From our First Caller of the Day to Danielle’s last Entertainment Report, listen to the entirety of
We get ready to head out on vacation, we chat with Jake about his underwear routine! Learn more abo
Nate thinks he has invented a new food product! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.ihe
We discuss if we would take a one way trip to mars, our new friend Leon Else joins us for an inspiri
Greg T left a pack of cigarettes at Skeery's apartment, Bethany gives us Humpty Dumpdates, and Mr. P
Intern Alexa claims she has psychic abilities, Todrick Hall stops by to announce his big tour, and G
Greg T brought us a belated St. Patrick's Day parade, we talk to a newly engaged couple on how to pr
Lorde is here, Skeery stole Elvis' toaster out of his office, we find places to throw hatchets. Lea
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