Dr. Laura Call of the Day

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I Feel Bad About Myself


Chase lost control of his diabetes while dwelling on the trauma of a serious vehicle accident.

I Didn’t Choose Wisely


After marrying and divorcing a bad guy, Sonia is struggling to raise her child alone.

Because they had bad parents, Julie’s mom raised a younger sister, and Julie is still hurt and angry

Young Melanie shares how her mom’s teachings and Dr. Laura’s words of wisdom have her “doing the rig

The Jealous Boyfriend


Molly’s older boyfriend of one year gets angry when he’s not the priority in her life.

Andrea thanks Dr. Laura for guiding her while raising her son as a single mom and avoiding wrongdoin

Young Kaylin is blind in one eye and is constantly teased about it by her fellow students.

Susan’s boyfriend took her son’s girlfriend aside and called her “rude” after she complained about d

Melissa has a long history of poor communication and being unable to live up to her mom’s expectatio

Megan unexpectedly lost her mother and she’s upset with her husband’s handling of the tragedy.

Why Am I Uncomfortable?


Dolo can’t put her finger on why she’s troubled with discomfort over the man she’s dating and sleepi

Grandma Is An Alcoholic


Nicholas is concerned for his mother’s relationship with her mom who has a terrible drinking problem

The Inheritance Dilemma


Rose is due to inherit a large sum of wealth but fears her husband will blow through it as he did on

Marissa doesn’t want her husband’s alcoholic friend attending their vow renewal but worries she’s as

I Worry About Divorce


Linda has been in a rotten marriage for over 3 decades but can’t find the strength to end it.

Connie is angry that her friend told others the details of her son’s death due to a heroin overdose.

Brianne is dating a man whose prior marriage ended. However, his mother continues to display picture

Laura’s husband is griping about visiting her family despite being given the option not to go.

Am I A Bad Therapist?


Victoria wonders if she’s doing more harm than good as a young psychotherapist.

“Side-Seat Driver”


Ken can’t understand why his wife declines to drive but when she’s in the passenger seat she’ll “do