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Curriculum m and over the E Y L university dot com that's E Y L U N I V E R S I T Y dot .
com city. hi.
So yeah get into this man um talk about your business. You know everybody knows what you've done on the court all about that well, but you really quite the more of these days of people might not be away.
So yeah we frequently that some of the portfolio.
yeah I guess some work to do. But I have you where I am right now. Not complex though.
Yeah, sure. Well, first I want to get in to IT lego. We going to talk about the wine. The water I did is everything. But who gave you our mindset to start actually wanting to invest in, wanting to be an archive as a police? Just been a basic play.
I think, just not being in in the MBA and just have an opportunities and then just no grown as I got as I get older and still to this day, just want to do more like I love music, I love restaurant and food and the a lot of sugar yeah so just just finding a way to make money out out of what I like doing. I mean, and I might not be the same as i'm making an a MBA, but you know I mean, i'm making you know the kind of of money and makes sense to something like doing which is considered a habit in is like why not you know I mean so just finding ways and as I get older to figure what I like known and figure out how to make money off. So but then as athlete opportunities come away to wear, know you you have the benefit of a return time point.
Is that far the relation like a lot of those guys and golden state make gay relationships with people in so the calm valley and that help you know staff and added all the guys. Kd, start investing in text start up. So that being aren't you meet a lot of people, you have a lot of relationships. So how long point is dead? Is like you lazing .
your relationships, that people generally like ships as well, and that's very important more I mean a money is you know very, very important. But like relationships suggest is important, you know mean because you never know when opportunity in my present is. So um the the the opportunity can make from from from jai, what is that? He likes a see me to details me. So like just having relationships, you opening yourself up to people to where you know you never know when you know somebody can you know do a favorite. So uh that was a kind of example.
Yeah you've been in to, uh, a couple of unique position to attra career. I was seen a feeling when might ruin we have no see really ship with him. But now and I lay back home, see obama as only the clip is how much as the influence of that ownership on you, because obviously they were mass a fortune in business. How much is your relationship ship as the player slash the employee? Now looking at IT from an ancient temple, like you're getting ideas from them and using them for guidance .
in the water business. This like is a baLance of like being like the player James always be me like i'm going yon cord like and focus but it's like a baLanced not trying to be like you like trying to be like like body buddy. You know, I really like, but it's like, I have no pride and you like this I how you make this, what you do here in this situation you so I randomly ly met my ruin like in behm was at a black jt well side.
He was playing cars and he like, I like the game bit too, and I like people look on my own and but I was he looking back, nice to me. You like my group and one of six like, nice to meet you, I think is out there for, like, his daughter birthday some ways. So he did like live in and then we've just looked there from there. But just any time I got an opportunity or or a question like just reaching out to him and I haven't got that far. T stevia bomber but that's like, you know my my focus that kind of like pig as being and understand um you know he's mice at everything today because you know I don't hurt and guys like that or are curious and they want to give off .
information the more I want to tell yeah I want at this point of your career I obviously as a season vet, when you're coming up as a Young player, these guys that are giving you advice, I was we saw the body on the situation cold.
But i'm sure exactly so .
as the veteran now are you looking at the Young guys, the bones of the world, like you felt that I could visit advice I can give you? And how was said about Young and guys to to business ventures?
I really like I be to myself, like I talk to my temazepam who a invested in recover a one eighty when he got a couple of the things that he's done.
But you know they asked me or find the opportunity for somebody out if they say some um I need somebody like a check um the center for diner miss thinking about my best and water as well but it's an opportunity like go base was like we going to put a stairs of like far and other and any like business opportunity ties. They might be two hundred thousand. You might be you know five hundred thousand depending what know investment is.
Put a part the I rest in peace before he passed away but the rumor was the beginning. And we know we see how IT is. We bought the whole business and IT took eighty eight years and you know me you know what is done. So um you know as you know sixteen years last three sixteen going to the lee, I just you know give you guys as much opportunity in game as they won but i'm not going forcing on because you know nowadays only do this kind of curzon wow a little bit and I got to my you know I always want to like you may .
I think over three hundred million thousand in a career on the court now, including enorme ment deals. You play for tax teams and taxes, housing. There's no state income tax right now. You play in a language has the high est and income tax do you think .
about is that yes.
I was in .
new york. Yes, be taking like I don't want to go to like ah this but then you like our is a business opportunity because you know new york and l are .
pick rockets.
Come on now so you you got an opportunity to make a lot of money, mean a lot of people that you wouldn't be able to meet in another respect like oklahoma. Or you don't mean so is is a given at eight. So when you dare, you got really lucky in focus.
My time in new york wasn't the greatest is because not basketball, you know, baseball, a part of you, but I IT was covered. So I really opportunity run across the people that are really needed to run across you. I know once I get your face and you hear me and just like i'm actually you in you don't mean and not a bad way, but just that's that's my personality so I I didn't I didn't feel like my new york time was a success. Know as much as I wanted to be so back at home like I I here. So I at the end of .
this this deal, but you are now think the total will be four .
on the for fifteen.
And ah we know to do the canal to that, that is on the court. We take the data thirteen year deal to one million that were over half a billion once about the expansion of the brain, right, as on the code is one thing. But i've seen you do IT, and I ve seen a couple of the guys do remember when the world have the edit deal, we have to go to china. Yeah, I saw you recently.
just came back talk about .
the difference in the reception when you did when I see you going like disguise of he is like to talk about that me because a lot of Young holes and they understand the global economy and obviously, you're doing indeed understand that very well and talk about why they do IT .
and the influence of IT. It's a different like ball game is like a movie like they really embrace and chairs like stars. I feel like here in in america, we don't like you walk, pair and see. I don't know somebody I would think that famous and people work like like there's nothing you mean but over there is like in a chair ish.
I like you know the opportunities see people like that and and after, like we things like that Green, like we call people as famous or think that their family, just because we see them, what you they got a follows on him, they're not famous, but I real famous. But we know that we, you know that celebrities, they cheers people like that. So I think just given my my time to them and expressing how much I appreciate them in the love and supported they got for me um is very, very valuable. So like, you know, once people go over there and I see the love that they got, especially for athletes, a specific athletes is like, you know, your home music. J so for me, I think I just taking advantage of a datas, you know, my wine and and given to people something kind of like last to me are you .
feel about the state of N, B. A. For money because mark you and recently said, like you know one hundred million dollars a year as well as head a billion dollars like know to the point where people he said play is going to start making more .
money than him as an .
owner here that's 那个谁, 你 一个 谁 我, thank you.
So anything you not buying that is too more. Yeah, it's going to a point, venture a .
hundred million .
dollars a year just from playing best band. At that point, they would make more money a year. Yeah, he is in .
like .
is i'm first of all like i'm that the oh and I ve player that I don't want to see Young guys decide to everybody give money, but that's what we got a really implement like the financial literacy, no part of IT. So where they just not after just doing anything with the money.
And I like, you know make sure that that the money is going morning to go, you doing ball, you think of how your phone would like, send yourself for generation wealth and and make a surges want to right away because because of all is the biggest world world. And this is going to to grow global and global and get bigger and bigger so you can control IT money going keepin longer. So I mean, for us, I think I just find a way to make .
sure of players is doing the wrong .
things with. Course I somebody you know watching the money investing and strategically invest in um and just doing the right things like everybody else mean everybody is different for how to invest money and do what the money. But as longer ge you know something in in in making your money double um then you know that's all that's all like would be coming .
in a position that year in the power of no is something that that is realistic, right? I mean, people are document salaries, document that people understand how much you're making, how difficult, how chAllenging is IT too distinguish between, you know what, I can help you, or now this is now charity, no, we have to give on your own, or I can give you assistance or resource that has nothing to do with financial tangibles, but actually networking with .
somebody like.
how has .
that been for you that struggle? But some days I be feeling Better than those. Those you know, means we are, you know, like the things that you need, like my mom and sister bread, like they got houses and got you like, you know, a good.
But then is like, what do you need for? Like if is something that is is, is necessary, then I help you. I am a put in a position, I mind.
I give you some money, but i'm put in a position to wear. You can see I for you. You might cash me on a good day is like space.
I know how many years I got left in N B A. But like map business, saving mice. They got to take over to wear. No, I I got think like you know Steve bomber and my room in in the mother mentors and guys and I look up to so.
So what I did is I was about them for a long term um but I heard that you actually report to create process as well about your relationship, what what the details of over the years and how you enable to can add .
yeah input only we've we've we've criticism really, really game changing shoes and so yeah eight and like the whole like this so me on and how many pair of sneakers have have been created like millions so it's is a hard process to kind of figure was name want to go to but I did for me just create net that fashion side to me with the basketball snicker combined like most N B A players to make a ref sh like basketball shoe you know my mind to be flied where you want we like this we dinner s and then go for the court and as the kind of baLance that i've i've been trying to create food shoes and most of the time when you see like guys like a my h fifteen sixteen on decline, whatever you want to call IT h the snake is dry. You know they go down, but mind you know going up still in, it's a blessing because I mean, we do some right and um you know been a little rocky and we have time of things going on what a that were public. But now I think we found our group and we in good space to wear .
meal condition like regulators. A lot people get the scrunched with their shoe company, and they go to twitter and the air. Now, so how .
you been .
able to manage differences, the relationship .
people may be, I know .
you .
never never see me on twitter instance like ever, ever, ever that's not not as however, I mean, you got a problem i'm going you are going talking about, you know, I mean, so just having a cost of communication and try to figure out and everything, I will always be perfect. You know, in any business. But you know, the more you push and try to get the right and and figure things out, it's where is benefits, al, for everybody and everybody can, you know get on the page good .
things you want. Those guys, dad got the lifetime deal. Not many guys get those type deals like the pride. And now you thank you. Twelve .
because so .
what if there is?
Because because when I think of basketball and I think two companies, IT also becomes a family. Yes, the guys on that other brain, they stick together. The guys at a idea together, how much influence do you have in get those guys over? So when it's when is done of the mital is dame or now we arent how much influence to you like you, we got something billion over here, right? Like you who drops this one I thought was crazy and IT drops both being contentious a sink a year was your role and influence to get in those guys over there in the creative part of thing like that, SHE was dog as as a statement. Now I yes, well.
I mean, honestly, I got to be Better and I and I can be in a sense of life, you know gan guys and really but like winner in in the process of like figure out our t you know because in intern of things we want to um but like once we figure that out, like you said and is killer right now, like on an end of the coral sneaker you know done is known as saying no deos he just retired but he was knowing est staying um and an obviously name but um just just find a way mean like the other brain is has been out the brand for very very, very long time so trying to find a way to compete in in in in in keep building and to make a some competitively ware you know like this yes C S too and to bring that personal the core for the sneaker, it's a tough, it's a tough battle. But you not think i've been china like not pushed at need and force IT in, we are long way to go as long as guys like ant man people only thing。 And in the next generation of guys, the Younger guys come out now, we good is definite happen.
You start to see, they just fight that you, but you can start to see the legal change here. Even like a guy like kawai.
he's not with either of .
those two ga g jewel's sound with sketches. I just saw a Cooper flag. The .
next next guy he's what a different .
brain .
are you .
about was never anything.
We should thought on, guys know that cause this happened in a lot now, like we Carry him now, you like superstar players. I had really happened before. SHE never had.
What is that this crazy i'm saying like IT was was community get .
back to he was .
hoping in the right he was IT meant to rival.
join brand. I mean, IT was an but how you .
feel about guys like stop, stop. What are you feel about stop play is going like going out.
going this a lot of work, man is a lot of work. It's a lot of work you to get like the the right team. And like I have and I heard about the jelly have in his own show, it's a lot of work. And you, god, to be functionally, you know me, you would got to really make the right team together and have a shot that you could still be the same person that he was. Please me, who was a sneaker, was a .
But now I can change .
your whole life.
you know, I mean, so like we ve got to look at things like that. But if I pan out form, which I hope the best form and I hope issue, you know, go crazy, you know, IT is h no two .
hundred as a good Price, premium, premium.
how? Like, 嗯。
i support, I support as death then was support entrepreneurs met .
a few times because .
I don't have any car reads right now. I got to get some. I, I got to get some. I just just buy. I'm just a one.
So fantis about you talk about mike. Robin, I know you have have ownership of fanatics. You haven vote, you work with them partners.
So was that working relationship like with axing? Talk about the world of my room because he's become a very um known figure in the culture for working with entertainers in africa. But he's like a mystery. People don't really know too much other than like the White party. So so .
he is genius man like he he was no, he was honor to six years. Panax is growing so fast that he had to give his partner of me is a his piece of ownership of for the team because the the player, the relationship that he had. And then obviously this moral fairs and the business crazy. And you can see, use a find, find a way that to inactive to build. But he's a genius man like he he'll be a six A M in all to nine P M.
Like meetings and meetings and meet like every single day you know mean and right there just shows me like only fifty seven years old, sixty maybe on the no call me that book just to see somebody that age that color doing IT and not being satisfied and and not being a stay and worth a lot money is like I am so you know I am figured that out um but like just anytime I need help when he is like one call away and just washing him and being around him for these past six, seven years is a life change for me like like like a gene. What someone to think that you can just pick up business vy like hard to negotiate. Uh, we not like we not taken less than what we on't you know we deserve um that right there alone just helping you know me um I just oh no, I just is like, no, we are.
This is a great story. We actually came to use them during the late August few years back. And usually this changes on on weekend and they were telling us about the spirit, is we trying to meet you in and no schedules didn't work out.
He will tell us about the spirits fast forward to present day is here where you get the idea from IT has been advised you in the space. And is this something that you know obviously is to say, what did you dream that nobody dreams of like army and make this brand? What point you created if this become a point? Because we've been around a lot of efforts. yeah. And one thing that we've noticed that allowed these guys are like one kind of source you haven't dinner that's talking about like one like this like like like this like it's such a foreign guage is like they know .
by year and region in the tim. Mike.
is that influence kind of push you on .
this this question? But you know mean like a look like us just being around those guys, they are very, very intelligent special guys like like you mellow and map and Chris paul and those guys like that their whole group brand obviously know their whole group is is very, very, very telling. The opportunity came me and i'm just like, I like that you know me and also short.
I'm just I made all the process from the, the, the, the, the fruits and the, the, the bottle, the label, the what is he going look like? Is IT too much? Or should we be like, calm and and i'm like, what what am I doing? Like, I know.
Like, is this the right thing? And then i'm like, let's do IT just because i'm in order. I can be taking shots crazy.
No more like I do IT every once in a while, but just after a game on the wine down, just have a couple glasses and one thousand night. And then no, an opportunity for you, let us to try IT. And so you know, like three, four meanings tasted a wine.
You I mean, we hate examples of ten bottles on why and all them were black and weight. Basically, like you look at the White category is all black and weight. So like what we know, how you can be disrupt of in in business because of guys, I guess my like new dog is why you know a lot of people have their wine.
So like how can we be directive? Like i'm the of when you look at the bottle, which just stands out, you to put some bottles along side of as we stand out. And then our Price point is like this for everybody, you know mean, so just crying a lane for myself in a business to wear, you know this feasible, everybody and everybody can try IT. And you know, I mean, you can be, you can be, you go to you. I mean, so the opportunity came the presented itself and now we got some special you sell .
IT over the counter.
Yeah yeah. We just got we landed this deal with seven eleven. I think it's like seventeen hundred, eight hundred stores there were about to go in. So where we're building in a big business, you know, I obviously like just trying to get in a restaurant, ts token matera, and having meetings with other other big time people, their own a lot of restaurants as they shine to get IT in area IT could be a house one, you know, mean the try to get this business. Two hundred, two hundred.
three hundred movie. We can't this breeze over over there. One of our favorite, one of our favourite aces to visit, talk about, I mean, is this one of these things where you were going to the restaurant? And you know, maybe the .
owner is, i'm from my life, so i've going to talk here, here and the holy one of .
my home. Me, blue, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So hokey together. A so he I guess he had a relationship was sapper when the guy, when the guy is him, his brother like, know basic owners talk anyways. So you bring me in toka, then he issues with me to saha.
And then, you know, sasa are talking is like, I might have opportunity. We want to explain, you know, whatever, mostly short when you deal first with veggies. We just opened up in houston and grow miami, and then we might go like to buy.
And then we, and then we started like a more fast food chain or so. Ka as well. So that is another opportunity. I came, the relationship hoggy introduced me, and how you .
feel .
about the way .
the agema.
But so what would come in to play?
The Lance and Lance Collins, who who's a big his owner body so he was like he was in was in body only women early, you and kobe and I I think when kobe do with that crazy, right? So I only put up put like fha, grand body mor and IT got me a good money. I will. I put eight million eight.
nine, four .
yeah my .
a for yeah .
ah me .
hip hop fit all the board. When is that ourself? Yeah we have that.
So that game spend. The blog came back. One of the early investors body I got this opportunities was then was already employed.
I'm right. So man is like in, in, in the drinks race. So he did. He built a cold water. And so this is like being building up drinks. And he has always with pepy color in our economy um but he has in water he has accelerated, which is um my energy drink they got recover eighty and the gah teq. Casa zoo, casa zoo.
So he did a really good job of just, you know, building up banks and he was like, as an opportunity for you, which you want to do. So i'm invest me be he got, he got travel is well, who who killing IT obviously in he's invest in all them as well so another Operation to build a brain up in and you know figured out later so I really come relax and twenty billion and he was like, um nobody home made IT took me ten years but I like three four dos years was just all over the place. He's like now with one and eight just like I know what i'm doing he is like going hit right away like I know waste time we can get to so opportunity .
so how do you know like we interview with and he was out he put IT by six million dollars and to a real day deal and was also showed in one belly up. And he was like looking back on, he should put like half a little that was as six million.
