cover of episode 192. Native American Chiefs, the Founding of Canada, and the KKK: Scots in America

192. Native American Chiefs, the Founding of Canada, and the KKK: Scots in America

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AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anita Anand
Murray Pittock
William Dalrymple
William Dalrymple: 苏格兰和美国之间存在着非常紧密的联系,这种联系可以追溯到很久以前,至今仍有很多美国人对他们的苏格兰血统感到自豪。美国有大量地名与苏格兰城市同名,并且许多美国早期领导人拥有苏格兰血统。 Anita Anand: 我想了解苏格兰人在北美与北美原住民的互动以及与三K党的联系。简要回顾了库洛登战役后苏格兰人在加勒比地区和美洲的经历。想了解新苏格兰的历史。许多加拿大人声称拥有苏格兰血统。 Murray Pittock: 库洛登战役后,许多苏格兰人被强制或自愿迁移到加勒比地区从事劳役,他们的处境极其恶劣。库洛登战役后被运送到加勒比地区的苏格兰人通常被卖为契约劳工,服役期限通常为七年,但他们的生活条件极其恶劣。在加勒比地区,如果被运输的苏格兰妇女与人育有混血儿,她们的契约期限会被延长,孩子则会成为奴隶。加勒比地区的苏格兰契约劳工的境遇比非洲奴隶略好,但他们的生活条件仍然非常糟糕,并非所有苏格兰人都受到同样的待遇。被运送到加勒比地区的苏格兰人并非都讲盖尔语,并且在盖尔语区苏格兰人之间也存在紧张关系。一些被运送到加勒比地区的苏格兰人经历了类似于非洲奴隶的恶劣条件,例如在旅途中生病的人会被扔到海里。许多苏格兰妇女在没有经过审判的情况下就被强行运送到加勒比地区。在18世纪,许多苏格兰人前往加勒比地区和美洲大陆,他们中有些人是为了寻求财富,有些人是为了逃避库洛登战役后的动荡。在18世纪后期,加勒比地区白人人口中有一半是苏格兰人,安提瓜岛上这一比例高达80%。在加勒比地区,苏格兰人倾向于互相帮助,形成一个紧密的群体。在18世纪中叶,加勒比地区和美洲大陆出现了一种新的“酋长”,即苏格兰裔的北美原住民酋长。在加勒比地区,苏格兰人建立了多个性俱乐部。18世纪的苏格兰性俱乐部规模庞大,有时还会从国外进口裸体女性。在18世纪后期,牙买加蓬勃发展的苏格兰人社区中,仍有90%的人是奴隶。在加勒比地区,一些苏格兰人参与了奴隶贸易,其中也有一些人表现出了极端的残暴行为。一些在加勒比地区致富的苏格兰人将他们的财富汇回苏格兰,也有一些混血儿在苏格兰接受教育。在苏格兰,拥有奴隶是非法的,但将人从苏格兰运送到其他地方从事奴隶劳动却是合法的。美国三K党与苏格兰人的联系是后来的说法,并非事实。电影《一个国家的诞生》将三K党描绘成英雄,并夸大了其与苏格兰人的联系。《独立宣言》可能受到了苏格兰《独立宣言》的影响,但这种影响很难被证实。苏格兰对美国《独立宣言》的影响可能是间接的,也可能存在轻微的直接影响。在19世纪,苏格兰人构成了哈德逊湾公司的大多数雇员。新苏格兰最初是由詹姆斯六世和一世授予亚历山大·斯特灵的土地。加拿大联邦的两位主要缔造者都出生于苏格兰。近年来,越来越多的美国摩门教徒声称拥有苏格兰血统。美国各地的苏格兰氏族协会为保存苏格兰遗产提供了资金支持。约翰·罗斯是切罗基人的最高酋长,也是苏格兰裔的北美原住民酋长。约翰·罗斯是切罗基人的最高酋长,任职长达38年。由于混血婚姻,许多苏格兰人在北美原住民社会中担任了重要的角色,包括酋长。约翰·罗斯在田纳西州拥有一个烟草种植园,并在种植园中拥有奴隶。约翰·罗斯领导切罗基人抵抗美国政府的土地掠夺。苏格兰文化与北美原住民文化之间存在兼容性,这可以从苏格兰花呢在北美原住民中的流行程度看出。许多苏格兰人在北美原住民社会中担任了重要的角色,并与他们建立了密切的关系。在七年战争期间,苏格兰士兵在北美服役,并在战争中付出了巨大的伤亡代价。在亚伯拉罕平原战役中,苏格兰军官向英军提供了法军的密码,这使得英军取得了胜利。通过在七年战争中的忠诚服役,苏格兰人重建了他们的声誉,特别是他们的领导人。许多苏格兰士兵在七年战争后获得了土地补助,并在北美定居。到1760年,苏格兰商人控制了英国超过50%的烟草贸易。在18世纪后期,苏格兰人在美国东海岸建立了多个苏格兰社团,这些社团在维护苏格兰人的利益方面发挥了重要作用。

