Are you looking for a more interesting way to learn English? English Learning for Curious Minds is
He is considered by many to be the greatest public speaker in British history, and his words and sp
In 2019, former Vice President Mike Pence said "Make no mistake about it - we're in a space race to
After the end of the Second World War, the US and the USSR were locked in a race to get to space fi
It's a technology that some have said will bring in a Fourth Industrial Revolution.Discover how 3D
British food has a bad reputation. It's often considered boring, uninspiring, and tasteless. But it
It is, by some standards, the most successful modern religion.Discover how Scientology went from th
Spices are an integral part of almost every cuisine in the world and are something that most of us
It was a revolutionary idea: being able to conduct fast, cheap, and effective blood tests with only
It is the coworking company that was once valued at over $50 billion, but then came spectacularly c
He is the most famous playwright in history and has been translated into every major living languag
The Olympics are meant to be a politics-free zone. But is this ever really possible? In this episod
For many, he is the greatest writer in the history of the English language. Outside the UK, he is k
“A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority, from his not having seen w
It's the world's Sin City, where fortunes and made and lost. In this episode, you'll learn about th
It is the most famous revolution in Europe and saw the continent's most populous country execute it
It was the period in the mid-18th century where Britain experienced a radical transformation.The In
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"Tax might not sound intere
He is considered by many to have been the greatest footballer to have ever lived, yet off the pitch
It has been called the "bloodiest business in history", and cost the lives of 3 million whales.In t
It's one of the four countries that form part of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern I