experiences on social media, event marketing is becoming more and more
Since the economic crisis in 2008, event marketing has gone through some serious budget cuts. Accor
In this second episode, we reveal you one of the most important secrets when you are working in B2B
if you are a brand manager or a marketeer, this is your channel. Let us tell you all our secrets abo