
How do empires rise? Why do they fall? And how have they shaped the world around us today? William


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Fearing Russian designs on the region, the eyes of the British turn towards Tibet. Francis Younghusb

1905 was one of the most pivotal moments in history. Japan, the supposedly weaker Asian power, overw

Tolstoy was one of the greatest writers of all time. His books have constructed how we think about R

As the other European empires were consolidating their holdings in Asia, Russia took 1.5million squa

In the 18th century Vitus Bering went from Russia's east coast and landed in America. Over the next

The Lady with the Lamp, the great nurse who forever changed public health for the better: Florence N

The Crimean War continues to drag on. The allies' siege of Sevastopol is grinding to a stalemate. Th

A slow grind of sieges and massacres. Long distance bombardments and gruelling inch-by-inch trench w

After the calamitous retreat from Kabul left thousands of British dead, the East India Company wants

As the British occupation of Kabul collapses, the troops flee. What follows is one of the darkest ev

It is 1839 and Britain has declared its intention: to invade Afghanistan and return Shah Shuja to th

The rivalry between Russia and Britain continues to grow as both of their attentions begin to centre

It will all begin on the banks of the River Niemen. Tsar Alexander forms a pact with Napoleon; the R

With her reign in peril in three separate arenas, Catherine begins to turn her attention to a young

Not a drop of Russian blood. A woman in a world ruled by men. A loveless marriage to a man who lacke

A giant of Russian history, and a giant of a man. Peter the Great, standing at 6'8, established Russ

Subjected, downtrodden, brutalised. The principality of Muscovy had long suffered at the hands of th

The story of the Russian Empire spans centuries and continents. It is one of tsars and revolutionari

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