I just the .
people .
like Lance, if you make Lance, he coming here, he can have a bag rolling the bag with all his product in here, like you can have a step on this for like he lives and breathin water and recite like he he will have its a word you going to try this and you are going to word you them like, hey, come on in .
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Like he's psychotic about this product and so is the person. I mean more time, more time. The ideas are by take a millions billionaire organist idea but is like how you how you actually put IT together .
people to have proven point. As here you're talking about, you don't know how much more you playing yeah he said, if all ever remembered is as a baseball play IT in a failed at life i'm listening to your business talking about, maybe know who does dad go to your mind as well right out my legacy. Yes, this chapter of my life is is athletics.
The next chapter of my life has to be as great, if not greater. We saw call he was on person, but IT was now in aspirin. The body on my deal, he was like, he's got to be out of business. You see yourself in that same thing.
a million percent, million percent um and basketball is giving me this opportunity. So I got to make on time because you know the higher I can keep going instead is over the more opportunity ties I know i'll be able to get. So um and then I don't want to have a little hole fame career after basketball as well.
So just the really make sure of relationships is improper in place to where once is over. I'm like, thank you. Ask why I appreciate you.
I love you so much, like it's time to get IT all you can know me that's another thing where kobe was. Kobe was so happy. He like, he wasn't try to like go back and play again. He was like, thank you. Basketball is time to get the money off the court. You I mean and that's how can I want to be like I want to be done that I appreciate you and this figured this this this off the courting on this business this business I set out um because it's going to be ten times harder than the basketball. But I i'll be prepared for when I am how you you says like keep .
making the same thing pretty right. Like basketball allow you to have all this opportunity. So you still got to maintain your best ball. We at least for moment.
But also when you make so much money, you got so much relationships, you I could assume the passion might like not be the same, right? So how do you keep? yeah. No, just in general, maybe ough for you just saying gender and they are plays that now you see in players retire early. They seem like they are not as .
hungry I am so for you, you still i'm saying for most part how have no no like people's uia, how have you been .
able to keep your hunger for twenty some years? Can you play baseball even long and you been to leave? So how you been able to stay hungry for twenty five years?
Twenty basic all do the great ga like I have had like a uh uh like surgery, you know mean like her like i've heard like I had a hashing pool and that was first and right because I know a hood. I can only imagine somebody have a surgery, multiple surgeries and like having to do we have and get back on the court by first you I know this, like I want to do is no more. I want to live life in bill market, you know.
So is that party part of IT? Like, but I don't know. I speak for, but I just know .
for me I I.
I finish this finishes that like, you know you only get one of, yeah these things got a life so you got to just figured out to .
bother you when people because like sports, could they have questioned your desire on a certain level, like playing on the light. Does that bother you when people have critics on on that?
No one bit like they just that they are and like we not. But like, of course, like I work about, but on every day, no, I was in the games today. I'm gm in the more life and you know, when I got good games, they prays. When you have bad games they talk about that you not mean but when he going good, oh my god, he looks like vince and like I want to hear like they say some read where you win or my keep my my vibe. How IT is, is when my vibe is, how IT is that the best version of me?
That's crazy. I'm thing. And vintage, which is why D I I remember harvester. We wash you here, i'm thinking.
But I remember the fire at the N, B, A, D is the first year you got IT to use in first, in forty. Second, forty. right?
Yeah, yeah.
yeah, yeah. You think we got pro? Yeah, yeah. I about people associate. I think they.
What you mean to california? What you mean to delay your team? My rush I mean to the city. He just announced a partnership in his school expansion of you and packed thirteen the foundations talk about that work because when we talk about off the court yeah and business, this is not a bit that's gonna a help the portfolio what doing on a philtres pic side is going to help the community, help the Younger generator, a coming up all about that because, I mean, with people going to criticize on there should be praising .
that as well. No, not really dive. I fly. They really care about IT like a job is IT just said, the negativity and dangers call about the day, but like we real people and we live real lives and we do real things uh, so for me, just like I got the heart of the giant and want to help people, I come from to who for you not mean so just seeing that being back at home and then being used and being in um you know in in that community for as long as I I was and still am is like I think so many things I needed to be done and still needs to be done.
And then you got early year after year after year he can come so people houses in targeted in people you know don't have no fool, no lights, no nothing a battle and continue and still continue to fight. Um but just helping kids get to school refurbishing court, just like a it's like a lot of things that we do that you don't have to be broadcast in you know in and put on E S P or you know see in but IT make me feel good and me feel how supposed to because I not do my job. I got a whole team that we created in that that that goes out there every single day, find ways impact the world um in the the cities that we earn.
And then obviously, you know as we get bigger um we have a bigger stage of bigger platform. But um that makes me happy, like that feels my heart a little bit. You know I mean giving people the same people that isn't as fortunate or isn't able to do um things that not even i'm doing but just living, you know I mean like just driving in long be just the driving in the world, driving to court and seeing a housing and the people that is unlike how to find what help people with still you know me like you just on is is that I but it's are you get lost a little big, you in a big house, rose, you really get an opportunity to go through the town.
You barely luan gucci, dior stores. Then you driving in in man, what you not me. So just every single day is somewhere I are I I got to make sure that thing on the top side because that's that's important to me.
I want to give back as is a cool story because we have a big conference that we don't a line up. And this year, we did a pitch competition in the name of knifes y hostel. And we had his brother same.
We had the whole thing and B H was the um so most story shot. One of the people that was on the pitch competition that was presenting was a school principle and he had like a new age type of school program that he put together. There was really token, he said.
But also he said that you were on the people that actually gave money to school one hundred thousand hours, something like that. So that was due. And like I said, there's something that I people are not aware, right? Did I was just a random? He was just like one of the people are invested in so there was a do like six that .
we don't know. That's the kind of our energy we give like don't got to be brother, say we just dawn IT and is goal this will help the people and is will actually do the job not just broadcast and saying IT making an instance post northern elements what you care about these airports we did not make sure the job is being done in people or or you know have in doing this was be doing um you know so that's that's kind of our background and kind of what we do in like we say we are small team, but not really but we go in a couple years. They going to be making they be seen in .
this when you just just mentioned that drive the angle to get to the station. IT just hit me for the first time. Is that like so real for you?
No, yes, no one is .
impossible. Is that's a land, land really, and to be used to be. And .
now that is, say, twenty years ago, in the next twenty years, some knows might be the wife like as possible, like this point I know in three, four years ago to be flying cars, you know me so like, I don't know what that no more you know me about never vision or imagine the into done will be an engineer familiar like the form is always the ingwa in omi like the only please and then I obvious ly, I stable now crapo, so you know, I i'm just, i'm just here. I'm just here on earth just washing the government was just i'm just here how just want to .
want so and branding, obviously a bit he was that done intention did you know, like that kind of become like a signature of trademark, actually helps you stand out a talking and league like did that intentionally?
Oil SE is something they just really good. I'm happy to get the world is happy to get faial here. And just, you know, that was kind of the thing and I was, no, I was twenty, twenty more, so haven't to bear. You feel like you order flight, your grown man, you know, me start in more more, you know me start in more, teacher more, and never look back the.
but .
look was over.
Everybody did that.
They say like a safe and .
free Jerry.
stay cool. Ply you are.
You brought the team. And so but if you have to have a strong team around you, how has that team evolved since you started? I'm sure maybe people have coming on. You've to replace people or has this been a consistent thing like these are my day once they come to wit me along the journey and a teach some skills and I make them .
hopefully have them .
become their own business professionals and they all right .
or um you know along with everybody can make IT everybody can make as as you get older you grow you you started like me more mature about which you like and and confident in which you like in which you need around you in this way people. I was with bing when I was in midst school. I was going on with me favorite here, no more.
I mean, is cool like I was sure best I go away and you hear stories like that. You know whether is you know when I first guy and league like, oh such as such out and is like now it's actually happened to me, you know I mean, so h no bad blood, that is what IT is. And every I feel like everybody had goes to that tell me about that day once when I get drafted in public bottles in all that.
And in four years, five years later, whenever that happens, they not there anymore. And you know, for sum is worse than others for mine IT wasn't that you know, just, you know, we grow part. So I think the team that that I have now is, is efficient and uh, I got a purpose and that's that's very important because that's how how I like I play by like only enough to court.
So you know, you got you get function. A polar is a really good job. People Allen, who who's like my data manager. And then there's a lot of other people in in my cabs um but just people that know everybody is got a role, you got a position in a job to play. You know if you're not doing your job and you will get on a bitch, or you will get cut.
did you see what j go about? Place my working together. nice.
So he was talking about high. N, L, A. He was like, A, Y. He got A U, C, L, A gym to work out. If I said he was like he just had in the pip, and he was like this, so many players that make up from california who like why they all have their own gym. And I was LED to a whole conversation, yeah, he lets a whole conversation of you where we not working to get what we don't pull our money together more and do things. That was his take.
That was his opinion. What I come from now, like, what was the best on that?
I know i'm not what the question that prompted that was, but that was a thing he was just saying, like how he thought a lot of guys and leave was selfish pretty much. He was my his own personal experience. He was just like you.
I was going to club. I was a pop of bottles. SHE was not really about. And looking back, I wish I would did things. And then he started to whole thing of, we try to stand on each other, is that of working with each other like we are, try to do individual things instead of trying do things together. So wish your thoughts on that.
Well, for now is over with IT IT. When people make you a way to much money to be even trying to come together for IT, like, right, you could still work together.
A billions, even billions.
has worked to get many percent does the building there for reason. And they more a much more mature. And like they are, same is now as he know, how is older when you Younger, you know think about come together and no, create some special working together.
You know me doing that like people get their own and people still trying to be be a stalin, their career. So they not try to team up in and enjoy with Young, but that's the last thing on in mind. You could say that now when you will order, you can retire and you not retire but you order you can you saying that but when you yeah you you have money, you get money. You know you you experience some life. You've got real money now, so I meet .
a good to .
say .
about that. Sounds like OK c, when they have you Kevin russ, sir, and russ, yeah, Young guys, if we stay together, this league is .
out there was only, was only for .
four years of the two.
This is .
only something. And they gave .
IT a search. Actually, if we stay .
how good team. My, uh, rick was A C with the later that I was never to see. Scared dom.
Scared him for sure. Scared dom, I OK see cracking. They want the my second year when the western was found.
This is dalis. They want to shame. They want a shame ship. But thirty year, we need to find, I get to eat. That was a before shame ship. They want to shame ship that some, we go to olympics, we want to go a midd four year is, on some of time traded like ride like a company for the first game.
So how good do you think that team in the history of time? hythe's.
Ally, yeah, I would staying .
together. Chips, at least at the.
It's hard to say because like I was always because you six, but I was going to have to start earned because IT was like was was cracking. Like I did that because the sacrifice ice of the team made us as the team made us Better. But I was when you have to eventually start started, like my leg was there to where my four year i'm, but IT was all four, many others, but he was a blessing now, because come off finals, which I can play well, you, I mean, in the olympics opportunity being all these fits, I got my first in using go. Yeah, yeah.
You remember, I think is a moment where kd is org. You would be bad.
yeah. Boss doesn't .
made IT back. You have a made IT back here. Dicked about that four million dollars. Obviously, your career has been incredible, whole of fame. Regardless, does the championship not be in part, the resume does IT wait .
on you a little bit. I am still going try to give you, yes, I will go. Yeah, but I will wish what I do.
对, like, like, I had opportunities and work out where is you know injuries or like the first couple years in houston, we just wasn't good. You know like was making a playoff. S really making playoff.
Do we have two, three years? We had a chance. You know, C, P is her. But then again, you going to get a real dynasty.
And like up in series three.
two, you know me, i'm going to get a real dynasty. Had and are cool. Well, maybe let me just shot, you know, put my Price when I pride.
Let me just shot to sacrifice the money, the the individual act, or let me just try to sacrifice in a blubb. Holly, I work on my favorite and this a try. So that's when the broken situation happened.
That was tRicky. We we had the opportunity and then the filly situation to wears like same thing, let me just be a playmaker switch a more actually worked like me like I sacrifice money. I sacrifice being the the top score that I am still amy will be just lost resort is fanson.
I lost a lot of money and I lost a lot of swear and on the court, just from sacrifice and thinking at all. Don't give me to no ever. Win one and win one, which I A try. I work my book everyday. Win one here.
Plan you know your unique player because yes, size people are really have you have a very tRicky .
and thanks.
So I actually one of the top five ball handle, the world top during my five five. Um how do you watch? How do you rate yourself as far as like top ball handlers and wish who is your top far ball hand 个 直播 车?
That you only see you trying to serve some. You try to serve some because this your hand .
like obviously .
like car.
I like turkey.
but he is crazy because he's still got ta shoot the ball. Let me talk about cross over all pass and actually all more.
Is more is up as time .
as thanks. okay? I.
Is they are .
in the conversation? No, I love .
a handles, handles .
that conversation in .
a move. But he a more 蚌 蚌埠 killing。
We really .
like you .
are here .
you have hand ci ci never seen before, would never before.
Everything is.
yeah, you you just anyway, he is in way you to in this .
way my argument and I never get, despite a three hour, I was saying that you are one of the most sufficient scores of all time because you can do at multiple levels, mid range three and three.
three right and under yeah, I mean.
and is not many two guards, many guards, I can do that. So I start think about placements in the history. Two guys, right? This is that one was going to see outside of mike, where you see is, so uncle, where are you at in this conversation?
You tell more like you don't just accurate.