Deep Dive

After Culloden, many Scots were transported to the Caribbean as indentured laborers, often facing harsh conditions. Others sought opportunities in America, becoming merchants, doctors, and even slave owners. This led to a significant Scottish presence in both regions, with some Scots even forming alliances with Native Americans.
  • Many Scots were transported to the Caribbean as indentured laborers after Culloden.
  • Scots also emigrated to America, becoming involved in various industries.
  • A significant Scottish elite emerged in the Caribbean and American coast.
  • Some Scots formed alliances with Native Americans.

Shownotes Transcript


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Hello, and welcome to empire with me and .

easter arn and me William dam poo.

Now guess what? This is the final episode of our many serious scots in empire. And then IT says here, which I think you might have written, that they fear not, we've got more scots for you very soon. Because what I felt very strong, as we haven't had.

know what I always feel we have of Scott, but also have the pja is. And .

ever today, today, today, we are joined again .

by muri .

Peter onder, very people. We love mary, if I marry, if William meets with an untimely accident, you wanted do a broadcast. It's like.

I need that I would I think your absolute move this yourself but I delicate.

your lost to mom. I really, kay, I mean, nobody saying IT will .

happen certaine.

won't I? A, for lunch today, I was slipped into my log.

Check out what's happened to the stair odds when you go down.

when you go down. My stop giving him clues. You'll never see IT coming.

Anyway, the reason we've got married on again, i'm delighted to say, is we are going to be talking what we talked about, what we have been talking about, the scots in africa. But we are talking about scots in amErica today. And they've always been these very, very strong links between scotland in america. You can see IT around, you know, the echoes of an ancient dasa that came over very, very long ago, and people very proud of their Scottish roots, even now in america.

to think of the leading hamburger chain or mcDonald's glas barking.


you don't mean, when is think?

Then we understand. But the USA, this is kind of interesting. I like this fact.

The USA has eight obedience. Did you know that seven towns are called glass go, eight are called edinburgh. Eight towns are simply, cause this is no Better scotland. Ad people just gave up on any kind of a magic just called its gotland. And nine of america's first thirteen governors that every member of the first cabinet, eleven presidents, thirty five supreme court justices, all of Scottish ancestry, and they talk about IT. You know, they were proud of you.

and you could probably do the same with the carabine to their endless abbey's inveneo and everything else in the carbon.

So look very briefly, and if we will, very briefly, because, because we talked about IT before, just recap on how scots, you know, the relationship with not just america, but also the kara bean after colleton. What was the poll of these .

places to take the caribee and the chess pi, which is .

the the .

coast? We're doing two dimensions. The first is those who are transported, often without trial, by the british authors, in a tradition that goes back to crowes administration to sixteen fifty. As early as sixteen fifty one two, there were seven thousand scot transported to the, which is actually much larger than the six hundred also that were transported after coloration.

