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INTRODUCING... Murder: True Crime Stories

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Carter Roy
本播客系列的第一集重点介绍了 Shanda Levy 的生平、她与国会议员 Gary Condit 的秘密恋情,以及导致她神秘失踪和最终死亡的事件。Carter Roy 详细讲述了 Shanda Levy 的生活,从她在加州莫德斯托的童年到她在华盛顿特区的实习经历,以及她与 Condit 的关系如何发展,以及她周围的人对她的影响。他还描述了 Condit 的政治生涯和影响力,以及他如何努力保守与 Shanda Levy 的关系秘密。 Shanda Levy 的父母 Robert 和 Susan Levy 在她失踪后报警,并最终发现了她与 Gary Condit 的关系。Susan Levy 与一位修理工 Otis Thomas 的谈话揭示了 Condit 过去与其他女性的不当关系,这加剧了对 Shanda Levy 安危的担忧。Shanda Levy 的朋友 Jennifer Baker 和 Robert Kirchen 也提供了关于 Shanda Levy 生活和行为的宝贵见解,以及他们对 Shanda Levy 与 Condit 关系的看法。 本集还包括了 Shanda Levy 的阿姨 Linda Zapski 的证词,她知道 Shanda Levy 与 Condit 的关系,以及 Shanda Levy 在就职舞会上向朋友透露了与国会议员关系的事件。这些信息有助于构建 Shanda Levy 的性格、她与 Condit 的关系性质,以及导致她失踪的事件。 通过对 Shanda Levy 生活和关系的深入研究,本集为观众提供了对 Shanda Levy 谋杀案的全面了解,并为后续章节中对可能的嫌疑人、调查和最终结果的探讨奠定了基础。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Chandra Levy's parents encourage her adventurous spirit?

Chandra's parents, Robert and Susan, incorporated various religions and philosophies into their lives, fostering a curiosity and adventurous spirit in their children. They traveled extensively with their children, exposing them to diverse cultures and experiences.

How did Chandra Levy's internship with the Federal Bureau of Prisons impact her career aspirations?

The internship in Washington, D.C., was a significant stepping stone for Chandra, aligning with her ambitions to join the FBI or CIA. It was a prestigious opportunity that completed her degree requirements and set her on a path toward a career in public service.

Why did Chandra Levy's relationship with Congressman Gary Condit need to be kept secret?

Condit was a high-profile politician with a conservative image, and their affair could have been politically damaging. Condit was also married, making the relationship inherently secretive to avoid personal and professional repercussions.

How did Chandra Levy's parents react when they learned about her affair with Congressman Gary Condit?

Chandra's mother, Susan, was concerned after hearing about Condit's past behavior with another young woman. She urged Chandra to end the affair but ultimately respected her daughter's wishes to keep it private.

What was the turning point in Chandra Levy's life that led to her sudden disappearance?

Chandra's internship was abruptly terminated, and she had to leave Washington, D.C., which added to her emotional distress. This period of uncertainty and her reliance on Condit for emotional support may have contributed to her disappearance.

This chapter introduces Shandra Levy, a young woman with ambitions in public service, and traces her life from her upbringing to her internship in Washington, D.C., leading up to her unexpected disappearance.
  • Shandra Levy was a 24-year-old graduate student with a master's degree in public administration.
  • She had secured a prestigious internship with the federal bureau of prisons.
  • Her life took an unexpected turn when she disappeared without a trace in the spring of 2001.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, everybody, my name is Carter roy. If you enjoyed three and you love chilling true crime stories full of twists and turns, you should check out my show, murder, true crime stories. Each episode covers the story of a Victoria solved or unsolved murder told from a fresh perspective.

Today, i'm sharing our first of three episodes on the murder of shanda levy, a Young government in turn, whose tragic death in two thousand one captivated the nation. Like the story in three, this one begins with a mysterious disappearance and contain sharking revelations. No one start coming. If you like this episode, please search for murder, true crime stories wherever you get your podcasts, and please follow so you get new episodes every tuesday. here.

