Looking for advice? Call 1-800-DR-LAURA >>> Consistently ranked as the most listened to podcast in K
In part 2 of this call of the day, Dr. Laura takes listeners' favorite comebacks to people who wonde
Kathy wants a comeback for people who belittle her job and wonder why she ever became a special educ
Mary doesn't want to marry her boyfriend even though they have a 4-year-old son together.
8-year-old Niko is having nightmares about zombies and werewolves.
Lorrie is about 30 pounds overweight, and she can't get motivated to lose it.
Tina has never viewed her mother as competent or strong and is frustrated by her actions and behavio
David's daughter kicked her drug-addicted boyfriend out of her home and started reading Dr. Laura's
Nicole has cheated in the past and finds herself tempted again.
For three generations, the daughters in Kristi's family have hated their mothers, and Kristi would l
Alexandra's husband says she is too negative, and she'd really like to change.
Someone is trying to come between 11-year-old Levi and his best friend.
Allison is a new stay-at-home mom to her three children and is missing the autonomy and money she ha
Christina promised her mom that she would take care of her father, but now he needs to enter a nursi
Mary's son is an addict, unstable and a snowflake and her other children don't want to be around him
12-year-old Evette is looking for advice on how to better focus on her online studies.
Katia is having trouble coming to terms with the risks of her upcoming surgery.
Lynette’s husband died in a car accident, and she finds herself questioning if she showed him the lo
Evan feels disconnected from his family and would like to stop exchanging gifts with them.
Denise's son is planning a small wedding and does not intend to invite his uncle. Now she's worried
Karen's son persistently speeds when driving the family car, and she has failed to make him face the