Join the longest running weekly dynasty fantasy football podcast in the industry as we analyze the g
The fellas cover Omarion Hampton, Jayden Higgins and Bhatshul Tuten in the rookie report and cover t
The guys do their first rookie mock draft of the year coming off of the 2025 NFL Combine. They also
Matt is back this week so all three guys cover the three wide receivers in the rookie report, Emeka
Ryan and Dan answer some listener questions and highlight Ashton Jeanty, Jalen Royals and Woody Mark
With Super Bowl 59 over and Ryan recovering from the big game, Dan and Matt cover three more rookies
With the Super Bowl right around the corner, the guys talk over Saquon Barkley’s epic season along w
This week the guys cover three more rookies in the Rookie Report including wide receiver Luther Burd
This week the fellas dig into three more rookies in the Rookie Report including Cam Ward, Devin Neal
This week the guys talk about what to expect from Ladd McConkey moving forward, how to treat some of
This week’s pod is the kickoff to our Rookie Report series as we profile RB Kaleb Johnson, TE Mason
This week’s pod includes a few more Dynasty Christmas gifts from Ryan, an emphatic New Year’s Resolu
This week’s podcast is releasing early due to the holiday and Dan & Matt are in the Christmas spirit
The guys profile Brian Thomas Jr’s remarkable rookie season and dig deep to identify what got dynast
After a surge in production recently from Jerry Jeudy, the guys talk in depth on what to expect goin
The guys are back with a look at the injuries in San Francisco as well as a preview of the 2025 draf
Matt is back and he came with a game for Dan and Ryan called Apex Predator. The guys also talk abou
Matt is on assignment so Dan and Ryan hold down the fort by talking through the return of Christian
The guys are back again for a week nine edition of the podcast to highlight under the radar players
The guys are back with a breakdown of week eight action including a rankings conversation about tigh