.......and to track 8 on my CD “What Happened To Julie?”…which begs the simple question as to whereabouts of one of your young schoolboy crushes…it would be nice to know what happened to those lost loves and what they are doing now…….or not?
Still lots of sport on the tele….the Open was a huge success…it was £75 to get in on the Saturday and Sunday…£11 for fish and chips…and a fiver a pint…and it is much better on the TV…but there you are…The Commonwealth Games are now upon us…I saw the highlights of the opening ceremony which looked the same as every other opening ceremony where we watch hoards of athletes jogging past waving at the camera…I’m sure those involved have a great time but I find it all a bit boring…the swimming is a good cure for insomnia….along with Rod Stewart who should have called it a day years ago.
The news is still covering the terrible tragedy of the Malaysian airliner…it’s heartbreaking and unbelievable but what you don’t need is the gutter press showing a photograph of a lorry carrying something which is covered over with the headline “IS THIS THE WEAPON WHICH BROUGHT DOWN THE PLANE?”…nobody knows so why speculate with this stupidity…all it does is aggravate the situation…and the Dutch guy who made a speech coming out with stuff like “Were they looking into each others eyes when they knew they were going to die…were they linking arms…we will never know?”…This doesn’t help…the poor people who are grieving their loss don’t need this sort of unnecessary banter IT DOESN’T HELP!!!
I was watching Mathew Wright one morning last week and they had Jim Davidson as a guest…I never used to like him but he won me over when he successfully defended the case against him regarding sexual abuse …he was describing the hell he went through being hung drawn and quartered by the press…and how his accusers (who he had no knowledge of) get away scott free. He is an example of a media witch hunt….people who falsely accuse should be thrown straight into jail….I’m now a fan of Jim..and anyone else who tells it like it is.
The Giants are back in Liverpool…those wonderful giant puppets from France who walk the streets and tell a story….they are worked by many puppeteers who swing on ropes etc and bring these marvels to life…last time it was the story of the Titanic…this time it’s World War One as seen through the eyes of a gigantic Granny who has been on display sleeping in a monster bed in St Georges Hall before rising and strolling the streets in front of thousands of onlookers…a wonderful occasion and great for the City….AND the weather has helped…great stuff.