cover of episode Disturbing Fight Stories

Disturbing Fight Stories

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Emergency Intercom

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Enya: Enya分享了她童年时期因为湿疹而皮肤状况很差的经历,以及她曾经有过想要推弟弟下楼梯的冲动。她还讲述了她在一次聚会上遇到一个嗑药的人,并因此感到害怕的经历。她表达了她对自身外貌,特别是头发的不满和焦虑,并认为自己并非传统意义上的“漂亮”。她还分享了她玩“轻如羽毛,僵硬如木板”游戏时受伤,并认为自己被恶魔附身的经历,以及由此产生的噩梦困扰。她还讲述了她祖母住院以及医院停电的经历。 Drew: Drew讲述了他新买的运动鞋气味难闻的经历,以及他弟弟因为脚臭而被取笑的故事。他还分享了他们童年时期因为气味问题(脚臭和头皮屑)而被嘲笑的不愉快经历。他讲述了他乘坐航班时,因为需要频繁上厕所而选择靠过道座位的不便之处,以及与一位乘客及其祖母在飞机上共处,以及飞机窗户设计缺陷的经历。他还描述了他经常在飞机上赤脚并倚靠他人睡觉的习惯。他讲述了他搭乘航班时遇到一位气味难闻的乘客,以及随后发生的机场安检事件,他目睹机场安检人员逮捕一位携带毒品的乘客的经历。

Deep Dive

Enya and Drew share their most disturbing flight experiences, including encountering a woman with a foul odor and a flight with a security risk.

Shownotes Transcript


*Dramatic music*

Hello, welcome to this episode of Emergency Intercom. Today we have a lot of important topics to educate the audience that we have garnered with. Shit's about to get real. We're done with the giggly, goofy topics. From now on, we will only be speaking on things that we find interesting.

will help you progress in your life into your early adulthood that you are starting. Like periods. And sex, but in an educational sense. Because we're coming of age. Yeah. I genuinely do believe we are coming of age. I mean, you are kind of ending of age where you're headed. I'm just starting, bitch. I know you. Okay. We have to cut the 16 thing like a year old. I'll never-

All right. Do you have anything you would like to say first before I like talk so much that you don't get a word in? I was just thinking about our love, Devin Lee Carlson's birthday and how we all keyed at that. It was fun. It was nice. It was a movie. And then I don't want to name names, but it was a very full circle moment for me.

And I went up to this person and he was on a shit ton of mushrooms, like in a very crazy way, tripping balls out the ass.

And I went up to him and when he told me he was on mushrooms, my knee-jerk reaction was just go, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare, nightmare because of the Andre... What's his fucking name? Eric Andre. Eric Andre fucking bit. And I just yelled nightmare, nightmare, nightmare in his face a bunch. And he just looked at me and he was like, no, not that. Chill the fuck out, bro. And then just moved on with the conversation. And I...

And I will literally never ever forget that moment. - Was that full circle because you were in a position where you were like someone who maybe we shouldn't be hanging out with. - Yes. - And you were like doing what you would do to us. - Yeah, exactly. It was like a full circle moment because when I was like 14, 15, I literally looked up to this person and I was like, oh, you're kind of sick. Like I actually like you. - Yeah, I know. - But now I'm like, yeah.

I fucked up. But also they've always just kind of been a fucking dickhead to me. So I don't like really care because I'm not a hot pretty girl and they only follow hot pretty girls. And I'm like, I'm a hot pretty boy.

Oh, that's where you categorize yourself? Yeah. I would say you're somebody who once you get to know him, you might find him attractive. You might find him attractive after he makes you laugh a little bit. No, I literally have been looking in the mirror for the last two weeks and thinking I am the most hideous, ugly, diabolical, disgusting,

Dude, it literally... Okay. It's my fucking hair. Yeah, it's just your hair because that's why I used to change my hair so much because like my hair would get to the point, especially once you're like... And also my necklaces are really fucking tangled. It's pissing me off. But once you're in the like point of bleaching and dyeing your hair a bunch of colors, you literally have... The upkeep is so much and so beyond like anything normal that...

You just, like, start feeling, like, weird about the way you look because you're like, this isn't the way I want this to look right now. And then...

I'm gonna fucking shave it all. Have you ever shaved your head? No, because my fucking giant ass gourd melon fucking head is disgusting and big as fuck. I actually have had the same head size since I was three months old because I had a giant fucking baby head. Like my my head was so big. It was 90% of my body weight as a child. Like in the womb, I think all of the nutrients went to my fucking gourd of a melon head like it's fucked up.

You were. I will say the one baby picture of you that like Kai will insert it. I don't know if Kai's seen it, but like you aren't. I would have been like, oh my God, I can't believe you gave birth.

Wow, congrats. No, I looked like one of those babies. I looked like one of those babies with a skin condition. Like I literally. So me. I was scaly. I was a scaly baby because my eczema was so bad. I was one of those babies that my mom had to like get like intense moisturizers and like lather me up. Listen to this. You know what's fucked up is she put so much lotion on me once she went to go pick me up to feed me and I fucking slipped and I hit the ceiling and fell on the floor. Oh, like whoop. Yeah. Yeah.

like that yeah i when i was there i picked you up and dropped you down the stairs because you're so much in lotion you remember wait have we spoken about how i was like oh i would get away with pushing you down the stairs have i spoken about that i don't know we me and drew were playing around like at the front of the house and he was like we were horsing around he was being annoying and like pushing me or like doing the thing where he gets in my way and then pushes me with his body like not pushing me but like will stand in my way sometimes and then like turn so that i knock back and i'm like at the

fuck away from me and I pushed him and like I had this moment at the back of my head where we were so close to the stairs I was like I could push him down the stairs and fucking kill him she let the intrusive thoughts win laughing

She really liked the intrusive thoughts one with that one. But then we were talking like, I could have fully pushed him down the stairs and if he died, like, I don't think a single person on this planet, other than the fact that I've said it, would have been like, oh my God, she did that on purpose. Everybody would have thought like, oh my God, they were genuinely playing around and she died and he died. Just watch this. I'm going to fall down the stairs purposely, die. This clip is going to go live. The world is going to know the true evil behind Inya Yumei.

but you just admitted that you're going to push yourself down who's telling the truth is it in yours at me you have to decide it's me um but what the fuck and then we'll get our own this shit because okay i don't know if this is weird and i will probably be labeled as a fucking monster freak bitch for even asking this question but like this isn't the weird part i am so curious what breast milk tastes like like i want to know what it tastes like were you asking madeline if you

if you could have some of her breast milk. No, no, no, no. I was asking if it was weird if I asked my twin sister for her breast milk. Honestly, in my opinion, no. If it's like in a cup, I don't find that that weird because in my head, I'm like, you're the weirdo if you sexualize that interaction. I drank my mom's boobie milk. Well, that was because you needed it. I was 14 and I was like really hungry. Well, you needed it because you were- Straight from the teat.