I'll just think about game.
game. Game was .
IT the way.
the way that would be .
in the conversation.
But game, I got a game, right? I got game.
but I have .
to do IT. I got again, the way more atheistic me for sure yeah, the way I game, of course, you know but he uses athleticism and I got again, I just but you they are dinner I I respect the most of like the tree is like kobe the way yeah for sure like i'm .
not matter that I was arguing and that yeah.
of course, how you feel about the state of basketball. And a lot of people feel like the european and is starting to really take over because the system for the youth is based around fundamental skills work as opposed the au circuit and place a hundred games in .
the suez pee like have massed the fundament was a basketball and that's why a lot of are successful. And then now you looking at a lot more being successful in being very, very, very, very good in NBA. And I mean, the way basket by the players are always will be more athletic in vietnam, but they go have on the middle you know it's always been like that, always continue to be like that.
Um you know that's what the game is expanding in so much bigger because you got guys from you know serbian you in greece, in france and all of IT. So it's always be like that. And I mean at at this point is just however you can fit in the league and however you can can give you a email, then figure IT out like whether use athletics and we going on to shoot with your playmaker, whatever your game is.
what do you think american needs to change?
Is on ground is never going. Nobody change is. I mean, obviously, cultures in an amErica need to put emphases on funding ddf. Because funding ddi get you you know further than and just anspach tic basketball.
But I mean, now I like, is somewhere money be and evolved? That is now they get somewhere money from these coaches in in players that you get that was scary about. They know they don't care about fundamentals.
They said that money come in in and you got a care who can job out. The dream I can show from my court and mudcat all to be done. 那个 find, if they can, you know, means. So it's about the real coaches as really teaching funding meters, basketball and real game to help care is developing and hopefully you know makes some money at the at the end of career or you know for a long time in a greer .
when you wash the game. Now I want to do, do you see the impact when I ask example when I wash.
look at and that's OK .
that .
step back that when I kept doing IT was lie. He's traveling like, is traveling like you are coaches you are like but i'm like to like what film and officials like really create back is .
always been double.
never double.
That back is done.
You left .
money. They way over anyways.
Westy just is still over IT one did my last year. I feel bad. I had to see that.
You look at, as my man know, you started to anyways. But like now, I like your favorite player. Favorite player is dawn the double, the double set, a real thing, how you.
what .
this real? Doesn't my .
kids like a years time?
You teach IT? Okay.
that's like tied to be.
You know, I like to the first thing that became a move that I became was doing .
before me, but I just, and they change the rules. Cloud, no, you're got to figure out though. You got to figure that still be really good at baseball.
Seven points, a game of the free love.
Stop me. Don't complain about that chain stuff. Follow me. Put your hands back. Play before we learned before we leave is .
one question in the national business. You sing Diana volt, what is is that?
Uh so as M L team, the human dynamo o in the a huge and desh uh M L S soccer, which is soccer becoming bigger and bigger in america, I think that the the uh the world cup is coming early in a couple years. Mayi was an opportunity out I still have in housing by away also, but was opportunity where you know a partnership and investment know was was presented and I took a manager and you know, is doing really, really well.
And you know, we ve got a really good thing. But I think the M L. S. League itself is growing, you know, mean, and obviously you see messy communal here.
So like the more the more big names players that we can give from um europe because of the europe is still the like you but we got a leak is growing like the development like we talked about for best what development that they have for analysis is really, really in a cool too. You got no, he is. As you know, training is a beautiful. It's a beautiful thing. So hopefully you know the next five, six, seven years we will see you know M, L, S, no, be bigger and they'll be some know being games.
things like the valuations going up on on definitely teams. My last thing is this obviously still play a major role in housing. You talking about expansion as pots, then we MBA.
I was one that you .
can group together.
Tell him about a no, yeah.
i'm seattle. Yeah.
They want that group, want to get together. Would you be interested?
Volt, yes. OK, why? why? Like basketball best? Wall, W A basketball has been good. His last couple years has been turned. Creating this um the connected science that was played the mercury y and he was packed in the life he was cracking. I got to the W B A gave but yeah just W B is growing and get a lot more money. Um you know i'm just like sports is is life you know I mean, like you makes people have you people be tuned in the sports and this that's like the the best friend so of course I would want to be a part of anything that make you happy.
Jane Brown, man, appreciate IT and man the way people .
really don't really you know understand you know me whatever. So I appreciate that you know having this conversation when you are bad, I go back in my luck. I would like to just over talk to talk about that's not important. I have and pause, open me a blue.
Appreciate you.
Pain for a team, a team, work team .
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