IT is now. There was the .

spring of two thousand. One, shana levy was in the prime of her life. SHE was about to graduate with a master's degree in public administration and was wrapped up a prestigious internship with the federal bureau prisons.

SHE was dating a rich, powerful man, and IT seemed like all her dreams were about to come true. Then one day he just disappeared, vanished without a trace. Nobody knew where he went or what happened to her. The ensuing investigation captivated the public. Lx attention, like few stories ever did before, and what IT uncovered would send reverberations through the nation's capital for years to come.

People's lives are like a story. There's a beginning, a middle and an end, but you don't always know which part you're on. Sometimes the final chapter arrives far too soon, and we don't always get to know the real ending.

I'm Carter roy. And this is murder, true crime stories, the crime house original show powered by pave studios. Every tuesday, i'll explore the story of a notorious murder or murder.

I'll be bringing awareness to stories that need to be heard with a focus on those who were impacted at crime house. We want to express our gratitude to you, our community, for making this possible. Please support us by rating, reviewing and following murder, true crime stories.

Wherever you get your podcasts, your feedback truly matters. This is the first of three episodes on the murder of chAndra levy, twenty four year old government intern who was killed in may two thousand. One, today i'll be taking you through shandor's life, trying to understand who this Young woman was, the people who are in her orbit, in the various elements that LED to her sudden disappearance.

Then part two will be dedicated to the likely of suspects. I'll be highlighting who the investigators thought might be responsible and anything strange that happened along the way. Finally, in part three, i'll take you through the investigation until we arrive at a final answer or an enduring mystery. All that and more coming up.

If there was one thing Robert and Susan levi wanted to give, their daughter IT was a life of adventure. On first gLance, you'd think Robert and Susan were your average suburban couple. They lived in modesto, california, a quiet, a little city in the heart of california's central valley.

Robert was an oncologist while Susan ran the household and raised horses, but beyond their button up appearances, Robert and Susan were full of surprises. Although they were both practicing jews, the levies incorporated many different religions and philosophies into their lives, such as pentecostal Christianity, budd ism and hinduism. When their daughter was born on April fourth th, nineteen seventy seven, they named their daughter sra the sand square word from moon.

And throughout shAndra childhood, her parents tried to instead that same curiosity and adventurous spirit in her and her little brother adam. As a family believe is traveled to the farthest corners of the glow. There were trips to explore the african jungle in tanzania, the ruins of mattress you in peru and temples of jerusalem.

M in the rainforest of coast to reka. Just a name, a few. At first, IT seemed like shanda didn't share her parents love of exploration.

Chee tended to be fearful and cautious, like on a trip to your senses, when he decided to sleep in the car parked at the campsite instead of a tent, because he was scared of getting attacked by a bear. But as he got older, children's parents started rubbing off on her. When he was twelve, Susan signed up for a ten day rock climbing camp.

And even though shared didn't want to be there, SHE stuck with IT. By the time I was all said and done, sr was the only girl who made IT through all the way until the end and shri entered high school. That resilience turned into confidence.

Chanters teachers were impressed by her determination and focus. SHE was more concerned with making a future for herself than getting drawn into the data day drama of high school life. ShAndra zero dian on a career in public service in volunteered red as a police explore with a police department in our hometown of modesto, california.

Most of the time he was doing busy work like answering phones or delivering the male. But there was one part of the police explore program that was especially exciting, getting to go on ride along. Gs, now, I can't imagine the modesto pd was bringing high school volunteers along on anything too dangerous.

What experiences like this help shAndra grow up fast witnessing crime and violence first hand, probably puts a lot of things in perspective. And shang Rogers couldn't be bothered to be concerned with things like getting a prom date and really dating in general, or at least dating boys her own age. Instead, share was drawn to older man, much older men.