That was two years ago. I don't think that's that weird. I remember one time. Okay. Also, y'all are lying. Because like, I would fucking lie to my girl too. Like, I saw this video where someone was like, this video where this girl was like, it smells like, it tastes like, they're all like, oh my God, it literally tastes like, it tastes like Quintana. After drinking Mountain Dew and Hot Cheetos, it's electric boobie milk. Yeah, I was like, you're fucking lying, bitch. Like, but I would lie to my homegirl too. Like, if I had some Orion's milk, I'd be like,

Oh, wow. But no, I don't think it's weird to try it. I'll try some of her breast milk. No, that's what I was saying because I wanted to do like the milk try where you put it behind like a thing and it's like breast milk, nut milk, pistachio milk, milk.

My two sisters breast milk. Yeah. Try on home. Only knowing that one, like, like sipping on them and be like, I don't know. I don't know. And I'd be like, oh my. These shoes are the worst fucking shoes I've ever worn in my entire fucking life. How did this shit break? One, they, it broke. I, these are brand new fucking sneakers that I got.

Tell me why I wore them once with brand new fucking Uniqlo socks and my feet came out of these shoes stinking like fucking bullshit. Like it was crazy. Okay, that might be you. No, like it was not me. Because I don't know if you, if you look at the reviews, it might say, oh my God, the loop at the back breaks so easily. I hate these shoes. But I don't think you're going to see, oh my God, my feet smell like shit. No one's brave enough to admit it. No one's brave enough to admit it. Not anymore. My little brother, I said, oh,

What did I say? I said something. Oh, we were eating like cheese, like Honduran cheese. And like, if you know, you know, like those cheeses have quite a peculiar smell. I know, Yvonne.

You would know? You do know. But my mom put some on my beans and like sometimes I just like can't handle the scent. Also, like I do think my mom gave me rotten cheese because I was like, okay, I'm used to the scent of this cheese. But this shit is like kicking my ass right now. Like I literally like I would scoop beans into my mouth and be like, oh, I still smell it in my mouth. But my little brother got some on his beans and I was like,

I was like, can you handle the feet smell right now or is it too much for you? And then he was like, why the hell do you know what feet smell like? And all

All fucking weekend, all he kept saying to me is like, "You're so weird, you know what feet smell like, bro." But he just kept saying it to me. And then I was like, "You don't know what..." I was like, "Your feet have stunk like shit before." - How? - You know what that smells like. - You know what is crazy is that we've found a way to talk about every disgusting human body thing ever. And that spurred another story that I'm gonna tell because I told it literally two days ago to my dad. But okay, so in middle school,

had begged him for the Miami Beach or whatever. Oh, the LeBron James. Yeah, the Miami Beach LeBron James sneakers. And I got them. And I wore those bitches every fucking day. I loved those shoes so, so fucking much. They were my favorite sneakers ever. They were so loud. It's not these ones. No, no. I know which ones you're talking about. Yeah, yeah. It's the LeBron. Um,

wore those every single day and like they never smelled bad once until I took them to the water park. I mean, not the water park, Six Flags over Texas. And there's like a water ride there that splashes water all over you if you stand on the bridge, stood on the bridge and those wore them.

i'm not kidding the next day there was mold growing out of the side of my fucking sneakers from like because i wore them the rest of the day and it was devastating to me because those are my favorite shoes ever and it was fucking diabolical yes those are the ones those tour those are fucking lit love them have you seen these before i don't think so it's like

the era where lebron was on he was on the miami team right and so he was hella repping like miami and these are like miami color dude i wanted these ones really bad what south did anybody make fun of you i wanted the jordan 8 south beaches oh i wanted these so bad all the kids with like whose parents just had like extra bread to toss out i've been like i went back to texas and played basketball for a little bit and i'm gonna start playing basketball with nason here

Because he's been begging me for like months to do it. And I've just been like, no, because I'm embarrassed to do that. Be bad. And be bad and be gross and scratch people with my long fucking fingernails with defense. Oh, that was my biggest. My biggest insecurity was my long fingernails in middle school. Because when I would like play on the basketball court on the blacktop or at recess, I would accidentally scratch kids. And I remember one kid was like, you need to cut your long fucking disgusting fingernails. Yeah.

And like it stuck with me forever to the point where like I would bite. My nails are disgustingly long right now, but I've been trying not to bite them or clip them. But I literally like shaved it down too far on this one. And since then, this nail has never grown back the same. Like they're...

not twins they're sisters now what was i saying you were talking about your stinky fucking shoes in middle school did you get made fun of for it uh yes a lot i got made fun of for for that and my dandruff because i couldn't help it and it was it was sad it was fucked up i have really bad dandruff right now and i like i don't know what's happening i get from my parents dude when kids would take off

their fucking shoes in class you were done if your shit smelled bad like it like that was literally a fear of mine like there would be times when i so badly wanted to take off my shoes or if i was wearing like ballet flats but i knew i couldn't because all the girls who wore ballet flats you're in miami you should not be going to elementary and middle school in ballet flats with no socks on like

That stinks. The humidity and heat. Like, we're standing on the blacktop, bitch. Your feet are cooking. It's like a thin piece of plastic separating your feet and the ground right now. And, dude, people would take their shoes off and be like, whose fucking face smell like shit? And everybody would look and literally, like, everyone's eyes would go down to the floor and be like, like, looking under tables. And then the kids who got it got it. And it was really sad. Well, my mamaw is in the hospital. So...

You can like, you can bring things. It's funny that I can what I can bring things what like to lower moments. Like, I mean, I'm just saying there's like a time and a place to like seek sympathy. But like, it's weird to transition from me talking about stinky. Like, did stinky feet remind you of your grandma? It's just, you know, like, she's in the hospital. And I don't know if she's truly gonna make it. And you're here, though. Yeah. And you're here. Yeah.

I have my people to serve. Like, I do this for you guys. No, I think, like, everybody watching would have been like, oh, you probably should have stayed back. But I think, like... Y'all know nothing about me and how this is affecting me. No, she's totally fucking fine. She's, like, totally chilling. She fell and broke her hip. And, like, of course, like...