And just to clarify, this is not for a nice holiday in the sun. This is as intuit labor.

So the post cotton ones were, Normally, the passage was charged at five pounds by the catchers, and they were sold for five pounds on the key side on arrival. So they were sold into indentured labor in the catapez. So they were typically released off to seven years.

But has to say that given your life expectancy was not seven years, if you were laboring in the catapez or if you were a soldier in the cateran, you can't describe as chatter slavery, but the circumstances could be extremely adverse. And in the event that one of these people, for the example, a women, a women, were transported to had a mixed race child, the child to become a slave, and the woman's indenture would be effectively extended. So it's a continuum.

There's a separate of channel. Slaves, unique, evil and IT was. But the people in these circumstances are in pretty dreadful .

circumstances. Can I just ask them and get this clear? In my mind, they enduring the same conditions who were from africa, who were brought over and where they chained together, where they, I mean, where they given sufficient russians, what was their accommodation? Like, what do we know about all of that?

It's basically one step up. But of course, there are people of african origin like to some levity himself, who became coachman and sun, whose conditions were Better than indentured servants were some of those were indentured, had conditions which were justified as bad, though they usually weren't chained. Some of them were virtually free, especially if they were bought by fellow scots.

I've got a cost money. Ud, these mainly highlanders ers and galaxy speaking. Is there A I iraqi there to within scotland, whether the highland is get treated worse?

No, in scotland, of the same situation as you have an owned after seventy eighty eight, which is that IT suits both sides to describe IT as a native of scale rising when IT isn't. So a large number of those transported are not galaxy speakers. There's some sign of particular awareness of tensions in gala's speaking scotland, for example, given the large number of campus who owned the states in jamaica, there's a tense to transport mcDonald to jamaica, which i'm sure is deliberate.

And that was not just a pub joke. In the eighteen th century, IT was a living food that the campus would buy mcDonald and treat the badly deliberate.

That was the hope, i'm not sure, actually transpired. But a lot of people were transported to a no way could be called galaxy akers and IT must be said also that they did suffer at times conditions akin to settle slaves in that sick Christmas were thrown overboard. There were an individual cases of brutality amounting to murder on board.

Century navy was not a place for letting us, as there's a lot of very rough manner.

IT wasn't a place of bleeding hearts, and they view these people as traitors and rebels and women are transported to, that's important to note, are often without trial.

You've got those who are forcibly transported, but they're not the only ones coming over. Because you also have, after darren and dreams of colony and colony wealth, you ve got those who choose to go. And surely you must have some who actually, they just want a different life after color. They went to put them all that behind them, and they want to try something new where the money.

So you do get people who want to try something. That soldier is a much more common than full scale immigrants. People tend to go for a period, make money and come home. This, again, goes back very early. And when there are scots, for example, in duck cute, so in the sixteen, thirty, their Scott settlers on nevis, by the sixty and sixties, and by the eighteen century situation wear by the middle eighteen century, sixty percent of doctors in antigua and neighbor islands are scots or scots trained, and scots are providing up to half of the assembly members in various of the western india. So there's a very strong plantation Scottish elite growing both there and on the american coast by the later eighteen th century. And there's also, of course, Scottish colonization and direct Scottish colonization, particularly in the case of georgia, where ego sorb, who is the founding colonial leader of the georgian colonization in the seventy and thirties, brings in a lot of scots. Because ogle thought is effectively himself for Jacobite sleeping, his sisters are both Jacobite agents.

And you write the a standing statistics in your book later. Half eighteen century, up to half the White in jamaica, eighty percent of those in anty. As gods.

there is a very marked presence when .

they get there. And if you got in such numbers, in such percentages, which are actually do dropping, do they transplant t the clan loyalty when they come over to the new world? Or, you know, wherever they end up? And what their networks like is IT just sort like a little scotland. You know, we have that a little engler, but do you have a little scotland's mentality in these new world?

