Dynamic Independence

The Home of Logic, Reason, and Common Sense.


Total: 1002

We discuss the origins of our underlying issues in our society. Why do we never address these issues

We take a look at the James Webb telescope project. What is it? How will it help us in terms of unde

On this tech Tuesday we discuss how intercontinental ballistic missiles could have been hacked. Woul

We talk the morals and ethics of doing business and political deals with adversaries. What are the c

We discuss the aspects of your vote actually counting in your country. Do we have fair and democrati

We discuss the aspects of controlled political movements in the modern era. Of what good are these m

We discuss the aspects of the power of influence that the foundations have on national and internati

On this tech Tuesday, we discuss the aspects of a long time promoted agenda of off world biologicals

We talk the limits to the current agendas. What is being done to harm not help the people of our cou

Inclusion Of The Unqualified


We discuss the aspects of putting individuals that are unqualified into positions where they do not

We discuss the aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our systems of government, intellige

We talk the history of jabs. How far back do the antivaxxer campaigns go? Also, what can people do i

We examine the debanking of political figures because of their beliefs. Is it the correct thing to d

We examine the campaigns of influence from the far east into our western mindsets. What steps do the

We discuss the impact of tax exempt foundations on public opinion and foreign policy. How do these i

We talk the agendas of unelected people, their policies. What is being pushed for you to accept? How

We discuss the tactics the are needed in the area of strategy as it relates to conflicts. We examine

We examine the actions that are being taken by Russia in Ukraine. What mistakes have been made? Do t

We discuss the aspects of tax fraud and the reckless spending policies of the national governments.

We discuss the road to the year 2050. What will your new lifestyle look like? What sacrifices are yo