Like she literally did. Like that is some old people shit. But she's been in the hospital and we went and visited her in the hospital. And while we were in there, tell me why, like within five minutes of me getting there, I think I'm possessed right now and I'll get into that in a second. I think this is part of it. But tell me why.

the power went out in everything in the entire hospital and it took like two minutes for it to get back on the backup generators and it was so fucking scary and my mamaw was like this is it like i'm done this is it and we were like girl you're not on life support you're literally so fine these are just like moderating your health dude that's all like when you told me that i was like i'd be so fucking pissed if i had a family member like on life support yeah oh 14 people died in that hospital easily i don't know i thought you said like for sure i was

- Oh my God, that's a big number. - I was there, I saw all the bodies. - Oh my God. - But yes, it was hilarious and scary. - And how does that connect to you being possessed? - Okay, so you know how we did Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board? We'll insert the clips here.

Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board. Light is a feather, stiff is a board.

Josie, why'd you do that? And so basically how you're supposed to do it is you're supposed to lift them up, let us fight or sip as a board, but put them down and say goodbye. Josiah fucking dropped me and I broke my goddamn shoulder and the demon that was helping us lift each other went inside of me and is now living inside of me because I have been having so many nightmares. Like I've been having the most nightmares of my life recently, especially in Texas, Texas, when I would like nap during the day because there's nothing else to do. Um,

I would have a full blown nightmare. And in the car ride on the way to, I mean, on the way home from, wait, what the fuck am I saying? On the plane ride on the way home from Texas when I was asleep, I had the worst, most visceral, real nightmare of my parents dying in the car ride home from the airport since it's like an hour and a half from Dallas to Granbury. And I woke up and was like literally crying because I was like, oh my God, my family's all dead. And I couldn't call them because I did not want to buy Wi-Fi.

There's a big ordeal in my head. But yeah, literally possessed by demons and they're giving me nightmares. Wow. Well, I haven't been having nightmares. I've actually been having good dreams. I've been happy. Very fun dreams. And I'm not possessed. The only thing I can remember from dreams in the past few days is for some reason in my dream I had to speak Japanese and then I couldn't and I just kept saying sorry in Japanese and then I moved on. But actually, I feel like I had a dream, but I don't remember it. That was interesting. So I guess it doesn't matter because...

I could not fall asleep on the plane ride back here. And I was so fucking pissed. I was literally the most angry I've been in my whole life. Like, I will never take a late flight from Miami to L.A. ever again because I was just, like, out all day and, like, the sun was, like, beating my ass. Like a light. I literally wish that was me. Mm-hmm.

I'm sure a lot of y'all have noticed we don't have many ads anymore. And you're probably thinking, wow, oh my God, I feel so bad for them. They deserve ads. But we're doing our job. You're not doing your job. You need to fucking subscribe and engage with me or I will never do my job again. I can't believe I miss reading ads. I miss the taste. I don't know if I should be telling this. So this might get cut from the episode. But I've been saving it from...

Yeah. And everybody in my life because I had one of the most insane experiences on a flight of my entire life yesterday. It was on Tuesday. Today is Wednesday when we're recording this. And...

So I get to the airplane. I get on my flight. I'm a little bit early because I have a little hack to get on the plane early. I'm not telling you bitches that it's all mine sitting there. The entire plane around me fills up and I'm like, damn, this is a packed ass flight except for the middle seat on my plane.

And I'm like, on your row, on my row. Yeah. And I'm like, oh, damn, like this is kind of lit. Like I'm going to get a middle seat. And like the gates are about to close. I'm about to get this middle seat. And I'm like, damn, I'm the only person with the middle seat next to them. This is fucking lit. And then I see this woman barreling down the aisle like cold.

covered in dirt, like hair in a fucking rat's nest, like running to the seat. Like it was really, it was jarring to see the way she was running. Like it was scary. And it was, I'm like, please don't fucking sit next to me. Like, please. And she sits next to me and immediately I am greeted with the most foul odor I have ever smelt a human being.

deal ever in my life like it was so bad that my eyes were watering like it was it was literally just like like she hasn't showered in like 14 days like it was it was gnarly and it was so bad that everybody around us like had started complaining about her fucking stench to the flight attendants but we were in the air and they were like we can't fucking land the plane so they because because she smells yeah and so thankfully i had a coven mask in my bag and i spray it

with my uh perfume and i put it on my face and i'm not even kidding i even was like i don't want to put a mask on because i don't want to make her feel bad so i spread it on my finger and rubbed it in my mustache it was so i've done that before i've been next to someone who smelled so bad that i take on my little roller perfume and i like douse myself in it like i literally like will go under my jaw and like on my nose and everything because i'm like you smell like that was you smell like the walking

right now that was literally the vibe like it was the most rank odor I have ever smelled in my entire fucking life and the lady next to me next to us she was in the middle seat the lady next to us in the aisle was not fucking having it she was not hiding like she was like plugging her nose and like talking to the people next to her and be like this is fucking crazy like how is she on this flight cause like it was it was insane like the like her

her entire close just wait it gets fucking crazy but I've seen something similar-ish one time when I was leaving Miami um some there was a woman who I like felt so bad because I was like she obviously was dealt weed or some shit here that was not what she was expecting she was literally like freaking the fuck out

She was like in the midst of psychosis trying to get on her flight. And I was like, dude, this is the bravest human I've ever seen navigate the airport because like you can tell she was not there. Like her fucking clothes were all like tattered up. And like she was literally like had a fucking plastic bag of stuff. And you could tell like something happened to her. And she was like, I just need to get the fuck home. She had a plastic bag with her. The flight continues. I'm like, whatever. I'm going to put my COVID mask with perfume on and go to sleep. I go to sleep and...

And I wake up and we're like 30 minutes from boarding. And I start getting in my head and I'm like, damn, like I feel really fucking bad for this person right now. Like she was just like, like I'm sure like she's like super fucking depressed and just hasn't showered in a couple of days and like whatever. Like I feel bad. So I like try to right my wrongs with the universe. And I'm just like, I see, oh, this is the craziest fucking thing about it. She had an iPhone 4 with a home button. Really?

And she had a charger that plugged, like the long charger that plugged in. That being the craziest part. Not her being borderline like... It was a gas-powered iPhone. I could not believe it. She's a time traveler. Exactly. That's what it felt like. A gas-powered iPhone.

It literally felt like she had a little red canister, like, open the bottom and, like... Yup, it was fucking crazy. And I'm like, okay, like, I feel bad and I can... She's, like, on Instagram. That's the worst part. I don't know how this thing fucking booted Instagram. Like, it's a relic. It's a fossil at this point. But I'm like, oh, like, you should film, like, she's looking out the window. Dude, she boots Instagram. It's like...

