
Eagle Brook Church Podcast

Listen to the latest messages from Eagle Brook Church. Updated every Sunday. Eagle Brook is a multi-


Total: 512

Maybe the greatest miracle you could ever ask for is to get your faith back. You've been around too

Help me heal.


You ever been through something that hurts so bad you're like, "I need a miracle to fix this"? You k

Help me find my purpose.


If you've ever wondered: "Why am I here?"—you're definitely not alone. The search for purpose

Big Church, Big Money


This one's about money. "Of course, a big church wants to talk about money," right? But you can't de

Big Church, Big Crowd


When it comes to reaching people for Jesus, there's no finish line. There's no point where our churc

Big Church, Big Show


Our mission? We are empowered by God to reach others for Christ. And we take that seriously. So when

Protecting Your Mind


Did you know your mind has needs? And more than just an occasional brain-break. It also needs ongoin

In the world today, what feels good has become a god. And the immediate access to global, national,

Wrestling Temptation


Lots of things can be considered "tempting," from fast food to sleeping in to sleeping around. It's

Fighting the Devil


Is Satan real? And how can we possibly stand against him?! A lot of times, the world can feel like a

Filling the Gaps


Gaps—we've all got 'em. You know, those spaces between where you are and where you want to be.

Forgiven to Forgive


What if we could tell you the key to better relationships was in your hands? When you let go of rese

Defiant Optimism


Picture a future of defiant optimism: where setbacks become stepping stones, failures fuel determina

Blind Spot: Frustration


What frustrates you? Bedtime battles with your toddler? The unwelcome arrival of Mondays? Feeling fr

You're doing your best to live and love the way Jesus did, but there's someone in your life who's a

Jesus warned his followers that they'd face hard things because of their faith—but he also pro

Is it the end?


Are we in the "end times?" Certainly the world feels a bit more chaotic these days. What does that m

How should we grieve?


Loss is part of life, and the grief that comes along with it can feel impossible to handle. It can b

How should we live?


Do you think there's a "right" way to live? In the words of millennials, is "living your best life"

What's your "thing?" Maybe it's, "He’s hilarious," or "She really likes Star Wars." As Christi