cover of episode Amie Balesky: Spirits and Afterlife

Amie Balesky: Spirits and Afterlife

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Amie Balesky 认为任何人都可以与逝者沟通,关键在于重新连接内在的灵性,克服社会对灵异现象的负面认知。她分享了自己的经历,包括童年患癌的濒死体验以及成年后患有埃勒斯-丹洛斯综合征和颅骨后窝畸形等疾病,这些经历使她对灵界的感知更加敏锐。她强调活在当下、积极的信念和意图是克服创伤和实现愿望的关键。她还详细解释了如何通过冥想和练习来提升感知能力,感受不同环境中的能量,并与逝者建立联系。她认为灵界存在不同的能量层次,人们死后所处的层次取决于其生前的行为和状态,灵魂可以通过帮助他人来提升能量层次。她分享了多个案例,包括与Aaron Carter的灵界沟通以及帮助性侵犯受害者疗愈的经历,这些案例展现了灵媒能力在疗愈和真相揭示方面的应用。她还讨论了人们对死亡和未知的恐惧,以及如何通过理解和接纳来克服恐惧。 Bunnie 作为节目的主持人,与 Amie Balesky 就灵媒能力、生死观、灵界等话题进行了深入探讨,并分享了自己的感受和经历。她表达了对 Amie Balesky 经历的敬佩,并对灵界现象表现出好奇和求知欲。她与 Amie Balesky 的对话深入浅出,既有对灵媒能力的专业解读,也有对人生和情感的感悟。 Amie Balesky 的观点主要围绕灵媒能力的开发、应用以及对生死和灵界的看法展开。她认为灵媒能力并非天赋异禀,而是可以通过练习和提升感知能力来获得。她强调了活在当下、积极的信念和意图的重要性,以及克服恐惧和负面情绪对提升灵性感知能力的关键作用。她还详细解释了灵界的能量层次和运作机制,以及灵魂提升的途径。她分享了多个案例,展现了灵媒能力在疗愈、真相揭示和帮助他人方面的应用。她认为灵魂在出生和死亡时都会受到爱与守护,并鼓励人们积极面对死亡,并尽力陪伴亲人。

Deep Dive

Amy Boleski, a spiritual advisor, discusses the possibility of anyone communicating with the deceased. She explains that it's about reconnecting with our innate spiritual abilities and overcoming societal fears and misconceptions surrounding the spirit world.

Shownotes Transcript

Bunnie welcomes psychic medium and social media star Amie Balesky to the show for a mind-blowing conversation on spirits, the afterlife, and connecting with the outer realm. Amie shares how she realized her gifts, and how she overcame several illnesses and hardships that made her a more empathetic and compassionate spirit worker. Amie connects with clients all over the world for readings. She shares her tips for realizing your own psychic gifts, provides more insight into the Aaron Carter session, and discusses how she lured in her husband through street tacos and champagne.

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