Like the fan in it? But I'm like, oh, like, I could tell she, like, was trying to look out the windows and shit because she was, like, being shifty about it. And I was like, oh, let me lean forward. I was like, here, like, I'll lean forward. You can look at this one. She...

goes behind me and rests her entire body on me. And for like the last minute of this fight, I was like, what if it's not her that stinks? No, bitch. It was her that fucking stank like shit. It was so bad that it stained my shirt like with odor. It was so rank. So I was like, okay, like,

damn like she's been dealt like a really rough card like whatever like I hope she makes it I hope she everything's gonna be okay like whatever she makes it to where she's going and it's not as bad as like it seems from the outside yeah and so I look at that video she got it's the worst fucking video I've ever seen in my entire life

So I'm like, oh, here, I've been on this route a bunch. So I'm like, film right now. You can get it downtown Los Angeles, and it's really pretty. So she starts filming again, resting on me, whatever. And I'm like, damn, I righted my wrongs with the universe. I'm not going to get bad karma. All this judgment was for nothing. So we land at the gate, and...

I'm like, we're at the gate, right? And I'm like, why are we not de-planning? Like, why is this taking so long? And my head starts spiraling again. And I'm like, this bitch, I know it's her. Like, something's up with this girl. Like, something's up. And then they announce on the intercom, the emergency intercom, hello. They announce on the intercom, they're like, okay, so like no one stand up yet. We have a security risk on board. And I'm like, I fucking knew it. I knew it. It was her. It's been her the entire time. Like, okay.

I knew it. I fucking knew it. And nothing happens. They get on the plane. They walk around for like five or ten minutes. Nothing fucking happens. And then I'm like, damn. I'm like, I fell back into that judgmental shit. Like the universe is going to bite my ass. Like what the fuck? I cannot believe I've done this again. And I'm like, damn, I judged her again. And it really wasn't her. It was probably like a faulty brake pad or some shit. We're deplaning together. Tell me why. Homeland Security said,

the cops all the security guards in the fucking world are there grab her and start yelling at her and are like who are you here to me what are you doing why are you here blah blah blah blah like yelling at her and like granted i was with her and i basically aided and abetted this criminal because she was transporting fucking drugs because the only reason i know which is like fucking crazy that you would transport drugs on a plane in 2022 just ship it with fedex like everybody else because fedex is the biggest drug dealer in the world look it up like

they don't give a fuck about what you ship there they they only cover guys shaking his head like yeah look at all the fucking birds that's that is a good omen i used to think it was a bad omen but that's a good omen it's an omen of wealth so hello they are sitting on the wealthy trees and not live right now look at him look at that guy like swinging around over there he's on the very tip top i know um i'm gonna fuck those birds like what you're gonna like what those birds what

No, I think I misheard you. Yeah, I didn't say shit. Oh. Well, last night on my- Thanksgiving is over. Tell me why Thanksgiving is over. Like it happened last Friday. Do you know what I mean?

I want to hit you so bad. Well, on my flight, I always pick the aisle seat. I used to be a window seat girl, but then I realized since I have the bladder of like nobody on this planet and I have to pee every five seconds, I just get aisle now, which can suck sometimes because I fall asleep on my flights. So when I sit next to some bastard bitch who's like under the age of 20 and has no like no sympathy for me.

And decides to, like, not give themselves a UTI. And is always like, oh, can I pass? Can I pass? I'm like, I hope you die. Like, oh. But...

I got my aisle seat, but then when I got to my seat, this woman and her grandma... Wow, seriously? Fuck you for that. Wow. I just realized and registered that. Like, wow. When I got to my seat, there was, like, this grandma and her, like, her granddaughter. And the granddaughter was, like, easily, like, 40-something. And, like, the grandma was, like... I'm not kidding. It was the Coco grandma. I'm not kidding.

I'm not kidding. Wait, go-go grandma? Like, the cocoa. Like, she, like, looked like the cocoa. Yeah, she looked like the cocoa grandma, like, straight up. But then they had asked me, they were like, oh, like, is it okay if, like, the woman was speaking to me and because I'm, like, affluent and I speak, like, Spanish and English, I was able to communicate, like, perfectly. She was like, oh, like... Do you know what affluent means? Oh, affluent means money. Like, as I said it, I, like, understood. Like, it was, like, not, like, correct. I was just like, I'm just fucking with you. But because I'm...

You're bilingual. Bilingual. Bilingual. Yo estoy bailando y soy bilingual. Yo soy bailando con mis lies. Ew. That... Don't bring that back. I can't believe that's finally died down. Lies. Dios. But...

She was like, oh, do you mind sitting by the window just in case you like fall asleep or anything? Because like my grandma probably is going to have to use the bathroom a few times during the flight. And I was like, I've been grouping your fucking shoe. This like, I don't mind. It felt nice because these like don't have any like, like warmth. So your hands are like, I'll give you a foot massage. Like we can take these off.

You need to stop. You don't have warmth? I can warm you up. Let me warm you up. But she was like, oh, can you sit there? Whatever. And at first I was pissed because I was like, well, how about this? I am going to have to get up a bunch and I don't want my bladder to be dictated by y'all. But I was like, whatever. You know what? Like, it's literally not a problem. I just took the seat. But I was just annoyed at first because I was like, oh.

But then I was like, you know what? I never get the window seat anymore. And maybe that will be better for falling asleep. Like because I can just like fall on it. That's my vibe. But then I had one of the fucking windows that when you lean it back, it falls into another window. So like, you know, like.

When you like lean your chair back. Oh, there's another window. There's another window. So like if I leaned back, I just fell into this hole and it was like back. And then if we crashed, my head would have been fucking decapitated. So I couldn't fall asleep. I sleep on that shit anyways. I don't give a fuck. I'm just like not tall enough for it to be comfortable. It's like literally I'm like sleeping like this. It's like not good. Also, the even more space on JetBlue is a fucking scam because I'd rather be in the smaller seats than

and have less leg room and then be able to like curl up because I'm actually the worst person to sit by on a plane because I will fall asleep like this. Like I'll like lean my legs up against and I'll like literally sleep like this on the flight, which is actually so annoying that I take the ILC and do that. I get in my boxers like I sleep in my bed and I just get fully naked on the flight.

Yeah, I like take off my shoes and like put out the tray and like like lay them there like my bare feet out. Yeah, and then whoever sitting next to me, I'm like, you won't mind. And I'll just like knock on them. I actually almost did that to the like the lady sitting next to me because I was like, she kept like kind of talking to me. I was like, I feel like she wouldn't mind if I like fell asleep on her.

her like she literally wouldn't care like she kept looking at me and asking she's not my cousin bro wait what is what did nephew or niece um i actually don't know cousin

I don't have any nieces or nephews, so I don't know. Piojo. Wait, do I have nieces and nephews? No, I literally don't have any nieces and nephews yet. How about that? Madeline's baby will be my first niece. Inya is going to be the mean aunt and I'm going to be the twink. What is it? Mean aunt, twink uncle. Yeah, twink uncle. It's based on that one TikTok, so thank you. So don't look at my fucking hair. Um.

