cover of episode Ask, Tell, Confess: Family Feud & Shart Farts

Ask, Tell, Confess: Family Feud & Shart Farts

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Bunnie: 本期节目中,Bunnie 分享了她对 Patreon 平台的推荐,详细介绍了 Patreon 平台的丰富内容、活跃的社区以及每月赠送礼物等优势,并强烈建议听众加入。她还分享了自己在拉斯维加斯的生活体验,表示拉斯维加斯已经不再像以前那样充满魔力,并分享了自己的一些生活技巧,例如随身携带法兰绒布来避免接触脏东西。最后,她解释了自己艺名“Bunny XO”的由来,这与她前男友的母亲有关,并分享了她以前作为脱衣舞娘的艺名。 Meme: Meme 在节目中分享了多个听众的故事和趣事,包括一个听众在洗澡时放屁导致粪便溅到浴室墙壁上的故事,以及 Bunnie 早上被儿子用一包软糖“茶包”的经历。她还与 Bunnie 讨论了在拉斯维加斯居住的体验,强调了拉斯维加斯独特的能量和酷热的天气,并分享了自己最喜欢的建议:“如果你做了坏事,就必须做好事来抵消”。此外,她还分享了一个听众的忏悔,讲述了她高中时期一位朋友后来因谋杀前女友而被定罪的故事。

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Bunnie encourages listeners to join their Patreon community, highlighting the exclusive content, community events, and monthly giveaways available to members.

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I want to know why in the hell are you not on Patreon? I don't think you guys even realize how much content we have on Patreon. Let me break it down for you. We have the Bunny XO show. We have Meet the D-Fords. We have propaganda. We have more shows that we're adding. And not to mention, we have the visuals of Vagabond.

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I freaking love you, dude. Thank you so much. You guys are my babies for life, my writers. If I could, I would literally make out with each and every one of you. I love you guys so much. And that's a lot of kisses, actually. Gotta go, bye.

Is this thing on? Hello, France.

Hi. Welcome back to Ask, Tell, Confess. Our new, this is weekly, right? It takes, we have so much shit that we do that I never know what's bi-weekly, weekly. So yeah, welcome back to our weekly new segment that we're doing that only Patreon members get to ask questions and get answers to or confess or tell or whatever. So anyways, enough rambling. Let's get into it. All right. I'm going to come out the gates hot. Oh boy. Okay.

This one is a tell. Okay. So Ashley said, so one time I was really sick and my stomach was rumbling. So I went and stood in a hot shower to try to feel better. I had some serious stomach cramps. So the hot water felt really good. And I farted a couple times, which made me feel better.

After standing there, I put, you know, I closed my eyes and under the hot shower for a bit. Then I went ahead and got out and crawled back into my bed to sleep. About half an hour later, my boyfriend came in chuckling and just to check on me, asked if I was mad at him. I was confused. I said, no, I'm not mad. I just didn't feel good. He laughed again and said, oh, so you shit on the bathroom walls because you love me?

What? At this point, I was even more confused. Well, apparently one of those farts that I trusted was a little bit more than gas. I barely had my eyes open the whole time, so I didn't even notice that I had shattered across the wall. How do you not know that?

What in the loose booty? I'm just kidding. But like, what in the hell? I can't shit. I would love shit to come out of my asshole and me not know that shit is coming out of my asshole. That is so fucking funny. I could just imagine just like,

freckled walls. You know what I mean? He said, are you mad at me? First of all, if you do shit like that when you're mad at your significant other, we've got bigger issues. You shouldn't be shitting anywhere if you're mad at somebody. That is horrific. Oh man, that made me really laugh. Just the other day, I went to go change...

dude, it sharted. I was like, Cash, did you shart? And he was like, maybe. I love Cash. Tell him about what he did today. We were rolling. Oh my gosh. I woke up this morning, you guys, and I was teabagged with a pack of gummies. And I just opened one eye and see my three-year-old son holding a pack of gummies. And he just looks at me and goes, open it. Ah!

