cover of episode Tesla optimizing FSD routes, Model 3 Long Range RWD, Ford Capri, and more

Tesla optimizing FSD routes, Model 3 Long Range RWD, Ford Capri, and more

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Fred Lambert
Seth Wintraub
创始人和出版人,主持Electrek Podcast,专注于电动汽车和绿色能源新闻。
Fred Lambert: 本周特斯拉重新推出了Model 3长续航后驱版,起价42490美元,扣除7500美元的税收抵免后,实际价格约为35000美元。该车型续航里程为363英里,比标准版增加了100英里,并且百公里加速时间缩短了一秒。虽然并非所有用户都需要全轮驱动,但该车型的推出为消费者提供了更多选择。特斯拉Model 3长续航后驱版正在投产,交付即将开始。 此外,Fred Lambert还讨论了其他一些新闻,包括彭博社报道称特斯拉将推迟其机器人出租车的发布日期,以及特斯拉内部人士透露埃隆·马斯克一直在优化FSD路线,优先处理他自己和一些网红的路线数据。这导致普通用户与马斯克和网红之间的FSD体验存在差异。他还谈到了Model Y的改款传闻,以及特斯拉加州虚拟电厂向电网输送了100兆瓦的电力。最后,他还提到了特斯拉柏林超级工厂员工大会上出现的紧张气氛,以及工会威胁罢工的情况。 Seth Wintraub: Seth Wintraub主要就特斯拉Model 3长续航后驱版和全轮驱动车型进行了对比,指出并非所有情况下都需要全轮驱动,尤其是在道路维护良好的地区。雪地胎比全轮驱动更重要。他还对特斯拉推迟机器人出租车发布日期的报道表示不意外,并认为与城市达成地理围栏和叫车服务协议对特斯拉至关重要。此外,他还就特斯拉FSD的进展缓慢和V12.4更新延迟发表了看法,并对特斯拉优化FSD路线以优先处理马斯克和网红路线数据的报道进行了评论。

Deep Dive

Tesla relaunches the Model 3 Long Range RWD with improved range and performance, discussing its benefits and comparisons to other models.

Shownotes Transcript

On the Electrek Podcast), we discuss the most popular news in the world of sustainable transport and energy. In this week’s episode, we discuss Tesla optimizing FSD routes, Model 3 Long Range RWD, Ford Capri, and more.

Today’s Podcast is sponsored by the Electrek American Solar Challenge 2024).

The show is live every Friday at 4 p.m. ET on Electrek’s YouTube channel).

As a reminder, we’ll have an accompanying post, like this one, on the site with an embedded link to the live stream. Head to the YouTube channel) to get your questions and comments in.

After the show ends at around 5 p.m. ET, the video will be archived on YouTube) and the audio on all your favorite podcast apps:

We now have a Patreon) if you want to help us avoid more ads and invest more in our content. We have some awesome gifts for our Patreons and more coming.

Here are a few of the articles that we will discuss during the podcast:

Here’s the live stream for today’s episode starting at 9:00 a.m. ET (or the video after 10 a.m. ET):