Anyways, it just ended up being the best flight ever because I couldn't fall asleep, which actually was pissing me the fuck off at first. But then also I wish I heard what the flight, the person on the flight said. I think they said that we were going to go to low altitude to avoid the storms. But in my half sleep, because I fall asleep during takeoff, I slept for like an hour. But in my half sleep, I heard him say there's a firework show. So we're going to have to go to low altitude or something. And then I was like, that's I misheard that because it's like that makes the opposite of sense. But then I woke up.

and I look out my window and there's the most I looked it up and we were right next to Missouri and there was an insane amount of lightning storms happening and we were over the gulf so we were literally I was just watching like the most insane thing I've ever seen with my fucking eyes and I was trying to record it but it wasn't working because JetBlue's fucking blue lights and like it was like whatever and

But I just sat there literally and like killed an hour staring out the window. And I was like, I probably look so dumb to the lady next to me because she's like, what is she looking at? It's pitch black out there. But when nobody knew, I literally almost like tapped her and told her to look because I was like, this is like, I have to share this with someone. But I didn't want to interrupt her because she, this was so fucking cute. I tried to get a video of it, but.

the granddaughter who was like 40 something started watching The Croods and was... had subtitles on and they were sharing headphones and the grandma was watching The Croods with her on the fucking TV. And like, so she was just turned over like looking at...

her granddaughter's TV and I was like, oh my god, that's so fucking cute. But yeah, and then at one point I put my feet up and then the grandma was like, don't your feet start to hurt after long flights like this? Like from them just being still and I was like, yeah, it hurts a lot. And then she was like, I have this and then she used her cane to like poke her bag and she showed me that she'd put her bag there so that her feet were like a little lifted so that the blood wouldn't go to her feet. And then when I got in my Uber, I realized Uber is literally so fucking scary because I...

I got an Uber and it was a Model X Tesla, which I'd never been in. But you know how they like go super fast? My Uber was trying to fucking show off or something. Because in the airport, when I got into the car, he zoomed to 40 in a second. I was like, he's going to kill me. And he literally shaved three minutes off of the drive because he was driving so fucking crazy. Do you remember...

you were in that car too that bmw that went like 140 oh my god yes yeah it hit 170 miles per hour it was fucking scary as fuck like why did i think that i have a picture of it and it was the picture i got was 129 which is like the fastest i've ever gone um

in a car but yeah ubers are so scary and then i was like does uber have anything to stop minors from getting in cars because i was like we were we were fucking 14 and 15 yeah getting into random ubers and i was like okay if anybody at uber hears this you could take this idea and implement it like i won't be mad because honestly i just care about the safety of other people because i got id'd before i don't know if it's anymore but i think you can get id'd when you go into it because technically minors shouldn't be allowed to get into it but like of

Of course, there's Ubers who are like, bitch, I'm taking this ride. Like, I'm going to like get my money. But what I was thinking was for a way to make it so that because obviously there are setups where like if a parent like can't take their kid to school or something like that or pick their kid up, they'll like maybe send an Uber for the kid. What they should do is have like accounts. But this is maybe a liability thing. And that's a whole other discussion. But if it's not, you can take my idea. I was thinking, oh, my God, why don't they just have accounts that like you can have a parental account so that the

kid can like only get in an Uber when it sends like a verification code to the parent and like they get a yes back for the kid to get in the car. But I think that would open a lot of liability up. So, yeah, I mean, take it or leave it. You could just put it in like a Chucky doll package that like a four-year-old toddler and like say it's like a toy and you ship it. Yeah, do the package thing on Uber and just throw your kid in there. Yeah. Well,

I debated whether I was going to talk about this or not because it is actually so fucking humiliating and embarrassing for me that this happened. But...

The show We're Here on HBO premiered. And if you don't know what the show is, it's... I forget the returning drag queens that are on it. It was the third season. Yeah, it's the third season. I know Bob the Drag Queen, Eureka, and... And Shangela. Yeah. I don't know if they're the hosts every season, but they were the hosts of this episode. And I had watched... This is actually so fucked up. But I had watched the first season with a hookup before we hooked up in bed. And I was like, oh my God, this is like...

This is awful. But anyways, not the show, but this environment that I'm in. It's like energy that I'm having right now. But I'm watching this show and Madeline and Steve, or I'm at Madeline and Steven's house and they're like, oh, let's watch the We're Here episode. We open it. It says Granbury, Texas, which is my hometown. There's no way. Open the fucking episode. It is fully an entire episode. I know. They showed the square and I was like, I've been there. It's the entire episode of

on drag queens going to my hometown. And I remember hearing about this a while ago on like the 4th of July, because like it was like it was a big thing. Like people were being like extremely hateful and they were like, no, we don't want drag queens in our community. We don't want gay people in our community.

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Like just being hateful bigots and like threatening them, like threatening their lives and shit. And like, I was like, oh, there's no way they air that episode. Or if they do, they're not going to talk about that. Nope. The entire episode was how fucking awful Granbury, Texas is and how terrible my hometown is. And I was like,

so fucking embarrassed and but i was also high on delta eight or whatever which is another story you're high on fucking deli fucking cybernetic weed that shit is straight kim's bro like i don't know it's cybernetic and then what's that one word you said at the last episode with the little like the little symbols and data chips

You're eating... It's called... It started with an A or something. Ammonia? No, no, no. Not ammonia. It's like you air dropped out on the plane to Japan. Oh, sigils. Yeah. Sigils and cybernetics. It's cybernetics and sigils in Delta A. No, straight up. I went to the biggest fucking smoke shop and it scared the fuck out of me. They had a free Kratom sign and I've seen...

in Kratom with smoke shops Drew I should have taken a picture but like the guy who worked there was like kind of like watching me and my friend walk around and I was like I won't like take pictures because I don't want him to feel like we're making fun of him in some way but it was so huge it was in what used to be a Payless but it didn't get smaller but it didn't get smaller it was that big it was the biggest smoke shop ever and I was like Drew should be here because this is crazy they had like you know like when you buy like flour like big things of flour that is fucking crazy of just Kratom but yeah the

normalization of Kratom is so dangerous. I've seen it at fucking Erewhon. I've seen videos of girls going to Erewhon and getting this shot that they don't know what's in it and saying, oh, this is supposedly a...

alternative to drinking so I'm gonna drink this before I go out so I don't drink tonight what they don't fucking realize is they're taking like essentially a dose of fucking painkillers before they go out so just tread fucking carefully with Kratom it is so evil and diabolical and it's crazy that it's being normalized and like

