Elon, Inc.

Elon Musk’s sprawling business empire has granted the billionaire a degree of power and global influ


Total: 95

Last week, X users might have noticed a new kind of artificial intelligence-generated image prolifer

Monday night, Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Elon Musk on Musk’s social media platform,

As the world reacts to US Vice President Kamala Harris’s own vice-presidential pick, Minnesota Gover

Presidential political news—and memes—continue to electrify the American public. And it seems they’v

When President Joe Biden announced that he was dropping his campaign for re-election, the news reach

The fortunes of Elon Musk and Donald Trump have been converging for the better part of the past year

Bloomberg reporters Josh Eidelson and Loren Grush recently went deep on a tangle of lawsuits orbitin

Tuesday was a big day in the world of Tesla, which reported its second-quarter sales numbers. After

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with birth rates? And what is he doing about it? Those questions are at

Last week, we wondered whether Elon Musk would get his pay package approved in a shareholder vote—an

Max and Dana recently joined Ashlee Vance as guests on Bloomberg's Odd Lots podcast for a special El

On Thursday, Tesla—and Elon Musk—will face a vote of great emotional (if not legal) import: will sha

Foundering: The OpenAI Story is a narrative podcast that examines the rise of Sam Altman, from the t

In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s felony conviction for fraud, his followers scrambled to be first

Elon High, Class of '24


Elon Musk has an interesting entourage (to say the least) and a penchant for bringing executives fro

Recently, a Democratic pollster surveyed the value of celebrity endorsement on the presidential race

Last week, Bloomberg Businessweek published an exclusive look at Noland Arbaugh, the first person to

We’re taking The Big Take to Asia. Each week, Bloomberg’s Oanh Ha tells a story from the home of the

Last week, Elon, Inc. held a live taping at Bloomberg’s Tech Summit. Like many of the conversations

Last week, the news broke that Tesla had terminated most of its supercharging team (along with summe