One of the things that black and slave people described Scott, as in the western india, is shellfish, because of their habit of sticking together and to any surface. They also comment that english people don't tend to know each other, but Scott's do. So that's from the any slave person's perspective. But Scott always seem to recognize and accommodate other scots. IT isn't by a family or clan, I would say, by a nation.

Are there any clan chief s out there by the stage, or the chief s often sitting at home and sending their plans and abroad? The my nabs end up in canada doesn't, but that's bit later.

I'm not sure that there are any cheese of the name Operating in the catapult. All the american coast by the middle century, there are assumed that understate this in the nineteen. Of course, what happens and will get to that is that there are different kind of chief emerges in fairly short order, which is the native americans. Scottish chief.

get the second. You also write, marry that. There are Scott sonic lodges founded across the carbon, and even more remarkably, brunches of a five sex club. Tell us about that.

That made me drop my best business as well. So yes, does IT do what he says on the ten? IT does is right.

Discuss mary you, you want to know what happened?

The biggest and meetings in the.

of course, is sort of massage club. Sometimes naked women were imported to aid the meditation of the members.

The horrible detail is that the dish, the central dish, survives in many cases, in provincial museums in scotland.

What are you talking? So what this is, I think I know, look, I know you're in a club being Scottish, but this is going to be absolutely mind livingly mad to everybody.

So, just a whole bunch of blocks. This is the eighteen century lib. This is a fantastic book about IT by ara called the origins of sex, has a hill chapter and Scottish sex clubs in this pavior.

There are also china and silver dildo surviving from the biggest.

And I just say that on my list for today or ever was not thing. Do do they OK. It's all right. This this.

there was also a branch, Peter's bark, if you wanted. So IT was when we .

open that kind of warm.

so to speak, the collector, all of a hall had a sale of Scottish ivery and Warren ivery dildos about ten years ago. And there is a catalogue, if you look on.

can I just say when people asked me, what is that the difference between working on emp ire and working at the BBC this last two minute? That would be the difference. I for you too.

You did ask, you did ask. I did.

The origins of sex is to go to.

But for this photos, w is absolutely jaw dropping book. Anyone that thought the sixties with the first big liberty and era should go to the the mida eighteen th century of chapters in this book, and it's just astonishing.

So, you know, although you have these are journeys who are doing weird things around both clubs, I have no idea existed. I no idea, absolutely no idea. But the greatest number of people, I am just looking, again, this is a fact in your book. Last half of the eighteenth century, still ninety percent of this burgeoning scots community in jamaica were enslaved. There are very, very rich people, and there are really quite believed scots.

There are good scots, though I wouldn't want to call IT in slave ment. And sometimes IT must be said, some of those sold in the keystone, incidently liberated. That happened at least one where I tested the case where Scottish bought them in freedom in south.

So but I could, I could go either way, could either end up in the hands of a clansmen or the ands of a clan rival.

I think unless you had reason to dislike the person, you are likely to get reason of the good treatment if you were bought by a Scott, if you wouldn't actually released. But then there are figures, links. It's Lewis hamilton who is actually executed in seventy and seventy three in jamaica, who's a serial killer he actually kills in slave people.

So there is some really, really extraordinary unpleasant individuals, I mean, even specially and unpleasant world, unpleasant individuals out there. They are all involved. Hamilton, of course, runs out of room. He's a doctor, by the way. What makes IT even matter runs out of room in the seventy and seventy, the enormous number of people out there who making a great deal of money and they're repeat rating IT to scotland. One of the things that also happens, I think, worth saying, is that they have a number of mix race children who are often schooled in scotland, though sometimes they're not, but William, David and who becomes school and scotland, who is executed to this part in the cattle street conspiracy y against the british government in eighteen twenty and of course but the most famous one of these relatives whose in that lovely painting by a David Martin now school on policies dito bell is the great ease of the mansfield William money who um gave the conditional judgment against the legality of slavery in england and seventy and seventy three and .

who lived in the very ground would house in london ft festival place to and this story that .

you're telling you know I mean this is the origin story of people like Alexander hamilton, you, the famous Alexander hamilton, his nickname with his majority that was used, particular john adam, was real busted because there was said to be some real blood in his past.