Nothing untoward happened to our knowledge, but he did get close with a lot of the older, more mature officers on the police force. And her celebrity crush was Harris and ford, who at this point was firmly in his fifties, in more of a silver fox than a typical hard throb. So when sha graduated from high school in nineteen ninety five, SHE was probably ready to leave small town modesta behind her.

SHE enrolled its in Francisco state university, and so IT was only one hundred miles away. IT must have seemed like a completely different world. Not only was he going to classes with more experienced classmates, but he was living in the heart of a city whose metro population was over four times bigger than modest SE.

And as shanghai world expanded, so did her ambitions. SHE still wanted a career in public service, but now he was thinking bigger, like joining the FBI or C I. A.

After getting her degree in criminal justice. Sometime around ninety ninety nine, he was accepted as a graduate student at the university of southern california school of policy planning and development. For an ambitious Young woman like john relievi, IT was the perfect place to make a name for herself.

And even though he wasn't the top student in her and think more like b plus than straight s chanters drive and determination stood out to her professors. SHE secured increasingly prestigious internships, first with the mayor of los Angeles and then with the governor of california. Sra loved working in politics as an intern with the governor.

SHE spent her days in the state capital witnessing the breakneck pace and intensity of high stakes deal making. And most importantly, he saw what kind of impact you could make working in the highest levels of government. One is especially memorable experience was a trip to full some state prison for a tour that included sitting in on a parole hearing.

It's not clear who the inmate was or what crimes he committed, but chances are IT was pretty bad. Fulsome was one of the first maximum security prisons and how to violent criminals like Charles manson and iraq menendez. So shAndra is coming face to face with some of the most dangerous people on the planet.

And IT was an experience that seems to have really impacted her in the summer of two thousand, after shang ray's final semester of graduate school, the twenty three old secured an internship with the public affairs office of the federal bureau's sons. Any internship in washington, D. C, was like a crown jew for an inspiring public officer like SAndra, for anyone hoping to join the f bi or C I, A, IT was a promising stepping stone to a greater career.

So that fall should re packed her bags and move to washington, D. C. The internship was the last thing he needed to complete .

her degree.

Shandy's entire life had been leading up to this. IT was her big chance to set herself up for the successful career sh'd been planning for ever since high school. But upon her arrival, shaan her hit an unexpected speed bump.

Wsa showed up for her first day of work. SHE found out that her paperwork was snarler up in the bureaucratic gears of a department that had to deal with the logistics of over two hundred thousand inmates and employees within the federal prison system. IT would take weeks to process, and SHE couldn't start working until she'd been fully screened.

IT was a frustrating setback, one they could play. ShAndra at the back of the pack of interns were all just as ambitious and eager as he was. Rot, instead of wilting under the pressure 上, rose to the occasion.

Even though her job was mostly just to answer phones and make coffee. SHE did everything he could to be helpful. SHE knew that the opportunity to stand out would come along eventually.

SHE just had to be ready for IT when IT did in that moment arrived in october two thousand. One day, shanda got a call from one of her friends, Jennifer Baker. Jennifer was a year older and in the same graduate program, but was still in search of that final internship to get her degree.

SHE wanted shown her to come with her to the capital building to put out some feelers with their representatives in congress. John, I thought that was a great idea. SHE was enjoying her internship, but I never heard to wide her network and rush shoulders with powerful people.

So the two of them headed to the rayburn building, which is where most members of congress have their offices. Their first stop was the office of Chris representative congressman gary content. They checked in with a secretary who told them to grab acid in the reception area until someone could come greet them.

China SAT down, expecting to have a quick meeting with a board staffer who would take down their information and send them on their way. Instead, congressmen content personally came out from his office to say hello. Shar was immediately taken with conduit.

He had bright, twinkling eyes and easy smile in a maculate hair. In that moment, he reminded her of her big celebrity crush, Harrison forward. Despite his busy schedule, condit insisted he always had time for his.

