Two Asian-American girls navigating their way through post-grad life in the Bay Area, with a little
Silicon Valley is the pinnacle of technology - so much so that you can’t go anywhere without being r
When we think about our well-being, we often think of our physical health. But wellness isn’t restri
Ever look at your coworker and wonder if they have a secret online identity you never would have exp
Election Day is coming up! If you can vote, please do. Not only is voting important for the Presiden
To celebrate our love for Asian movies, we are virtually attending the Asian American International
Today we gather an only child, a younger sibling, and a middle child to talk about our various “sibl
It feels like it used to be easier to make new friends when you were constantly meeting new people e
Secret confession: I had no idea that there were Asian-American movies prior to the launch of Crazy
If you've ever used Spotify or YouTube to listen to music, you've probably stumbled upon a
Moving in with your significant other is a BIG step. While living with your best friend and lover is
We don’t discriminate when it comes to food - whether it’s a homemade meal fresh from Mom’s kitchen,
Calling all travel lovers, budding teachers, and weaboos!Our guest today is a friend who is currentl
Disclaimer: This episode focuses on Bay Area cost of living and average salaries. We recognize that
When we were young, we were told not to give out any personal information on the Internet. But now,
When we think about Healthcare, we often think of doctors and surgeons running around (a la House or
Before some of us are even 18 years old, we pick a major at college that determines our course load
Catch up with us in today’s episode where we chat about small things that have been sparking joy for
CW: We discuss heavy topics such as sexual harassment, sexual assault, and r*pe culture in this epis
If you’ve ever stumbled upon Cat & Cat comics on Instagram, you’ve probably spent half an aftern
As a young, fresh new grad straight out of college, starting your first adult job can feel like a st