I said, fuck no. Go upstairs and find your dad. I am trying to sleep. I was in such a good slumber too because I had taken magnesium the night before and just pow right in the face. The fact that he just looked at you when you opened your eye and said, open it. Like that is fucking hilarious. She has no couth. All right. Yeah, girl. That's crazy that you could shit yourself like that and not know. Yeah. I mean, I would feel it. I mean, wouldn't she smell it?

I mean, I guess you were not feeling good. Maybe she didn't have a sense of smell because she was sick. God, did she have COVID? I don't know. I mean, we're speculating here. We really are. We're trying to give you some outs here. We're trying to figure it out. Like, how did this happen?

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All right. Abigail is one of our Patreons and she wants advice for someone who's moving to Las Vegas. Do you like living within Las Vegas or do you like living on the outskirts of Las Vegas from a Vegas native? How do you feel? Well, we're selling our Vegas house, so we're getting the fuck out. Vegas is not what it used to be. Vegas used to be like

magical and glittery and just like neon lights. And I don't know, it was just a different vibe. And now it's so corporate and cold, if that makes sense. But you not being a native, you would never know that. Yeah. And Vegas is a fun city. Like Vegas is, has everything at your fingertips that you could want and ever dream of. Like it is sin city for a reason. Um, saying that much,

I'm an energy person. I try to get as far away from the strip as I possibly can because just like LA downtown Vegas, isn't as sinister as downtown LA, but there still is a dark energy. You know, you have to remember everybody in those casinos is addicted to something, whether they're addicted to drugs, addicted to gambling, addicted to the nightlife, addicted to hookers. Like there's, it's just addiction and you, you,

become a product of your environment if you're that close to it. You soak up whatever's around you. I feel like it is similar to kind of like Nashville. You know, there's beautiful parts of Nashville. Absolutely. Downtown Nashville. I could never be a person who lived down there. No, it's too much. Too much energy. It's a lot, you know, but okay. We were there this past week.

It was 120 fucking degrees. You guys, you're going to have to get used to the heat. It was like, you know, when you open your oven, when you're baking or something like that and you get smacked in the face with that heat wave, that's like how it was every time you opened the door. Horrific. So we went to the lake and we were still hot and dehydrated, you know, and we were surrounded by a freaking body of water. Like it's Vegas is different heat. When I lived in Vegas, we were like,

We slept until six or seven at night, wake up, take a shower, get ready at nine or 10 and head out of the house at 1030 and go all night long. That was like my daytime and then come back and fall asleep at five or six in the morning and do it all over again. Yeah, it's wild. It's a different life. It is. Yeah. Krista just moved there and I asked her, I was like, how are you adjusting to the heat?

And she said it took a little while, but they are actually acclimating to it very well. So maybe, you know, being there longer, it would have been different. But we're come and go. Yeah. You know, I was so happy to land back here in Nashville and it felt fantastic. You guys, yesterday's weather, spectacular. Yeah. Oh, it felt like it felt like almost fall weather here. Yes. That's what I told Jay. I was like, this feels like fall. Would you and the family ever do family feud?

Family feud. I would, I would love to meet Steve Harvey. I think that would be the funniest fucking episode. Oh yeah. Ever. Yeah. Cause I would win. Yes. You're so competitive. I am. And so my husband's competitive too. And we're competitive with each other, which is the funniest thing. Like, like we're on each other's team and we'll root for each other, but secretly like we're trying to outdo the other one. So I think it would be hilarious. And I love Steve Harvey, bro. I want to lick his teeth. Yeah.

He's got them big old white chompers, dude. He's the funniest host ever. No, he's sweet. I think he's fantastic. Yeah, he's sweet. He's got a gentle little spirit. I would watch that episode. Yeah. I would. Bailey would actually probably rock it too because she's so good with like trivia. Yeah. Yeah, it would be fun. You guys, we're putting this in the universe. Family Feud, if you guys want us, we're ready. Yes. Done.