He offered shannon Jennifer red glasses of White grape juice and escorted them on a personal tour around the capital building, including a stop in the gallery of the house of representative chAmber itself. When they headed back to on its office, Jennifer asked him if he might be able to help her secure an internship. The congressman said he could do her one Better.

He offered her a job in his office right then in there. As for sra, of course he didn't need a job at the moment. But can I still wanted to help? However he could. So he gave her his email address in the phone number for his office. He told her to call any time for advice or anything else.

Genre .

couldn't believe her luck. SHE had just made personal contact with a powerful man in washington, and he was determined not to let that connection go to waste. A few days later, SHE picked up the phone and called on its office. IT was a call that would change both their lives forever.

Gary, conned, had always been a bit of a reneging, even though he was a democrat, stood for some of the more conservative values of california, central valley people, appreciated his plane spoken direct style. And he stood up for his constituents beliefs, even when IT wasn't politically popular on its instinct, ts served him well, and he got elected to increasingly powerful positions, making IT all the way to the us.

House of representatives in nineteen, nineteen eighty nine, when he was forty one, he wasn't afraid to go against his own party when he came to economic policy, which made him a hot commodity when George w. Bush was elected in two thousand. By the time he met john a.

Levy later that year, conduct star was definitely on the rise. For an ambitious Young woman like shAndra, getting in in with someone so important must have felt like striking gold. His advice was extremely valuable, and so was his influence.

When shara finally called his office count was happy to be a sounding board. He told her that if he wanted to get into the f, bi or C, I A, SHE should probably learn another language. And he was happy to to shoot the breeze too.

He quickly bonded over living in california central valley. And before they hung up, kit gave sra his private phone number. Is impossible to know what was going through shAndra mind at that point, but a moment like this must have felt like one of our our childhood fantasies about Harrison ford was coming to life.

Condit was interested in getting to know shanda Better, and he felt the same way. Just before thanksgiving, sr. Gave content a call, and he invited her to come over to his apartment.

That night, you'd think a fifty something conservative congresswomen would be staying in a stately townhouse on a quiet street. But that just wasn't gary coned style. He lived in a thriving urban neighborhood called Adams's Morgan that was best known for its restaurants and nightlife.

But at the same time, IT was close to nature, to kits. Building was on top of a hill that overlooked rock creek park and eighteen hundred acre oasis full of wooded trails, quiet corners. After that first night, the fair took off quickly.

Shoud spend the united kits apartment two or three nights a week, content would cook for her or they d order take out, then they would watch a movie and go to bed together if you didn't know any Better. Seem like they had been dating for years and had settled into an easy, comfortable routine. But IT took a lot of work to keep their relationship secret.

Even though shanda had con its personal phone number, they almost never spoke on the phone directly. SHE would leave a message and then wait for him to call her back when he was somewhere he wouldn't be overheard. On the rare occasions they did go out, gender would get a cab, then contain would follow her a few minutes later, with a baseball cap pulled over his eyes.

Richard re didn't mind all the clock deg. Or mystery. If anything, that was probably pretty exciting.

And SHE found herself really falling for conduct. SHE kept her calendar clear, saying no to drinks with friends and colleagues. Just in case can IT gotten touch with her. IT was very much a one sided relationship, but shan rose willing to put up with IT because conduct was making big promises. He said that when the time was right, he believed his wife even give up his seat in congress just so he could be with sha and start a family with her.

And shara .

was ready to believe him, but IT was all baLanced on a razors edge. Conduit was extremely paranoid ed about getting caught. He told shader that if anyone else was in the elevator when he was going up to his apartment to hit the button for a different floor, if anyone struck up a conversation with her, SHE had to say he was there to visit a sick friend.

And if he ever told a soul about their relationship, he would end IT and cut her out of his life completely. sr. Did her best to follow all of conduits rules to make sure nobody ever saw her going into his apartment.

