"The Colour of Time" is one of the few Don has co-written...it was a demo he did for a friend of his called Patricia Knapton who is a poet......
In the news this week the Queen has been given a rise.....30 million....and apparently none of this will go towards the 340 million to be spent on her house....us and them or what.?......yep we are all getting ripped off and there is nothing we can do.
I had to laugh at the enormous pothole in Japan when virtually the whole of the town centre collapsed 30 feet....fortunately no-one was hurt...and guess what it was all rebuilt back to it's former glory in A WEEK !!!!.....
On the music scene I see that ex newsreader Bill Turnbull has got a CD out....it's his "collection"....he's not on it he has simply put a collection of classical songs together and put his picture on the front "The Bill Turnbull Collection"...hmm...don't get it....does he get royalties?...if so what for?...."The Vince Tracy Collection of Beatles Songs"?...
I watch "I'm a celebrity get me out of here"...but I don't know why...I suppose it's a bit addictive...but it is absolute rubbish..