I don't know. I just have opinions on it. Yeah, I have awful opinions on it too. And when I saw the free Kratom sign, I was like, this is crazy. And then I asked him, I was like, I was like, I know this is Florida, but like we're in Miami and we're like not in like the part of Miami that like who I assume like uses Kratom is in. And I was like, oh, like, is this popular here? And he was like, we have people lining up at like 8 a.m. to like get their shit. It's so bad. It's straight up. And I was like, that...

should be a sign to not sell it but whatever straight up legal fucking heroin but anyways I'll finish my story we'll talk about that in another episode because we both have crazy fucking opinions on that but what was I saying about okay so cranberry yeah sorry no we're good

But you're good. But we're here on Granbury, Texas, without spoiling too much, because you should go watch the episode because it's really fucking good. I guess I was just finished. I just said all I wanted to say is that, like, I'm fucking embarrassed of my hometown and sad and like, honestly, like, amazed with my parents and the fact that I was raised.

in that hometown the way I was and still came out a normal fucking person with like good values and morals because like the people that I grew up around are those people and I didn't realize it was bad growing up until I grew up and I was like damn like my hometown is fucking evil and they fucking suck and they are bigots and they are mean it is crazy how like there I always talk I actually got to a huge conversation about it with somebody who's like a photography teacher at a

art school in Miami. And I was like, it is really insane to think that like already because of where my parents come from, like I don't live, I never lived in like a political household. Like that was like, that was never a conversation in my household. Like politics and stuff was like just always it for reasons I would rather not divulge publicly, but like, it was just not,

Let's just say it didn't really affect us or them. But that wasn't a thing. I never heard super homophobic rhetoric. Of course, I heard the classic random comments that would make me and my siblings be like,

What do you mean by that? Yeah, what are you saying? But like, especially now, like my dad is like, my dad specifically, my mom is just an angel. And like, literally, I don't think there's a hateful bone in her body. And neither for my dad, really. But like, I just never heard that kind of crazy ass rhetoric. Damn, like. I'm sorry. You're choking. Are you all right? I got pretty high before this. Oh my God. Hold on. That's fucking lit. Yeah, I know. It is.

That's me. But I just never heard that kind of rhetoric. And it is crazy to think that there are some households that are like so like strict and like hard to like grow up in, especially if you fall under like certain like identities. And that's just that. That's it. Like I just like I always like when I hear because now I have plenty of friends who I hear about it. And I'm just like, I never realized growing up how lucky I had it in terms of like

My parents were just so fucking willy-nilly in a lot of ways. They were just like, let me fucking do you. Figure it out. Just be safe, bro. Just so lucky. But yeah, that's kind of all I wanted to say is just like, it is insane that like. Kai, you can cough. He's like scared to cough. You can cough. Let it out. Be true. Did you choke on water? I don't know what I choked on. My penis.

Oh, yeah. I choked on Drew's penis. It's like, you know how the microphone wires are like down on the floor going over there? Yeah, it's snaking over to you. Yeah. Dude, I'm trying to find the stupid ass comment you made to me and what I said to you. But yeah, while Anya's finding that comment, I guess it was a really bad idea for the first time me trying weed, let alone cybernetic weed. And a very long time I was watching an episode of a show

a show about drag queens that is going to completely shit on and destroy my hometown where I grew up. But I got high, and I had a good time. I had a good-ass fucking time. I know. I called Drew, and I was so shocked, and I was literally so jealous. I had such a blast, and I was like, damn, maybe I can do weed. Maybe what you need is the cybernetic shit. No, that's what I was thinking. I literally had that thought. I was like, oh, maybe I need this bullshit like that. Because real weed just might be too, like... It's too potent. It's too fucking strong. Because, like, literally...

Never mind. Like, that's another conversation. But just completely... Actually, no, I'm going to get into it. No, no, no. You said, see how hard I have it? And I was like, wait, why is there going to be a gay statue of you when you Elton John yourself in 30 years? Like, you are going to be the first gay Granbury Hall of Fame alumni. And there's going to be a big statue of you, like...

-Like with-- -Holding the pride flag. -You're holding a disco ball. -This is my town. Gosh. Did it make you sad? Yes, sad because some of the kids in that show, I was like, "Damn,

I don't know. It was just crazy to just think, be introspective kind of about my hometown and like look at it on like a more macro level than like kind of what I normally see. Yeah, than just like the nostalgia based shit you have on it. Because I'm like, damn, this place does fucking suck. Like I love it and I love going back there, but like damn, like there was just a lot of like bullshit that I had to deal with growing up and like just interesting looking at it from like a lens of

Someone who I respect their opinions and like I don't know she's very crazy But yeah, I got fucking stoned as fuck and it was lit. I loved it and there was a moment though where I

laughed out loud at the show that we were watching We're Here because I was literally this sounds like a fucking We're Here brand deal but I was like I laughed out loud at it and then I got really quiet for 20 minutes and was inside my head spiraling about my laugh and I was like

oh my god, like that was too loud. That was a weird laugh. Like I can't believe I laughed like that. Was that too loud? Did I even laugh? Like what's going on? And then I would just like spiral out of control and then ended up thinking about like killing myself or some shit like and that I need to off myself. But that's what weed does to me. That's why I can't do it is it like really makes me spiral in a bad way. But I turned it around. While you were doing that, I was in my old, I was in my like 30s era where my mom was like,

We should have wine. And I was like, okay. And then I would get a bottle of wine with her and like sit at the table with a cup of wine and like talking to my mom and like my friends. And I was like, damn, this is like, this really is what being in your mid twenties is like.

Well, shit, but it was fucking lit. Did we ever talk about the Loewe party? No. So Inya got invited to this Loewe party. And I'll let you like preface it. So I got invited and I really wanted to go. But like originally I was going to go with Ryan, but I fucked up the dates and she was like on the other side of town. And I just I like I get really anxious about those kind of things because like

especially going alone like I don't want to go to I don't think anybody wants to go to a fucking party alone let alone a party where I'm like oh like I don't know if anybody I know is going to be there and it's kind of like an event thing whatever so like but I was like I'm going to go because like I want to be in these kind of rooms and I need to just put myself in the room and whatever so own this space and I like I belong I asked Josiah and Drew to drop me off and like they're in their PJs like about to have like a chill ass like sit down night and I was like can y'all drop me off and

And then, like, maybe I'll be in for 15 minutes and just, like, kind of linger around if you're down. And, like, I'll get out and, like, come back out. But then we got there and I was texting Orion about her getting there. And she was like, dude, I'm still at this dinner or whatever. And then I was like, oh, it's so far from where she is. I don't even know if it's worth it for her to come here because I don't want to be here that long. So then I was, like, freaking out because I was like, dude, I need to go inside. But then I texted a few friends and they were like, they're going to go. So I was like, oh, maybe they're there already. Maybe I just go in. Like, I was just freaking the fuck out about, like, going inside because...

