cover of episode Brittany Jade: Relapse, Recovery and Redemption

Brittany Jade: Relapse, Recovery and Redemption

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Brittany Jade
一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Brittany Jade 分享了她从酗酒和吸毒成瘾到康复的个人经历,包括她童年创伤的影响、多次自杀未遂、多次戒毒失败、与丈夫 Wyland 的关系以及在社交媒体上分享她的故事。她坦诚地描述了她酗酒和吸毒的经历,以及这些行为对她生活和家庭带来的负面影响。她还谈到了她在康复过程中遇到的挑战,以及她如何努力克服这些挑战并最终获得清醒。她强调了自我接纳和寻求帮助的重要性。 Wyland 分享了他与 Brittany Jade 的关系,以及他们共同经历的挑战。他描述了他们如何相遇、相爱,以及他们如何共同应对 Brittany Jade 的成瘾问题。他表达了他对 Brittany Jade 的爱和支持,以及他如何帮助她度过难关。他还谈到了他们如何通过分享他们的生活经历来帮助他人,以及他们对未来的计划。 Bunnie 作为主持人,引导 Brittany Jade 和 Wyland 分享他们的故事,并与他们进行深入的对话。她表达了她对 Brittany Jade 的经历的共鸣,并鼓励她继续分享她的故事,以帮助其他有类似经历的人。她还对 Brittany Jade 和 Wyland 的关系表示赞赏,并肯定了他们共同克服困难的勇气和决心。

Deep Dive

Brittany Jade's struggles with addiction started early, influenced by a family history of alcoholism and easy access to alcohol from a young age. She discusses her early experiences with drinking and the impact it had on her life.

Shownotes Transcript

Brittany Jade is no stranger to backlash, drama, and picking up the pieces while evolving to be better. This week, she's an open book and shares everything with Bunnie: the good, the bad, and how she's learning to love herself through it all. Brittany first talks about dark moments in addiction and hitting rock bottom, and how she got back on her feet to share her journey online for millions to watch. Brittany's husband, Wyland, also jumps on with Bunnie to give his side of their twin flame relationship and more about the passion and love that have made them stronger and a light in the world. They talk about the things they've learned from sharing their whole life online and what's next for Brittany and her family.   Brittany Jade:  TikTok) IG ) Watch Full Episodes & More:

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