When a friend asked her why he never went out, SHE told them he had started dating an FBI agent and was busy with him. But it's hard to keep something so exciting to yourself, no matter how high the stakes are. And shanda couldn't stop herself from telling one person her aunt Linda zap ski genre certainly knew that telling her aunt about her affair with content was a big risk.

Linda could alert on his parents or accidentally let some details slip that unravel the whole thing, but Linda promised to keep shanda secret to herself, and he was true to her word. For months, shanda and conduct kept their affair under raps, and nobody was the wiser. But IT was only a matter of time until shAndra secretive behavior began to raise her friend's suspicions.

Dating a congressman, even in secrets, came with certain perks. In january of two thousand one, sher scored a pair of tickets to George w. Bushes, a ogle ball.

Of course, content wouldn't be going with her, but he gotten a ticket for sra and encouraged her to bring a plus one. In fact, throughout their affair, kent told genre that he was free to date other men. IT was probably a not so such a way of telling her the affair wasn't that serious, despite what he was telling her about starting a life together.

But shAndra only had eyes for conduct. That being said, he wasn't about to go to the inaugural ball on her own. So SHE called up a friend named Robert kirchen and asked him to go with her.

Like everyone else in shana social circle, Robert didn't know much about her personal life. All I knew was that he was always too busy to go out, and he assumed he was probably dating someone. So we figured her invitation was strictly patton's, but he wasn't about to pass up the chance to go to an event like this.

But from the moment he picked sharer up, something just seemed a little off. Chanter told robbert that they had to pick up the tickets from her boyfriend's place in the Adams's Morgan neighbor od. But instead of stopping in front of the building, SHE made Robert park at a gas station before he could ask any questions.

ShAndra ducked out of the car and said, you'd be right back by itself. That was already a little odd, but what made IT even stranger was that they were in the middle of a snowstorm, and charter was only wearing an evening down. Robert didn't know what to make of IT.

He wondered why shri had to be so secretive about at all, but clearly was worth braving the freezing weather just to keep Robert from knowing where this guy, much less who he even was. But he figured that was shown as business. And when SHE showed back up about ten minutes later, he didn't pester her about IT the whole night.

SAndra was in a funk. SHE didn't want to drink. SHE didn't want to dance. SHE just went up to the balcony in moked while he looked out over all the people having fun on the dance floor. Eventually, Robert had to find out what was going on and asked to this mysterious s boyfriend of her was, SHE said and turn to Robert. And much to his surprise, he said he was dating a congressman.

When shanda levy began an affair with congressman gary content in october two thousand, their relationship came with a lot of rules. Most importantly, cona didn't want shanda telling anyone that they were seeing each other. And except for mentioning IT to her aunt shrew, didn't tell a soul on the night of George w.

Bush's inauguration all in january two thousand, one SHE came dangerous ly close to revealing the affair to a friend, Robert kirchen. SHE admitted to him that he was dating a congressman, but that was all he would say, seeing how sad shi was honestly made Robert feel a little bad for her. He got the feeling that whoever this mysterious congressman was, he was probably down on that dance floor, having the time of his life while his secret girlfriend watched, wishing SHE could be down there with him.

Robber didn't push the issue further, and shanda probably learned after that night to keep her cards a little closer to her chest, especially because conduits career was really starting to take off. George w. Bush's inauguration was a huge opportunity for conduit.

The margins in congress will raise or thin. And the republicans needed help from moderate representatives like on IT to pass the legislation they wanted, most notably one point six trillion dollar tax cut. They needed all the numbers they could get in on.

That was the ring leader of the conservative group of democrats called the blue dogs. All of a sudden, cond found himself firmly in the spotlight. He was essentially a swing vote for the new president's s first major legislation, which meant a lot of promises were being made on both sides of the aisle.

If he played his cards right, he could secure millions of dollars of benefits for his district, exchange for his vote. And in the three months following the inaugural ball, condit was being heavily recorded by both parties. But all that attention came with a downside because now condit was really under the microscope, which motivated him even more to keep his affair with shAndra under raps. But can IT could only control so much. And on the other side of the country, his secret was about to be exposed.