So it's illegal to hold slaves within scotland. And yet IT is legal to transport people from scotland. So for example, you get mcDonald transported to jamaica by the campus, you get Scotts traded from their homes by landlord, you have people kidnap from sky to be sold as intention servants in seventy and thirty nine five hundred boys selling .

from abadan in seventeen forty. But IT is actually legal to steal the boys.

really, but they are on the less water with rich. So when you know this is a mighty loophole, you can't do IT at home, but you can do whatever you like. Look, can we move on from the cabin just very quickly to talk about the scots in north amErica and particularly interested in their interactions and native americans? And also can we also talk about the associations with the cocks clan? Because that's also very interesting.

But let's start from the very beginning. We're talking about the period between one thousand nine hundred and eighteen fifteen. And you estimate one hundred thousand scots left the north america. Then same situations, same way that they leave as the cabby, an experience.

So a lot of scots go to north media for military service. Seven years war. Yeah, seven years war. So ultimately, the british army, my presence in Scottsville, be dialed down.

That's the decision taken in seven hundred and fifty five, fifty six by having the Scott's regiments exported to serve outside scotland, far outside scotland at scale. And often they're not particularly trusted because the black watch aren't given weapons till they arrive in grade loops. Seventeen, fifty nine, really.

I only distributed once they get to the west indies. But in the north media sector, they served extensively. And in terms of rehabilitating their leaders, they took some of the most enormous casual. So Simon fraser, lord love at sun, the master of love at the phrases that we commanded, took sixty five percent .

casualties .

at a 38。 So six hundred and forty seven out of a thousand killed or wounded fighting the french. Yes, fighting the french, and actually will. Victory on the planes of Abraham is only made possible because the french password is given by bilingual officer, who was formally a Scottish office in the french E, M, O. Tell that story briefly .

because people may not be familiar with IT. So got the Scott. I'm up the clifts of quebec in this crucial moment of the anger rench war in the seven years war.

exactly. And the shock was the troops british army could assemble on the planes of Abraham live directly threaten quebec. It's an extraordinary risk adventure. But he only succeeds at all because captain mcDonald is actually a former Scottish officer in the french service and is bilingual and can give the french password in a french act to a frenchman.

That's a great story.

Just go into that again because we doubt with the last time with gott in india, but this crucial matter of the scots having ten cents prove themselves loyal britts after seventy forty five, after the second jack about rebellion, the scots are suspected massively of this load. Ty across the board. And IT is through service in the emp ire and through demonstrably loyal service at this period, in this first major conflict, after the forty five that the scots are seen to rebuild, and as particular, their leaders.

That's right. I think a lot of the rank fires, I suggest, the Price for their leader's rehabilitation paid the ultimate Price in no uncertain terms. So that significant part of the north american story, because many these people are settled with land grants and authentic a after the war.

It's an easy way because land is short in the north of scotland and the desire to subdivide property is high, which is one reasons at least to the clearance to actually it's Better to have if it's fatal landon northeast tics, because IT, there's much less pressure on land. So many of them are settled that way. But there are also significant number of merchants.

Remember that by seventy and sixty, classical is more than fifty percent of the U. K. Tobacco trade and no order that is supplied by Scottish merchants for resale from.

So there are significant numbers of particular tobacco, though not excluding sugar, marchants write down the eastern coast of what becomes the united states. And many of these have become pretty rich by the seventeen and seventies and the beginning of the american war of independence. There actually one of the things that is driving them also is the early development of santander's societies, which start Scott society, starting boston in the seventeen th century.

And there are several of them by the ID late eighteen th century. And they actually bring together, as they did right through the british period period. Their job is to ensure that scots are advantage and employed at the expense of everybody else. And that's what they do. But that doesn't mean they are not necessarily progressive inverted commerce, certain terms because, for example, of Charleston sindhia society votes by seventy, seventy, thirty two to support the colonies and seven and seventy six against the crown.