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So this one, this is another tell. Brandilyn, throughout high school, I was good friends with a guy who would later, about three years after we graduated, be convicted of brutally murdering his ex-girlfriend and be, wait, no, murdering his ex-girlfriend

And there was a short version to the story. This guy was the best friends of my best friend in high school. All four of us were pretty much weren't far from each other all throughout high school during that. This time,

was when he was dating girlfriend number one and none of us liked her at all so he wasn't around much during the time that he dated her which was off and on for about a year during our senior year he broke it off for good right around that time he graduated she eventually moved to the next date fast forward about two years he started dating girlfriend number two he didn't like we didn't like her either man they didn't like any of the girlfriends

She was a bit unhinged in my opinion. Girlfriend number one came back to town. Girlfriend number two got to thinking that girlfriend number one was going to try to get back with him, which she did try to do. Girlfriend number two got jealous and convinced him to kill girlfriend number one. What? To prove his love and loyalty.

He convinced girlfriend number one that he was going to get back with her and that they were going to leave the state together. He picked her up and drove to a secluded area where he claims they got into an argument. She got physical, which she used to do all the time when they were together. So who knows? And supposedly pushed her away from him. He

He claims that she fell and hit her head on a rock and started convulsing. He then burned her body and left. My gosh. Her body was found still smoldering by the park ranger. Both he and girlfriend number two were convicted of the crime with an article. As they should have been. Damn.

It doesn't matter if she fell and hit her head. Fuck no. You burned her body. You deserved to rot. That's crazy. Yeah, that is crazy. That is so insane. I can't believe that this person, your whole, everyone replied to it. This is him. Oh my goodness. Yeah. That's awful. That is awful. That's definitely not a feel good story. No, sorry. I went really deep with that one.

Um, yeah. So then another one says that was a confession. That was a, yeah, that's not a tell. That's a confession. Okay. What is the best piece of advice you ever feel like you were given or remember that you think of often and use on your daily life? If you don't like something, do it once. If you love it, do it twice.

Oh, where would you apply that? My everyday life. Okay. Literally like fucking everything I do. Like what, what's one thing that I do with you guys when like we try new foods, if you don't like it, throw it on the floor. Yeah. Like you just try everything once and then if you fall in love with it, do it again. And if you don't throw it on the floor. Oh, I love that. What about you?

Best piece of advice. Oh, if you're going to do the bad, you must do the good. I feel like that was the best piece of advice I ever got, especially with food addiction and stuff like that. It was like, okay, yeah, you had the scoop of ice cream. Well, you need to do something good to counteract that. Eat a salad tonight for dinner. Exactly. So it's like even though you did the bad doesn't mean you keep having to do the bad. You just have to counteract it with the good. I also like hop on the good foot and do the bad thing.

Austin Powers. I saw my head over there. He went. That's one of my good ones too. I love it. That is fucking hilarious.

There was a man, there was a quote in Elle King's interview. I got to go look back at something and lead with a certain foot. I think she knew like academics were not going to be my, you know, the foot that I lead with. So I love that the foot that I lead with. That Elle King interview is powerful. Bro. I can't believe the clip is at almost 10 million. It has to be at 10 or what do you think? We'll check. Hold on.

We'll do this in real time while we're on. My husband's texting me about touching my butt today. By the way, my hair looked horrendous in the last podcast. I can't wait to see those clips. It's at 10.1 million. Shut up. Yep. In 24 hours. Yep. My Morgan Wallen walkouts at 2.1. Holy crap. I can't believe some people didn't know that I was imitating Morgan Wallen. The amount of people who said it was a wrestling walkout.

The amount of people who said that I threw up devil horns. Because your eyebrows. Have you guys never watched a fucking cartoon where they lick their fingers and they go like this? Or just even in movies, they do it all the time. It's like when a guy's like trying to like impress a girl and right before he walks up to her door, he licks his fingers and like does the eyebrow thing, you know? Yes. Like, come on, guys. It's just...

okay you said yeah literally that's all i gotta say about that chachi gets really offended when i make noises like that yeah i can see him dude the side eye he gets so offended if somebody farts near him it makes him uncomfortable does it make you uncomfortable just getting in your face oh my gosh he gets so mad you want to say hello

I love you. I'm not farting, I promise. Ask. Hey, Prime members. Have you heard? You can listen to your favorite podcasts ad-free. Good news. With Amazon Music, you have access to the largest catalog of ad-free top podcasts included with your Prime membership. To start listening, download the Amazon Music app for free or go to slash ad-free podcast. That's slash ad-free podcast to catch up on the latest episodes without the ads.