Back in shandor's hometown of modesto, california, spring was in full bloom and on a beautiful morning and April two thousand one, cher's mom Susan struck up a conversation with a handy man, otis Thomas, while he tended to some rose bushes at the levy's home. Susan had known modest for years, and the two of them love to talk about their daughters, who are both about the same age. Otis asked how sher was doing in.

Susan couldn't help but smile. SHE told otis that share was doing great at her internship. The P. R department at the bureau of prisons had been especially busy lately. A high profile execution was coming up in sha had fled a ton of calls about IT, and he was making a ton of great connections to Susan brag that she'd heard from her sister in law, Linda. The genera had even become friends with a congressman, although SHE didn't know which one.

When otis heard that his expression darkened, he said he thought he knew who IT was because seven years earlier, his own daughter, who was eighteen at the time, had become friends with a congresswomen to his name was gary conduct. Otis went on to say that his daughter had met conduct at a local political rally, and the two had begun in a fair, but he had not ended well, to put IT mildly. Otis claimed that his daughter had been told in no uncertain terms to keep the affair secret.

He didn't have a lot of details beyond that, but his daughter had been scared enough to go into hiding. Otis told Susan that if shanghais mysterious congresswomen was gary coned, SHE needed to call off the relationship immediately. Susan thanked him and headed straight inside and picked up the phone.

When gender picked up, Susan didn't beat around the bush. SHE asked her directly if he was seeing gary conduct. Sher didn't try to deny IT SHE just wanted to know how Susan had found out.

Chosen told her the story about overseas daughter and told shanda SHE was worried about her to please end IT with conduct, but genre didn't want to hear IT SHE told Susan to stay out of her business and he could date whoever he wanted to. And most importantly, he told Susan to keep what he had found out to herself. Susan was facing a huge quality here.

On one hand, he was afraid for her daughter and wanted to protect her, but on the other hand, genera was twenty three years old and IT wasn't Susan's place to medal in her personal. In the end, he decided to respect shAndra wishes and stay quiet about the affair with gary conduct. SHE didn't tell anyone, not even her husband Robert, but thankfully Susan would be seeing sr.

In person. soon. Susan and Robert were flying out to the east coast in about a week to celebrate sher's birthday with her.

Susan could try and talk some sense into her then. On the night of April fourth, team th, the levies all got together to celebrate shAndra twenty fourth birthday. There was a lot to celebrate.

SHE was doing great at internship, and he was going to finally graduate with a masters degree in just a few weeks. And when Susan found a quiet moment to talk to her daughter, SHE asked her again about the affair with Carry on. Ander promised her that everything was okay.

SHE talked to gary about what oldest Thomas had told Susan, and the content had explained IT all Susan ask, handle what that meant exactly, but srd didn't want to talk about IT anymore and change the subject. The conversation left Susan feeling more uneasy than ever, despite what genre had said. A relationship with conduct was becoming increasingly uncertain.

By April two thousand, one counted, had really made a name for himself in politics. Ultimately, he decided decide with republicans on the massive tax cut package, which earned him an invite to a lunch celebrating George w. Bushes first one hundred days in office.

But not only that, he'd be at the president's personal table with his wife, Caroline by his side, Caroline conduct rarely came to visit her husband and washington, but when SHE did, sra naturally have to stay away. So sherin conduct spent one last night together on April twenty fourth, four days before Caroline was scheduled to fly in. IT wasn't a particularly pleasant evening because sra had some bad news.

SHE told kondh that her internship had come to in a bruBaker. Apparently, SHE officially completed her course work in december, and because he was no longer a student, SHE wasn't allowed to continue working as an intern. But that wasn't exactly the truth. In reality, shanda supervisor had terminated the internship because sha had gone around her to ask for a raise. But ultimately the result was the same genre had to leave washington, and SHE wasn't sure when sh'd be coming back.