No, that's interesting. What is more interesting is that you have all of these numbers in your head and you just block them out where know. Let me tell you, most people would be reaching for their own book to remind themselves we're going to take a break here, but join yourself for the break when we talk about a truly remarkable man, john ross, paramount chief of the cherokee nation.

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Welcome back. So we have now established that there are these very healthy Scottish settlers who have come to north america, some of the voting with the cause of american independent, some not. We haven't talked about the native american population, the relationship with them. And this is amazing figure, john ross, the grandson of john mcDonald. Now tell us about him and why we should all know history, because IT is amazing.

So john ross is one of a number of Scottish native medical chase, but he is the only panamint chief, and he is the longest serving paramount chief of the cherokee nation, effectively serving as chief for thirty eight years.

If he's a Scott t or completely three hundred Scott, and he is the paramount chip of the that some .

Cherry didn't like him pointed that was only one eighth charikar by blood during his lifetime. But because of mellin's a succession effectively, I mean, Scott, who overwhelmingly become the employees of the hudson's bay company, who will also make their way extend to third traders, are a much Better at dealing with the indigenous people in terms of getting money out to them and establish a trading relationship with them than some other nations are often end up matting into important branches of native medical first nations families.

Because there's matter lenise succession, they can end up, or their children end up as chiefs. And that's what happened to john ross, born in alabama. His native name is gygi, which is mysterious little White bird.

So he was born in seventeen ninety. He was always an important member. The chat key, because of the mauley, a practice.

And again, the cherkis were an exogenous grouping. So women often married outside the chat key, so this tended to bring new blood into system. He fought in the world of eighteen twelve under around you, Jackson, in the future president.

And then twenty fourteen, he set up a tobacco plantation in tennessee at a place which became ross's landing and is now chat ugo. And the interesting is that one thing people do not realize about native americans was that they kept in slave people, and they're all about twenty slave black africans on rosses tobacco plantation. And he also, after the tobacco plantation, developed a fetch service between american and chat ky, lands across the tennessee river. By the eighteen twenties, there was increasing pressure in washington to grab the Cherry lands. And because ross was absolutely billinger al, he was sent effectively to be the chief negotiator.

So the man we're talking about is you have to imagine a man with pierce goodluck, dark hair. Dark is impressively dressed, who has got a legal understanding as well. This is, you know, eighteen thousand and seven.

The state of georgia, murray saying, starts anegay cherie ky. Homeland and IT is eighteen thirty when the U. S.

Government passes the indian removal act and john ross becomes the focal point for resistance of this. You know, we can't stop you with guns. We are outgunned and out, and but we can stop you with the law.

And he becomes this, you know, just an extraordinary figure who argues, who, you know, writes his way out, if you like. And again, he's another hamilton lyric. Just tell me what you know under him.

Paramount chief, what are we talking about with the chernin nation? Does he incorporate some of his Scottishness? Or do they incorporate some of his Scottishness in their identity as well?

I think we would just say is that the Scottishness was compatible. And you can tell that from the popularity of token sales, bluntly, in the eighteen to nineteen centuries, native americans particularly wanted to have status, tartan, red or bright yellows. And one year sale for the example of fort vancouver, the end of the eighteen thirties, about two miles of totton principales rose magana mardonale was sold to first nation's customers.

Exactly, but also .

giving that sense of importance, which the bright colors always cut. So the cultures are compatible. To an extent, this is very .

much what we've found in the last episode with the scots in india, that the scots are taking the remote postings in delhi, luck now and hydrogen ad, and are far more apt to marry than the english. You often stay in the presidency dance and that you're finding a great deal of mixed race children fathered by scots, most famously in the case india. James skinner. Skinner is skin OS. And you know.

you're talking about sort of these things being compatible. Now you've said IT. I'm thinking of those many, many, numerous of old, old photographs or portraits of native americans, first nation americans, wearing things that look a lot like the glam gary cab you, which is a really Scottish highland thing, you know, that sort of like soft cap, and they are there, there in those in same headgear.

