The Home of Logic, Reason, and Common Sense.
We examine the smoking gun of the the General of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, and his private phone
We examine the aspects of what vaccine mandates are now going to mean to you and your wellbeing. Are
We examine the worst possible outcome of mass vaccination. What truths are being kept from we the pe
We discuss the new contact tracing procedures that will be implemented in Australia. What will conta
We discuss the failing agenda from the establishment. What is the response from the state department
We examine the aspects of what is occurring among fully vaccinated people. Is the political classes
We examine the aspects of now what appears to be the largest nation in support of state sponsored te
We examine the strategy by China in their belt and road initiative. What is the plan for their move
We discuss the aspects of the real power establishments behind the national governments. What agenda
We examine the latest document put out by the WHO in regards to the creation of a digital infrastruc
We examine the final revolution of the dying political and financial class. Is the government there
On this special Exclusive Podcast we talk the withdrawal from the Kabul Airport with a special guest
We examine the latest in the greatest military orchestrated disaster of our lifetime. For what purp
We examine the hypocritical downward spiral of the so called "Elite." What is the next play as we tr
We examine the latest push by the establishment to not only mandate the first rounds, but to also no
We discuss the US FDA approval of the Pfizer covid jab. What does this mean for businesses? State an
We examine the aspects of the new proxy wars being started in the middle east. Who are they being fu
We sit down and discuss the aspects in which appears to be an intentional creation of a private army
We examine the continuing disaster unfolding in the middle east. What new orders have been issued by
We examine the disaster and chaos that is taking place in Kabul Afghanistan. What is the US Governme