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Sign up today. Since your ice packs for anxiety actually helps others, your hiccup cure 100% always works. Do you have any other life hacks? Oh man, I've got so many. I actually have an old episode called like white trash hacks that I did a long time ago. If you can dig all the way back to like the first season.

I have so many on there and being put on the spot. I can't think of any right now, but I literally have an answer and for any ailment that you feel like you do. Yeah. Just being around you. It's like, if you say something, you're like, Oh wait, hold on. No, I have like such cause I live in such constant OCD state that I always have an

An answer for any ailment. How? Well, not even ailment though. Like you always bring, if you're somebody like her and you don't like to sit on certain things, you always bring a flannel with you. I thought that was genius. Yeah. When we went to a strip club in Vegas the other night and I brought a flannel with me cause I had my butt cheeks hanging out and I was like, I am not going to sit on this fucking thing.

dirty ass bench. Cause I know what I was doing when I was a stripper, you know? Or you'll use it to open doors. Like, cause it's like having it right there by you and you'll open like a door handle if you don't want to touch it or something. Absolutely. Yep. I do that. There's just so many little things that I do. I don't know. Maybe those are called rituals too.

They're OCD rituals. Yes. Yeah. They are. I never thought about it like that. That's crazy. And last one, why are you called Bunny? So I think I've told this story before, but my ex Frankie, who I'm still friends with and actually his dad just recently passed away, which rest in peace, Frank, Frankie senior. He was a sweetheart, always treated me so good. So I just wanted to, you know, shout him out and the family. I hate that they're going through that right now.

Um, and Frankie's like, I've said this before on a podcast that Frankie's like my little brother now, dude, which is so weird cause we spent so many years together. But like, you know, he needed like clothes a couple of years ago and like I sent him a bunch of clothes and like, I just always, you know, and if his parents, they need help with his dad's funeral, I would always be there, you know? Or like if he got put in jail, they fucking messaged me to bail him out. You know, like he's literally like a fucking little brother. Yeah. Um,

What was the question though? I can't get the name bunny. Oh, okay. So I'm saying all that to say that his mother's name, her nickname is Kitty. Okay.

and beautiful woman. I mean, she's blonde hair, blue eyes. The woman is just drop dead gorgeous. I remember when I met her, I was like, you're my mother-in-law. Like it was so crazy. Um, but she used to always call me her little bunny, my little bunny boo boo, you know? And so she was kitty and I was bunny. And that's kind of how I got the nickname. Now I added the XO on whenever I made my brand because I didn't want to just be bunny. I felt like I needed more of like a

You know, still keep it sweet and sassy, but, you know, also have like a little bit of an edge to it. So I did the bunny XO. I love that. Tell me her stripper name.

My first stripper name, which one was it? Well, there was Martel. Yes. Yeah. I was, so I didn't want to be, you know, every stripper, whenever they first start out, they go to the fucking bar and they're like, what can I call myself? So everybody was calling themselves like Hennessy and like, they all had like these crazy names. So I was like, I'll be Martel. I can't even fucking drink dark liquor. Okay. Like, first of all, why would I call myself that? But then I eventually evolved into bell and, and,

I was just bell. So B E L L E. That's very fitting. Yeah. I was just bell. Love. Yeah. Okay. We're done. All right guys. Thank you guys for tuning into another ask, tell, confess. We will ask you guys on Patreon, um, next week and you guys leave in the comments or if it's too personal, DM us, but yeah, tell us your grossest story, your funniest story, um,

Ask anything you want an answer to. And then also the BunnyXO show season finale is coming up and we did the freaking lie detector test. And oh my God, you guys are going to be shook by the results. So I can't wait for you guys to see it. Bye guys. Bye.