Skip IT, to emphasize the point, john bohn, as govern general canada, famous to portray by loukos with full indian cheese headdress, had thirty presentations of on retry val membership, given to him by native medicine, made one speech partially increase, and in a very much engaged, in a very long tradition, which day, and he both recognized.

but my again to appreciate john .

is not a unique figure. William macintosh is a crew chief. Alexander, a gillier, in some way, is one of the most interesting of all of these people, is effectively place off the spanish against the americans from his position as a crew chief in floridita. So this is the leader of the most important single figure. But this is a significant grouping of people.

How do we get from that into marriage, intermingling, mutual respect, comparability that you're talking about to this. And I is IT a method as IT true, that the scots were the ones who set up the cocos clam in america.

No, it's not really true. So it's a back formation.

What's a back for me? Know about what a back formation.

So the two example, confederates who set up the clan claimed, as many americans do, Scottish ancestry, which may or may not be the case, is not immediately clear, but in birth of a nation which is .

an epic film depicting and and rather heroic posture to the cookout plan that they are saving america.

exactly the hero is canon, who is the southern gentlemen whose effectively betrayed not quite so much by lincoln, but by lincoln successes and the treats Young keys, and also by the growth rather exaggerated portrayed or black majority rule in post civil water america. And so the cooker is is strongly associated by thousand, nine hundred and fifteen with scots, and also had already adopted certain Scottish features, for example, the fight to cross the ross title.

Why is that Scottish? The fire cross.

because it's used for gathering troops from great distances by placing the recruiting cross on high ground. It's used most recently in the rising of seventeen forty five by Williams.

Just one very .

what ant thing which you mention, which fascinated me, scots in the decline of independence. It's been said that Thomas jeffson actually muddled the decoration of independence on the thirteen twenty declaration of our growth.

And I should just read, for those who don't know the declaration of our breath, the crucial words for we fight, not for glory nor riches nor runners, but for freedom alone, which no good man gives, except with his life, those stirring words from the decoration of a broth, thirteen, twenty. Is there any influence of one on the other? Or is that a scotish myth?

If IT is a mth, it's not one confined to Scottsville tartan day movement set up in canada in the late one hundred hundred eighties and ratified in U. S. Senate resolution one five five in nineteen and ninety eight explicitly identifies the declaration of our growth, independence and american liberalities. Now, I mean, I cover this in a degree of detail in my book, scores from the global history.

Your great book, which we haven't done enough, pop up the scotland, a global history, a must buy, a bullet less.

Thank you very much, William. Only seven pounds, nineteen, nine and paper back. So anyway, the issue is I think it's not unlikely, but he must remain not proven. Most of the influence comes through the philosopher Frances hodgson.

The question is whether Francis sujah's democratic premature ian tradition and its idea of covering and holding the crown to account, which begins in the fifty and sixties, actually itself comes to decoration or breath. The recovery, both have to say, is out there. It's printed fourteen times in the eighteen th century.

Is IT yeah being read by people? Yes, IT is. It's used by boswell in is to his S. I. On section general of consequence. And sixty .

eight is well worth looking up. English people are completely unfamiliar .

with this starring document. Absolutely used response about comparison between boswell and closets with an american interest in the seventy and sixties, early seventies and seventy. James Wilson son is found as effected by the found of the supreme court. More less seems to quote, the liberty passage is very close part of phrase.

freedom for which no good man gives up except with his life. You can't get Better.

That IT comes from sale stache.

It's a roman republican .

quote which is being embedded in something which hovers between classical republicanism and religious manifest destiny. In that sense, there's something really interesting about this document, which we don't do time for today .

will bring you back more because we can't look without you. So we might revisit that with you IT could.

but we will never prove IT have an indirect and possibly very slight direct influence on the U. S. Decoration of independence. But the text, that is, influences in scotland are more influential directly on the U.