And being alone. It just wasn't the vibe that night either. Yeah, I was just like scared. I think no matter what vibe I was in, I don't want to go into somewhere alone because I get really scared and like nervous and uncomfortable and like in my head about like me being there. And I'm like, oh my God, I'm the loser. Whatever. Even though no one gives a fuck. But...

I had like texted somebody and I was like, is there a chance like I could bring one of my friends who's in the car with me in because like I can't go in and like Drew and Josiah were like, I'm not fucking going in bitch. Like I'm literally in PJs. I was like in a self-destruct mode. So I was like, I'll go in, but I'm in my PJs, but I don't want to leave Josiah. He was in his full Tecla like striped PJs with his comb day fuck down.

hat it was fucking sick it was the hardest outfit of 2022 and his like orange and blue like splatter paint i think i like subconsciously threw together those last bits just in case i was gonna go in so i could yeah um and then he like went in and literally like so it was like josiah in sweatpants listening to me well because you you went oh just making sure you heard

that. Oh, yeah. No, and I just didn't want to comment on it because I was going to let it go like I understood what you said. But whatever we like, it ends up being that both of them could go in. So like, and my like, my girl who was like getting me in was like, oh, like just there's valet. So just bring your car up and like y'all can go in. So we valet the car and hop out me in like this cute fit. Like obviously like I dressed up to go to this party and then like

Josiah and his sweats socks and like this juicy couture crop top I gave him because he didn't want to wear them one Yeah, he didn't want to wear his other shirt So he wore that and a sweater wrapped around him like brick fit like like he was just like, oh, I don't want to be my pjs I wanted to be a crazy fit So I gave him basically what I had in my trunk and then he had his hair up and his glasses on and then drew on my other side in his fucking craziest outfit and my like

The girl getting me in was literally like, this is awesome. She was like, this is so funny. She was like, oh, yeah, y'all dress the part. Go in. Yeah, but we pull up. We go inside, and it's not a small event. It's like every famous person ever is there. It's a party. It's a cool thing. Then I'm walking around in a comb-de-fuck-down beanie all the way to my eyebrows. Literal pajamas, but...

I felt cool. Yeah, it was awesome. We like stood in there for like literally 30 minutes, talked to a few friends and then like we were like, all right, we need to leave because it literally was a party. Friends were famous people, by the way. I just need to say that they were famous people that we were friends with because like, you know, famous people like it's just you might as well like name drop. No, name dropping is like makes you a loser. Doja Cat. We just

are claiming that we're like really close to her. Carly. That's all we do. Oh, Timothy was there. Oh my God. We should have mentioned how good he was in Bones and All. Timothy, yeah. I'll just text him after this, honestly. Yeah, text him. I'm going to FaceTime him in a bit, probably. I haven't talked to him in a while. Yeah, I'll just hop on with you. But yeah, Drew pulled the worst fits. We'll throw it. Actually, it was like the best fit, but it was just awesome because like he looked, he looked like he accidentally like,

had too much melatonin and was like, I'm going to take a nap before the party. I'm like exhausted. Gave himself melatonin, woke up as the party started. I was like, dude, fuck. I need to just like get there and then went. Cause like your eyes were a little droopy, but like that was a part of the look. Um, and that's it. I think that's it. That was the LeWave event fiasco. Um, I did get laid that night. No, he didn't. He did not. He went home when,

Once asleep. And then, you know what's so stupid? You know what's crazy is I wore the pajamas to the party, smoked cigarette filled, disgusting ass sweaty event, came home, went to bed in them because I'm not washing that shit. I wanted to wear my pajamas. I was ready for bed. We were only there for like 20 minutes. Oh, um, fuck. What the fuck was I going to say based on that? Oh, and because that we were like, oh my God, wait, we should go out tomorrow. Like we should reenter our like going out and having fun era. And then the next night when it came to it, there was like a party we were going to go to. And all of us are like,

Hell no. Like, I am not doing that. We've been in our, like, stay home and play Fortnite and, like, talk to nobody and do nothing and, like, rot away. Well, one time at a random hookup, they had pasta on the stove. While we were hooking up, it started smoking so fucking much that I thought we were going to die of smoke inhalation. Still saw it through, though.

That's what I wrote down. What did y'all just like, like water it down and keep it pushing? No, I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened. I just remember the pasta setting on fire. I don't know why there was pasta on the stove. Well, my dad, if you know, you know, like when you make big pots of like,

or like beef soup or chicken soup. Like what a lot, at least my family did. I'm assuming this is what Latin families will do. Yeah, you just leave it on the stove and then you like heat it up every day so that it doesn't rot, which I don't know what the theory to that is, but whatever. But my dad like thought

three times in one year came home from being out and like drinking with his friends and would come home and then be like fuck I didn't heat up the soup today and like go to heat up the soup and me and my siblings would wake up in the living room with the house full of smoke and be like what the fuck and he's like fuck the soup and like would have to go and like throw the pot outside and water it down and then we'd have to stay up for an hour with the windows open waiting till it like got out so that we didn't die of

smoke inhalation in our sleep. And he did that like three times in a year. And then he stopped obviously thinking in his drunken stupor that he was gonna like, oh yeah, I'm gonna save myself like $30 worth of soup right now. You know what? Actually, this is crazy. This is completely different from what you were talking about. But it kind of goes with the whole like my hometown learning different shit growing up and like hearing different things and being surrounded by different things.

Instead of fucking sex ed, which is what I thought it was called, but I was reminded recently that we had a class called abstinence in public school. So they didn't teach us sexual education. They taught us not to have sex. Is that what abstinence is?

Yeah, like abstaining from sex. Yeah, that's what we were taught in school. We were taught sex ed. And I remember literally in fifth grade when we were all sat like in different rooms, like the boys in one room and the girls in one room to watch our separate videos. And like I remember because it was like an illustration. And that was in the era where everybody was smoking Smarties and like a bunch of us weren't paying attention. And we're like smoking Smarties. And then in ninth grade.

they like did we had a whole sex ed class like we like yeah our school fully had a class dedicated to sex education like it was like our last period my last period and I remember when they did the condom thing with the banana and we were like oh my gosh

You're playing with a fucking banana right now. You're so weird. We didn't have that. And I thought we had that. But what I do remember is we did watch those videos in fifth grade, like boys in one room, girls in the other. And I remember at the end of it, we were all given like a little goodie bag of like hygiene products because it was like 30 of us watching the video. And in the bag, there was like a mini version of this deodorant that to this day,

I think it's the best smelling deodorant I've ever smelled. And it was, what's the red brand? Off Spice? One Spice? Old Spice. It was like an Old Spice. Yeah, Ice Spice. It's the munch flavor. The munch flavor? Yeah. Because you eat deodorant. That's how you keep your armpits clean. No, dude. You put it on. Yeah, you fucking put it on. What are you talking about right now? You're crazy. Whatever.