But sra wasn't .

ready to call IT quits on their affair, even though they yd only been seen each other for about seven months. Shaner said consent was still promising that he would leave his wife so they could be together with all the other uncertainty going on in her life. At that moment, this relationship was something he could still clean on to.

For the moment, though, they had to say goodbye, counted, had to be with his wife, and gender was heading back to california for her graduation from usc. The next few days must have been really hard on SAndra. Her life had changed unexpectedly, and SHE couldn't lean on conduct for emotional support.

SHE didn't really have any close friends in D. C, but he needed to talk to someone. So on the night of April twenty seventh, SHE called up robbert kirchen her day to the inaugural all. SHE told him I was her last weekend in town and wanted to see if he wanted to go out to a bar.

Robert was surprised to hear from shAndra they hadn't seen each other in the three months since the ball, and he didn't really feel like going out, but he told her he was welcomed to come over and have some pizza with him in his roommate. To his surprise, he said, yes, they all put on a movie and share told Robert all about the to our internship. Robert, after how come on a mysterious congressman boyfriend wasn't trying to help her get a job.

Sha didn't really have an answer for that, but he insisted he was still planning on leaving his wife for her. Robert was skeptical. He still didn't know anything about this boyfriend of hers, but he felt like a sitting congressman should be able to help refine some sort of entry level position in the federal government.

In his opinion, the guy was playing her and was probably happy to see her go. By this time, IT was nearly one A M. Robert was ready to call IT a night, but shanda wanted to stay up and keep talking.

He was probably a relief for sha to actually share her problems with someone, even if he couldn't really say anything specific about them. But Robert, well, is just too tired. He told shanda that he was ready for bed and walked outside, then flagged down a cab.

He wished her luck, then watched as he climbed the cab, and IT vanished down the street. The next morning, April twenty eight, john rea sent a quick email to her landlord to let them know SHE had to cancel her lease and was planning to move out on may fifth or sixth the time. And dc was well and truly coming to an end without much else to do.

SHE started planning her move home in three days later. On may first, SHE emailed her mom a few potential flight options. SHE never followed up with her final plans.

Robert and Susan probably didn't think much of IT they knew sha was going through a lot must have figure red, red that sh'd call when SHE finalized her plans. But a few days went by and they didn't hear from her. By may six, repair ts were officially worried, and they called the washington, dc.

police. An officer went over to her apartment, and shAndra wasn't there. IT looked like he had been in the middle of packing.

There were a couple of suitcases on the floor. Personal items like her wallet were scattered around the apartment. Whatever genre had gone, IT seemed like SHE hadn't been planning to be out for long.

The levees tried calling her work and even the FBI, but nobody had heard from SAndra or knew where he was. There weren't in the hospitals in the area with uni dense fied patients either. Robert and Susan were desperate for some hint of what happened to their daughter.

They still paid hundreds cell phone bills, so they had access to her records and the calls he was placing. And Susan looked through shanghai's most recent calls. There was one number that popped up more than the others.

SHE is a new in her heart who this number belong to. But he had to be certain. After ringing a few times the call went to voice, mee SHE had reached the office of U. S. Congressman gary conduct.

Thanks so much for listening. I'm Carter roy. And this is murder true crime stories. Come back next time for part two of our series on shown a levy murder. True crime stories is a crime house original powered by pave studios here at crime house. We want to thank each and every one of you for your support.

If you like what you're hurt today, reach out on social media at crime house on instagram, at crime house studios on tiktok and at crime house media on x. Don't forget to rate, review and follow murder true crime stories. Wherever you get your pod guests you are, feedback truly makes a difference. Murder true crime stories, a crime house original podcast powered by pave studios, is executive produced by max cutler. This episode of murder true crime stories was sound, designed by ron supo, written by alex spended, on fact checked by Katherine barna, and included production assistance from Christian osv ado and Sarah Carol murder true crime stories is hosted like art roy.