S. declaration. Now I want us to jump the border as they were, and talk about canada and the influence that, because I was very, very tickled, was a little google.

And, you know, in ontario we just miss, sadly, the fergus Scottish festival in highland games. And we've even more miss the gang, gary highland games also in ontario. And there's also the north lane highland games, which took place of where we just about mister August, the twenty forth was the vicar. And there are more. The highland games is a big, big deal in canada, which makes me think there is a good story to tell her about the Scott in canada.

It's an enormous ously central story. So Scott formed the vast majority of employees of the hudsons bay company by immigrating century indeede oci ans. Formed a majority because there gardeners with, regardless, absolutely necessary.

OK and being people for. Thank you very much. Okay, you forget that most of us are Scottish. And okay, do so I just think it's that talk. Where is that coming from?

Like there is a special village built for them on south island, new zealand. So IT also because they were very good at being for traders and at raw materials traders across canada. So there three terms of climate and in terms of adaptability were very good.

Where does the nova scope bit come into all the history? New scotland, for those of you, don't have your letter to have.

So over school he is initially a grunt of James, the six and first two civilian Alexander becomes the other sterling and sixty twenty one. A set of nova scope baton ets are created to onic.

including a certain family familiar .

to this podcast. Oh no, really. Again, mary do do this on purpose.

I mentioned the clock of panny cook were also know.

but IT is too i'm afraid that is my brother is to this day and over school.

others who we going talk about just now. But IT was nearly a colonel venture, which effect vely collapsed after port royal was lost to the, or exceeded by Charles. First of the french sixty and thirty .

one IT left me with one percent mic mac blood, I have to say, somehow some simple into married with the big max around halifax.

All about you. It's that I did. Are you planning on claiming a bit of nowhere? Goa, just you day with you one percent.

I did trade on IT when I went electron. How effects once I have .

to say so nova scores news, Scott. That keeps his name though, and IT changes hands, or large parts of IT change hands between france and great britain during various times during the eighteen century and the first two prime ministers of the canadian confederation, d. The creator of the canadian confederation in one thousand hundred and sixty four to sixty seven are both scots and born in scotland, john Donald.

And he put IT together as well. He put IT together. And he also extended the territory by getting rupees land prince with island, northwest territories, and also by british columbia.

British columbia is being sought by the U. S. And one hundred and seven. So he wanted a by coastal canada across the continent. In other words, mardonale is really the maker .

of modern, utterly fascinating. And also, i'm just have minded if even now there is a custos to claiming Scottish heritage. I mean, don't trun really did have a Scottish immigrant mother, but he just bang on about IT. How many do you see? Now, when you look at the news today and you say, right and a way you from and a way you're from.

I know your story. I don't actually, to be honest, one thing, the names speed extremely wide now, and for another, the number of people claiming Scottish ancestry is partly a function of the cultural prestige of scotland, or a big films or the outline to the cities. So the number of people in the U.

S. Claim is got a chances to is much more volatile than those in canada. They want to be Scotts, they want to be a filly. And one of the h two things which has happened in the last twenty years is among the church of later day since because the mormons are very keen on genetic, they're been very key on finding a Scottish identity for themselves, because they think of themselves a nation within a nation, and therefore they see the Scotts in the same light. They were selling twelve tickets to born supers the last time I was in briga.

Young, amazing.

Fairs of orange juice .

have some lemons. We should say it's a very .

important source today for clan funds that many of these Scottish clans like the mcDonald and the mckinnon s have these big fundraising tools around their classroom en in america. And you see all sorts of things in the scotland with little blacks attached saying, thanks to the mcDonald's of ontario or whatever .

IT is you've given money for absolutely nothing that N T S. USA are also extremely helpful fund raises for preserving Scott sherita at homes. So you're absolutely never get .

enough marrying any murray pisa. Thank you very much. And do that is all we've have time for till the next time when you meet is goodyer .

for me and eat on and I good bye for me, William.