Would I rub it on my skin and give me chem burns? No, you eat it. And then it just comes out later. Okay, Old Spice literally gives everybody chemical burns. Yeah, why is that a thing that everybody has had happen in their life and they're still a profiting brand that's on their shelves? Men are so useless because somebody I used to see got mad chemical burns from their deodorant. And I was like,

And he was just like, I don't know. Like, I guess that's just the way it is. And I was like, that's not the way it is. You stop using it and you switch over. And I had to manually throw away his deodorant and go to the store with him to get him new deodorant and be like, this won't burn you.

That is so lit. I had that happen in like middle school where I got the Kim Burns and I never used it again. But that deodorant is the greatest smelling deodorant I've ever smelled in my life. And sometimes I'll get a whiff of it in public and I haven't been able to find it. And I'll get a whiff of someone wearing it in public. And I'm not going to go up to a random fucking dude and be like, what deodorant are you wearing right now? Because I remember when I was in fifth grade and I love it.

can't do that and i just can never find it and it was like the original formula we should go to cds and like open all of them and like give them whiffs word i've done that before and i just cannot find we haven't hung out in a cds together in too long i was trying to get all my friends in miami to hang out in a cds we were like doing the thing that's like very miami of us where we had nowhere to fucking go and we were just like standing in different parking lots until we decided until i finally convinced everybody to go to flanagan's at 1am and those chicken wings were

Like dude, they my stomach was genuinely like contorting like it was like jumping and I've never had that happen And I actually was like fuck dude I wanted this so bad and now it's I'm gonna have food poisoning and like fucking stomach ulcers from it But I think I am in the clear But um, I was like when everybody was walking to their cars We were like that's it like the hang is over Meanwhile, I was like 1 40 a.m. And I was like the hang is over like should we go to cvs? And everybody was like no bitch we're going home and I was like, all right

let's go they just don't hang yeah they don't understand they don't understand the cvs sleigh this cv sleigh the yodeling kid and backpack kid actually dated did you know that they were like a little thing i think they have a weird age gap so like what's up with that that's what i'm fucking saying that's what i've been saying this entire fucking time

The yodeling kid. Who would Greta Thunberg date in that sphere? Who would be her girl? Little Nas X. No, no. I can't see that. I feel like she has to date a girl. Why? That's her vibe for me. Um...

I'd say the girl that was on Ellen DeGeneres with her and her little sister Sophie. And now she's like a drill rapper. Okay. Because opposites attract. Yeah, either that or you know who it would be? The Grace VanderWaal girl. Do you know who I'm saying? Oh, I love Grace VanderWaal. She's gorgeous also. But like they, like I need to see them go on a date. Daniel Larson being obsessed with Grace VanderWaal. Wait, is that who I'm thinking? Okay, but they would have to like go

go on a date when like Grace like first did her first audition like her and Greta like at 14 or like I don't know how old she is here but if it worked out OTP ship ship ship why is that my oh she was so cute what was the song she sang she fucking ate wait why did she ate why did she ate yeah okay like get to singing this is Christian yes

No, she fucked it up. She's eight, 12 years old? That's her own song, too. I don't know my name. Oh, it is. Yeah. I don't play by the rules of the game. Come on, chills. I don't play by the rules of the game. I didn't. Oh, no, I have goosebumps. An original song at the age of 12.

And it's a good fucking song. Wow. Okay, this episode is dedicated to Grace. Yeah, we love you, girl. This is Grace's episode. Wow. Yeah. Wow.

i feel like she has a tapestry in her room right now oh she definitely does yeah i bet she bleached her eyebrows by now too she would eat with bleached eyebrows no she's definitely past her tapestry at the rate she was moving she already had her tapestry in that up like in that video right there was something that i wanted to write right somebody i saw somebody comment it was like dude i didn't get half the references they were like talking about this last episode right right

If you don't know that one, like, come on. Well, let's talk about China regulating their TikTok to their youth and promoting TikTok.

only 30 minutes a day on their app maybe it's an hour i don't fucking know and on top of that they promote learning tiktoks to everybody but in america they don't have a time limit to our children and you can watch whatever the fuck i can watch a person die and then three seconds later watch a cute animal video well i'm not on tiktok anymore so explain that

But you know what? Like, what's better? Me spending like four hours on TikTok or me becoming hyper obsessed with my plane crash? And also buying shit. Yeah. At an alarming rate. Right. How much you get those carrots for? I would pay 99 cents for them. Is that like on a good day or just like a whatever fucking price? That's a good price. 30 cents. 33 cents. 33 cents. Yeah.

That's an obscure reference. And if you get that one, that's crazy. So was that good or just whatever? Is that a good price or whatever price? So is that good or whatever price? Yeah, we just have to tweak it a little so we can use it like... Right. So was that good or just like whatever? Right.

Right. Yeah, they would be a good couple. We need to make them date. Holy shit. Like the end of this episode has been like nothing. Like I haven't like acknowledged that there's a camera here. We've just been talking to each other. But there was something else. I have other stuff. I'm going to save it for the next episode since we got a stack for the holidays. Do you want to save it? Yeah, I'll save it. Yeah, save yourself. Hey, you have to save yourself. You know what it was?

spotify wraps oh can we review it the 13th maybe that could be our media let's go into media but it'll be no let's save it save that for the new year's episode all right here's the media media i wish you could by like what you're listening to right now um technopolis by yellow magic orchestra that's the way actually i'm not gonna give that one because i want to keep that one for myself

Right now. How about that? And then Honestly, Love is Overtaking Me by Arthur Russell and Black Metal by Dean Blunt. That's like all I've been listening to recently other than like other stuff that I don't want to give out. I just got a text from Zamar saying, I had a dream you were a suicide bomber and you literally bombed a gas station. Sounds about right.

Why is everybody dreaming about me? I know. Because another friend dreamed about me. Quinn had a scary dream about Drew, too. Maybe you are overtaking my idea. I think so. And these are like my spiritual friends. Is Zamar spiritual? No. I don't find Zamar like to be a spiritual man. Zamar lives by the happiness of his own accord. Which is beautiful. And I'm jealous. So I was on like a sad ass fucking vibe in Texas. So.

Pinta Nina Santa Maria by Vangelis. Ladies and gentlemen, we are floating in space. Spiritualize. And, you know, I did it. I had to fucking do it. And I did Star Roving and Slow Mo by Slow Dive. I had to do it. I just had to because it was an emotional Thanksgiving for some reason. Just sad as fuck. But I loved it. It was cute.

Alright, well, thank you guys so much for listening. See you next week. Gay penis. He's just like...